Stratya Durmand
Time: 22nd, all day
Location: The barracks, the slums
Interactions: None
Mentions: None
It really was something else, living in the capital. Back in her village, certain fruits were only really available at one time of year, when a merchant came by with a fresh supply, on his way to bigger sales in the city. In the capital, however, these things were much more available. Even baking powder and baking soda were readily available. It made a baker's life easy, it was no wonder the baking here seemed so… advanced. The powder and soda would keep, she should send some to her mother.
Bananas, strawberries, lemons, and baking soda. That is what the recipe for the yearly bread recipe called for, besides the usual stuff. They typically had to do without lemon, however, which also meant switching from the soda to powder. The capital had all these things and more, so she could use the older form of the recipe. She slipped into the kitchen after most of the breakfast cooking had been done and got right to work. She'd grabbed all the muffin tins and bread pans she could find to make a large batch. Admittedly, they did not have many muffin tins. She would have to acquire more.
Now, what had she found Callum doing in the slums? What she'd heard about him disturbed her. He'd gone and thrown coins at some poor bloke as a means of provocation? She couldn't tell if he'd smelled of his activities or just of the slums when she found him. It was concerning, but she said she'd keep her nose out of it. But, well, maybe she wouldn't. Her service was to the Queen, after all, and she could only imagine the Queen wound want to see the lad's doing alright. As a royal in Caledonia, he probably wasn't.
The bake went smoothly, though there were other tools she'd need to obtain. She made enough bread for the whole barracks to have a bit, and then some. She'd had to do two rounds of baking, as she had not had enough tins for the whole batch. She had the oven space, with two small ovens and one large in the barracks kitchen, but not the tins and pans for it. She would have to get more, if she wanted to do more baking here. She loaded up a basket with muffins, dressed into her adventurer getup, and made a return to the slums.
She had a few people to go through, and a few mouths to stuff full of muffin to stop them from asking too many questions. However, she eventually found satisfying information. The man in question was a known nuisance. What she found was troubling. Perhaps she'd be sticking her nose into matters, after all, but there was the distinct feeling that his family would not aid matters. This would be something she had to do on her own, and she'd missed an opportunity.
Callum. She didn't much envy him the position of Edin's son. She'd caught a glimpse of how the King could be, especially to his family, but she couldn't imagine how bad it was when there weren't eyes to see and ears to hear. Nobility and royalty had to be very, very good about that sort of thing. Perhaps the fallen prince would attract the unsavory sort looking for a high-society in. If he wanted to live so poorly as she witnessed yesterday, she might be able to show him a way to do so without the beatings? She didn't normally involve herself in the high court's internal affairs, let alone the royal family's, but if the prince were in a position where he couldn't rely on his family, then she would see if she could help him, as service to the Queen. Surely, she would seek her son's health and welfare?
Aah, but she would have to find him first. That would have to come tomorrow. For the rest of the day, she would be catching up on any ongoing investigations, particularly with anyone who had done interviews or interrogations yesterday with regards to the gunfire and assassination attempt.