Avatar of CitrusArms


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-17 F. Can we just build a series of tubes? To take us places.
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1 mo ago
It was -3 F when I left, this morning. The winds were breezy. I can only assume that, because I didn't freeze on the return trip, the sun improved things.
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2 mos ago
V. II Snail is a bitch and he should burn in mech hell
2 mos ago
I didn't know the enter key works on the status bar


I'm a generally chill gremlin that can be kinda particular. I grew up with plenty of electronics and video games, mostly with games like Final Fantasy, Zelda, and StarCraft. I like to blend magic and technology in my writing, bringing fantasy into space and sci-fi.

Most Recent Posts

Stella Lumite

"It's the best way to deliver criticism, after all. Kindly. It takes a while if you're too nice about it, though." She couldn't stop noticing little details about the building. It was falling into disrepair, but the quality was still apparent. It was unfortunate to hear that finances were tight for the old man. She wondered if there was anything she could do to help, but doubted it.

"Oh, tea sounds wonderful. Thank you. Suppose I'll come in, then. I'd love to see the interior." She smiled sweetly, stepping through once invited. "Do you live here with anyone?" It would be kind of lonely, on your own, wouldn't it? If he was here on his own... Would Pokemon set up shop in here? It might be spacious enough. "Hm... Would you be interested in a Pokemon to help with maintenance? I might be able to find a good species for it." There were construction Pokemon, but maybe something else might be a better fit?

Stratya Durmand

Location: Castle town, Park Festival -> The Bazaar -> Estate Alleys
Interactions: None
Mentions: None

Stratya had been trying her hand at a festival game, just some small game of skill, when she heard something. It sounded different from the din surrounding her. If you payed attention to it, it definitely stood out. It sounded like a bit of shouting and maybe glass? That was never good. Even worse was the timing, with all the foreign nobility around. Although, all the foreign parties about may have had something to do with whatever was transpiring. It was too early to say.

The soft 'pop's were the last straw. Those were gunshots. So much for the festivities, there was work to be done. The Caesonian Knight tossed her remaining rings with a single flip of her wrist before making her exit. By the time she reached the bazaar, however, it would have seemed the commotion had passed. She looked around briefly, spotting a guard at his post and approaching. "Ho, guardsm'n. You 'eard all 'at ruckus? What's it on about, eh? Repor' for me."

She listened as the guard described shouting and glass breaking, and finally the three gunshots. "Aaah, though' so. The rest o' yer post is after it, then? Good man, keepin' ya post. Can't everyone go to th' chase." She pat the man on the shoulder as she moved in the direction he indicated, toward the guards she saw pouring out from an alleyway, looking determined. She'd have to get another report from someone involved in the incident.

Horsemen were arriving, as she approached the scene. The next report informed her of the fire exchange. Interesting. "Awright, I wan' eyes on Eden and Flora, Flora and Wickah, and sout o' the library. Anyone 'o knows 'o it is you're lookin' for, get a ride over there. Horsemen, take 'em, and then patrol th' streets. Take wor' to the ware'ouses, make sure they watch the road to th' mines. The rest of ye, search the alleys. They can't have gone far..."

Herself, she followed the trail back the way it came, back to the gunshots in the ground. She wanted a better picture of what had happened.

Stratya Durmand

Location: Castle town, warehouses -> park festival
Interactions: None
Mentions: None

Well, that had been fruitless. Everything was as normal, and the Admiral had escaped her company. Well, she'd probably gotten bored of investigating some small rumors in a bunch of warehouses, of all places. Not exactly great scenery, not even a good food stall around.

Which meant she'd have to go somewhere else for lunch. She could do with a good meal. As she stepped from the warehouse district, it was impossible to miss the festivities in the park, just across the way. Festival food was usually pretty good, too.

Once she'd found herself something to fill her belly, she found herself thinking. She supposed her investigation wasn't a total loss. She'd solidified facts about the warehouses down in her mind, after all. The locations were fairly secure, as one might expect. She'd have to double-check with the guard to see that there hadn't been any reports of a break-in, but it didn't seem that way while she was snooping around. If there were any truth to the rumors she'd heard, and there usually was some truth, depending, then someone must have let them in. Could have been a bribe. Alas, she didn't have enough information to speculate much. If she were to investigate further, she needed more confirmation that anything had actually happened. She could not continue on what may be some baseless rumor.

She could go the direct route and ask the princess directly, but nobles are so fussy that she was sure she'd have to ask in private, and that would be a rare opportunity for her position. For the time being, she'd relax a little and enjoy the festival. Though she'd done plenty of relaxing already... Eh.

She disposed of the refuse from her eaten meal properly, before participating in some of the games found around the festival. Aah, the capital has such nice things.
Hey, look, it's one of our readers?
Stella Lumite

Oh. Someone was coming to answer the door. The garden was actually cared for, wasn't it? She couldn't just run off at this point, the person sounded old. Very rude. Erm.

And elderly man answered the door. "Hello! I, uh..." Stella glanced at the building, "wasn't sure if anyone would answer, didn't think this far ahead. Your building's gone a bit rustic, hasn't it? Your garden is lovely, scarcely noticed past the fence." She looked back from the garden, glancing the old man over once, "did you used to do the maintenance work yourself?" That was perhaps the only reason she could think of such a proud manor would fall into disrepair, despite someone living here.

Anyway, "Anyway, ah," why did she come here, anyway? "Your building is prominent in the town brochures, the history in this house must be impressive." Right, being nosy.
Ladies in Uniform


Stratya Durmand had been following her nose, after hearing a rumor of a decorated military veteran's arrival to town. She didn't have anything specific to go on, just a hunch and a few quick questions here or there. The first place to investigate were the outer stables, and sure enough, a horse there was obviously the steed of someone important, for all the heraldry.

For all the heraldry, she didn't recognize it. Strange. She would have to research the coat of arms and colors to see if she could figure it out, short of asking the owner of the horse directly. It wasn't too hard to figure out where the woman went. The stablehands recalled her clearly, as did a number of people on the streets, so she followed a loose trail through the city until she spotted the woman who must have been the one. The colors matched, and her garb was of the same calibur.

"Greetings, and welcome to our fair city." Stratya would try to approach openly from the front, a soft smile and amiability at the front of her presentation. It wasn't hard, as it was her natural inclination to be welcoming and kind. It was the thing that told her when she should stay her hand. Something else told her when she could. "Do you despise the usual pageantry? A guest of your clear status would normally have an accompaniment of some kind."

The General ran her eyes up and down this armored woman, who walked with purpose and authority, just like her. Everything from the sword to the way her eyes looked right into Lyra’s made her clearly of high status. ”My accompaniment is being taken care of at the stables, currently, though I wouldn’t be opposed to some striking company such as yourself.” The notion of intrigue overtook the General. “Intrigue,” of course, meaning a pretty face in a foreign land.

”Genetal Lyra Carris of Baltyria. A pleasure to meet you.” As the word "General" left the lips of the woman in front of her, the Captain's mind snapped into a higher gear. The response to her presence has been entirely underwhelming, but perhaps… Lyra wanted it that way.

This general was not one for pageantry, no. Or protocol, but who could blame you when you were... probably on vacation? She was waving around status when it made things convenient and forgoing all the inconveniences. It sang of the tactical decisions made to protect precious vacation time. "You've vastly outpaced your entourage. You had breakfast and they're still not ready? If you're not opposed to a working tour, I could show you around the city."

”My… entourage consists solely of a horse. Though, if you are offering, a tour of the city sounds lovely. I’ve heard it’s beautiful this time of year. You seem to be of high status yourself, miss. Who might you be?”

"You came with only your horse?" She must not be an active general, then. To allow your general to wander around, so vulnerable as this? Of course, officially, they would be relying on Caesonian defenses to ensure her safety, but without any sort of personal detail? Interesting. "Well then, I suppose I will be your detail. Stratya Durmand, Knight Captain. I've got to stop by the warehouses, so shall we?"

"It must have been a long journey. Is your horse good conversation? How far is it, to Baltyria?" Without someone to talk to, it must have been lonesome. But, some folk are like that.

The General fell in step with the Captain. ”Baltyria is far enough away that a month has passed since the start of this journey. My horse and I have been on such journeys before, and this is not new to either of us. He will be taken care of. Lead the way, Captain Durmand.”

On to the matter of nobility appearing late at night by the warehouses. She'd heard an interesting rumor, but she needed someone willing to talk to her. She shouldn't have changed into her armor yet. It made it more difficult to find someone to inform her. Luckily, she did know a guy who heard a lot of things. She'd probably have to pay him, though.

The guy ran a little concession and news stand that he liked to move around a lot. It wasn't terribly hard to find him, if you knew how to track him down. His news was varied and usually very up-to-date, though she wasn't sure he'd have this bit of information on paper already or at all.

The cart was easy enough to spot. "Ah, let me get a drink, quickly." There was a menu of drinks on the bulletin board, along with various news headlines. "I'll get you something, too." The woman would pop around to the front of the cart for just a minute or two, to exchange with the manager and ascertain more details before returning with two glass bottles. "It's just something sweet. As for the warehouse… seems there was a party." Maybe a party with drugs, but that was something for the guard to handle. The nobles probably just wanted to have a good time, so they went to the party. The princess had appeared as well, apparently, which was… great. But that was all the information he had for her. The princess's appearance was alarming, but did not warrant investigation. "Not the kind of thing I'm wont to disrupt - not like there's to be anything to break up at this point, anyway."

”I won’t be alerting any guards either. We have more important matters, after all, don’t we?” Lyra commented as she took a drink from the bottle Stratya handed her. What is it that we are looking for?”

"There is, however, a rumor floating around. A group of nobles, and the princess, were seen at" the captain searched for the word, "an… unbecoming party." That was perhaps the best way to say it. "I only managed to happen upon the rumor because I was out of uniform. Certainly, not the kind of talk to be had in front of a knight. I have ascertained the location of such a party that occurred last night. If it is not something that would bore you, I suppose we could see what the party has left behind."

An unbecoming party. Alright, now the General was somewhat curious. ”To think nobles would be in such a position that their dealings would be heard. What do you know about this incident? You have my curiosity now, Captain.” She had heard rumors of terrible things brewing in the kingdom, and this could be what she was looking for. Best not to let this woman know just yet, however.

"Nothing terribly concrete. I only have some hearsay to go on, but I do have the likely location. Whether it is the one in question is uncertain, but I suppose we can poke our noses in. It is this way." Captain Durmand led the way through the streets, toward the warehouses by the coast. "In just the kind of place you want to be when you're wealthy and important, of course." At night. Secretly. Without a single guard or knight.

"Curious, though. A warehouse party isn't exactly a high-class event. How do you suppose a classy lady like the princess comes to interact with such a party? It isn't like the dock hands get around that much inside the walls, and I can't imagine the servants would be caught speaking of such things in front of anyone.. of class. So how did she come to be here?"

”She would have planned to come in secret, I assume. Someone of royalty’s stature would be noticed moving about through her own city, so she would have hidden herself from plain sight, either by concealment or traveling through areas where few people go. Someone so important wouldn't be missed. I believe she’d take great care to plan such an event. Though, I don’t understand why it wouldn’t be easier to hold such a meeting in the castle. Commoners are not free to roam a castle.” Lyra mused out loud.

”How would you have gotten here, if you were her?”

"Oh, probably some secret passage behind the bookcase or something like that. Straight out of a story book because story books often have some measure of truth to them, when you look in the right places." They took a turn, heading among the rows of warehouses. "That's not what I'm interested in, not quite what I meant by 'how'. How she got there specifically, the vehicle and course, isn't important, but why. What events led her there, that kind of how. First, we shall see what traces we can find."

Lyra followed the Captain, her eyes flicking from one warehouse to the next quicker than they should have. Royalty often do things that they shouldn’t. In politics, in war. In their daily lives. It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to assume the princess thought her title would give her a layer of insulation from the consequences of attending this event, whatever happened, that is. It could be that she thought she simply could, more than anything.”

"Yes, but I would like to think she wouldn't simply follow someone out from the castle on that person's whim. If the princess would like to go to a party, that's fine, but the careless manner in which she came troubles me. That I haven't heard of this would tell me she was unguarded. Someone drew her out." Stratya approached one of the warehouses. Her informant said this was the one. "Alas, this is just speculation. I need more information."

If she was lead here, it would have to have been someone she trusts. However, there is also the possibility that she learned of the party and decided to come on her own... but who informed her?

At any rate, she had to get in to the warehouse. Would the guard try and argue with her, or let them in?
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Aiko Yume

Time: Mid-Day
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Inventory: Lightly-ornate robes, pouch of amas, parasol, peacock fan
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Xavier @Potter

"Perhaps I can show you how to use it sometime? It's not exactly an orthodox weapon, but perhaps- well, we can discuss your fighting style later." Now was not the time to dive into a martial discussion. However, when Xavier chose Yuka as his hunting partner, the succubus could not help but grin, "oh, yes? Mmm, hmhmhm, yes, I see. Ooh, very well." They stepped over toward Orias, taking up a position at his immediate flank as their body shifted.

A feminine hand touched his shoulder, "I shall accompany our good leader, then. I should make a fine escort to the royal hunt, no?" She leaned up gently against him, humming softly. She hadn't realized just how stifling it had been, to hide the shape shifting for so long. Had people really not noticed, or just been willfully ignorant? And maybe some pheromones helped.

At any rate. Aiko produced her peacock fan and began to lightly fan Orias as her arm draped over him. "Well, then. Do you have everything you need, Orias?"
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Aiko Yume

Time: Mid-Day
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Inventory: Lightly-ornate robes, pouch of amas, parasol, peacock fan
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Xavier @Potter

"Ooh, I excite you that much? You're such a sweetheart." They wrapped an arm around the feline woman as she nestled into the pets, but she caught the scent of someone and pushed out of their arms. Xavier, just the one they had a question for.

"You'll do all the hunting, love? Ooh, that won't do. What's your favorite meat, darling? I'll be sure to find something good for you."

"Xavier, have you been using the fan I got for you? I've been training a little with mine, but it wants for another... If you haven't, I'd take it off your hands. Of course, I can show you how to use it, as well." They did get the impression that Xavier had not taken to the fan. He seemed more focused on his sword, but you could theoretically use both...

Now, the other question was, would Orias get her a bell?
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Aiko Yume

Time: Mid-Day
Location: River Fairy Kingdom
Inventory: Lightly-ornate robes, pouch of amas, parasol, peacock fan
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo

This kingdom was like a massive dream, unto itself. A lively place, almost festive, with a certain ethereal quality in the air. The days were actually rather pleasant here, perhaps due in part to all the foliage. Something about the vitality of this place made it easier, though that same energy about the place made the nights fantastic. They'd spent their time here in a way not unlike Yuka. The culture here tended to throw inhibition to the wind, and nobody bat an eye at their transformations. Perhaps out of habit, they didn't tend to shift in front of anyone. Maybe they thought it was just a glamour, or didn't even really care what it was? Or maybe it was cool.

At any rate, it made for a wonderful home for a drifter. Their recent adventure had been like taking a short but very clouded and mysterious fall onto a bed of flowers. Nevermind the fell wind. It was easy to forget the trouble on their heels, but Orias was sure to remember. The fallen royalty had something to prove, but to whom? Aiko wasn't in the habit of prying or pestering, only peeping. It was only their nature.

What wasn't their nature was training. Yuka was powerful in a confrontation, somehow. Orias had martial skill, and probably magical skill buried in there somewhere. Doubt could be a powerful thing, but it was hard to believe it was only that. The point was, they could actually be the weak link in a confrontation. Relying on raw magical power might work at night, but no way they could rely on that during the day.

That peacock fan was a nice magic focus. When it was open, it would form a sort of blade, over the edge of the fan. The magic could be shot out by closing it, or you could point it around and shoot. They should have gotten a few of them, it felt like you'd want two. Maybe they should ask Yuka to spar or something?

On this particular day, Aiko was doing nothing in particular; enjoying the peace of this place and soaking in the energies. They had caught sight of Yuka and followed her in to find Orias. The poor fellow, having to manage this cat. Aiko would attempt to calm her down by playing with her hair or scritching her head. Behind her ear, perhaps? Too much and we'd be doing something else, but a little in the not wrong spot might do it. "My, you do get excited. Not exactly who I would expect in a royal hunting party, but neither am I."
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