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Ah, John expected as much. Glad to see the duke still had some restraint and capacity for reasons. And a good testament that remaining calm and collected in a situation like this was always a good thing. No need to get violent early on, even though if push came to shove, he absolutely can.

Seeing that she was back from her trance to reality, she looked like she was fine after all. Nothing particularly worrisome about her behavior, which relieved John quite a bit. And a pretty invitation to the play too. It would have been quite a bad look to refuse her offer, but the problem here was that the seat she was referring to was empty because the nobleman earlier had vacated it, and was now looking to have back. He couldn't just take that spot from the lad.

"Thank you, miss, but I've proven intrusive." John gestured towards the nobleman, stepping aside to let him sit down. "Would have loved to join otherwise."

Well, not exactly? It was a Caesonian play after all, and he was no fan of them, seeing them as no more than an extension of the degenerate over-sensationalized Caesonian Morning papers. It's been a while since he had seen a proper and artistic play from them.

John left the theatre afterwards, continuing his curiosity driven wandering for a while longer until a messenger approached him. This wasn't the guys from the Institute, so John was curious to who would be sending a letter to him of all people. Calbert was the only notable person to pop up in his mind, but the flowery envelope seemed to suggest otherwise. Upon opening, the beautiful handwriting gave it away, if her signature hadn't already.

5:45 pm

Despite the notable lack of excitement on John's part, he still took his time to prepare for the party. In fact, he even decided to get a change of attire, slightly. It was a newer and more modern fashion style for the Varians, but patterns remained simple and humble, a notable pride on their open-mindedness and egalitarian culture. On one of his collars was the signature pin of every Institute member, an honour he was willing to display to everyone. It seemed rather formal for a dinner under firework, but like he told Nahir, he was someone who would wear the same kind of clothes all over until the day he dies.

Sadie's park arrangement were very obvious to the eye even before he arrived at the park, the picnic blanket acted just like flowers from afar. It was a nice marker to follow, and John headed straight for there. It seemed like he was quite early to the dinner, as only the princess and her servants were around.

"Good evening, your Royal Highness. Thank you for the invitation." The doctor approached Sadie with a polite bow and a smile. "How has your day been treating you?"

⚘ Steffen Gravinir ⚘

After Tyaethe left him for her room, Steffen finished his gardening work, quickly but not without care and consideration, making visual marks where he had the plants watered, and where he hadn't, so as to not drown nor thirst something to death by his own negligence. This meticulous work was rather trademark of most things that Steffen did, perhaps more so than others when it comes to administrative or mundane maintenance like this. He always found that a little weird, considering everybody else could be like this if they just apply the same principal from their usual combat training. Maintenance probably wasn't as glamorous though, everybody liked actions.

Speaking of actions, the Ingvarr decided he wanted to whip himself up into shape for once at the training ground after putting his other equipment away, having missed the bunny that Tyaethe was talking about by just a few minutes or a few corners away. Steffen turned away from the blacksmith area and headed for the storage and changed dress slightly to a more practical and simpler gambeson for the training. Under the warm sunlight, Steffen went through the assortment of weapons given to trainees, and found the bow to be his calling this time around. He could continue with more pole arm training and it would not be wasted time, but the bow was one of his weaker, least adept weapons, something he wanted to improve on to be as well-rounded as possible.

Taking shots at the target a few paces in front of him, with varying degrees of accuracy, Steffen tried recalling what he had read from the archery books and what much Lein told him about his bow handling, going trial and error all the way. It wasn't necessarily bad, but he felt a little lost. He was stuck in this state where he felt like he could handle the weapon, but he couldn't reach newer heights, that he had hit the plateau of skills which he obviously knew there were better displays out there. It was a frustrating feeling he wasn't strangers to, but often to break out of it, it required more than just discipline or more constant training. He needed a better foundation.

After a session, he went to retrieve the arrows back into the quiver, and that's when he noticed someone familiar: Dame Serenity and the Knight Captain herself. As surprising as it is, Steffen could recall only on one hand how many times he was in the same training arena as them, despite having been in the Knights for a while. A rather strange day today?

Upon seeing both of them eye-to-eye, Steffen greeted them with a friendly wave and headed over to them when they took their breaks.

"Good morning you two. I hope I'm not disturbing your training session."


Hmm, I've been eyeing this since last time. Can I join in the fun this time around?

He didn't expect such a violent response from the Duke. He stumbled into the man whom asked him for help, but unlike the pancake this morning nor the ball yesterday night, neither John and the nobleman fell, only thrown off-balance for a moment. Hearing the pouring vomit of obnoxious self-righteousness at the doctor at his request, the nobleman got visibly angry, but the Varian doctor simply raised both his hands at the man, wordlessly letting him know that he got this. It was not a simple appeal to non-violence to the man though. His countenance were very firm, and it seemed to deescalate him quite fast.

Turning around to Lorenzo, John didn't respond at first, preferring to readjust his attire neatly first. All the while, he looked upon the duke with his head leaned slightly forward, his eyes looking upward at Lorenzo. Not a shameful bow of guilt, but rather shaming the duke back like a disappointed father to his son, a teacher to their student. He's the Duke of Vermillion, he governed vast lands, riches and people. And yet he's acting like a complete buffoon comparing to this peasant doctor in front of him, who is just trying to help someone on demand. Given, he has not been exactly in good mental state since yesterday, and John was quite sympathetic seeing Charlotte's father like that. But that didn't grant the duke any excuse of not knowing any better.

"Duke Vikena." John finally spoke after the adjustment. "I'm certain there is a misunderstanding. This gentleman here asked for my expertise. I was told she passed out all of a sudden."

John maintained a cordial smile as he explained, both his hands in front of him with full intention to deescalate, but his tone wasn't sentimental nor soft. "Thus, it's purely a checkup. It could be dangerous unattended, but as of now, you are obstructing me from doing my job."

It was authoritative. Calm, strict and commanding. Cold even...

Irian Sinewell

A band of raiders. Irian had seen them briefly despite his relatively shorter stay thus far in the Lions, but he hadn't interacted with them much at all yet, or having known about the leader much as well aside from random hearsay. Judging from looks alone, Istvan - the apparent leader - and the band, it looked like they fit that kind of strategy the large man was proposing: rough-looking. It looked normal that these individuals would like a pillage trip, and would run the moment they meet any real resistance. And it's free help, the elf couldn't ask for more.

"Aye, ten steps from around the treeline shall be your safezone." Irian responded, giving Istvan a two-fingered salute, before heading off to prepare himself for battle.

Upon his first duty in the Lions involved using a heavier, more armored but clunkier attire composed of half-metal, he was a little out of the element when it comes to more mobile tasks, but eventually he got used to the weight, and now, as he observed into the plain before him, his feet nicely tucked and positioned in harmonic balance on the tree, his bow and arrow at the ready. But his arms were relaxed, knowing that the battle likely had yet to begin, and it would be gradual. And while his work was still quite important, he needed not be on post for all eternity.

Especially when his stomach was still growling.

He ain't gonna lie, Irian had a secret distaste for Veltian cuisine. Especially and very unfortunately the elven cuisine that his people liked to serve were also quite shite. Bland and uninteresting. But where he is from, it tends to be quite cheap and sometimes free, so he couldn't really complain but to soldier on. But he would relish in anything that would entice his taste, and for here today would be the cuisine from the Nem merchant. Traditional and authentic apparently. It was good, and he wanted a bit more. Just a bit more.

Dropping down from the tree with a thud, Irian landed gracefully with both feet, dusted himself off and approached the Nem again. "Well, then your holiness Lirrah. May I have a second serving?" He said, having heard the Nem's proclaiming. His tone was casual but dry, quite a sign that he was being sarcastic, but who could knew for sure, knowing how serious he had been thus far.


The inherent degeneracy of the two individuals trying to argue over some rudimentary nonsense about hats in the middle of a theatre play was not ignored by the theatre occupants. Many who recognized the all too familiar ferret-faced duke had their eyes rolled all the way to the back of their skulls, cursing to whatever gods or religion why they would put them in the same theatre as the Duke of fucking Vikena. Others close by were visibly uncomfortable, staying mostly quiet so as not to tarnish their names and reputation. However, the commotions seem to suddenly die down as the lady simply just leaned back on her chair and went completely quiet. Just out of nowhere, quiet.

The Duke's lukewarm response combined with him putting his fingers on Ruby's neck made one man sitting on the other end of her suspicious. While he seemed calm afterwards, it is the Duke of Vikena. One has to check twice on him to make sure he sees correctly. And upon shaking Ruby's body several times without response, the man stood up hastily, almost tripping on the seat next to him and hurried outside. She wasn't well!

John's strolling did help his exhaustion a little bit. Hopefully things would unwrap itself more after all the debacle the day before. This was supposed to be more of a relaxed assignment after all, even with the sudden responsibility plopped onto his shoulders. He also got to enjoy some of the stuff he actually missed from Caesonia. The food, the view, and people that still remembered him as the son of an innkeeper rather than Dr. John Harling Williamson.

"John, let me just say that if Prince Wulfric or the King found out about your return, they will not be happy."

A man a head shorter than John's walked with careful stride, his aging time warned him of the inevitability. John considerately paced himself to match his steps, and with a chuckle he replied. "Not this time around, Mr. Anderson. I'm their guest. Or part of them."

"Wait..." He raised a finger, confused. "How? I thought you were..."

"I'm a royal physician. They can't refuse me." John said with some pride. "But I met them too, I don't think they even remember me." Probably too used to execute or punish their dissidents already, they couldn't remember the face of those they sent to certain doom.

"Royal Physician..." The older man - the teacher, his first mentor, the man who set the foundation to John's success - stood in awe, eyeing the man over in disbelief, before being corrected by John who realized he didn't specify it was Varian physician, not Caesonian. But still, from a dead man walking to one of the crucial backbones of a kingdom is an astonishing turnaround. "It must have been a tough journey. I'm proud of the man you have become, John."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Anderson." John gave a deep bow upon hearing. "I couldn't be here without you. If there's anything I can do in return, always let me know. A new house? Some money? Or even immigration to Varian, I can always sponsor."

"Haha, I'm good, thank you." Anderson gave a hearty grandfatherly laugh. "My wife and I are good where they are. We are away from the limelight completely, just doing our day job, minding our business. We can go home to die the next day and it would not be a regretful life. No need for glamour or a new home."

Probably for the best too. John let out a faint smile, knowing that his empathy for that statement felt a little bit chilly, for the man was barely over his prime youth, and yet he was yearning for that kind of life. Just minding his business, ready to die a peaceful death if it came to it. What happened exactly to him, very few were aware. The doctor kept it quite secretive as well.

"Anyway, it was nice to meet you John. You know where to find me if you're down for a chat." Anderson gave John a wave before heading off on his own, the doctor stopping in his track, watching him from behind.

"Have a great day..." John serenely waved back. With a satisfied smile, he moved on, looking for more things to reminisce.

Not for long! Duty calls once again. Not of an official capacity, but out of his own volition. A man burst out of the Edin Theatre shouted for a doctor, any doctor. He would look somewhat like a madman if one wouldn't take a plea for one seriously. Hearing the plight, John came over to answer the man. Judging from the ravish looks, nobility was written all over his body, and of course he spoke in flowery language that described nothing of importance. Much that was filtered would be that this lady just dropped to her chair, not responsive. Not exactly promising, but such vagueness of the situation could mean anything.

John quickly hurried into the theatre, past the curious theatregoers, approaching the seats of the patient in question. John slowly recognizing both these individuals. It's that pancake girl this morning, and the Duke of Vikena. The doctor didn't greet the Duke much, however, only an acknowledging nod if he even paid attention. His countenance faced the petite freckled girl. He knelt by her, putting his fingers on her neck.

'Still pulses, good.'

John quickly went through the mental checklist in his head. Next, he would shake Ruby by the shoulder a little, before tapping on her cheeks, more forceful with each tap, hoping she would awake from outside forces.

-- Oops, double post --
⚘ Steffen Gravinir ⚘

Steffen tapped on his knee a few times as the conversation winded down, occasionally glancing to Tyaethe to see her seemingly deep in thoughts. He would try to think up of something else to say about Merilia, but that was pretty much the extent of his knowledge about her. She did come up in the dream he had this morning for encouragement, but he felt it would be too weird to bring up all of a sudden.

A few little birds, brown cute little sparrows, landed on the stone walkway in front of both of them. Steffen tilted his head and picked up some seeds from his pocket, letting them fly over onto his palm. With a tickle, the sparrows stood and pecked the seeds. He could hear the squeaks that they made that lightened up the garden every day. If he wasn't wrong, this was the one who would actually wake up late but would tweet all day without exhaustion. It took a little bit for him to earn its trust, but it was worth it.

"Anyway, is there anything else you need to discuss? Or you're just chatting?" Steffen turned to ask, the sparrows flying off once they were done. "I'll head off to the training later if you want to see me."

@Raineh Daze
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