Barrock β 121 β Male β Orcs
Hair Color:
Hair Length
Don't insult him.
Eye Color:
Black irises but red everywhere
Skin Tone:
Pure Green
Distinguishing features:
A tattoo above his left eye, a noticeable limp when walking, and cannot run very fast
β Meditation
β Discipline
β Small animals/creatures (he will not admit it)
β Smithing
β Weapon Training
β Anger (mostly his own)
β Senseless violence
β Bland, flowery language
β Any and all kind of slavery, including his own kind's
β Intrusive people
β To some degree, dark elves. Distrust is more accurate.
β Descending back to anger and rage
β Loss of freedom
β Concerns of Malthemoor's ambitions
β While holding the sword to his hip, he likes to unsheathe it very slightly with his fingers
β His veins begin to pop when someone were to bug him too much
β Grunts a lot
Older and wiser, Barrock is not the typical aggressive, violent and angry orc that he was born as. Having controlled his anger for the most part, he becomes a rather stoic and silent individual, often not speaking much if not at all in public. Having stripped down a lot of his orcish temper, he is a terse talker at heart. His speech is simple and to the point, not bothering to flavor or draw out his language needlessly, and has quite a distaste for those who do. Barrock is still quite easy to get annoyed and not hard to make him mad, it's just that his desire to bash someone's skull in has been significantly controlled. Despite this, he doesn't actually hold a grudge for long if it's just plain annoyance, often forgetting about it afterwards if he gets a good night sleep or does an activity he enjoys.
Socially-speaking, Barrock is quite introverted, preferring to sit in his lonesome and meditate. If one were to remain and respect his boundary, and ignore his crude attitude, one would be surprised to see a relatively calm and reasonable orc, with no inherent desire for violence nor blood. In fact, he could even be quite a steadfast ally if one does not step on his toes too many times (though he would not admit it). Barrock places a lot of emphasis on courage, discipline, honesty and sincerity, seeing it both as a way to conquer his anger, as well as rising above the backward mentality many of his orc compatriots have. But when pushed enough buttons for too long, he can revert back to the savage brute that he once were, something he desperately wanted to avoid repeating.
While not at all book-educated, Barrock's capability for introspection gives him more edge in the practical. He is quite a cunning foe on the battlefield - calm, not too aggressive, not above using tricks - and can read people's mood to some extent. This allows him to sometimes sense out danger before it manifests itself, having saved him in not few situations. He lacks an innate sense of humour though, but a comically serious orc is a humorous sight in enough itself.
A wanderer. Sometimes doing hard labour like logging or more commonly mercenary/bodyguard work to whoever is trusting enough.
Living Immediate Family Members:
None that he knows of
Dead Immediate Family Members:
Most of his comrades during the Dark Elves raid. He's been away from home for too long to know the rest.
Current Companions:
Current and Past Lover(s):
Current Equipment:
Barrock was born a member of the Dugmaghord Clan, one of the most savage of the orc settlements. He did not remember the last time he saw his mother's face, as he was quickly taken into community child-rearing, growing up with his peers more often. But the worship of war and plunder made even his time with any particular friend quite fleeting. His childhood was spent in the rings learning to fight, and as soon as he was ready, the chieftains plunged him into raids and pillages, one after another. Death was quite common for the orc pups, often dying from this philosophy of training from real experience, something Barrock would later come to despise. Regardless, at the time, he was a model orc: carrying out his chieftain's orders with incredible brutality and savagery, a voluptuous eater, quick to anger and more than eager to settle disputes with an axe blade.
The war that spilled between Malthemoor Kingdom and Avalia was a grand time for Dugmaghord to stuff themselves with more loot and plunders, as armies clashing meant there were more opportunities for the vultures to feast. However, as soon as the war concludes and the dark elves triumphed, their warrior's full alert were on the chaotic horde, having no more enemies to be aware of. Barrock's raiding party was one of the first victims of this. Ambushed and caught in ferocious fighting, the orcs fought with suicidal fervour, but the entire party was either slain or died from exhaustion. Barrock met a twistedly different fate, having his left foot crushed by a mage boulder and was captured instead. Why they decided to keep the orc alive instead of ending him is something he still asked to this day. Maybe they wanted free and effective labour, something hard to come by. Or maybe for these war worshipping monsters, death was too kind of a fate after all they had done. A life of agony in chains would be more suitable.
For years, Barrock raged against his captors, desperately trying to escape, but his simple-minded rage, his previous injury which had left him a permanent limp meant that all his attempts failed, with retributions swift and harsh. After some time, he realized that his anger and rage had not been doing him any favour to his captive. Gradually, he began to mellow out and tolerate his captive's menace, not giving in to their ridicule and mockery. Over time, in the confining solitude, Barrock's temper began to calm. He started observing people more, examining and studying their behavior and culture, hoping to use it against them when the opportunity presents itself.
That arrived during a changing of the guard, a lengthy delay from the into the night shift allowed the orc to break free from his cell without warning, leading to the slaughter of the shift guard and freedom of the other prisoners there. While the prisoners took pleasure in pouring their bottled up fury on the elves, Barrock's time in prison had wisened him enough to not bother with it, instead retrieving some weapons and supplies from the armory before disappearing early into the night, avoiding any punitive expedition sent to subjugate the prisoners.
Barrock had escaped prison, but his time in there had changed him. Now that he had observed and used the information he gathered from the people around him, he unknowingly gained a certain degree of respect for certain cultures and values, having adopted some of them and had found it to be quite enjoyable. He had also grown disdainful of some of his own's, so much so that he chose not to return to the clan that he once called his family, deliberately outcasting himself and wandered the Earth instead as a fugitive, fighting to avoid dark elves retribution. His Dugmaghord origin earned him few friends, the only people willing to accept him would be this rebel group led by the light elves, fighting to free Avalia from Malthemoor's tyrannic grip.
Fitness Level:
β Quite fit, muscular and embodies the orcish strength, Barrock will give any strength competitor a great challenge. However, when it comes to speed and agility, due to his permanent injury in his left foot, he walks with a limp, cannot run fast and will have difficulty climbing or navigating rough terrain.
What are your characterβs physical strengths?
β Immense strength.
β Somewhat durable against physical attacks and resistant to fatigue
β Proficient at sword fighting, a dangerous close-range combatant
What are your characterβs physical weaknesses?
β He cannot run properly, greatly impairing his mobility and agility
β His movement due to his injury is loud and clumsy, so stealth is definitely one of his worst trait
β More susceptible to magic and ranged attacks
Years of Experience
β Barrock had 110 years using a sword in total, but since escaping prison 60 years ago, he incorporated a rather new, more defensive and elf-like swordsmanship style, focusing on a balance of offense and defense.
β He has used other weapons for 40-50 years, but haven't used for a while as his sword training takes priority.
Hand-to-Hand Combat:
β Don't even dare. Whatever lacks of martial arts technique he had, he uses his brute strength to triumph in hand-to-hand situations.
He is one of the 'lovingly' fly-squishers, having killed a fly back in his days in the tribes. Despite this, the slowed down vision of enemy movement proved quite valuable in his new style of combat.