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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Time: 3pm
Location: Lovers lake - Prince Callum Tavern
Appearance:Dress, Hair style but red,shoes

The sun continued to beat down on Ari as she lay basking in the sun. Her book had somehow found its way over her face as she hid her eyes from the blinding light just soaking in the rays. She wasn't sure if she had dipped into a light nap, but the slight drool on the side of her mouth said a lot.

Pulling the book from her face as the pages slightly stuck to her lip, she brushed the pages off with her fingertips before sitting up. Her eyes fluttered as they adjusted to the bright sun. She figured she had gotten enough sun for the day, her mother would be all over her if she returned home with a sunburn on her porcelain skin.

Gathering her stuff, Ariella set back to her carriage. Along the way she dusted herself off making her outfit more presentable than it was at the lake. Sadly that included putting back on her shoes.

Getting into her carriage she instructed the driver to bring her to a local Tavern, she was feeling quite hungry after the events this morning and all the sun. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Prince Callum Tavern. As the carriage came to a stop she peeked out the window to see the sign wondering if this was some kind of strange joke. She couldn't help but think about Callum however. She wondered how he felt about a Tavern named after him. Seemed a bit of an ego stroke, but she got the impression he had no say in the matter.
Paying no mind to it any longer, Ariella got out of the carriage and headed inside the beautiful Tavern. It was loud and busy full of people enjoying their late lunches or early suppers. The smell of ale and meat pie filled the room as she clearly was overdressed for the place, however, she normally overdressed if her mother had any say.

Finding a nice place in the back Ariella hid away from the normal patrons and snuggled into a booth. She kept her book handy but enjoyed the large pitcher of water that the barkeep brought to her table.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SausagePat
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SausagePat The Sausage Fiend

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: 3pm
Location:: Edin Theater
Interaction:: @FunnyGuy

Off to the next adventure for Ruby, and this play was just the kind of thing that interested her… dramatics. She heard about it during a moment of eavesdropping on someone at the race track earlier. Sure, it was a last minute decision, but she arrived with a whole minute to spare. The hat contest that followed the race still had her in a tizzy, so much so that she unthinkingly walked into the theater with her giant hat still on.

As she made her way in, Ruby gazed longingly at the red carpet underneath her feet. This was the life that she always dreamed of. Extravagance. She found her way to the end of the hall and made a left toward the theater. If she could never live a life like this, she would embrace it at least for tonight.

There were a fair amount of people in the audience, but still many open seats. Ruby’s excitement grew and she wanted to get the closest look at what was to come. She went directly for the front row seats, but caught a few grimacing looks and decided to head back a few rows. She was used to viewing things from a distance.

The spontaneity of her arrival meant that she had no idea what the play she was about to view was about. In her mind, she anticipated something heartwarming, or maybe romantic. She looked around the audience in an effort to pick up on an overall mood, to which she did not fully sense. There were a few familiar faces in the crowd, though.. Is that the man that publicly put my artwork to shame? thought Ruby, referring to the Duke that picked someone else for the hat contest.

“HEY!!!!” she whisper-shouted with hostility toward him while she pointed a finger. It seems that he did not hear her– although she did catch the attention of a few people nearby. Then, the curtains abruptly opened and she fixed her eyes on the stage. Ruby’s anger subsided for now.

The backdrop did not disappoint. Ruby’s mouth fell open as she doted upon the sights in front of her. As the play proceeded, Ruby realized that this was surely not a passionate love story. She chuckled a few times as she became enthralled by the storyline. It was one line in particular that sent Ruby into an unforeseen fit of laughter, just after books fell from the actress’s dress.

Act I finished and Ruby got a good laugh. As she waited on Act II and a break was commenced, something urged her to approach Lorenzo in the front row. She strolled up to him with her large hat weighing on her tiny body.

After approaching, Ruby put her hands on her hips and glared down at him with the force of a thousand suns. A bit of drool fell from her mouth onto Lorenzo’s left shoe as she decided to speak.“I know you remember me.” Ruby told him and flared her eyes open, “Look at my hat, waffle boy. …How could this not win? Just look at it!” She wiggled it a little and it almost fell off, but she managed a little swagger for once.

“I don't understand how you could make such a mistake,” declared Ruby. “I worked day and night to find scraps beautiful enough, from my own trash, to fulfill this very masterpiece.” she frowned, exuding disappointment from her voice. “I mean, I am sure you are a man of good judgment and all, but this time there must have been some specks of dirt in your eyes. That horse hat? A complete cliche!” Ruby finally expelled the last bit of her frustration. She stepped back a bit as she anticipated a response from this brooding fellow.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: 3 p.m.
Location: Edin Theater
Interaction: @SausagePat Ruby

With the first act of the humorous play concluded, Lorenzo took some time to think about today’s events and how they had transpired while he pet Kier lying comfortably on his lap. Woke up in a bed of my favorite tulips… Then the altercation at the park… I didn’t even get to have a single waffle… The horse race went well, I think… Then there was the- Lorenzo’s reminiscing was cut off by the approach of a face that was starting to become far too familiar. He was beginning to look up at her when he noticed a glob of drool fall and land on his left shoe. My shoe… Charlotte gifted these to me last spring and now… Lorenzo frowned as he simply stared at the bubbled clear and slightly viscous liquid just sitting on the toe of one of his favorite shoes. However, that did not keep him from listening to the young woman rant about her not winning the hat contest. He thought of letting this all pass, maybe saying some kind words to set the woman at ease. There was plenty he could do to de-escalate the situation.

“...That horse hat? A complete cliche!”

But that was the last straw. Kier’s petting had ceased almost immediately.

“Complete cliche?” His eyes finally met hers, fiercer than mostly anyone’s ever seen. “Complete cliche?! What’s a complete cliche is thinking you can make a hat from scratch look like the rest except bigger! Sure, your hat may have gotten close to securing second place, but let me tell you, dear girl. Let me tell you! That ‘horse hat’ was many many many leagues above the rest! You… You don’t even know how difficult of a decision that was for me. I had Lyra Carris, a woman that not many others can compare to! I denied her and her hat that I can only describe as passion incarnate! Not only that but poor Crystal. A young woman that I consider my own daughter at times. A delicate orchid that managed to attend after her home was desecrated just this morning! But my appreciation for art would not allow me to be biased and sadly so…” Lorenzo’s eyes winced as he felt a minor twinge of heartache. “I’m sorry that you did not win, but if you cannot see why that young woman won the contest, then I’m afraid you’ll never know what it means for a perfectly bloomed flower to stand out amongst the others in its bed.” Lorenzo’s tone had softened some but he remained stern.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SausagePat
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SausagePat The Sausage Fiend

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location:: Edin Theater
Interaction:: @FunnyGuy

As soon as Ruby heard the first words come out of the waffle-man's mouth, she knew she was in over her head. Pride always seemed to be an underlying motivator in Ruby’s actions, leading her to confrontations that she had no business getting involved with. But at the end of the day, it got her where she was now and that had to count for something.

It was not necessarily the words spewing from Lorenzo’s mouth that struck her, but the tone in which he said them that made her want to wail like a child being disciplined. Tears quickly filled her eyes. The theater was still dim and she was not going to back down from her argument, even with piercing eyes staring back at her. She held back her waterworks until the man mentioned his precious Crystal’s tragedy this morning. This hit home for Ruby, and she almost felt ashamed. That is until these words emitted from him,

“I’m afraid you’ll never know what it means for a perfectly bloomed flower to stand out amongst the others in its bed.”

The drool that was coming from her mouth had stopped completely, and instead she now felt like her mouth was made of sandpaper. She gritted her teeth and let out a deep growl, vibrating passed her closed lips. With the stomp of her foot she chose to retaliate.“Oh, I know full well what it means to be a perfectly bloomed flower standing in a bed!”she announced, knowing that she had no connection to the metaphor he was making.“And I am truly sorry about your almost-daughter, but this is not about bias, sir. This is about hard work and dedication– c-c-creativity! Sure, I could have easily thought of a horse hat to enter a contest right after a horse race. Instead, I used my imagination and brought vibrant colors to life through the nest of my head. That is art. If I simply had the means to create something of more quality, then I bet you would have considered me more readily. To the nether-regions with your… lack of bias!”

She stared down at Lorenzo, shaking in her shoes. Deep down, she knew that the horse hat was far better than hers. She was entirely jealous of it and unwilling to admit that she didn’t think of such an idea for her hat. Ruby saw a glimpse of sadness in this man’s eyes. He looks awfully rough.. like he’s been through several lives of loss and back. Ruby was rethinking her aggressive approach.

“But you did say that my hat could have secured second place?” she laughed nervously and with that took a seat next to him before she passed out.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Time: 1510hrs
Location: the arena
Interactions: Wasun Sjan-dehk @Apex Sunburn
Mentions in order:

Roman listened and watched the man speak as they slowly moved closer to the arena. A civil war that didn’t seem like he was too happy about, fair it’s always heart breaking to fight others that could have been your brother in a different time. By the emphasis in his words and the way he walked Roman could tell this man either spent a great deal of his life working on a ship or being the captain of one. His sister was that way as well, never truly enjoying walking on the soil and earth always said that it didn’t feel like the ocean and hated that it didn’t roll like the waves.

He never was all that great at seamanship below deck but he could manage just fine above. Still, roman didn’t mind sailing but much preferred scaling mountains to riding storms. The information that he was indeed here for trade and being commanded by a high queen was good information.

Roman spoke up again as they were almost outside the stadium, the sounds of the crowd and the clashing of weapons already could be heard. “Perhaps you would like to set up trade agreements with my people as well? Could be interesting.” Roman continued walking through the entrance of the arena making little deviation on his way towards the registration table.

“Yes duels, I believe to submission I could be wrong. Anyone can sign up to participate so you will see several people from the common folk to nobles and sometimes royalty from any nation. You could sign up too if you like.” motioning to the sign up table.

“Hello, good sir I am Roman Ravenwood I am here to deliver the third, second, and first prizes for the tournament.” Smiling at the receptionist and some of the other event organizers who were clearly surprised to see him for one reason or another. “I have a domed brass round shield for third place.” The shield was reinforced with the designs and patterns common in the northern territories, for a normal person it would cover them from their shoulder to their hip. Handing the shield off to them and retrieving the claymore, “this two handed claymore for second place.” Pulling the 55 inch claymore free from its sheath to show off the blade for a moment. “And for first place a custom commission made by myself for one shield or bladed weapon.” Pulling out a small parchment from his shirt wrapped in a red band with the Ravenwood house seal on it.

“T-Thank you for your contribution lord Ravenwood, will you be participating as well?” the receptionist asked excitedly.

“No I’m just here to watch. Wasun would you like to sign up? If not the viewing seats are this way.” Motioning down a side entrance with a few others coming and going. Roman hoped he got the pronunciation on his name right.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 4 days ago

Interactions: Roman @ReusableSword
Time: 1510

The Sjan-dehk of a few years prior – hot-blooded and eager as he was – would’ve certainly jumped at the opportunity to prove his mettle and bring honour to his name on the field of battle. Or in this case, in the arena of a duel. Reputation was everything for a man under arms, after all. All the more so when said man was considered a noble, albeit only marginally.

The Sjan-dehk of today, however, needed to do no such thing. For one, there was simply not much left for him to prove. He already captained his own ship – one which he earned through blood, no less – and had already fought enough battles to earn his family and himself fame to last a lifetime. More than that, most likely, if the poets and scholars did what they were wont to do and embellished the odd detail. Granted, such fame would likely be mostly limited to the outlying western islands where Jafi’s fleet spent most of the war, but that was perfectly fine with Sjan-dehk.

More importantly, however, was that Sjan-dehk simply wasn’t good at duelling. Fighting deep in the thick of it and cutting down his enemies was one thing. Fighting a duel with rules was another. The last time he had fought in such a fight – ceremonial swordplay, as his father called it – had been during a banquet held to celebrate the end of the war. Sjan-dehk didn’t even last one round. It took only three bouts before the rush of battle got to his head and he gave his opponent a savage kick to the nether regions. Suffice to say, that had earned him a swift disqualification.

Starting his stay in Sorian with such an incident would be inauspicious, and so Sjan-dehk decided to do the prudent thing and decline the invitation. “Sjan-dehk. That is my name. Wasun is family.” He first gave Roman a quick correction. The royal tutor had already prepared him for such errors. “I will watch. Maybe fight next time, yes?” A slight grin accompanied his last sentence. He followed Roman through the side entrance into the stands. The heat from bodies packed so tightly together and the smell of sweat met him like an overly-familiar friend. It smothered and made wading through the crowd feel harder than it actually was, but it wasn’t anything Sjan-dehk wasn’t used to.

There was one other reason for Sjan-dehk to watch the fight with Roman. The man had raised the notion of establishing trade between his lands and the Commonwealth earlier, and though Sjan-dehk still didn’t quite know exact whereabouts or even exact name of his homeland, it would’ve been remiss of him if he allowed this chance to slip through his fingers. At the very least, he wanted to get something he could later pass on to Lady Adiyan. “I am not a trader. More like…Fighter?” Sjan-dehk opened by admitting. Honesty was key in all affairs, as the saying went. “Lady Adiyan, she ah…She knows more about trade. But we can talk about it first. Know more about our land, yes? I will tell her what we say and she can decide.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Ariella, Anastasia & Farim

Part 1

Location: Prince Callum’s Tavern
Time: 3pm

Farim initially started his journey to the arena before coming to the sobering realization that he had no idea where it might be. He stopped for a short moment to speak to a random citizen, asking if he knew where he could find the arena.

“Oh! It’s just passed the library and take a….oh what was it? A right? Ya I believe it’s a right! You can’t miss it! Just passed the tavern!”

Farim nodded and thanked the kind soul for the directions. Unbeknownst to either of them it was actually a left he was supposed to take at the library to head to the arena. Going right brought him back towards the magnificent castle housed by the Royal Family themselves. I did not think the King and Queen would want such strong displays so close to home. Maybe our nations aren’t so different! It was at this moment that he spotted a very familiar face standing outside a tavern, one he assumed was where he was meant to go.

“Oh! Is that the Princess I see? Hello, my friend! What a funny coincidence, eh?” He spoke slightly loudly, waving and approaching Anastasia after quickly stowing making sure the gift he bought earlier was well hidden.

Anastasia spun around on her heels, startled by the sudden appearance of Farim. The colors around her had seemed brighter as he had approached her. Despite her surprise, she couldn't help feeling thrilled to see him. With a wide smile, she approached him and gave him a warm hug without hesitation. "My wonderful Farim-shaped friend! I'm so glad to see you!" As she pulled away, her hands lingered on his forearms. "Are you heading into the tavern as well? You should join me!"

He chuckled at the idea of people being shaped as themselves, but thought it was still endearing to be addressed in such a way. “Well if it isn’t my Anastasia-shaped friend! I am happy to be seeing you! … Eh, funny you mention it. I was attempting to find this arena in your city where I hear a big competition is, but that was merely out of boredom. If you bring as much fun as our little adventure in the park, I can hardly say no!” He smiled his telltale smile sliding across his face as he kept himself within arms length of her.

Just as soon as they had seen each other, he had turned with her in tow to walk into the tavern. He turned to her entourage and smirked. “Do no worry gentlemen. With me she is safe. I bet my pride on it!” The guards had stared at him with suspicion. The female raised a brow. As soon as they went in, they planned to tow them. He knew the foreigners wouldn’t quite get it, but pride was a big deal to his family, so he very much meant it when he said she would be safe. As he looked around the busy tavern, he noticed several people ranging from mundane to interesting. There were people playing cards, telling stories over a pint, and a woman in an extravagant outfit reading peacefully in the corner. “This place is very interesting! Would you happen to know anybody here, or…?” He trailed off, letting Anastasia pick a spot/person to approach.

The sound of clinking glasses and laughter filled the air. The tavern was higher end than the usual bar with wood to be seen at every angle. The walls were adorned with a richly textured and intricately patterned wallpaper, featuring a deep navy emerald background with a swirling gold pattern on the top half of the wall. There was a brown wood panel installed on the bottom half of the walls as the wainscotting style. The floors looked to be about the same color as that wood, with sleek wood floors. There were tables strewn all across the room with velvet, cushioned chairs. Each table had a small lantern on it that kept the atmosphere dimly lit. The centerpiece of the room was the grand mahogany bar with well-crafted carved details. Wooden stools surrounded the bar with patrons sitting on many of them. A stage could also be noticed to the left of the room that was hosting the musical performance of a young man with a guitar.

"Right! It's absolutely delightful to have a place named after my little brother. I just adore this place!" Anastasia exclaimed with a beaming smile as she and her companion strolled side by side. “Oh sure.”

She gestured towards the crowd and continued, "Let me introduce you to some of the regulars. There's Timmy over there, the local drunkard who gets absolutely trashed here every night. People have a lot to say about him, but I think he just loves a good time." She pointed towards Timmy, who was slumped over at the bar, a half-empty glass of ale in his hand. Anastasia's eyes scanned the room once more before landing on a young woman in a ballgown towards the back. "Oh, and there's Ariella!" she exclaimed excitedly, pointing in the woman's direction. "She's one of my dearest friends. Let's go say hello!" Without another word, Anastasia made a beeline for Ariella, leaving the man to follow in her wake.

Though Ariella had been in the back, she had been impossible to miss in that gown of hers. She made her way over and threw her arms around the girl in a side hug. “My darling girl! I am sooo excited to see you!”

Ariellas eyes peeked over the top of her book to see a flash of blonde hair whipping around and before she knew it two arms were around her pulling her into a rather tight hug for a princess. The excited squeals in her ear gave her away rather quickly. “Ana!” Ariella smiled brightly as she hadn’t seen her friend in sometime. She quickly put her book down to give her friend a proper hug before settling back against the cushioned back of the booth.

“ Would you like to join me for drinks?” Ari asked, unaware of the friend with her.

Farim was rather impressed with the ease that she could list off some of the regulars. To most royalty these people would be nothing more than masses of drunks, vagabonds, and misfits. But to her it was a crowd of living people, and she knew them personally. Whether it was because she was a regular here herself or because she wanted to know her people Farim didn’t know, however he still found charm in it. He put away his errant thoughts as he realized he had been left in the wake of an excited Anastasia greeting her “darling Ariella” he believed he had heard her say. He walked over to the pair, gently weaving and ducking out of folks' way to avoid an untimely collision. He stood before the women and gave a slight bow to them both.

”Hello my beautiful companions. It seems I am being blessed with the best company in Caesonia this fine day. Miss…Ariella? It is nice to meet you! I am Farim..Kadir Hafiz of Alidasht.” There had been a slight hesitation on the last part of his name, as if he had to force it out. He leaned onto the table and began to pull out a chair, gesturing to it as he spoke again. “I too believe we are having drinks, yes? I am always happy to meet a new face and share a drink. Especially with some radiant women such as yourselves.”

“I’d love to! “ She glanced over her shoulder, ready to introduce Farim, but he was behind her, introducing himself. “Yes, this is sweet Ariella! She lives right here in Sorian and I’ve known her since forever. “ Anastasia then glanced over toward the bar as her thoughts strayed there. “Drinks on me, lovelies! Are you two in the mood for something strong or weak?”

Ariella was caught breathless for a moment as a tall handsome man approached their table. Without much hesitation, she stood to her feet and gave him a courteous curtsy and a warm smile as he introduced himself. Leave it to Ana to have such attractive men around her.

“Lady Ariella Edwards,” She corrected him but her voice was soft and non-confrontational,“It’s a pleasure Hafiz Farim, I have heard much about the Alidasht people but have yet the pleasure to meet one.” Ariella sat back down, her eyes lingering on Farim a little longer than they should. She heard many of the Alidasht people were blessed with their beauty but seeing them in person did not hold anything to the tales.

Ariella broke her gaze as she realized she had been staring and looked over to her friend. “Yes, please, both of you join me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had some good company.”

“Surprise me.” She said to Ana, knowing those two words would be trouble in themselves but it really was a rare occurrence for Ari to enjoy the company of a friend.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: 3 p.m.
Location: Edin Theater
Interaction: @SausagePat Ruby

Lorenzo remained seated as the young woman shouted back at him, pouring her heart out about how much it took to make the large hat on her head. With the two being at the very front of the theater, most eyes were on their altercation. If it were possible for Lorenzo to feel the stares of the audience it would be incredibly overwhelming. It was a gift that he couldn't, as he could remain focused on the girl in front of him. He wanted to feel for her in a way. He truly did understand her plight. However, this was how life worked at times. You could put every fiber of your being into something you want to be successful and still fail. It could be your own ineptitude but it usually just came down to something out of your control.

His face went from its stern disposition to a softer expression. Perhaps it was sympathy or even empathy for her. Whichever it was, he thought it best not to rile the girl up any more than he had. He was going to give her a response in kind but the girl seemed to bounce back and almost accept being the possible runner-up of the hat contest. Well, that was fast. That's a good thing, right?

And then the strangest thing happened. She took the vacant seat next to him and… went to sleep? Lorenzo raised a brow at her, wondering if she could have been taking the same drugs he had. It wouldn't be impossible. He placed two fingers against the side of her neck. The warmth and presence of a pulse were enough for him to remain calm. As a kind gesture, Lorenzo took her hat off her head and placed it on her lap so it wouldn't fall off her head and become ruined. With that, he sighed.

“And the day is far from over, Kier.” He continued petting his ferret just as he was before.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Ariella, Anastasia & Farim

Part 2

Location: Prince Callum’s Tavern
Time: 3pm

Farim could tell the woman was eyeing him up, perhaps to see what he was made of or judge his initial reaction. All Farim would do is flash his innocent playboy smile before realizing his social snafu. “My goodness! Forgive me, Lady Edwards! I suppose I should familiarize myself with proper titles and names in this place. I’ll make it up to you for my error.” He gave a sly wink before sitting himself at the table, making sure his flowing silk garb wouldn’t be caught in anything. Anyone looking at the trio would certainly be surprised as their combined net worth was likely more than the entire building. But this did not affect Farim, for he simply enjoyed living in the moment.

”While I would normally say to go heavy on the drinks, I must maintain some composure for dinner tonight, Princess. My father would have my head if I were too inebriated. So I shall request something in the middle, but still tasty if possible. I shall not be picky.” He leaned onto the back of the chair, one arm slung behind the wooden back and another draped over his crossed knees. ”What exactly have you been up to since you departed from the park, Princess? And you, Lady Edwards. I hope your day has been peaceful if not eventful. I’m sure the Princess could whip up something fun to do after dinner!” He merely teased at the thought, but felt like the King and Queen would sooner pay their entire treasury out than let any royal children out at night again.

“Your wish is my command.” Anastasia said with a giggle, and then gave the duo a theatrical bow. She paused before departing to fetch the drinks. Perhaps her intention had been to not blurt about the Damien Estate drama to an Alidasht, but she found herself unable to hold her tongue while under the influence. “Hehe, I just was hanging out with some friends. We didn’t do anything crazy like going to Count Calbert’s house to investigate gunshots or anything. We actually did really normal things like… Eating annnnd drinking. Mundane stuff… Okay beee right back! ” With that, she gracefully made her way over to the bar to order some drinks.

Ariella tried to catch her friend but before she could even get a word formed she had left. Her hands resting on her lap she leaned back against the booth seemingly nervous in the presence of Farim.

Twisting her fingers together she smiled nervously, “Don’t worry about the titles, I personally find them rather confusing as well. “ Her eyes scanned over the Alidashst man as he seemed so comfortable and yet held some kind of charm; she felt strangely entranced. Her normally pale complexion flushing slightly pink as her cheeks flushed. “So how are you finding your visit? Are you here for the courting season or just sightseeing?” The quiver of nerves in her voice was clear.

There had been a question he found asking himself a lot. What exactly was he doing here? His expression turned from a simple smile to a more neutral expression as he thought about her question. Before too long, however, he felt himself blink once to snap himself back to reality. Her immediate meekness made Farim lower his voice to a gentle and almost sensual tone in an effort to put her at ease. ” Well as for titles, I shall call you Lady Ariella if you wish. But whatever name you prefer I shall use! As for my reason for being here…I have worked and lived a lot of my life and found it time for me to start laying more than just business expenditures. So yes I would say I am here for the courting as well as to see my family, much of whom I haven’t seen for quite some time.”

He took a brief pause, readjusting himself to a more normal sitting position as he spoke to her, both feet on the floor and arms on the table in front of him. “My visit has been lovely. I’ve already met two very kind souls who are giving me such wonderful hospitality. And now I get to share a drink with them both. I can’t think of many places I’d rather be than here, getting to know these wonderful people.”

She felt her shoulder drop as her body relaxed slightly, “You say you have lived a lot of your life already, but it seems you’re only just starting such a …what I would presume to be a wonderful journey.” She smiled lightly, “I am envious of that, it seems my personal journey is much the opposite. Being a lady, at least in my home, means you must find a partner before your life can truly even start.” There seemed to be a sense of sadness behind her words but before long she leaned forward on the table. Her head rested on her hands as her eyes lit up slightly.

“What kind of places have you traveled to? I have a feeling you have seen some amazing things in your travels. Though you say you can’t think of other places than here…” She gave him a slight smile, “ There must be at least one.”

He showed a concerned expression as she mentions her family, nodding in understanding at the thought of one's life being decided for them. ”Yes, well. I once was told what to do, what to say, how to act, and so on. I still somewhat am but that life grew old fast. So I set out on my own to establish a trading company. Quite successful I might add. But in the eyes of some, not enough.” He shrugged afterward, one arm resting in front of him while the other supported his head as he relaxed.

“You do make a good point. I’ve been all around the Dunes and have linked many of the smaller towns to the capital. Even now I’m looking to expand our caravans into the sea, where even more places can be seen or explored. If I had to pick a favorite however…” Farim took a moment to contemplate his answer. “There was this one place, out in the south in my country. A little spot that not many knew of. It is a small oasis cut off from the harsh desert dunes. A real gem of beauty amidst a cruel landscape. I would say I’d like to be there but I would still very much prefer company such as yourself.” Farim flashed yet another smile.

“Since you mentioned it, I imagine you are in the market for courting as well? Any interesting prospects come your way? Surely you have men lining your doorstep.”

Ariella seemed to get lost in his description of this oasis, being pulled out of her thoughts at his last comment about having good company. She returned his smile with one of her own and leaned back against the booth. “Yes, I do agree. Spending time with people whose company you enjoy makes things even sweeter than when alone.” Though she had not much experience with that, she just assumed.

“Yes, my mother has made it her lifelong dream for me to marry into a title.” She sighed lightly, “But truthfully, I’ve been sheltered for so long I find it hard to meet people. I did have the chance to meet Prince Callum; he is much like me in many ways. I feel sad for him, trapped in a title and no ability to just be.” She shrugged lightly, “So I suppose that is why I am in no rush to find one of my own, the idea of being trapped in a lifestyle even more so then I am now doesn’t really appeal to me.”

Her eyes looked back up at Farim having wandered into thought. “ You are very kind to say such nice things about me but I assure you there is no line. Ana is the one to have all the luck it seems.” She smiled and looked over at her friend who was still busy at the bar, “I envy much about her. She has the ability to charm the room and doesn’t even seem to realize she is doing it.” Ari leaned back on the table, this time her fingers were wrapped into each other, resting in front of her.

“ No prospects, and No line. Though, that could very well be my own doing. I have an oasis of my own, Ana showed it to me actually. I spend a lot of time there alone or I’ll find a nice scenic place where I can just take my shoes off and feel my feet in the summer grass. “ Her face seemed to light up while talking about it. “Sorry that sounds so silly, but there is just something about being under the sun and soaking in nature just grounds me. Maybe you are right though, maybe it would be better with someone. Perhaps I shall have to find that person to share the experience with.” She gave him another soft smile.

Farim glanced behind him as she looked passed at Anastasia. He could feel a slight ping of familiarity with being overshadowed by far bigger people in his life. “Well that is a shame. But some folks take years before finding a diamond in a mine of coal. So perhaps there is just a certain someone taking their sweet time finding his shiny diamond.” His hand waved to the side as if to accent his speech as he talked.

She spoke of her own oasis, and he raised an eyebrow in curiosity at the idea of seeing such a place. “By all means. I would love to see such a beautiful little slice of nature nestled within the limits of a bustling capital such as this.” He leaned in, placing his hands together and locking his fingers to rest his chin on as he spoke with a sly tone. “And it is only natural for such a beautiful flower like yourself to bloom in the sunlight. There is no strangeness to it.” He chuckled lightly. “I know we have just met but I’m sure you could convince someone to spend a little alone time with you.” Farim made sure to add a teasing inflection to his words as he gave the lady in front of him all kinds of vague ideas.

Ari sat wide-eyed for a moment, she bit back a giggle that was lodged in her throat. She reached for her glass of water taking a long sip as she tried to cool herself before she regretted responding foolishly.

Her cheeks flushed pink as she tried to act cool. “ Well, it's a secret spot, only very few know of its location. There are rules, however..” She paused before taking another sip of her water. “Only the brave have ever been able to follow the rules.” She smirked playfully. “You see, this place ..” She thought for a moment about whether it would be absurd to tell a stranger all about this place and her small ritual. She looked up at Farim as that feeling of ease still flooded her. She started to wonder if all the Alidasht people were this entrancing with their words, perhaps his charm was just a false wall. She was still curious to find out, however.

“It's a safe space, there are no titles or stations. You just are you. So, when you enter, you must remove all footwear. “ She paused to see his reaction to her statement, many people would be disgusted at the thought. “You have to enter in barefooted, and if you so choose, remove anything that you feel is a burden. I personally…” She paused, “ Maybe I shouldn’t say. Would be rather inappropriate. Either way, it is a safe space where you can just be yourself and I have not invited anyone but Ana there.” She smiled. “ Ana actually was the first to show me the space and I kind of made it my own. No other has seen it yet. I haven’t really met anyone who I feel would actually appreciate it as much as I do.” She took another drink of her water, “I did invite Prince Callum there, he said he would be interested however I think he was just being kind. I would imagine he is far too busy to spend an afternoon in the woods with someone.”

“I’m sorry,” Ari said as she realized just how long she had dragged out the conversation with her silly oasis talk again. “I seem to have a problem with knowing when I am sharing too much.“ She shrugged, “But you never know, maybe I could convince someone or maybe someone will end up convincing me.” she smiled back at him. “ Has anyone caught your eye yet? I am sure you’ve been around a bit by now, there are so many beautiful women this courting season. The amount at the Prince’s ball was overwhelming, after I spoke with Prince Callum I left. That is why I'm so overly dressed. I haven't found my way home yet. The idea of having to tell my Mo-...” she stopped, “ Oversharing…sorry.” Ariella started to feel embarrassed. Her mother taught her better yet Farim just seemed so easy to talk to. Where is Ana…Please save me from embarrassing myself more. She groaned to herself.

Farim listened intently as talks of “rules” were dished out. He kept that same soft smile and incher ever closer in his leaning stature as she described this place. It seemed to fit his style particularly well, this hidden spot. “Oh darling. I am never not Farim. That is technically how I like to introduce myself but you know the game of titles and status. Gotta make myself known to be a Sultan in the making.” As if. He thought to himself. He highly doubted his shot at the Sultanate to be much higher than the others, but a man can dream. “This garden of yours sounds like an amazing place. It would certainly take very little to convince me to come with you there.”

He shifted his body to lean further toward Ariella. He tilted his head slightly to think about what she had asked him. “Oh I actually missed the ball last night. I arrived rather late, spoke with my sister, and then….I can’t seem to remember the rest of the night. I was rather tired. I woke up and spoke to my cousin and met your friend Anastasia. Then after a short walk with my long-gone brother, I happened upon you both here. As for who I’m interested in….” He spoke slowly, lowering his tone and clicking his tongue once. “If everyone is as beautiful as you and the Princess, I can hardly believe that I'll ever be able to choose. Not to mention how kind you both are already. Just a few short moments and I already want to spend more time with you. I like that quite a bit actually.”

Ari leaned into the table more, seemingly matching his movements as she felt invested in their conversation. “ A sultan? Well, from our short conversation I have a feeling you’d make a good one. You certainly know your way around words, I think I could listen to you speak all day.” She gave him a smirk, her cheeks still flushed with color. “Oh, so you really haven’t had a moment to catch your breath even. Well..” she paused trying hard to come off calm and confident. “If you were ever interested in a tour, I certainly could clear my very busy schedule to make room for a future Sultan.” Her voice trailing off at the end in a low tone. Her lips pulling back as she once again bit back a small giggle, her nerves were certainly biting back.

Although Ariella’s words came off confident in their own way, her face spoke volumes as to how she was feeling. Her pink cheeks, nervous lip biting and a quake in her voice made it all to clear that this was easily her first time. Then reality hit her, the smile slowly fading as the nerves took over again, A future Sultan? He will have a lineup of women before soon, once another caught wind of such a handsome, well-spoken and charming suitor, there was no telling how long that line would be. After that , she would become an afterthought just as she had with so many others.

She felt herself sit back once again, trying to hide her intrusive thoughts. Still smiling towards him “Perhaps Ana would like to join us on that, She knows a lot of people..”

He yet again found the soft voice of hers to be all he could really hear among the rabble. Somehow he tuned everything else out and merely enjoyed the conversation. He took note of her mannerisms, and the way her body reacted to him, as well as the rapid decline as he felt she may have delved too deep too fast and wanted to rescind her eagerness. He too wanted to be delicate, but didn’t want her to feel excluded either. His hand gestured as he began to speak, tracing errant circles in the air as he proceeded to talk both with his mouth and his body.

“I am used to being…busy during the day. I have many ways to unwind at night. But as for that tour…” His hand stops and reaches across the table, gently laying atop hers as he flashes a wide smile. “I’d be very interested in a place free of titles and notoriety. To be truly…’us’.” He took a brief pause, a slight rise in color to his face as he felt his gaze shift to the side. “But I won’t act like I’m not excited to hear you refer to me as a future Sultan..” He kept his joyful expression and slowly pulled himself back as to not overstep any physical boundaries, and nodded at the thought of Anastasia joining us.

“I do believe that the barkeep has been keeping her for some time now that you mention it. But you may think about who you wish to invite and how many people you wish to talk to. I am no stranger to competition.” He smirked slightly before continuing, his facial features now returning to their normal sun-kissed hue. “I know courting can be intricate. And many folks are involved. I myself want to get to know the lovely women that find so much interest in an Alidasht man such as myself. So let’s stay in touch~.” He felt his fingers rub together, slightly anxious that he was laying it on too thick. I swear cousin Munir…You’ve influenced me far more than I care to admit when it comes to women…

”Drink time!”

The blonde returned in her elegant floor-length dress, but her arrival was far from graceful. She stumbled visibly as she made her way over, barely managing to balance a tray filled with drinks. Her complexion was flushed and she seemed a little more disoriented than before. When she finally collapsed into her seat, she spilled some of the alcohol haphazardly. She wore a smile on her face that did not completely match the look in her eyes.

“I hope you love birds don’t mind If I join because I got a little lonely over yonder…” Anastasia slurred, pushing a strong yet fruity mixed drink towards Ariella, a lighter cocktail towards Farim, and keeping a tall glass of something that smelled like pure alcohol for herself. The rest of the tray held a dozen shots in total. After a moment, she leaned her chin on her palm and spoke again, trying to sound cheerful. "I hope you both like what I picked out!"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Time: 3pm
Location: Athletic Arena
Mentions: @Silverpaw Wulfric @Inertia Auguste @Rodiak Matthias @Blizz Lyra @Potter Layla

King Edin entered the Athletic Arena, trumpets blared in a grand fanfare. However, instead of being pleased by the music, he halted his entry with a scoff and threw his hands in the air.

"BAAH! Stop! I hate trumpets!" he cried in disdain, his voice echoing through the arena. He grumbled to himself as he made his way up to a sectioned-off area of the seating, which not only had a roof but also protective glass around it. This was King Edin's own little safety square, where he could watch the proceedings without any disturbances.

As he settled into his comfortable lounge chair, a beautiful woman appeared before him, presenting a cocktail to his mouth. With a satisfied smile, he took a sip and leaned back to enjoy the spectacle unfolding before him.

Meanwhile, the king's attention turned to the competitors. The first pair were women, so naturally, he lost a bit of interest in the actual sword fighting itself. The Alidasht princess was beautiful and quite interesting to watch. Meanwhile, the brunette against her was also intriguing the King with her amazing assets. He nodded in approval, chuckling in delight. "I love women." He informed his drink-holder.

The next battle was one of the two reasons he had come to this blasted event: to make sure his offspring didn't lose or present themselves as anything less than competent men. If a King couldn't win a sword fight against some no-name, then was he really worth his salt? Oh that's one of our knights. Well-skilled and maybe not the most embarrassing foe to lose to, but if you do, I still won't hesitate, Auguste. I won't have you embarrass me again. He had visibly cringed when Auguste had greeted the Lieutenant so kindly. No Auguste. Tell him to prepare for defeat!

The fight, surprisingly did not disappoint. Auguste performed rather remarkably and did not go easy at all on the man. A wicked smile stretched across the face when it became noticeable that the knight was perhaps even in fear of Auguste. "That's my boy."

He got up and gave his son a standing ovation as the crowd erupted in cheers. Some started to chant Auguste's name. "YES! That's my boooooy!!" He exclaimed, causing the crowd to become even louder.

It wasn't long before the next match began and this time, it was his successor, Wulfric. This battle would mean everything. He wondered if Wulfric quite understood the importance of displaying his dominance as King to his people, and possibly due to the visitors, to the Varian and Alidasht Kingdoms.

Damn. Captain of the royal guard!? I should have paid them to give my sons easier opponents. This Matty Lardson could do some damage. King Edin moved to the edge of his seat as he watched the battle begin. It seemed for most of the match that the two had seemed almost neck and neck. A sweat bead had dripped down Edin's forehead as he pondered if he should go find someone to pay off here and now. But in the end, Wulfric pulled it off. He let out a long sigh of relief and stood up once again, raising his fists in the air to cheer on his son with the crowd. "CHANT FOR HIM! That's your next King right there!!!"

Perhaps it had been good that his sons had been given worthy opponents. They had proved themselves as undefeatable victors that would soon rule all of Caesonia. Not even a pretty-faced knight from the Varian Kingdom could best the future King!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by 13org
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RĂ­oghnach "Riona"
Reohg Knock

Considering the fact that there weren't that many people who were interested in the hunting competition, Mayet wasn't expecting the Athletic Arena, where the sword competition would be held, was going to be so crowded. Among those present, it was rather easy to separate those who were going to participate in the competition and of just watching. Most of the competitors were either wearing protective equipment or had their personal weapons with them.

The exception to this was, of course, Mayet. Normally, in her daily life, It was honestly hard to say whether she was going to participate in some kind of competition or not, since she always carried her ring-blade with her, but even with her light clothes, no one seemed to have any doubt of what was her objective in coming to the Arena.

The attire Mayet chose for that competition was a rather simple one. No excessive decorations, frills or flowing clothes. Instead, it seemed to be focused on keeping her light and agile. One thing that might draw attention when compared to the other competitors though was the fact that her attire lacked any form of protection. A clear signal that she was more than confident in her own skills.

As it was expected, she immediately drew the attention of both competitors and audience alike as she arrived at the venue together with Nala and even more when her name was called to compete. Murmurs and voices could be heard, pointing to the fact that Nala was accompanying her, some even asking if it was fair for Nala to participate as well, something which made Mayet laugh before she looked to the crowd to address their doubts.

"Don't worry. This is just a friendly competition. We only fight together when we are fighting seriously. She is just here today to watch." Mayet said as she gently caressed the tigress' head as she sat down just in front of the arena while Mayet got up.

With her ring-blade in hands, Mayet waited as the other competitor, Reohg Knock, as the announcer called, entered the arena.

Mayet wasn't familiar neither with the strange name nor the strange figure wearing a headgear, hiding it's appearance. Despite the attempt to hide their identity though, Mayet could easily say that the other competitor was also a woman, judging by it's stature and body shape.

“You must be Reohg Knock… Quite a curious choice of attire…” Mayet said to the woman with a chuckle, analyzing her movements and her reaction.

Riona’s muscles tensed at Shehzadi Mayet’s comment, more specifically, at her choice of words. “You must be Reohg Knock.” It made it sound like she heard the name “Reohg Knock” before. Of course, she could’ve simply been talking about the announcement and decided to make small talk with her opponent (a thing that Riona didn’t expect the warrior princess to do).

But what if, on the off chance, that it wasn’t? Riona did dance with the Shehzadi’s brother last night and she chose the butchered name he gave her because it was mangled enough that no one would recognize it, but Riona would at least know that she was being called. Could the Shahzade have told his sister about Reohg Knock? Why would he? He only had eyes on Lady Mina Blackwood, that much was obvious. No, it was more likely that he forgot the existence of the maid as soon as she left his sight. The only time Shehzadi Mayet could’ve heard the name was when Shahzade Munir was searching for his dance partner. Did she see Reohg Knock’s face? Gods, if a foreign guest could recognize Riona after only seeing her once, did that mean others could too? Riona struggled to swallow, her throat too dry to cooperate.

She had to throw the match. While a match with one or both of the princes would be a valuable experience in its own right, if Shehzadi Mayet could recognize Riona, then Prince Wulfric and Auguste were even more likely to recognize her. If that happened, then she’d be the maid the Danroses knew how to fight. They’d become cautious around her, suspicious even. She couldn’t allow that. No, she must lose.

As soon as that thought crossed her mind, Riona chuckled at herself. The absolute conceitedness of it all. Stupid girl—she was never going to win, even if she wanted to. Despite her short stature, Shehzadi Mayet displayed the traits of a skilled fighter through her posture, well-toned muscles, flawless skin, and choice of attire and weaponry. She likely spent long hours training, had lots of experience with hunts and skirmishes, and rarely lost. Anyone who couldn’t see that was a fool.

Then there was Riona, a maidservant who spent more time cleaning up after people and serving them for over a decade than actual combat training. Her strengths lay in the less direct, less honorable skills; head-on battles weren’t her forte. That didn’t mean she couldn’t learn from the Shehzadi, though.

Riona crossed her balled fists in front of her and touched her wrists with her forehead as she bowed. “<<Peace be upon you, Shehzadi Mayet Ibn Raif Kadir,>>” she sang in the Golden Tongue. “<<You bring with you the radiance of a thousand suns. We are blessed to be in your presence. Words cannot capture the magnitude of our gratitude.>>” Riona relaxed and matched Shehzadi Mayet’s gaze. “<<Though I am but a single grain of sand beneath your feet, unworthy of your attention, please, do me the honor of your tutelage.>>”

Of all the reactions Reogh could have, Mayet definitely wasn't expecting her to tense up at her words. Normally, considering the event they were participating at, she would have thought that her opponent was looking forward to the fight but Reogh's expression hinted at another, completely different reason. Nervousness? Apprehension? Maybe it has something to do with the reason she wanted to hide her identity. Regardless of what thoughts raced inside Reogh's mind at that moment, Mayet simply waited, either for a reply... or for her to act.

The moment Reogh did the traditional Alidasht bow and began singing on the Golden Tongue, Mayet was definitely caught by surprise, raising her eyebrows with a surprised expression, especially since it wasn't a half-hearted attempt at the Golden Tongue either. Reogh had an almost perfect pronunciation and diction... Especially considering the the choice of words.

“It is the second time I hear a foreigner speaking the Golden Tongue. Impressive, I have to say.” Mayet said, with a satisfied smile.

“Every grain of sand, no matter how small, is still part of the great desert.” Mayet said with a smile as she gave a few steps forward, approaching the center of the arena.

"Titles and formalities are good for balls and social gatherings. While we are sparring in this arena, we are both just warriors." Mayet said as she assumed a combat posture.

"Ready? Since you asked for my tutelage, I will start with something simple and raise the difficulty as we progress." Mayet said with a smirk as she dashed towards Reogh.

Just as Mayet spoke earlier, her first strike was a simple, diagonal slash. Despite how 'simple' her attack was, the force behind it was rather deceptive for someone of her stature. Not only due to the size of her weapon, but also to the fact that she used the weight and momentum of her entire body on each attack.

As the Shehzadi’s weapon came crashing down, Riona raised her own weapon to meet the incoming attack. Their blades collided with a loud clang, causing sparks to fly off the metal. The impact reverberated through Riona’s arms and left her briefly shaken. However, she managed to hold her ground with the sword absorbing most of the strike, and strikes that followed soon after. With a sudden twist of her wrist, Riona subtly diverted the last attack and used the Shehzadi’s own momentum against her to slice down towards her legs.

Mayet would already be reasonably satisfied with Reogh merely blocking her first strike perfectly, without being thrown off by the strength of her blow, but when she managed to regain her composure immediately after and even use the momentum from Mayet's own attack to make a quick slash aimed at her legs, Mayet definitely was curious.

Despite her last attack being diverted and used by Reogh to launch her fast counter-attack, Mayet was able to reply to it in time by continuing the circular slashing motion of her previous attack, making her ring-blade clash against Reogh's sword, stopping it's trajectory before it could reach her legs.

Her expression was one of visible surprise and excitement as she gave a jump back, looking at Reogh.

"Impressive! Not only you weren't thrown off by the weight behind my attacks, but you were still able to use it's own momentum to launch a counterattack of your own!" Mayet said, laughing, visibly satisfied by the result of her initial 'test'.

"Let's take it up a notch, shall we?" Mayet said as she once assumed a different combat posture, holding her ring-blade in a diagonal around her, at neck's height with both hands, her left one in front of her and her right one behind.

Unlike the previous, more 'relaxed' posture, this one was more aggressive, with her center of gravity lower to the ground.

Riona recognized the stance, as it mirrored that of her grandmother, and it was the sole reason she anticipated Shehzadi Mayet’s next move.

In the blink of an eye, Mayet was already near Reogh again. Her first came unbelievably quick, a downwards, diagonal slash as she used her right hand to spin her ring-blade, carrying a huge amount of momentum with it.

Immediately after the first one, Mayet continued the movement of her first strike, transferring her ring-blade to her left hand and extending it outwards, spinning her body for a second wide, horizontal slash while at the same time, weaving a spinning kick between her first and second slash, in the middle of her spinning motion.

It quickly became apparent to Reogh that it was only now that she was seeing Mayet's real way of fighting.

Her strikes were much faster and more fluid than her previous ones, each attack seamlessly connecting with the next one as she made use of their momentum to keep going, one attack after another as she weaved kicks between them.

This fluid fighting style, while beautiful to watch, was undeniably terrifying to her opponents both due to the constant, quick and heavy strikes, with her entire body weight behind each attack and the unpredictable kicks weaved in between them, covering the openings some of the wider, sweeping strikes.

Riona’s body was a blur of motion as she instinctively dodged, weaved, and spun through the unrelenting assault. Her movements were in harmony with the rhythm of the Shehzadi’s attacks. In moments where she had no time to evade, Riona parried the incoming strike, her sword flashing in the sun like a beacon of defiance.

Despite the intensity of the battle, there was a savage elegance to the deadly dance, a hypnotic grace that made it impossible to look away—each step precise, each attack a carefully calculated risk, almost choreographed in its perfection. The women moved like wild animals, fierce and unyielding, and yet the beauty of their movements was unquestionable.

But not even the most beautiful of dances lasted forever.

As the fight raged on, Riona found herself struggling more and more. The standard-issued sword, heavy and unwieldy, was becoming a burden. It wasn’t her weapon of choice (just something provided by the arena to contestants who didn’t bring their own), the unfamiliar weight and balance of the cheap blade felt awkward in her grip and caused her arms to ache. To make matters worse, her back was throbbing from the wounds Lady Morrigan inflicted the previous night. Each sudden movement sent sharp jolts of pain through her body. She gritted her teeth and pushed through it, knowing that her time in the competition was coming to a close. Riona wasn’t the kind to give up without a fight.

She watched carefully, studying Shehzadi Mayet’s movements and searching for a pattern; a habit. When the Shehzadi launched another flurry of attacks, she finally saw it. Just as the ring-blade left one hand to travel to the other, Riona smacked it off course with the tip of her sword and slashed at the Shehzadi’s waiting palm.

While Mayet knew it was just a friendly competition, seeing how Reogh was still able to dodge and block her blows made Mayet quite curious to see until when exactly would Reogh be able to keep up with her. Maybe it was because of that or her excitement for being 'testing' someone that had genuine talent, but Mayet got careless. Careless enough to get relaxed for a small second when she was transferring the ring-blade from one hand to the other, between attacks.

It was on that very moment, less than half a second of carelessness that Reogh took her move. Making perfect use of Mayet's mistake, Reogh used the tip her sword to divert Mayet's ring-blade, throwing it off course.

Mayet's eyes went wide with surprise as she felt the weight of the ring-blade pulling her arm back. Even if Mayet was just testing Reogh, amidst the flurry of blows, she was able to keep calm, analyze Mayet's movements and patiently wait for her chance... And her patience had indeed paid off.

Mayet knew she wouldn't be able to block Reogh's slash in time. The weight of the ring-blade made sudden adjustments to it's course quite difficult, especially if it was already carrying such a huge amount of momentum as it was right now.

In any other time and place, such situation would mean certain death and Mayet knew that very well. The shock and surprise from Reogh's sudden movement, seeing the situation of risk she was in right now was enough for Mayet's instincts take over.

As adrenaline flowed through her veins, Mayet's muscles tensed up as her instincts yelled at her… 'Move or die'.

Her previous, smug expression of excitement immediately disappeared, giving place to a cold gaze of someone who was prepared to kill.

Blocking wasn't an option and just moving her hand wouldn't be fast enough to dodge Reogh's slash. Due to that, Mayet immediately bent her entire body backwards, moving her free hand up just after her ring-blade passed in front of it, in a starting position for a back handspring, making Reogh's blade miss Mayet's hand only by a hair's breadth.

At the same time, the ring-blade, which continued it's momentum was already over Mayet's shoulder. With a small movement of her wrist, Mayet made a minor adjustment it's course so it would continue moving down, parallel to her back. When it was already in the middle of her back, Mayet bent her right leg backwards, until the back of her feet touched the inner rim of the ring-blade.

An that moment, Reogh would clearly be able to see the muscles on Mayet's legs tensing up almost like a spring. The very moment her other hand touched the ground, she would let go of the ring-blade, twisting her body and letting her leg pull the ring-blade in a diagonal, upwards slash containing the entire weight of her body and the momentum behind her back handspring towards Reogh.

Not much creativity was needed to imagine the terrible consequences such a powerful slash would have if it struck Reogh's neck... Even if it struck her across the chest, the momentum of the attack, coupled with the weight of the weapon was sure to deliver a devastating outcome.

Time… slowed… down. Riona’s senses became acutely aware of every detail of Shehzadi Mayet’s ring-blade. She noted the masterful craftsmanship; the love and care that went into its maintenance; the way the metal gleamed in the warm sun; the wind that carried its movements; the sharp whistle the blade made as it cleaved the air. Even though she registered the imminent danger as the ring-blade hurtled towards her neck, Riona’s mind remained calm and collected, almost serene in its acceptance of what was about to come. She wondered if there was enough force behind the blow to sever her head as cleanly as her father’s did.

Fortunately, Nala, who was watching the fight just from outside the arena, noticed Mayet's expression and behavior changing. As someone who hunted besides Mayet for years, Nala knew very well how Mayet was when she was going for the kill. Normally, Nala wouldn't care about it, but Mayet had reminded her again and again, both before entering the arena and on their way to the Sword Competition that it was just 'sparring', in order to be sure she wouldn't try to 'defend' Nala when she was just sparring with the other competitors.

It was only thanks to Mayet's insistence to make Nala understand that fact that Nala decided to let out a huge roar to alert Mayet, who only after that noticed what she was about to do.

Thanks to Nala's interference, Mayet had enough time to control her kick, putting both her hands on the ground in order to support her weight instead of completing the back handspring and making the blade stop before the blade got too close from Reogh's neck, keeping it there for a moment, before she silently got back up again in a normal posture, giving a few steps back, taking a few moments to calm herself down due to the rush of adrenaline.

The weight of silence fell like a blanket over the arena, muffling the murmurings of the crowd as they struggled to make sense of what happened (and what had almost happened). Even the seasoned referees were hard-pressed to keep track of the lightning-fast exchange. One moment, Riona’s blade was slashing at Shehzadi Mayet’s hand, and the next, the Shehzadi’s ring-blade was plunging towards Riona’s neck, only to be halted in mid-air. Neither strike drew any blood. The referees exchanged furtive glances, unsure of what call to make. In the end, it was Riona who made their job easier.

Without a word, she sank to her knees, lowered her head, and offered the cheap-a** sword to Shehzadi Mayet, as if it was a priceless heirloom. “Victory is yours, Shehzadi Mayet Ibn Raif Kadir.”

The arena erupted into a tempest of thunderous applause and ecstatic cheering. Riona held the posture as she thanked the Shehzadi for the fight, but the cacophony of the boisterous crowd erased her words before they reached the other woman. Undaunted, she bowed one last time in the Shahazadi’s direction, a final tribute to the victor. Then, with a graceful turn, she made her way offstage as quickly and casually as she could. Not once noticing the faint scorch marks that marked where she was standing when she was a heartbeat away from a beheading.

Riona extended the borrowed sword to the arena personnel, who scurried over to collect it from her. Just as their fingers brushed the weapon, they recoiled as though they touched something scalding hot. With a hiss of pain, the employee’s fingers shot up to their mouth while the other hand clamped their earlobe. The sword clattered to the ground with a metallic clang. In unison, Riona and the employee uttered apologies and reached for the sword. But a voice stayed Riona’s hand.

“Reohg.” Mayet said, calling the woman as she raised her hand in a signal asking for silence from the crowd.

She spun to face the speaker, Shehzadi Mayet. Riona inclined her head. Her skin prickled as she felt the unwanted attention of others. In the corner of her eye, she saw the staff scoop up the sword without any further problems and trotted away, wishing she could do the same.

"You have a very dangerous talent, Reogh... Even though it's unpolished, it's still dangerous enough to make me forget we were just sparring, even if for a moment." Mayet said, with a serious tone as she calmed herself down, still panting a bit due to the rush of adrenaline. Despite her serious tone, it wasn't as if Mayet was chastising Reogh for her peculiar 'talent' or if Mayet was angry at her. Instead, it was almost as if Mayet was impressed by it in a good way.

“You should feel proud. Not many people are able to get that reaction out of me. It was a wonderful duel” Mayet said with a satisfied smile after a bit as she extended her hand towards.

Shehzadi Mayet’s hand came into view and Riona blinked at it like she never seen a hand before. It took awhile for her to realize that the Shehzadi was offering a handshake. She reached up to reciprocate, then abruptly stopped. Riona withdrew her hand silently and bowed her head further down.

“Wouldn't you consider going back to Alidasht with me? I know a few people back in Alidasht that would be overjoyed in teaching you. Besides, only a fool wouldn't recognize the value of having someone with your talents by their side.” Mayet said as she looked at Reogh.

“Don't feel pressured to accept, but think about my offer. If the people you are working for here in Caesonia don't recognize your talents or give you reason to hide your identity like this, they're nothing but fools.” Mayet said with a huff as she turned her eyes as she mentioned Reogh's employers.

While Mayet didn't know exactly who that woman was, she knew that she worked for the Caesonian high nobility, judging by her words and mannerisms.

Riona’s grandmother would’ve been proud of her right now and just as equally disappointed for what her granddaughter was about to do. She could see her now, arms akimbo. “Tut-tut. Reyona,” she’d say (a nickname she preferred over Ríoghnach, because the name wasn’t “Alidasht enough” for her tastes). “At least pretend you took a moment to think about it.”

“<<Your gracious words have touched me deeply and left me humbled beyond measure, Your Royal Highness. I will treasure them, for there could be nothing more valuable than those words from someone as accomplished as yourself.>>”

“<<However, with great regret and a heavy heart, I must decline your offer. I am…>>” Riona hesitated, her nails dug hard enough into her palms to leave crescent moons, “<<… bound here and I do not see that changing in the foreseeable future. Please forgive my presumption in declining such a valuable opportunity, and know that I am forever grateful for the honor you have bestowed upon me.>>” She bowed even lower than before.

Mayet couldn't help but let out a deep sigh as she heard Reogh's reply to her offer, although it didn't seem to be a reply motivated by Reogh's own desires, but instead due to her circumstances… Be them whatever they were.

“Very well, Reogh. I promised I wouldn't pressure you on this matter, so I won't insist… But I want you to remember exactly who I am. Breaking your bonds should be relatively simple for someone like me. So you should make your choice according to your own desires.” Mayet said, with a serious expression as she looked at Reogh.

“If you ever change your mind… You know who I am and how to find me.” Mayet said with a chuckle as she waved to Reogh, leaving the arena.

“<<May the sun grant you continued success and happiness, Shehzadi Mayet Ibn Raif Kadir.>>” Riona recited to the Shehzadi as she departed with her big black cat.

Nala, who was still waiting for Mayet, let out an annoyed growl as she pushed Mayet with her head, almost as if chastising her for what almost happened.

“I know… I know I was the one that kept reminding you to mind your manners… Thank you, Nala.” Mayet said with a chuckle as she gently caressed the tigress.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
Avatar of Helo

Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Sorian Library to Prince Callum’s Tavern

When his turn came, Cal stood and approached the stage. Another new thing; not being in a library or even at a poetry reading, but participating. Participating was definitely a new thing for him. He stepped up onto the stage but he didn’t touch the microphone, the room really wasn’t that big and he wasn’t going to mumble and whimper out a poem. If he couldn’t speak up in a crowd full of strangers then he couldn’t believe he’d have the guts to speak up when it mattered.

“I’d like to dedicate this to anyone who ever wondered ‘Callum why are you the way you are?’ And, I’m Callum, but you probably already knew that.” He cleared his throat once and took a deep breath as he pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper from his pocket. Unfolded the paper and began to read from it. He stumbled over the words at first but it wasn’t long before he didn’t need to look at the paper to speak. He looked at the eyes that watched him and let all things that cluttered up his head leak out through his mouth. It no longer mattered that his words didn’t feel like they belonged in a sunfilled room, surrounded by brightly-hued cushions and tablecloths, where people drank sober beverages and ate sweetened pastries.

The poetry event didn’t last long. Callum wasn’t entirely surprised, Caesonia valued events and contests built around violence over anything else. So he headed back outside, and the library was fairly close to the tavern. But he wasn’t going to get completely drunk, he had things to do today, he was just going to walk by the tavern and see if anything interesting was going on. So that’s what he did, was just walk by the tavern, and then he noticed a pair of guards inside as well. Which meant Ana was there and talking to Ana was on his to-do list right now. So Callum and his guards headed inside the tavern. He decided it would be rude to be in there and not buy anything. Before he headed over to his sister he ordered a drink. He asked for a double because he was only planning to have one drink, maybe two.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
Avatar of Lava Alckon

Lava Alckon

Member Seen 24 days ago

Ariella, Anastasia & Farim

Part 3

Location: Prince Callum’s Tavern
Time: 3pm

Ariella was about to speak but Ana returned with the drinks, spilling some on her way to her seat. Ari grabbed a few napkins and cleaned the spills before it made much of a mess. Thank god she is back She thought as she reached for the strong drink that was placed in front of her. She didn’t hesitate, she reached for her glass, and in a few swift gulps, she finished the drink. It was indeed strong, hitting her like a sack of bricks. Ari never drank except for the occasional glass of wine with supper, so this was indeed a shock to her system.

“ There was no love or birds in the conversation I can assure you “ Ari smiled at her friend. “ It was delicious, I should have tested it before drinking…I wasn’t expecting it to be that strong.” She chuckled lightly, the color returning to her cheeks but this time it was from the alcohol and not Farim. “ He was just telling me how he wants to get to know ALL of the women who are interested in Alidasht men.” She smirked nudging her friend.

Farim took his glass, a tasteful and clean-looking cocktail, and swirled the liquid inside with a gentle spin of the glass. He tilted it towards his face, taking a light whiff before sipping its contents. It held a potent yet smooth texture as it raced down his throat, prompting him to blink a few times as he appreciated its ingredients. “Well, it's even better if they’re interested in me and not just my ethnicity.” He coyly remarked. He took note of Anastasia’s eccentric mannerisms, and began to suspect something other than alcohol may be in her system. If his days of observing Dali had taught him anything, it was to let them enjoy their “trip” and not draw unneeded attention to it.

“And you, princess. You should never feel lonely in company such as this. You are always welcome to mingle. I do hope you know this. And you as well Lady Edwards. You both are pleasant company already, and if either of you would like I could always make time to spend with one or both of you. Would either of you fancy a dinner tonight? I’m sure Anastasia knows but incase you haven’t heard the Vikenas are visiting the guest house for a dinner this evening.”

He had hoped it didn’t seem tacky to invite two people at once to a dinner, and decided to speak softly in his next sentence. “Of course I do not mean to overstep or seem…disingenuous. I just am rather enjoying these conversations of ours and hope we can have more later on. But if I’m being too much, simply say so.” He quickly took a long sip of his cocktail so he would stop rambling. It was almost like he could feel his charisma leaking off his skin as he let his minor worries build in the back of his mind.

“Ari! Why not! I like love and I like birds… Farim has a very pretty bird! You gotta see it. “ Anastasia cheerfully replied with a giggle. She glanced at Farim as his voice took her attention. She took care to listen to all he had to say and not to interrupt. Once he was done speaking, she touched his arm affectionately with a smile, “Don’t worry Farim. I promise I like you for who you are. I had so much fun with you this afternoon and I think you’re super sweet… I know I’ve said I like a lot of stuff already but I also like dinner and I’m totally down.”

Her gaze slid back to Ariella and she tilted her head questioningly with a grin. She attempted to gesture towards Farim with her head subtly as if to ask if she was into him. She had noticed her blushing from her spot at the bar earlier. “You need to come too… Pleaseeee?”

“I LOVE birds..” Ariella’s voice appeared to raise a notch, the alcohol clearly making itself known. '' If I were to suddenly die, I would hope to come back as a bird.” She fidgeted with the straw in her glass moving it around the empty glass. She saw Ana touch Farims arm as she dropped her eyes back to the glass. She wasn’t going to make any advances on someone her friend was interested in. Even her admitting she liked him was enough to bring Ari back to reality.

She looked up at her friend gesturing towards him, a bit confused as to what she was trying to signal to her. She shook her head with a confused look on her face '' What's wrong with your neck?” She asked innocently, not understanding. When she started to beg for her to come to the dinner she took a deep breath and exhaled, “ My mother would be rather upset with me If I were invited to any type of event let alone dinner, and declined. “ She smiled at her friend. “I will attend but please help me with my outfit, I really don’t want to show up overdressed to yet another event” She sighed. “ Perhaps my mother will listen to the Princess.`` She smiled at her friend.

She turned her attention back to Farim. “As long as I wouldn’t be opposing I suppose I cannot say no. “ She smiled.”

He smiled at the mention of his pet, an animal he was very fond of. “Oh my Thara. She is a beautiful falcon. Very powerful and graceful. I bet she is gliding in the skies above this very building. I hardly ever lose track of her. One sharp whistle and she’d be in this room and on my shoulder.” He chuckled, taking one final swig of his drink and being slightly shocked at the speed that he drank. “That was very good, Princess.” His arm felt that soothing touch of her hand, causing him to lean more toward her instinctively.

Farim placed his now free hand back onto the table and nodded toward Ariella. “Trust me with my family, there is no “over-dressing”. He scoffed lightly and reached for one of the shot glasses. He held it close to his lips and paused to speak again. “It would be really fun to see you both there. If I met no one besides you two this season I would truly be happy.” He closed off the sentence with a wink before dunking back the shot, slamming it face down onto the table and letting out a resounding “Ahh~”

“Well after we leave here, let’s go raid my closet! “ Anastasia enthusiastically said to Ariella. She then leaned in to whisper in her ear as Farim had been distracted by his shot, taking her hand comfortingly. “Do you like him? I saw you blush. I can totally wingman you… You don’t need to be shy; you’re so gorgeous.”

Ari leaned into Ana as she spoke to her, she felt so stupid. Was that what she was trying to ask her earlier. She was bad at this. “ I-I don’t really know him..and you two seemed rather comfortable I don’t want to impose anywhere.`` She shrugged.“ It would be nice to get to know him more but I won't put myself in a situation between you and who you may be interested in Ana. '' She said, looking over at Farim and smiling, realizing he had finished his shot. She reached out and grabbed one herself, sniffing it and cringing lightly before taking the whole thing. Her head tilting back she felt the liquid fire burn her throat as she grimaced while setting down the empty glass. “ I..wow..That is strong. '' She felt her eyes water slightly as she wiped a tear away.

“Oh!” She perked up. “Ana, I met your brother today at the prince’s court event. It was such a weird situation, did you hear about the onions?” she asked curiously.

“No imposing. I just flirt for fun. I am happy to see you happy…Don’t judge but I am definitely a little fucked up right now… Really bad day and I kinda needed it, but I’m good right now. “ Anastasia continued her whispering. She pulled away and raised a brow in genuine confusion as Ariella questioned her about onions. Before she could comment, Farim chimed in.

Farim felt a slight pinging sensation along his head as the alcohol began to hit. It wasn’t exactly a headache, more like a floating sensation as the quick intake of alcohol began to creep on the edge of his perception. He abstained from drinking further for now, instead letting the two girls talk amongst themselves for a moment. “I do rather enjoy the drinks, Princess. I also want to stress something if I may.” He put his hands together, fingers loosely clasped between each other and his face rested against the side of his palms. “If me being this…open with the both of like this is causing any issues and if there is anything I personally can do. Do let me know. I wish to only give you both good times, not bad ones.” He looked over to Anastasia and smiled as they whispered amongst themselves, and then towards Ariella. “I am sure someone like yourself can find many things to find yourself beautiful in. Very hard to ruin perfection.” He let himself chuckle once at the corniness of his pickup line.

Anastasia glanced Farim’s way and gave him two thumbs up. “All good things, Farim. All good things.” She gave him an enthusiastic smile, which grew into a beaming expression at his words toward Ariella. “Ariella is so beautiful and so kind. She has such an adventurous spirit. You’ll see as you get to know her. “ She gave him a wink. The princess then proceeded to finish off her drink before speaking once again, “I hope we three can all hang out more this summer. I feel super good about us.”

She suddenly looked at Ariella, “Oh! And about those onions… What were you talking about?”

Ari’s face lit up bright red as she buried her face in her hands. “ Honestly Ana, you’re too much sometimes. Don’t make me out to be something I’m not; it sets people up for disappointment.” She could feel the alcohol bubbling in her veins. “But I agree, I think we all could have a lot of fun together.” She leaned in and whispered to her. “ Should we take him to the garden?”

Leaning back again she was reminded of the onions. “ Oh yes, I was at the ball and honestly the amount of women hooing and hawing over your brothers was too much. I was about to leave when some women dropped an onion and Prince Callum picked it up and began to eat it. Then a whole display broke out because of the spicy onion so I swooped in and gave your brother some ice water to help remove the onions from his eyes. “ She sighed “Now that I think about it, mother is going to want to know about the ball and I can’t very well tell her about Callum's onion situation…Sorry I mean Prince Callum.”

She paused, “Oh but we did have a rather lovely conversation. I am not sure if it was the onions or not but we just spoke as Ari and Callum, not Lady and Prince, and honestly, it was the nicest afternoon I’ve had in a long while. He was even interested in seeing me again..not..in that capacity, I don’t think but still nice to have people interested in my company.” She took a deep breath as all of that came out in one breath.

“ I do hope he is okay though, he didn’t seem too happy…” she said softly. “I left swiftly after, your other brothers were pretty wrapped up in their own conversations and I couldn’t stand listening to all the women drone on about their outfits any longer.” Things just started slipping out; Ariella's filter which normally was up high and active seemed to be a little lower.

He listened to them and gave a big grin as Anastasia reassured him that they had nothing but good times. He began eyeing the drinks on the table for a moment, finally letting his temptation give in as he held another shot in his hand. He took the shot back, throwing his head back, perhaps too far, and slammed it down onto the table with a thud. “This has been an interesting few days. First, the show at the ball going completely sideways now this Prince showing off his gall and biting an onion in front of potential suitors. That is bold, I like it!” He couldn’t help but laugh, not necessarily at Callum, but laugh at the idea of someone making their father utterly red in the face with rage.

“I am not shocked he wishes to speak with you again. You are rather enchanting Ariella~.” He spoke with a slight giddiness, the 2nd shot surely starting to hit his cognitive judgment. His initial attempts at professionalism and social etiquette were slowly fading away as the alcohol made its way through him. “He might just be a little shy or perhaps wanting to take his time. I wouldn’t count him out just yet. Annie…you know this man right? Perhaps you can work some magic and get him to talk to her. You’re awfully persuasive yourself, y’know!” Farim felt his voice raise only slightly as he pulled one more shot his way, letting it sit in front of him before casually letting his hand fall onto Anastasia’s. He glances down at the contact between them and decides to leave it as is.

“Maybe! Depends what we’re doing with him in the garden.” Anastasia had regarded Ariella’s question in a flirty tone. She then listened to Ariella’s lengthy explanation about Callum, a smile growing on her face. If it was possible for a light bulb to form over someone’s head, it would have been over Anastasia’s. Ahh… Maybe that’s the reluctance with Farim. She likes Callum… That could be good. Callum needs a sweet girl to make him feel loved and then Ariella would really be like a sister to me.

She took yet another shot as she daydreamed about her scheme until she felt Farim’s hand touch hers. A rush of warmth went through her body, the sensation of his skin almost electric. Her sense had been heightening for some time now and it hadn’t occurred to her just how much until that moment. It was too enjoyable an experience to just move her hand away, so she kept it there as well.

Ariella eyes widened as she quickly looked away, grabbing a shot in the process she chugged it back. When it hit the table she stood up “ Well! I think… I am going to get another one of those fruity ones…” And without much else she picked up the hem of her dress and started to walk towards the bar.

“Barkeep, please can I have one of those fruity things… and a water.” She smiled as she sat herself on a stool. The bartender brought over the drink and she began to sip on it this time, not in any rush to head back to the table.

“Onions.” She laughed lightly to herself.

Farim felt his head grow slightly lighter as the seconds ticked onward. Anastasia’s fingers locked with his and a slight breath caught in his chest. Despite his forwardness, he was actually nervous to be openly flirting with the princess in a foreign land. Especially while they were both getting further under the influence of their alcohol and Gods know what else. But despite this anxiety, he couldn’t bring himself to move his hand. He kept his grip and held her hand while he noticed Ariella get up for a drink. He worried that perhaps he was being partially uncaring of how she might have felt, and hoped he wasn’t making her uncomfortable.
“Ari- Lady Edwards…” He meeked out as she ran off, but she had already made it to the bar before he could say much else. He turned to Anastasia with a slight frown. “I hope I didn’t upset her. I find myself…just attached to you despite just meeting you. But I mustn’t act so aloof….Wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings after just getting here.” His free hand grabbed the shot and much more slowly threw it against his gullet. He felt a clean burn running along his throat as he held his eyes shut and let out another resounding “Ahhh~” He then placed the glass down and pushed it aside. “I’ve had quite a bit already. Mustn’t push my luck here.” He said with a soft giggle, bringing his other hand to lay just next to theirs on the table.

“I think I flustered her with the garden innuendo. She gets a little shy sometimes. If she does not return soon, I’ll go get her.” Anastasia informed Farim. She smiled but there was a tinge of sadness that became more evident in her eyes. However, it was only momentary as she then giggled at his next remark. “Yes, you’ve been guzzling those down like they’re water!”

He would nod and breathe slowly, as if that would magically make the alcohol go down. “Once I start I tend to go and go and go..but it will pass eventually.” He took a moment to think on what he may say or do next. It was then that he remembered something, and felt it good to give it to her while they were alone like this. He reached into his robes and handed her a small item wrapped in cloth, which was the amulet he had bought earlier to give to her. “I hope this is something nice enough for you. Since you were nice enough to show me around the park and even invite me out for drinks. Consider it a token of my appreciation.” He placed it in front of her and let her unwrap the gift as she would like.

Anastasia’s eyes widened in surprise and she smiled. She took the cloth in her hands and began to unwrap it. She then gasped as the amulet was revealed. It was a glowing turquoise moon with a metal crescent wrapped around the side. “Oh my gosh! It’s sooo beautiful. I’m in love!” She took each side of the chain in her fingers and pulled it around her neck to latch it on. “Thank you so much! I feel like a fairy or maybe even a mermaid wearing something like this… It’s so magical!” She wrapped her hands around it with adoration.

He smiled and heaved a slight sigh. At least he had picked out something good. “It’s a relief to know you like it. I had a feeling it would be a nice gift. It even matches mine!” He reaches into his shirt and pulls out a necklace with a simple silver chain and a silver brace holding the crystal in place. He showed it to her before pushing it back under his clothes. He felt himself fumble with his hands slightly, his body feeling fuzzier with the passage of the shots through his system. “It certainly is feeling a lot warmer in here…” He glanced around for a brief moment to see if he had driven Ariella away entirely before looking again to Anastasia with a smile. “If I am ever being too bold for your liking you are also welcome to tell me. I won’t get mad or act offended or anything like that.”

Anastasia smiled seeing that they were matching. She gently touched his necklace when he had displayed it to her with curiosity. “Hmm… Maybe I like bold.” She said suggestively and giggled. Now that he mentioned it, she did feel rather overheated. As time ticked by, it had felt hotter and hotter in the room. But it wasn’t like she was in many layers being that it was summer. She glanced around the room until she spotted a fan on a nearby table. Anastasia leaned over and asked the woman at the table if she could borrow it for a moment. The woman was quite agreeable, so she took the fan and began to wave it at Farim. “Does this help?”

Farim felt the cool breeze coming from the fan as the Princess fanned him. He couldn’t help but giggle and flush slightly (more than the alcohol was making him) as he felt the slight bit of pampering from his friend. “Oh why thank you, dear. You are too kind! Would you like me to fan you?” He coyly asked as he held his hand out to request the fan.

“Yes!” Anastasia handed the fan to him and waited eagerly.

His hand grasped the fan, letting it spread out with a flick of his fingers. With a single hand he began flicking the fan up and down to send small bursts of refreshing air toward her. He couldn’t help but keep a smile as he thought about the image of this. They were the fanciest-looking group in the entire building and were definitely the goofiest, but Farim did not mind one bit. He simply lived in the moment with his two friends, and that was more than enough for him. “Does this help you, Princess? Although I doubt no amount of fanning could stop you from being hot.” He chuckled, perhaps too loudly as he kept fanning her.

Ariella looked behind her shoulder to the loud chuckle coming from her friend’s table. Farim and Ana giggling and being silly. She sighed lightly but a smile spread on her face. She was happy for her friend, she wasn’t sad that clearly the emotions were strong between them but more so that it was so hard to find company that she could enjoy. She turned back around giving them more time to giggle amongst themselves. Thankfully she still had her book.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
Avatar of ReusableSword

ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Time: 1530hrs
Location: the arena watching the fighters
Interactions: Wasun Sjan-dehk @Apex Sunburn
Mentions in order:@Silverpaw Wulfric @Rodiak Matthias, @13org Mayet @JJ Doe Riona

Roman made his way through the crowd, with his height and bulk it was easy enough for him to traverse the crowd and create a small break for his new friend to follow. He was heading to one of the smaller platforms near the arena’s edge, small refuges for the nobility to get a better view. The one he was heading to wasn’t too crowded compared to the others.

Barley picking up what the man said as they finally broke from the crowd to find a few seats unoccupied in the private section. “Apologies Sjan-dehk Cultural differences, I did not mean it as a slight.” Roman shrugged and glanced out at the arena. Sir Mathias and Prince Wulfric were clearly going at it. “You do look like a capable fighter personally I prefer private sparing or a small audience. This is to much of a show.”

Looking back out to the field he could see Mathias striking fast, quick, and hard. The subtle and precise strategies both men were thinking with each parry and swing. It was a brilliant dance of blades between two well-trained individuals. Mathias was starting to push Wulfric, but the prince got the upper hand and exploited an opening with a precise strike that ended the match. A good show for both.

“So, this Lady Adiyan is the one negotiating trade? Hmm well I know that manpower and resources can be hard to come by after any war especially a civil war, what is it that your people are looking to trade?” Returning his gaze to the crowd that was chanting Wulfric’s name, he could see the king in his sheltered spot trying to get the people excited.

Narrowing his eyes at the king for a moment he continued to speak with Sjan-dehk, “like I said my people are craftsmen, but we also assist the Varian kingdom with all sorts of trade to all sorts of people and places. Food, wine, metal kitchen ware, perfumes, medicine, spices, armor, weapons, statues, furniture. The list goes on just depends on what you want and where it’s going.”

The announcer began again as the next fighters stepped up onto the arena, Mayet and someone named Reogh. “This one should be good; Mayet is an excellent fighter.” The smile returned to his face as he watched the princess, remembering for a moment the comment she made while they fought the bear. Her opponent had a strange attire, not one he recognized but clearly meant to keep themselves anonymous. With what he could see being a formal greeting he had seen and done only a few times himself on his travels to the southern continent the two separated and took their stances.

Mayet’s style preceded her, aggressive fast strikes that aimed to test and find an opponent’s weak spot. Much like what he would think would be akin to that of the powerful tiger. Reogh blocked and countered the others blows with a shower of sparks that the crowd cheered for. Clearly trying to use the momentum of the tigers strikes against her. A brief pause and change of stance and they were back at it again. The princess is almost always on the offensive with quick ferocious strikes with her opponent doing a fine job of keeping up with her.

Roman could only think that even he would have a hard time keeping up with Mayet’s strikes in a fight. Speed and size were always going to be a good counter to him, but this was something else. To see a trained and talented member of the Alidasht royalty go full force like this was definitely something to study, maybe asking her for a sparring session would be fun. Hell, a sparring session with either of them would be a good work out and learning experience, imagine both of them. Roman had to remind himself to keep his bloodlust down in public.

Glancing to the man next to him for a moment as the duo continued to fight, “these two don’t disappoint.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 4 days ago

Interactions: Roman @ReusableSword
Mentions: Mayet @13org Riona @JJ Doe
Time: 1530

Sjan-dehk had to agree; this whole thing was far too much of a spectacle for his liking.

Then again, he only did know of two kinds of duels. There was the sort which arose – rather naturally, he’d add – from the festive and oftentimes drunken mood of a banquet. Simple displays of combat skill, that’s all they were. A chance to learn techniques and share experiences with like-minded peers. The other was usually a more serious affair. Slighted officers and nobles had a tendency to right perceived wrongs via a fight with none of the usual risks of battle. Regardless, prestige was at stake in either circumstance, and neither was something carried out in the presence of a large audience. A moderate one, perhaps, and it would almost certainly be a closed affair at the very least.

Here, it was completely different. Between the wild and unrestrained audience, the blaring trumpets which heralded the king’s arrival, and said king’s attempt to direct the crowd’s cacophonous fervour towards his son, this all felt like a sporting event than anything else. Sjan-dehk wasn’t quite sure how he felt about it; on the one hand, a bit of friendly competition never hurt anyone. On the other, making it a show, a form of entertainment, felt almost gratuitous.

Or perhaps, he was simply putting too much thought into it. Roman did say that only fought to the point of submission. Likely, it was nothing like the blood sport Sjan-dehk was imagining, the gladiatorial matches that were said to be so common during the high point of the old Viserjantan Empire.

By the time he took his seat and got settled, the current fight was already reaching its end. Even so, there was enough action for Sjan-dehk to see that both fighters were evidently highly skilled. Their blades shone in the light, the clang of their clashes reverberating over the roar of the crowd. It was impossible to know which was the favourite, but Sjan-dehk doubted it mattered. Eventually, one duellist got the better of the other. Judging by the reaction of the crowd, and the chanting of his name, Sjan-dehk assumed that it was the local prince that won.

“Yes. Lady Adiyan speaks for Daraya, second of her name. Our High Queen.” Sjan-dehk took advantage of the relative lull that fell over the arena after the two fighters cleared the stage to answer Roman. There wasn’t much he could say, however. Most of him was still trying to figure out why Roman would’ve brought up the issue of manpower, or the lack thereof. Was he hinting that his lands traded in people? That would be awkward. The High Queen had been especially harsh towards those who dabbled in the flesh trade.

Sjan-dehk decided to shrug off those thoughts. It was far more likely that it was just another instance of his poor command of Caesonian coming back to bite him. “Food, wine, medicine, all good. Dried is best. We sailed far to come here.” There was likely more that the trade delegation would be interested in, but those three categories were what stood out to Sjan-dehk the most. “We have weapons too. Mostly bows. Also crossbows. Sudah, that is the trade ship, she has gems and metals and woods. Good for crafting. Spices and wine also. Your lands, what do...Does it need?”

Once again, Sjan-dehk declined to mention the guns and cannons that were available for trade.

Before Roman could give his response, the next fight started. He helpfully provided the name of one of the duellists along with his assessment of their skills. Sjan-dehk nodded as if he understood. For all he knew, this ‘Mayet’ could be either of the two. He watched with rapt attention, in any case, leaning slightly forward with arms resting on his thighs. This was the first time he observed fighting styles originating from places beyond the boundaries of his home region. There was much he could learn, and he didn’t want to miss a single detail.

Both fighters were women, by the looks of it, one more obviously so than the other. That was about as far as their similarities went. Their arms and clothing of choice diverged greatly, with one so wrapped up that she was conspicuous in her attempts to remain hidden; the other wearing little enough to make Sjan-dehk immediately believe that she had plenty of skill to back up her confidence. As if to accentuate the point, she hefted a curious looking weapon, a circular blade that didn’t seem to have an obvious handle.

Sjan-dehk knew whom he would be watching closer.

After a brief greeting, the fight began. The wielder of the circular blade fought with the fluidity and grace of a raging river. Every movement of each limb flowed into the other, her weapon guided by the current. Her opponent was no pushover, however. She weaved between the strikes, allowing the deadly circle to cut through air where she could and expertly deflecting it with her blade where she couldn’t. Sjan-dehk could only imagine the amount of force that came behind each strike of the circle. He had fought against curved blades before – such vicious weapons were favoured by the northern sea raiders – and they were always fearsome to see unsheathed, and tricky to deal with.

Sjan-dehk wasn't sure how much time had passed, but soon both women stood apart once more. For a moment, he thought he had missed something amidst the turbulent fray. Perhaps one of them had caught a blade somewhere. He was swiftly proven wrong, however, when the ring-blade wielder adopted a new stance and swiftly resumed her offensive.

This time, she was much faster on the attack, with kicks punctuating each swing of the blade. Sjan-dehk found himself nodding in agreement without even knowing it. A warrior’s first and best weapon was their body; that was the first thing every Viserjantan soldier and sailor learned in training. Brandish a sword, a gun, a bow, or any weapon, and that was all most opponents would see. Few would expect to catch a fist to the jaw, a kick to the chest, or an elbow to the head.

The fight intensified with each swing and each parry. Sjan-dehk furrowed his brows. Was this still a fight to submission? It felt as if they were just one misjudged limb or one mistimed attack away from turning this into a very, very bloody affair. He could tell that the swordswoman was already beginning to tire under the furious onslaught of the ring-blade wielder. The latter struck like a surging river, each attack eroding more of the former’s strength, each attack widening the gap needed for the decisive blow.

That blow came not too long after. Sjan-dehk couldn’t for the life of him understand the stance adopted by the ring-blade wielder, and neither was he going to try, but he did know one thing. He’d fought in enough battles to know a killing blow when he saw one. His hands went for the armrests of his seat, gripping them with knuckle-white strength, and he clenched his jaw. Surely, someone had to have seen the same thing and would be calling for an end to the fight. They had to, otherwise everyone would soon be witnesses to an execution.

But no one moved. “She’s going to fucking die!” He called out in his native tongue, but the clamour of the excited crowd whisked away his voice the minute it left his lips. Something had to be done. By the laws of his native Viserjanta, this would be the moment when the swordswoman’s second would jump in to stop the fight by force if necessary. Applying it here, to Sorian, was foolish – Sjan-dehk knew that even as his right hand flew across his body for the pistol on his left – but to do nothing was a moral wrong.

To take a shot from this range at a moving target, and to hope to hit it, called for more luck than skill. Then again, Sjan-dehk didn’t need to shoot the ring-blade wielder. He just needed to cause enough trouble to hopefully get someone to stop everything. A gunshot would likely suffice in that. Sjan-dehk started to stand up, his hand already sliding the pistol from its holster.

A lion let out a ferocious roar. The ring-blade wielder caught herself just in time. She pulled it away from the swordswoman at the very last moment. Sjan-dehk fell back into his seat, exhaling as if he had been holding his breath for ages. The pistol fell back into its holster.

Silence descended over the arena. For a moment, nothing happened. It was as if everyone and everything needed time to process what had just happened.

Then came the deafening applause and cheers from the crowd. Sjan-dehk didn’t join in; his heart was still racing from that narrowly-avoided disaster. However, he did find it in him to look over to Roman to answer his quip from during the fight. At least, Sjan-dehk thought he had heard him say something; as far as he knew, it could’ve just been his imagination, but he really wasn’t in any state of mind to debate such things with himself. “It was…Exciting. She…Ah, Mayet, has good control. Very close.” Even as the words left his mouth, he wasn't sure if he believed them. A fighter with truly good control wouldn't have needed a literal lion's roar to narrowly avoid killing their opponent. Sjan-dehk couldn't say he didn't understand, however; he doubted he'd be able to keep himself under control in a similar situation.

Not that it mattered, ultimately. It wasn't his place to judge.

He drew in a deep breath. "Too close."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 27 days ago

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 27 days ago

The inherent degeneracy of the two individuals trying to argue over some rudimentary nonsense about hats in the middle of a theatre play was not ignored by the theatre occupants. Many who recognized the all too familiar ferret-faced duke had their eyes rolled all the way to the back of their skulls, cursing to whatever gods or religion why they would put them in the same theatre as the Duke of fucking Vikena. Others close by were visibly uncomfortable, staying mostly quiet so as not to tarnish their names and reputation. However, the commotions seem to suddenly die down as the lady simply just leaned back on her chair and went completely quiet. Just out of nowhere, quiet.

The Duke's lukewarm response combined with him putting his fingers on Ruby's neck made one man sitting on the other end of her suspicious. While he seemed calm afterwards, it is the Duke of Vikena. One has to check twice on him to make sure he sees correctly. And upon shaking Ruby's body several times without response, the man stood up hastily, almost tripping on the seat next to him and hurried outside. She wasn't well!

John's strolling did help his exhaustion a little bit. Hopefully things would unwrap itself more after all the debacle the day before. This was supposed to be more of a relaxed assignment after all, even with the sudden responsibility plopped onto his shoulders. He also got to enjoy some of the stuff he actually missed from Caesonia. The food, the view, and people that still remembered him as the son of an innkeeper rather than Dr. John Harling Williamson.

"John, let me just say that if Prince Wulfric or the King found out about your return, they will not be happy."

A man a head shorter than John's walked with careful stride, his aging time warned him of the inevitability. John considerately paced himself to match his steps, and with a chuckle he replied. "Not this time around, Mr. Anderson. I'm their guest. Or part of them."

"Wait..." He raised a finger, confused. "How? I thought you were..."

"I'm a royal physician. They can't refuse me." John said with some pride. "But I met them too, I don't think they even remember me." Probably too used to execute or punish their dissidents already, they couldn't remember the face of those they sent to certain doom.

"Royal Physician..." The older man - the teacher, his first mentor, the man who set the foundation to John's success - stood in awe, eyeing the man over in disbelief, before being corrected by John who realized he didn't specify it was Varian physician, not Caesonian. But still, from a dead man walking to one of the crucial backbones of a kingdom is an astonishing turnaround. "It must have been a tough journey. I'm proud of the man you have become, John."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Anderson." John gave a deep bow upon hearing. "I couldn't be here without you. If there's anything I can do in return, always let me know. A new house? Some money? Or even immigration to Varian, I can always sponsor."

"Haha, I'm good, thank you." Anderson gave a hearty grandfatherly laugh. "My wife and I are good where they are. We are away from the limelight completely, just doing our day job, minding our business. We can go home to die the next day and it would not be a regretful life. No need for glamour or a new home."

Probably for the best too. John let out a faint smile, knowing that his empathy for that statement felt a little bit chilly, for the man was barely over his prime youth, and yet he was yearning for that kind of life. Just minding his business, ready to die a peaceful death if it came to it. What happened exactly to him, very few were aware. The doctor kept it quite secretive as well.

"Anyway, it was nice to meet you John. You know where to find me if you're down for a chat." Anderson gave John a wave before heading off on his own, the doctor stopping in his track, watching him from behind.

"Have a great day..." John serenely waved back. With a satisfied smile, he moved on, looking for more things to reminisce.

Not for long! Duty calls once again. Not of an official capacity, but out of his own volition. A man burst out of the Edin Theatre shouted for a doctor, any doctor. He would look somewhat like a madman if one wouldn't take a plea for one seriously. Hearing the plight, John came over to answer the man. Judging from the ravish looks, nobility was written all over his body, and of course he spoke in flowery language that described nothing of importance. Much that was filtered would be that this lady just dropped to her chair, not responsive. Not exactly promising, but such vagueness of the situation could mean anything.

John quickly hurried into the theatre, past the curious theatregoers, approaching the seats of the patient in question. John slowly recognizing both these individuals. It's that pancake girl this morning, and the Duke of Vikena. The doctor didn't greet the Duke much, however, only an acknowledging nod if he even paid attention. His countenance faced the petite freckled girl. He knelt by her, putting his fingers on her neck.

'Still pulses, good.'

John quickly went through the mental checklist in his head. Next, he would shake Ruby by the shoulder a little, before tapping on her cheeks, more forceful with each tap, hoping she would awake from outside forces.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Charlotte & Leo

Part 1

“Gilbert, you’ve outdone yourself!”

The dark-haired young woman stood at the threshold of the dining room, taking in the scene before her with an awestruck expression. The air was thick with the aroma of mouth-watering delicacies, causing her stomach to growl loudly with anticipation. Gilbert stood beside the table, a look of satisfaction etched onto his features as he surveyed his handiwork.

The table was a feast for the senses, with various vibrant colors and textures that begged to be explored. A dazzling array of vegetables, fruits, and meats had been carefully arranged in a symphony of hues, with the deep red of cherry tomatoes, the crisp green celery, and the bright orange of carrot sticks all vying for attention.

Then there were the cheeses, which were set on a board of varying flavors and textures, from the sharp tang of aged cheddar to the creamy richness of brie. Each variety was expertly paired with its own accompaniment, such as the sweet tang of apricot jam or the bite of pickled peppers.

A basket of artisanal crackers sat nearby, their crisp texture and subtle flavors providing the perfect counterpoint to the rich cheeses and meats. And then, there was the most important piece: a giant loaf of garlic bread that oozed with the irresistible scent of fresh herbs and warm, toasty bread.

Charlotte whirled on Gilbert and approached him with a huge smile, “Oh my gosh. Thank you!” She threw her arms around her chef in a hug. The chef remained stiff and did not return the hug. Though, he did blush a little out of view. “ How will I ever repay you for this? I hope you had some for yourself.”

“You pay me for my service, remember?” The blonde chef gruffly replied. Awkwardly, he patted her head. “Please enjoy, Lady Charlotte… and please try to remember to nourish yourself with healthy food instead of eating the entire loaf of bread.” It wasn’t long before he took his departure and Charlotte was left to await Lord Leo Smithwood’s arrival. She took in a deep breath and picked up her notebook that she had set down moments before.

Charlotte had hoped to have had more time to prepare more for today, but she supposed she at least had no shortage of new information to share.

Leo arrived at the Vikena estate at precisely three in the afternoon. Tardiness was the hallmark of the lazy and disorganized, but worst of all it was a sign of disrespect. Likewise, it would be rude to show up to another’s home empty-handed. So after collecting his winnings from the horse race, a brief walk through the shopping areas of town had solved the latter concern. A leather-bound book, filled with blank pages lined for music rather than prose, had been nicely gift-wrapped by the shopkeeper and tied with a soft blue ribbon bow. Elaborate and expensive suited most nobles, but Lottie had never seemed as materialistic as most, so a quiet and thoughtful gift seemed better suited than an excuse to show off wealth.

But Lottie had always had a sense of whimsy, which was exactly why there was a very fake, large and ridiculous mustache stuck upon his upper lip held on by only cheap, irritating, adhesive and a prayer. The hairs of the fake mustache tickled at his nose as he caught the scent of fresh bread and garlic already wafting out from inside the house. There was not a single restaurant in all of Caesonia that rivaled the food the Vikena’s offered their guests. There was comfort in knowing that some things had not changed. He gave a quick couple of knocks at the door and waited.

“Detective Smithwood reporting for a meeting with a Detective Vikena.” Leo addressed whomever opened the door in his most official voice.

The door creaked open to the view of Charlotte in a lacey dress she had on since the morning and her hair still tied back. Initially, she had seemed rather low-energy at first glance. As she took in the view of Leo, a big smile slowly crossed her face. She decided to echo his official voice. "Ah Detective Smithwood. At last! …Are you here to solve the case of the missing garlic bread, or perhaps you seek my expertise in uncovering the truth behind a scandalous cheese theft?" She quipped, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Either way, I'm ready to assist you in your pursuit of justice... and carbs." She gestured for him to come in, ready to lead the way into the dining room.

Leo welcomed a weary-looking Charlotte with a bright smile, briefly wondering if her night had been as strange and exhausting as his own. But it would only be impolite to point out to a woman that she looked tired so he did not ask.

“Missing garlic bread, cheese theft? You speak of very serious crimes detective. We’d better solve the case quickly before we’re all left with nothing but cold porridge to eat.” He walked through the doorway before offering the wrapped gift he carried. “Didn’t see you at the horse race but I caught a good bit of Lorenzo. Your father had the crowd hanging on his every word, an incredible performance. And after seeing one Vikena so positively inspired I had to pick something up in the hope that it might inspire you as well.“ Leo’s free hand became more animated as he spoke carefully chosen words. After Lorenzo’s folly last night at the ball, and the rumors that infested the local papers, kind words about Lottie’s father seemed the right thing.

“ Oh wow ! For little old me? You shouldn’t have. “ Charlotte accepted the gift into her hands with a smile. Then she began to lead Leo to the dining room as she listened to him speak.

Charlotte was glad the horse race had gone smoothly. She hoped that would redeem some favor in the public view for Lorenzo. “ He really likes that sort of thing so I’m not too surprised. He’s quite beloved back in Veirmont. I wish I could have gone. Perhaps I would have considered entering if I had the energy. My horse Tempestes and I have always been a good team.”

Once in the dining room, she gestured toward the table with one hand with a friendly smile, “ The thief was me all along. ” A chair had already been pulled out for his convenience. She subsequently seated herself and went to work opening his present.

Leo followed Charlottle toward the source of the delightful smells that filled her home. As she revealed that she had been the dastardly garlic bread bandit all along, Leo dramatically acted out the part of a shocked detective. “Internal corruption of the highest order!” He ripped the, already close to falling off, fake moustache from his face and shook his head. “We cannot allow this crime to find its way into the papers. I fear we must consume the evidence in order to keep the good standing of this agency’s name.” He added solemnly as he placed the moustache into a pocket and took a seat.

For a moment Leo wasn’t sure what else to say; because he didn’t want to discuss his missing, probably dead, father. He didn’t want to unspool that string of unanswered questions and feel himself unraveling with it. There was no positive spin to find in there, only a void. Nor did he want to bring up her loss, because he knew how it felt to be reminded of all those unanswered questions.

So he looked at the feast, every detail of it, breathed in the collage of aromas, and found the wonder in it. A small feast with a very good friend was more than enough to make this day a good one. “A feast fit for a king, though I sincerely hope one does not show up, there are strange and unsettling things going on in Sorian. I wouldn’t want this conversation to find its way to the wrong ears.” Leo said, briefly scanning the room to be sure there were no prying ears of servants. He’d decided the mystery around last night’s party was far more appropriate and involved enough unsettling details to add to the urgency of figuring it out.

Charlotte's reaction to the sight of Detective Smithwood removing his great and powerful moustache was nothing short of dramatic. She gasped in horror, her hands flying up to cover her mouth in shock. The suddenness of the revelation seemed to hit her like a ton of bricks, and she urgently pleaded with Varian detective.

“Put it back! Put it back! Quickly, before someone sees you, Detective Smithwood!" she exclaimed urgently, her voice tinged with panic. Charlotte's initial serious demeanor had been impressive, but as the moment subsided, she found it increasingly difficult to keep a giggle restrained. She sucked her lips inward, determined not to give in to the impulse.

“I cannot. This moustache will have not to aid in the concealment of a crime.” He kept his tone and expression as serious, filled with conviction, as best he could while slapping the fake moustache onto the table. “These are noble hairs of the law and we have evidence to destroy.” He added before grabbing a slice of cheddar to eat.

Next, she turned her attention to the gift box that had been sitting beside her. Reaching inside, she pulled out a small book and flipped through the pages with a genuine smile on her face. She ran her fingers over a page with intrigue.

"Leo, this is lovely!" she exclaimed in delight. "I absolutely adore this. Thank you so much. I can't wait to write some songs in this little darling." Charlotte's enthusiasm was palpable, and she couldn't resist adding playfully, "Perhaps the great Detective Smithwood and Detective Vikena need a theme song."

“A theme song? I’d be delighted to hear that. It’d be a great way to celebrate once we solve at least one case. Speaking of, I’ve got new one to add, a strange underground party that left several, including myself, with unexplainable memory loss.” Leo said before biting into a cracker.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Time: 3 p.m.
Location: Edin Theater
Interaction: @SausagePat Ruby, @Conscripts Dr. John Williamson

Lorenzo’s eyes were again affixed to the theater stage, prepared to witness the rest of the play. I wonder what the duke will do. His daughter must be so embarrassed with such a silly entrance! Lorenzo smirked wishing he had a sweet snack to munch on while he sat with anticipation… and perhaps a bit of constipation as he came down from his opium high.

“Huh?” The utter escaped him as he noticed Dr. Williamson approach with the heaviest steps he’d heard all day. That was quite the feat considering being the host of a horse race earlier this afternoon. The doctor beelined to the young girl who had passed out right beside him and began to examine her. He watched the doctor check her pulse as he had. Okay. Lorenzo nodded silently at the doctor’s action, yet at the same time he wondered why he was even here. For one, this was not a hospital! Dr. Williamson was lacking the eir of professionalism that matched his reputation. Second, the girl was simply taking a nap in the theater, which is quite the normal thing! Who hasn’t gotten shut-eye in a theater?

If that wasn’t bad enough, the doctor started to shake her by her shoulders. What the- What the hell is this man doing?! Lorenzo furrowed his brows, now quite disagreeable with the doctor’s actions. Lorenzo began to set Kier down on the ground and pat the obedient ferret on the head before he witnessed an atrocity. Dr. Williamson had begun slapping the young woman in the face!

“That’s quite enough!” Lorenzo roared as he moved to push Dr. Williamson away from the girl as hard as he could. “I don’t care if we’ve had healthy interactions before or that you are the grand doctor you claim to be! I will not sit here and watch you physically assault this sleeping woman, Dr. Williamson!”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Time: 1530hrs
Location: the arena watching the fighters
Interactions: Wasun Sjan-dehk @Apex Sunburn
Mentions in order: @13org Mayet @JJ Doe Riona

Roman continued to watch the match in front of them, Mayet clearly had the upper hand and he was unsure if the she was trying to teach the other girl something or toying with her food. Her shift in posture and attack pattern made her strikes even more powerful and aggressive combining more fast fluid attacks with powerful momentum assisted strikes one after another. The fighting style required quite a bit of stamina that even he was impressed with.

Her lack of armor or protective equipment assisted with her fluid and powerful movements, anyone could see that. Even with that after each strike and each block feint or parry a little more of her blood lust crept out in every strike. The predator inside her showing itself more and more. He could see that even his new friend became enraptured with the fight. The weathering of blows was already beating down the defenses of the other.

Then finally Mayet changed up her storm of blows for one last strike, a strike meant to kill. The look in her eyes told him she was near completely lost to her instincts to kill. The next strike would do just that and he could see the man beside him see the same with the exclamation of something in his native tongue, he didn’t know what was said but knew the tone well enough. Letting his own hand go of the arm rest to make sure that the pistol he was reaching for was not used to end the fight. He had to admit that he wasn’t pleased with this loss of emotional control from the princess either.

Nala saw fit to warn her friend of her current thought process with a roar. This seemed to snap Mayet back to reality and at the last second pulled her strike from it near fatal trajectory. It didn’t even seem like the mediators of the fight knew what was just about to happen or paid to make the princess and her people out to be bloodthirsty thus hurting their image. Politics were always a tricky situation. Sjan-dehk sat down controlling his breathing and commenting on the situation as the crowd cheered and applauded the now finished dual.

“No she wasn’t in control there for a moment.” His tone was somber and he wasn’t smiling anymore. “These people are soft, they haven’t had to deal with a war in some time and their day to day lives are easy. They don’t know what true suffering is but you do, my people do. These people play war but they have never seen it.” Roman turned away from him for a moment to just sort of stare out into the arena for a moment longer before cheering back up again, a few of his internal thoughts seeping out in front of a stranger.

“Apologies as you were saying, yes we do enjoy importing new metals, gems, stone, and wood. Our people are self-sufficient but will not say no to new things to work with or new foods to eat. One thing we do offer is a exchange program of sorts.” Pausing for a moment to remember as it had been some time since he talked about the exchange, it’s not every day you meet a new representative from a kingdom. “With this we send two or three of our master craftsmen to your land to learn your culture and your craft and in turn we would accept two or three of your craftsmen to do the same. This is to grow the bonds between our people and kingdoms. To grow in knowledge of each other, to learn, to become stronger together.” he finished.
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