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"Glad To Not Be Binky, Or The Janitorial Staff, Right Now"

The waiting silence hadn't been bad, though it had been rather brief in the end. It was perhaps inevitable that some kind of questioning would occur after the fiasco at the mansion, though that was perhaps being more harsh than it deserved. Or wanting to be less harsh than it deserved. She felt embarrassed at having been so useless in the latter half of the mission, and pinned down by a monster during the first. At the same time, she and at least some of the others were not exactly veteran agents. New, fresh, trained but not proven. Something they would need to overcome to enough of an extent to survive in the future it seemed. Still, the fact the training room had some damage and visible upgrades felt like a sort of glimmer of hope for improving her own skills at the very least.

Still, as her coworker piped up first it was not hard to stand in silent agreement on Lilliah's part. Took the words out of her own mouth for the most part, at least in hitting the major points. Even so, she did need to throw in her carefully weighted two cents worth at the very least.

"I concur with Samuel on that major point. Cohesion is something we seem to lack, decisively but at least not entirely so I believe. Learning and at least training to make use of our strengths and capabilities in cohesive ways would seem paramount, at least in my own opinion, to improving operation performance in the field for the future for us. At least within reason. We cannot be perfectly prepared for the unexpected.

We did not adapt to being separated by the enemy in the first half of the mission, much less have a response plan of any basic sort after entry, and in the latter half were disjointed and not cohesive in our response due to individual actions in kicking off combat with the other side out of the blue. Then there was the ice-using Freelancer who was able to pull of a basic tactic to get behind the 'front lines' and launch and surprise assault on us, without any kind of idea for how to respond in the rear due to the situation already being disorganized."

After speaking, the simian-like esper took a brief breath before continuing on in the most professional manner she could muster.

"Yet outside of general group cohesiveness, some actions we have made individually speak to other things that any team-building work and training would need to address for better or worse. I'll use just a few potential examples from the past two missions to try to illustrate what I mean:

Valkyrie's willingness to blindly focus on a target of her aggression, which left her blind to an enemy attack from across the street in the police station mission, and leaping into action with Breach without so much as half the team on-board with what was going on was harmful to our efforts in the latter half of this last mission.

Jacqueline's recklessness in general, and sudden desire to risk the use of blood magic despite the agreement with the blood mage in this last mission.

There was...also my own generally reckless attempt to assist Breacher in our defense in pinch in the first half of the mission, which further divided us and left myself generally incapacitated until that battle suddenly ended. Not to mention my slowness to act at first.

Then there was Breacher herself, kicking off our engagement with Maverick forces with barely Valkyrie's support without a proper plan or even frankly an attempt to recover helped in leaving us scrambling and disjointed and unable to gather ourselves cohesively in turn.

We can't change who people are, but if we are to work better as a team we need to at least be able to recognize what impulses and risks we each bring to the table as well. If nothing else so we can have some measure of self-awareness in critical situations, whether we can improve things or not in some major way at such times."



The Mothraki held a silent arm out in front of Lissa, unsure of the traveler was in any way familiar with the situation before them. The Kyrinth. She knew its deer liked the Kyr Reed, but to get the ire of the Kyrinth was not something she wished for either. Would not bode well for the situation if they couldn't even go into the forest for herbs. It would also be bad if the deer ate everything as well. A bad situation overall to be sure. The girl quietly swallowed the ball of nervousness that had begun to build up in her throat, before looking to Lissa and speaking quietly but well within being able to be heard by the latter.

"These are the deer of another Elder Beast who lives in these woods locally, the Kyrinth. If we harm those deer, it could spell a lot of trouble for most definitely more than just ourselves.

But if we could do something like scare them away or such perhaps...or maybe.."

Nylah unconsciously grimaced in some distaste as she said the 'or maybe' part, but internally she knew what it meant at the very least. Enthralling Dust. Basically coercing the deer or trying to frighten them with hallucinations. Safe to say it was perhaps a very valid tactic, but one she'd been discouraged from using all of her life thus far. She'd been informed about it, and knew how to go about using it, but her mother had been very particular about emphasizing the dangers of just outright using it...or even thoughts of abusing it for that matter. After all, people did not take well to the idea they might be being manipulated by another person like that.

Truth be told, she did not want to go with that option unless she really had to. The idea left a sour taste in her mouth, and she was not sure how the Kyrinth would react to it either for all she knew.

"...never mind."

Perhaps Lissa had an idea or two as well?

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist



"I'm happy you're ok too, Miss Calra! Akala did send us, though truth be told I had been wanting to come by to offer help at some point before Enli told us about the situation here."

It was one of the things that made her happy, seeing her cute teacher alive and well enough given the circumstances. Yet at the same time, as the spider woman's cheery demeanor fell down some, the Mothraki listened intently to Calra's list. She was dedicating each piece to memory and thinking over what she'd been taught about them before giving a hearty nod in return, and doing her best internally to mull over the locations and imposing what each thing looked like on her mind in a rather deliberate manner. As best as she could do this, of course. She was an apprentice and a novice at that, and worried about being able to frankly get anything out there she wanted to put a rather serious effort into this. Anything to help get more herbs to bring back to help.

...and anything to frankly assist her mother's condition as well.

Even so, she did see what Calra meant when noting the Slug Mucus and Coral Moss would be not so easily found. Especially with the stories of what was happening to the fish on top of that. Was whatever was out there going to come so close to shore or onto the beaches though? She had no idea, though suspected it likely wouldn't. Either way those p[articular supplies were still necessary.

"Don't worry! We'll try to get as many of those as we can. I'll stop by our practice spots first, and see what we can find from there before nightfall. Hopefully it will be enough to tide things over until tomorrow, though in the meantime I wanted to drop off what herbs I have left in my pouch in case they could help in any way in the meantime."

Nylah would finish speaking before pulling up her satchel, removing what herbs she had left and putting them gingerly into her teacher's hands. It wasn't much of anything, but it was more than nothing at least. She hoped.

Still, with her compatriot seemingly pumped up to get started the Mothraki turned to her and nodded. The energy of this other girl was almost infectious in some manner of speaking, ultimately putting a small smile on Nylah's face in return despite the seriousness of the matter.

"We can look for the Kyr Reed and Wind Leaf most easily, and hopefully where I want to head first in the Forest. I'll describe them to you along the way, but we'll need to hurry if we want to make use of the remaining daylight!"

With that in mind, the twenty-one-year-old Mothraki motioned for the other girl to follow her as she moved back toward the front door. She did not want to seem overly hasty, but it was obvious she was a little anxious at least.

"We'll be back soon!"

And with that final call out to Calra, and hopefully Lissa following her, she would exit and begin making her way toward her first destinations in the Forest.

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist


Whilst the hug from her friend was more than appreciated after having tried to save her from the local "Butt Bandit", though the Mothraki would soon be cut off by 's face turned beet red as Vammy put her arms around her and nibbled on her ear. Her arms squirmed underneath to try to break the grip of the impish demonette, but ultimately to no avail. Only after being released did the utterly awkward embarrassment of the situation start to fade, her attention turning away from the elf who had threatened further lewd treatment of the moth-like girl herself and now shifting back to the curious girl. As the other girl made her demand of staying safe, the female mothraki felt a wide but soft smile come to her face as she waved goodbye to the ever-moving Lazhira.

"Be safe too!" Nylah shouted after the other girl, albeit not long after letting out a tired sigh as Vammy ran after her. Was almost tempting to send another light hammer that direction for safety's sake...but the chance for collateral damage was a bit too much. She would need to find out how to make a homing light hammer for this sort of occasion, once the chance came to figure out such a thing...if it was possible using her magic.

But for now, there was work to do! Calra needed some herbs and such to help, and she by now the Chiralta's apprentice in more than one subject by this point anyway. Still, the priestess did bring her some somewhat comforting words.

"...Thank you, Miss Akala."

Mother was still stable. Good. Far better than some of the alternatives, but far from out of the woods by any means. Still, the Mothraki girl's tone of voice took a notable drop into a more serious and distinctively anxious form as she responded to the priestess. Like she was trying to keep up a strong face despite the matter.

Yet as she was asked to escort Lissa to also help Calra, the Mothraki gave a nod and seemed to brighten up some.

"No problem!" the Mothraki said to the rather sleepy-looking priestess, almost wondering for a second if Akala had any idea of what the goddess has affected on her, before turning to look at the other newcomer who had seemingly stopped by to help the village.

The other girl's clothing was indeed nice-looking, but she seemed more well-grounded and charitable than some to stop by and want to help like this. It made Nylah herself feel a bit of relief to have more help in what needed to be done, though her mother's usual warnings about strangers did keep some small part of her mind alert and on-guard despite it all, "...and thankfully no, Vammy doesn't seem to be joining us. But it's good to meet you, Lissa! Sorry you had to, ah, see some of that...but I'm hoping we can make good use of the daylight to find some useful herbs, at least after getting you and what herbs I have left to Miss Calra first."

She then motioned in a friendly manner for the secretly-a-Raam girl to follow, before beginning to walk off at an oddly but somewhat brisk pace. Still, she would try to talk a little along the way if the other girl was willing and following along with her.

"We'll have to head into the forest to find any herbs around the area. I'm Miss Calra's apprentice, so she's been teaching me more about herbs and nonmagical medicine and such...but I've got a long ways to go yet. I know a couple of areas she's brought me to for practice at the start of the winter, though, so I'm hoping we can find something there."

@Pyromania99@Click This@Rune_Alchemist

Upgrade Submission For Wukong:

Just imagine the very expensive combo with both Full Enhance and then Damage X plus Mana Burn or Push or something. XD

Well, if that even works. Please let me know if it does or doesn't.

A figure silently came up from behind, ever so quiet and yet stealthy. A silent as the grave. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, from behind the demon-possessed elf's head came a blow as mighty as the thunder, a strike as swift as the winds, an attack as mighty as a great bonfi-


If she did't notice Nylah walk up, or didn't care otherwise amidst all the people around them, Vammy would get bonked hard on the head with a small hand-sized hammer made of solid light via magic. Hard. Not hitting with intent to brutally harm, and far from kill, but enough intent to make it hurt a nice bit and throb for a few minutes...or couple hours. Enough to hopefully get the lewd elf to let go of Lazhira! Hopefully. Lazhira, on the other hand, was in no danger of the almighty friend-saving bonk. In fact, the moth was more than a little pleased to see her...but not the situation she was in upon walking in. More than that, she seemed to be lightly fuming at the treatment of her good friend at the hands of the lewd newcomer.

"Please do keep your hands to yourself!" the Mothraki girl said to Vammy, pouting a bit with her hands on her own hips before letting out a small 'hmpfh' and turning to her friend and giving a small but happy wave.

However, she hadn't arrived too late to not hear Enli's words. That and the little screen with the tiny sleeping moon goddess on it was at lease informational, even if it seemed to just be something she saw. Yet in terms of her arrival? She'd been just a bit too far back to not get to Lazhira in time to try to 'save her' more quickly. Or at least try to save her. Perhaps it was a tad too silly of a moment...but she needed something to focus on. Someone to help in any way she could, anyone. Anyone that was left. Anyone that was alive.

She could even now almost still hear the roar of the winds, feel the deep freeze of the cold, and imagine the scene she had eventually walked out to after it all.

Then the desperation and panic had kicked in. Dug in the snow for hours with her hands until they felt like they were nearly frozen. Saw some of them. Faces, left in the last look of horror that had grasped them in those final moments. So much in such a little time, so many...the bodies. She'd seen them keep digging out bodies. So many bodies, and yet so many that were not there which should have been.

Tackle-hugging Lazhira and Akando and Atzi the first moment she could after all of that was the most she could do to try to let it out without losing her mind. She didn't care at that point how silly or childish it could seem. They were alive. Mother, for what condition she was in, was still alive. So many were still alive, at least, and it was one of the few things outside of her loved ones she latched onto after it all.

But the images of the dead were something she wasn't sure would ever leave her mind, at least for a long time. Mother had told her the honest truth of that. She'd also been told much more of another matter despite her mother's sickness at this time, and all of this right before tragedy had hit the village only six hours later. Yet her mother nor anyone else could be helped if she sat still. If she'd been taught one thing in her childhood, it was that she had to do her best to take action during serious times.

Beyond that, she couldn't imagine how Enli was feeling at the moment. She'd even gone and hugged him the first chance she got, happy to see him alive as well. Man was perhaps the father she'd never had growing up, and at the age of 21 she had not the slightest that things would get as bad as they had. Yet for now, she simply looked to Enli and gave a serious nod to the elder before speaking up to him and aloud where the others could hear.

"I can also try to help Miss Calra! I have only what herbs are left in my pouch, though once I hand them off to her I'll go look for some more! Anything that survived the weather at least."

She'd been learning under Calra for some time now, especially in magic, but not yet long enough to not be a novice in regards to her own herbalism capabilities. However, she felt she'd learned enough to at least try to pick out the generally good healing herbs. Enough of the basics to make some simple stuff to try to help the work somehow, even if it meant patching up people how little she could and continuing to learn from Calra along the way. Maybe even find something to help her mother. She had to find something to help her mother eventually as well.

@Click This@Pyromania99@Rune_Alchemist

-Statue Room-

"...The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same"

Even with the spectral crowd fleeing out of the blue, it was no less surprise to see Binky and Billy Black both come out torn to shreds. Justin, it seemed, had proven too strong or at least to have too many good underlings to get caught. Only then did the 'good doctor' show up in person to lambast the room with news of Justin's escape. Escape. Had anyone planned for that potentiality, or at least given it some thought? Hell, if Fritzi's explanation was all the information then it seemed the other party had royally screwed up in all of this. Spreading news without regarding the impact it could have, bringing attention to things, drumming it up, ultimately giving time for the big bad to prepare outside of the announcement that had been made to try to settle people down.

They'd ultimately chased him out of one hidey-hole and into whichever one he set up in next, and that was all. Lives wasted and damage done, but nothing more than that. Essentially a zero-sum game where Justin did not gain and yet he did not lose what seemed to be most important to him. It was infuriating at the mere prospect, and a mere look over the faces of her allies spoke volumes to the agent. Yet at the same time, she...couldn't hate the Freelancers entirely. As much as she did not want to admit it, what would she have done if she'd found such information and not been a part of G.E.M.I.N.I? What if she was wanting to save people who had been kidnapped, girls who had no chance, but didn't have the resources alone to get things moving? She truly didn't know. Would she have gone to G.E.M.I.N.I and tried to go through proper channels, or would she have seen the organization akin to how someone like Viper seemed to? Again, she had no idea on the spot.

She was mostly glad when the two familiar 'voices of reason' from earlier chose to leave, silent but trying to hold back the genuine relief that washed down her spine. Two more lives maybe not wasted on this whole affair. Yet even the kid's demeanor as he walked past her to the exit was nearly heartbreaking. She wanted to reach out, do something-...but no. By the time Apollo walked past, the simian esper held her tongue. To strike out with some attempt, after her vey boss had arrived and given this ultimatum, it would look as shallow as a parking lot puddle. Perhaps even mocking, now that she thought about it. Derisive.

If Billy had one point, it was that not all of them on both sides were wanting to fight to the death. At the same time, however, he was just as Ms. Moller has pointed out: A monster. One who would do anything to get his aims, just like any other group bent on power or influence in Pax Septimus. Yet some would perhaps point to G.E.M.I.N.I as a similar, would they not? Simultaneously, though, the path to peace and safety was not an easy or simple one. Simply surviving was a path paved and steeped in blood, this she felt she at least was a simple sort of truth perhaps. One she'd lived personally so far.

But this was no time to philosophize. She sent her little distraction of a summon to at least make sure the two Freelancers and any others who were peacefully leaving would make it out safely. Not stalking them, not tracking them, just following behind from a respectful distance. Then it could return to her in here. Nothing more.

Then the room exploded with action again, including a giant ice-...ah. One of those. Very rood, but of course it was as big as the icy woman's own ego.

As Jacqueline, who had moved in front of her and Valkyrie, rushed ahead, the monkey-like esper rushed ahead as well. She moved to try to to cut off Klava from the side, striking out with her staff with a melody cast to try to stop her. She did not place Jacqueline in the striking zone of the attack she made, but aimed for the nearest part of Klava's body that she could strike without getting deflected into her ally. Maybe the restraining spell would work? Maybe.

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