Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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@Lucius Cypher I came up with everything myself. I basically took student and mashed it with outlander. Came up with a feature on my own, sorry I usually do that cause I follow the rules and keep it as balanced as possible. It's Outlander with bit of student flavoring and my own sort of feature to spin on it.

Wordage: 451 words (+1 points)
Experience: 6/10 EXP
Location: Valley of Ruin
Giovanna's @Lugubrious, Roxas’ @Double, Susie's @Archmage MC, Zenkichi's @Multi_Media_Man and Pitt's @Yankee

Gleaming as the merchant was, Partitio seemed blissfully ignorant to the rather odd implication that he'd learn something later on and the whole 'saving the world' spiel as far as he was concerned that meant they were trying to help people living in the Slums of Sector 7, so Partitio just snorted and said he was happy to meet some good people down in here. Pit seemed itching to poke at the metal things, they looked just like monsters back home but made of metal and gears.

Partitio was new to the city, rode all the way from somewhere out south form a trade depot nestled by the mountains. Something bout the rumors of the big city drew in the country boy, as well as seeing the poor down in the Slums. He wanted to help the people any way he could.

If the man with the serious looking expression hadn't said his piece about the machines, Partitio would have also cautioned that the metal critters were more than meets the eye "Got that right mister, might look like a crab but you can bet it ain't pinch like no crab." the merchant chuckled when the angel pointed out some machines.

Their wagon had pitched to a halt at a fork in the long and dusty road β€œWe’re not actually here for scrap. That was just the cover story,” the merchant froze, the friendly smile on his face turned to a confused look like a deer in a pair of headlights "That ain't funny," the merchant shook his head and chuckled weakly believing that Giovanna must have been joking, but she wasn't.

Partitio's knuckles cracked as he balled up his fists, it took all of his might to not start a scuffle right then and there, the merchant felt betrayed and more importantly angry at the fact the Seekers seemed to have their own selfish motives for being out here. He needed to get out of the cramped interior of the truck, away from the others inside. He stood without a word, and jumped out of the vehicle "You got some nerve looking out for yourselves when folk need help..Some heroes you are.." were the only words he uttered, turning to the side to spit without giving the other Seekers a second glance.

The merchant tailed Giovanna, not as gracefully as she made it look to creep in the derelict buildings but he did his utmost to tip toe around without disturbing the floor too much. Joining her approach to the fallen crane, he didn't say anything still angry at the Seekers deception yet he still believed some of them were good folk. And the lady seemed to not agree with the motives that her allies had.

Only few of the men and women sustained any injuries, minus the watchman. He had not been killed though his back may very well have been injured, the few that were skilled in field medicine were only able to drag him away from the fighting, while those of able-body held the opposing forces back. The smaller of the creatures were easily felled, each one emitting a shriek as it died. The monsters corpses melting into a foul black ichor.

All that stood was the larger of the monsters, its ome eye glowing crimson red as if enraged by the deaths of its smaller kin.

As the captain closed rank and advanced, the horrid creature reared slightly and emitted an ear splitting shriek, echoing through the narrow path and shaking the loose gravel. The chitin on its body steamed slightly as if from the inside it was cooking, without hesitation it brought a leg up and slammed it against the hard ground causing a hairline fracture to form, though the force jostled its chitin.

It's armor breaking exposing the weaker and softer flesh beneath. If it wasn't felled soon the passage may very well collapse. A notion of which would bode ill if the mountain was to be reached.
Weyhey rolling go
No, just opening the gates for more characters. You can see what characters or 'archetypes' have been filled in the ooc. I don't mind there being multiple Gerudo or more than a few characters who seem the same just no Mary or Gary sues ya know?

Other than that it's just up to you to decide.
Bumping for more interest. It's still open. With at least three spots
An irate Inigo awoke to the horses braying, neighing as if the dark lord himself had decided to pay the ranch a visit "Shuddup!" the lanky man hollered out of his bedroom window before promptly shuddering it. That however did not stop the damned animals from making a racket, and as he was about to shout again something he saw made him clam up, his face as white as a sheet in his goofy looking pajamas.

It might as well been one of Ganondorf's lackeys, but to the dismay and terror of the man it was the Gerudo's loyal servant Grindan "M-m-my apologies Master Grindan!" with a rattling thus his window shut once more and from inside could be heard strings of curses in Hylian as all sorts of cluttering noise came. It was a surprise that Inigo hadn't wet himself yet, still in his one piece pajamas with his sleeping cap on. He held a candle that shone a dim light.

"I-if you're looking for Talon, I don't know where is..Might as well be dead!" Inigo didn't care for his lazy half-wit of a brother Talon. He was probably off napping somewhere, maybe Malon knew but she was cheap labor so he couldn't afford to just get the kid killed by the hulking man before him.

"We have done as the King has said, what else does he want!?"

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