Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
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2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Ingo had to bite his tongue, Malon of all people even though she was but a child and her only gift was her way with the beasts of the ranch. Talon, felt many things, betrayed by his own brother right under his nose? Where did he go wrong? It was their parents who left the Ranch to him, he was the eldest but if his brother had spoken of his desire to run things he would have maybe listened were he around. Maybe this was for the best, Malon would have eventually inherited the ranch anyhow. The plump rancher hung his head and sighed "Ingo how could you betray your own flesh and blood." the gangly man in his pajamas looked at his sibling for a moment pursed lips, weighing his words "I only did what had to be done Talon, I am sorry it had to be you but you are not suited to running this ranch.." but a damn child is, hmph Ingo glared at his neice, she didn't know how to feel about any of this.

Malon didn't know this was the despicable low get uncle would take to get what he wanted, but also she felt like a great responsibility had been trusted upon her. She stood in silence, playing with her hair and looking to the ground.

Mornings light is approaching, day is breaking and the light though dim is beginning to shine. People in the village begin to go about their day and the cucco cries waking all from their slumber.
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@Guardian Angel Haruki I'll get a post up tomorrow morning so like 12hrs.
the bot ai in pokemon unite is probably the least intelligent ai i've ever seen in my life

Thank goodness, imagine if it had ChatGPTS intelligence
O_O ...

How is this still gathering interest?!


.....Would I be able to handle DMing a third game....?

Your playing in how many DnD games boss? πŸ˜‚

Wordage: 670 words (+1 points)
Experience: 26/30 EXP
Location: Sector 5 (Seiren)
Midna's @DracoLunaris, Blazermate's @Archmage MC, Sakura & Karin's @Zoey Boey, Raz's @TruthHurts22, Geralt's @Multi_Media_Man and Goldlewis's @Lugubrious

Benedict rolled his eyes at the giggling medabot as she poked fun at needing to carry the older soldier "Yes, yes save this delightful banter for later when we are not fighting the Other." punctuating his point rhe sound of their teammates shooting wildly at the camera as well as the screech of the rails as the platform sped along the tracks.

"Asparas, Bofu." he could not contain a air of indignation as the persona giggled at its host cradled in the arms of the medabot yet she still cast the spell healing the other Seekers for a small boost to their vitality, he couldn't do much from the position he was currently in other than when Blazermate set him down to take on the ActionMaxx Camera herself, thankfully it didn't leave him much time to necessitate leaping to the next platform as both the music and seemingly their surroundings fell away.

'Interesting, was it all just some elaborate trick of the mind?' with but a moment to dust himself off, Benedict stared at the tripod with a strange object labeled "Seekers of Light in: Swift Platform!" but he had no time to inspect what strange object the tape was, gathering his wits and nodding at the poignant but blunt words of Goldlewis. They indeed needed to get the hell out of there.

Benedict's breathing grew ragged as he ran along behind the others, legs aching and sore from their previous misadventure, even Bird of Prey could only speed him up yet it wouldn't help his exhaustion, he had little time to catch his breath to add to Goldlewis's words when they met up with some OSF soldiers "Benedict Pascal," he said, doubled over and breathing heavily in ragged breaths "Recent developments have lead to necessitate investigations down here...Pardon my...Current state..." with that put of the way and everything seemingly going to plan, the Psych-OSF being none the wiser they marched double time towards the commotion ahead and what a sight it was...

Whatever monstrosity spawned this Other, it was nothing like any beast Benedict had ever encountered. It challenged his perceptions on what was fantasy and what was factual, but there was not a moment to spare to consider such trivialities in the heat of battle. Benedict drew his weapon, following the goliath of a man Goldlewis's example and leaping into the fray.

"Bird of Prey!" the old war vet cried, a soft flourish of light flickering as the buff took effect and he took a running leap towards the monstrosity slashing at its hind legs before he landed with a grunt. Benedict only had a moment to recover and get out of the things way, retreating towards the soldiers he got an idea he took a moment to assess the situation. They were fighting a beast of tremendous size, thus it would be slower if it were somehow disabled. One of the soldiers seemed to be using a similar magic as Asparas.

"You there," he shouted to the girl with a sort of bracelet-like device om her wrist "Focus fire upon the monstrosities legs, and then have your allies focus on taking out the frozen appendage!" of their ilk her two other allies wielded a hammer and sort of brawlers mit "Everyone focus on its legs! Knock it down." it had been a while since he had taken on a commanding position in the field and while he didn't know whether they'd listen he hoped they would heed his advice. As the old adage went: 'The bigger they are the harder they fall.' They needed to fight it from all sides, some taking out its legs while another would take its front.

No doubt it's legs were as dangerous as its arms but he would have to take the gamble of positioning at its rear, the strategist stepped lightly and swiftly as possible flourishing his blade as he passed Midna and his intrepid but a bit quippy medabot companion. He applied a Bulwark to the imp increasing her durability and defensiveness "Blazermate with me."
Anyway I have a crackpot theory about Tears of the Kingdom. What if the strange looking woman pictured below:
Is Hylia possessing Zeldas body and Ganondorf is being possesed or invoking the curse of Demise in this still frame below:
What if Ganondorf isn't the one who was evil, what if both he and Zelda from eons past sought to end the cycle of reincarnation? The mural we saw in BotW that we thought depicted the Hero and Zelda sealing Ganon.

Octopath Traveler 2 is my jam. Not too long. Bosses sometimes challenging. Best is I can choose where to go.

Partitio is based, and we love him. We must protect the economy and beat the dickens out of poverty with our bare hands?
@Guardian Angel Haruki can I roll a history or...hm what kinda roll would I need to know what a Widdershins is? Sounds like the kinda thing a bard would know if it's been in folkstakes
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

I'm going to say 'No'. The only time you've heard the word Widdershins was back at the Carnival, and you don't know what that means.

Considering that there is another NPC who is willing to help you guys out, I would say no on persuading Bloody Toes to help you kill the hag.

That makes sense in the way that the redcap would like to see Bavlorna dead but is too lazy to do so themselves.
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