Also, um, is there a standard character sheet, and, if there isn't, can we use one from another RP? Do we need to send our character sheets to you(Evergreen) as well?
<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>
<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>
Could be interesting. But she's a bitter spiteful creature deep down. She's doing her best to be better than than but when you corner her, she doesn't really think about bearing her fangs. She just does it.
Hey Theyra remember me
First idea in mind: A former sith apprentice who never completed her training. She was taught by a borderline sadistic sith master, eventually got the better of him and killed his ass, ran away, and somehow got a cool robot arm somewhere in the process. By this time, the lessons had sunk in but only partially, so there is potential in her to be "redeemed" by the Jedi, but the path is gonna be rocky for her. She won't tell anyone she's an ex-sith at first but eventually it'll come up and be a reveal.
Someone else around her might even pick up on the dark anger/general sith energy she has buried deep down. She's essentially unlearning all the cruel shit done to her by the dark side.