@Wayward@TRES Regarding the time loops, everything in the games
still happened, and the worlds without time loops are definitely in the far future, and all look like it as well! The events of all the games still happened; it's just that the Org of Light somehow rewinded time to a certain period(KH1) for almost all the worlds, and the resetting after ten years is just time going back to that certain time period. Think of it as if the Org of Light trapped almost all the worlds in snow globes, and when the protagonists break them, the worlds go back to how they were
before the Org of Light made the time loops(so way after KH3 and its DLC, basically).
If that
still makes no sense, tell me and I'll see what I can do. I might have to figure it out/get some ideas from you guys if this is all too confusing, to be honest.
Hello! I saw your interest check, and I'm willing to join if there's room still! Let me address things one by one:
1. I am quite captured by the concept of an "Anomaly" - Makes me wonder to what extent they manage to retain their former memories. Heck, it could even be that they know something is wrong, despite being unable to put their finger on it. Because, much like how the series works, they couldn't wipe out what mattered to them the most from their heart/soul, nor the bonds that linked them with other people.
2. I agree that the time loop may sound a bit convulted in execution, but I don't know if you did it on purpose, it kind of explains why Sora & company experience most of the worlds from Kingdom Hearts 1 as if their stories were being told for the first time (with the exception of Olympus Colosseum seeing as it appeared in BBS prior to the events of the first game).
3. It'd be fine to conduct the roleplay either through discord or the forums. Presumably the former since it allows for more reliable communication and ease of organization.
4. Is an age-range expected? Considering the majority of the main cast from Kingdom Hearts are all comprised by young teenaged characters to those in their early adulthood.
5. Moreover, is there a level of experience in-game to be expected, like being a Master if we wanted to be, for example, or should we hope to acquire more skill as we progress?
I must also clarify my knowledge of Kingdom Hearts is relatively limited, in spite of being a long-time fan of the franchise, I am not entirely familiar with X/UX/Dark Road/Missing Link. Otherwise, I can hold my ground pretty well!
1. I think I'm gonna leave that up to you guys, but if any of you have an idea for the standard of Anomalies remembering things and the rest of you guys think it's a good standard, I'm okay with that as well!
3. Yeye! That's why I asked.
4. None of the canon characters will be available until later on in the story, given the whole time loop thing.
5. You're all going to acquire more skill as you progress.
Final Thing: You're good, dude! I'm nowhere near a Kingdom Hearts lore master, either! And yeah, you can join!!