@Dragonydas So are cockatrice, dragons, nekos and heartless allowed? What is the character limit?
Yes. Just remember that this is not a combat oriented RP. 1 character per player.
Are you having any sort of player limit on this?
not at the moment.
@Dragonydas So are cockatrice, dragons, nekos and heartless allowed? What is the character limit?
Are you having any sort of player limit on this?
Theft it is! 8D
On another note, how many (more) people are you looking for for this? ^^
... Is this vampire Toshino Kyouko in disguise? *eyebrow raising*
I forgot a very important question!
... How, uh... How do the monsters... Y'know... Get disposable income...? Like, are we gonna have to go out and get office jobs or work at MgRonald's or something to support our livelihood and pay rent...? xD
<Snipped quote by Morgannis>
<Snipped quote>
Blood banks and hospitals have to get rid of old blood, so there may be a "disposal service" that supplies the condo. Or they have live-in companions? Really, the only complication is if the vampire has been feeding off of drunks and have themselves become alcoholics. I don't want to imagine the AA meetings....
Perhaps for the werewolves, there's a bank vault or two downstairs. Livestock is brought in, put in the vault with the werewolves, and in the morning wash out the vault with a firehouse (good drains) and burn the remains in the furnace. I'd hate to be the one trying to break into the vault on a full moon only to find werewolves....
I've got an idea for a dragon, living in the penthouse on the top floor, overlooking the pool (which means there's an interstitial space the floor below for a mechanical room and the pool itself). Or maybe an indoor pool on the first floor to avoid helicopters and drones? The dragon wouldn't mind putting up some plants for a green space. Or are you going to be playing the dragon?
I am interested! Do monsters have to be real, or can we kinda make our own?
Also, you said there were some amenities, but like, if someone were to play a vampire or werewolf, I imagine they have to handle themselves when it comes to feeding and the full moon? Or are you thinking their rooms would be equipped to deal with those sorts of things?
This seems like it could be fun. A bit of laid-back slice of life shennanigans with monster girls, along with the potential for some action/suspense could be an enjoyable setting. ^^
Just a few questions though:
1. Does this take place in "ou" world/on Earth? And if so, in what country/location?
2. Are there any particular monsters that're off-limits to play as? Or ones you'd prefer people to avoid?
3. To keep things from stagnating, do the apartment complex have any sort of recreational or other special amenities/facilities besides jjust... Well, living spaces? I imagine it'd have areas to cater or take care of monsters with special needs - such if someone played a mermaid or some kind of arctic/ice monster. But will there be other things to do inside the apartments? Or is this where going outside comes into play?
4. How will you handle time-progression? Given that some people might be staying indoors just chatting, while others go outside to venture, how are you going to keep the time-of-day coherent between players? This isn't really an important question, more just morbid curiosity on my part.
5. Do you prefer people to play as a single, focused character, or can players make more than one toon for this RP - if they want?
Those're all the things I'm wanting to know right now. Thank you for your time.
I love a spice-of-life story with a little extra spice!
Could I play a normal unsuspecting human who stumples into this situation and is just terrified of everything/everyone? XD
I love these types of stories/RPs! :D
I'm currently thinking of being either a squirrel/rat person, minotaur, or naga/snake person. :D
<Snipped quote by Dragonydas>
Yep. Totally fine. We'd just have to make sure the stone powers aren't too op, or God mod. So we can say they can control it or something maybe