Avatar of Dragonydas


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Current Game Designer no longer in training (long overdue update)
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9 yrs ago
Game Designer in Training


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sorry guys. Between work and after work courses my schedule has been tough. Will probably only be able to post on sunday.
If you have a certain mythological being in mind for the 'evening shift' at the URC front desk let me know and I can edit!

That's absolutly fine. I love a minotaur. Same region as Theria XD
There we go. It's now late afternoon. Consider around 7 pm. Also... It's the start of the first event I have planned. Let's see if you can figure out what it is.

Location: Building 1: Ground floor, Reception
Interactions: [@Massasauga}, @Red Wizard, @CitrusArms, @BunniesOfDoom, @LupusIntus

Theria smiled at Rebecca as she spoke about Slick while Pippin kept trying to push herself towards the new snake on the block. “Oh. Don’t worry about it. We allow pets here. I mean… I have eight snakes myself, though mine aren’t really pets and more part of me.”

She laughed, almost all of the snakes hissing with her as to join in with the laughter. All but one, Kisses, who was still sound asleep. This was normal for Kisses, so Theria wasn’t worried. For some reason, Kisses was always asleep, and would only wake up if startled.

Suddenly, Layla perked up, noticing that Yumeiko and Ryū were passing by. Wait… this reminded her of something… There was something she wanted to tell Max… something about what happened in the morning… OH…

She turned to Max, suddenly remembering what she wanted Max for early on. “Max, I’m sorry. Could you order two new blood fridges and some extra bags? The fridge in Lady Coventry’s room is broken, and I want to keep one here in the reception… in case of emergencies.”

She had just finished saying this when Layla turned her attention towards the main door. Neiko, the fashionista of her snakes, also turned and hissed in surprise, causing Theria to also look towards the entrance. Coming towards them was Iris in tattered clothing. “Oh my.” She said in surprise. She knew this was a common occurrence with werewolves, but this usually happened on the path from the tranquility rooms to their personal quarters… Still, she needed to keep her professionalism.

She listened to Iris attently and nodded. “Well Lady Madril, I’ll make sure that someone delivers the footage to your room. And as for quick cash… Maybe some residents might need help with chores? I don’t really know… Maybe I can…”

Theria’s stomach growled, making her cheeks turn slightly red, a very visible feature due to the abundance of green on her head. “I’m sorry. I haven’t had breakfast yet… I’m sure Max can help you. I’m just going to get something to eat.” She said as she made her way towards the restaurant. Of course, Kaki the gluttonous snake happily hissed at the idea of food coming near her.

Late Afternoon

Location: Building 1 Kitchen

“I’m telling you Theria.” Said Borkus the Head chef “Something’s wrong. That dishwasher worked fine for four years now. It didn’t just break.”
“Well Borkus,” responded Theria. ”I’ll still talk with the repairman. He will take a look at it and see if it can be fixed. I’ll give him a call once I get to the front desk.”

“Alright alright. Thankfully we still have enough clean pans and dishes to work tonight. Now leave my kitchen before I start thinking about making snake soup.” He snorted and Theria laughed with him.

Borkus was like an uncle to Theria. Like that weird uncle that is usually rude but actually means well. She respected him alot, so if Borkus said that something strange was happening, then something strange was indeed happening.

She waved at Borkus and made her way to the reception area, thinking about what could possibly have happened for a four year old dishwasher that worked every day cleaning many dishes multiple times a day to just suddenly stop functioning.
Hey everyone. Sadly, I will only be able to post on Sunday. Sorry about that.
I'll post tomorow with the time-skip. Going for Late Afternoon / Early night. Mostly dinner time.
Borkus is an absolute fucking icon.

Indeed he is.
Surprise!!! Three NPCs have been added. They are in the character page as the 0th post.

Iris out here with the Dissociative Identity Disorder

Funny enough... the idea about Theria's snakes each having a name and personality came to me after watching a documentary on D.I.D.
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