Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
11 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
1 yr ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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The conflict had only grown as time went on - Jane was in total confusion as she simply stood still, frozen. People were yelling, the giant monsters were far more intimidating than she thought they were, and if she had a stomach, it would be turning from the nerves. Luckily, she didn't have to think long about her nervousness.

Because quickly, she was gripped in a large, powerful hand, and after instinctively rounding herself out and forming a sphere, she was quickly thrown with incredible force at the mechanical rhino. Well, Jane had no idea what was happening - she simply stayed silent as she slammed against the rhino, coating it in her body, still rigid in fear. Jane could feel the internal mechanisms, desperately resisting her restraining form - but by now, the mighty Alkaline knew what to do! Covering parts of the limbs, Jane quickly made herself like liquid cement, and the effect was obvious due to the rhino's slowed movements.

Staying still and doing her best to restrain the rhino's movements, Jane only was reminded of the others from Pheonix's screaming of his special move. Quickly looking, She was instantly covered in dust, which she rapidly began to dissolve. By the time it was cleared, she simply saw that the entire block was destroyed... Along with most of the robots. In fact, she was shocked to realize that the rhino wasn't even active while she was still restraining it. Jane immediately sloughed off of the rhino's underside, slamming into the ground with a loud "Splash."

"That was amazing Phoenix! Great JUSTICE!"

Jane quickly moved the headphones upside down, before positioning them near the edge of her form - an impromptu smile. Even though she was a distance away, she liked to think that hero's were meant to smile...

Well, real heroes. Jane didn't do anything really - but hey, it was her first mission, right? She'll get better! Yep, optimism was the best way to stay liked - especially when you looked like a puddle.

Upon making it back to the tower, Jane quickly made her way to the bottom floor sink, before drinking heavily - that special move, while effective in taking the rhino out of combat, splattered her a fair bit. Upon getting to normal size, she quickly dripped from the counter. Upon finally landing on the floor, She quickly began to make her way out of the kitchen, passing another pair of heroes as she left. She had been rather silent since the mission ended, having felt rather useless during the whole thing. She tried to cheer herself up, but it was really embarrassing that she let the veterans do all the work - after all, she wanted to help lessen their burden, not make it even harder. She planned to talk to Victory and Phoenix about it later - preferably one on one. That way, it'd be less awkward for them...

Who was she kidding - it was so she felt less awkward.

She quickly did her little ritual - roaming the halls. She adopted it a week after joining, and while it was a little childish, she enjoyed exploring the massive tower. It was seriously huge! At least, compared to the crappy apartment she grew up in, this place was paradise. Jane also liked to clean up the halls, picking up loose debris as she passed and quickly dissolving it - a cleaner named Miguel even bought her a movie from outside the tower as thanks! Well, the tower has a ton of movies, and she really couldn't even push in the disk for obvious reasons, but it was the thought that counted!

After a good 30 minutes, she easily managed to complete the first 3 floors, and after informing another staff member that they wouldn't need cleaning, she made her way to the gym. She knew more than anyone that lifting weights was pointless since she didn't have any muscles, but she still couldn't get over the fact that she could pick up super heavy weights so easily - just changing her density let her move weights off the ground and to the top of her body. She always felt like a super hero when she picked up a barbell that was bending from the weight with relative ease. It was kinda dumb, but she found it really fun, even after doing it for a week or two.

By the time she showed up, there was someone just finishing up singing a song she couldn't hear due to the door being closed, opening it to reveal Onyx, Silas, Joseiah, Eliott, and even Phenoix were already there! She greeted the group, doing her best to stop from bubbling in excitement - it was so exciting, they could all work out as a team! That would be great to build trust, and not to mention it would be super cool to eat after with everybody after they were done. Jane quickly snapped herself to attention as Phoenix described the workouts they would be doing, before immediately collapsing when he brought out the robots.

She quickly reformed into her sphere, albeit a little shaken. She HATED the training bots - after a certain difficulty, they were strong enough to break through her restraints, and she couldn't really do anything to stop that. Not to mention, they were really scary looking...

Valora and Victory entered, but very quickly they left, leaving Jane rather perplexed - didn't they want to hang out and exercise? Maybe they got scared of the robots - If it was possible for Ms. Victory to be scared of anything, that is! Quickly turning her attention to Phoenix, she moved a pool of water upwards, and formed a small thumbs up, showing her enthusiasm the best she could. She then yelled out, doing her best to replicate the enthusiasm that Phoenix usually had.

"I am ready to exercise at once, Mr. Phoenix!"

The alarm resounded through Jane's slimy body, causing slight vibrations to ripple across the surface of her body. Immediately, almost instinctual, the surface of her body began to adopt a more viscous form, and the ripple effect stopped almost instantly. Almost three seconds after awakening, Jane was already dragging her being into the nearby bathroom - her room, unlike most of the heroes, lacked a large number of comforts - simply because she had no use for them. However, a bathroom was a necessity, and as she barely managed to turn on the shower, she rapidly began to absorb the water that fell onto her surface. Quickly, she began to expand, until she was roughly 6 feet in diameter. She had been told several times that constantly being at her maximum size was inconvenient in the narrower spaces of the Tower - and Jane was always the type to please.

As she remembered her awakening, Jane quickly ejected out the small wristwatch in her body - it was one of the few possessions she kept on hand. Looking at it on the ground, she quickly saw that the alarm earlier was a call to arms! A meeting! Jane dragged her body as quickly as she could which, to be fair, was not much faster than a normal person walking. She left her room, passed several other of the heroes rooms, and upon reaching the stairs, immediately loosened her body.

By lowering her viscosity and not focusing on keeping her body in a spherical form, she could easily slide down the stairs far faster than normal - a trick she learned after spending 30 minutes climbing down the stairs whenever she wanted to travel. Elevators, with their high buttons and decent amount of force required to operate, made them rather unweildly. As she slid down the stairs, similar to a sink overflowing, Jane was ecstatic - her first mission! She had been assigned to a team with one of the first heroes in the entirety of New Horizon - Victory! Along with that, Miles had been with New Horizon for over 20 years (at least, Jane was told that), and Sydney was the same age as Jane! And if that wasn't enough, Jane was even given some basic training in preparation!

Finally, a few dozen gallons of bright yellow liquid dripped onto the 12th floor - Where immediately, Jane reformed into her blob-like form, and began to drag herself towards the office that she was told meetings were held. She couldn't help but bubble and ripple occasionally - she was just so excited! Maybe she'd finally get a mission! A chance to be an actual hero! She had been waiting so long to actually do what she came here for, that she just couldn't restrain her glee as she pulled her body into the room.

Several heroes had already beaten her there - specifically, Phoenix Dawn, Leo, and Miles. Quickly, however, people began to trickle in. As soon as everyone was gathered, the mission was explained, and Jane was practically melting the floor in excitement. Actually, a little bit of carpet was gone... Jane quickly grabbed her HIVEMIND device, a smaller and plastic version of what everyone else had - designed to withstand her acidic nature.

Team Omicron made there away own the hallway, Jane doing her best to keep pace with the others brisk walk. As Victory addressed her, she thankfully realized Jane's discomfort and summoned a cup to carry her in. Thankful, Jane seeped into the cup, her body being slightly too much for the contents. However, a hero never complained - Jane said nothing, simply holding the extra mass above the rim, and keeping it from dripping.

"Anything you say, Victory! I'll be support for this one!"

Jane focused slightly, forming a very crude hand and giving a thumbs up - it wasn't the best, but hey, you have to work with what you got. The group entered the elevator, and Jane quickly readied herself. She wasn't used to the movements, both due to her body and simply not being on an elevator in a long time. Quickly, the group made their way downtown - only to be met with the ravings of the man known as the Zookeeper - so far, the plan was that Jane would take out the movement of the robots, which while not the most glamorous, was still a necessary job.

Luckily, Team Epsilon was able to take care of the bus, and Miles had already made his way into a nearby building in order to take care of the large bird. Considering the danger involved, Jane was terrified that so many civilians were nearby - but at the same time, she couldn't believe that she was on her first mission! It was time to make her debut!

May prepared her dagger, just in case she was needed - the skeleton himself didn't appear too frightening - hell, if anything, it looked even weaker than the goblin. While that was most likely just the fact that it lacked muscles and May couldn't gauge it's strength well without them, she did realize the threat of the rusty spear. She had read various medical books in preparation for joining the Isis familia, and tetanus was a very real and potent danger. Luckily, May and Klou were both members of the Isis familia, and healing a simple poison would be simple.

She didn't really react to Klou fighting on her own - after all, May had only approached out of caution. Had someone done the same with her crowd of goblins earlier, she would have said the same. Still, the fact that May probably wouldn't make any cash and had to wait around was a little disconcerting. There was only so much time in a day, after all, and the goblins proved to be a very profitable form of revenue.

While May was still thinking, Klou rushed around the skeleton, clearly searching for a good point to rush into range with her brass knuckles.

This girl look alright?

Is there still room? I''m very interested!

The shield plan worked to some degree - at the very least, she felt better than having to take on three goblins alone. The dagger easily managed to pierce the goblins flesh, and the three goblins quickly collapsed into dust into the stone floor under May's feet. Immediately, May's eyes lit up as she bent over, picking up each individual stone and placing it into the small bag on her hip. The stone that came from the dark goblin was slightly larger than the others, but all of the stones were very small - all seven of them could easily fit into the palm of her hand, with room to spare. May quickly secured the bag, making sure that there were no holes - cut purses always told her to watch out and make sure her coin purse didn't have any large holes, as that meant she was robbed. She wasn't worried about having been robbed in the dungeon, especially since she hadn't been near anybody - by now, it was just a habit that she didn't feel the need to shake.

The distance sounds of rattling bones immediately caused May to turn, raising her dagger as she did so. At a fair distance away, she could see two figures - One was the bunny girl that was a member of her familia, and the other was a skeleton creature. May immediately froze somewhat - she knew nothing about most of the monsters in the dungeon, and the only skeleton she ever saw was when she found a half decomposed body in a dumpster. It couldn't be too dangerous, considering it lacked muscle, but May's instincts told her to be careful - and while she didn't like to ask for help, she knew that it'd be easiest to party up if she offered help when the other girl needed it.

Walking over to the girl, May kept her weapon drawn, prepared to help out or leave if asked.
Luke boiled as the rabbit responded, and the quick shift in appearance was only slightly jarring. More so, the way that the creature spoke was what pissed Luke off - Ask for help, than immediately treat the people you're asking like babies? To be fair, Luke didn't treat him with much respect - but then again, he sure as hell didn't feel that the kidnapper deserved much respect. Thinking on it, Luke quickly realized that it was an insult - the rabbit was mocking them for wanting a warning before they were kidnapped into a nightmare world where death was a very real possibility.

"I woulda liked you a hell of a lot more if you asked that before you dragged us here."

Luke kept his hand down as the Rabbit continued, this time speaking to the group as a whole rather than beratting Luke and the trench coat guy. Even with all this explained to him and the clear detail, the logical part of Luke's brain screamed at him that this was just a dream - that he didn't witness a murder, and that everything would be all right.

When the rabbit began to talk about strength, Luke grew intrested once more - apparently, against these strange creatures, Luke was just as weak as anyone else. That he didn't buy for a god damn second. The rat was trying to save his hide, no doubt about that... Then again, he also had a gun that caused people to become children, and has shown to shapeshift. Luke just prayed that the shit happeneing here didn't go any crazier.

The introduction of the small watches also caused Luke to doubt the seriousness present in anything happening - a pocket watch wouldn't be an appropriate weapon even in the realworld, so how would it protect against monsters? And the rabbit seemed to have a really strange obsession with psychology - Luke knew about Jung and Freud, but would get a B at best in high school psychology. As Luke thought of this, the rabbit leaped, pushing the trenchcoat kid out of the way a sanother child - one that Luke remembered being fairly bossy as they were running away earlier - was almost instantly consumed as darkness radiated from him.


Luke screamed in a combination of fear and frustration. The rabbit, now in a more feminine form, explained what occurred - and as they did, Luke learned another thing he hated about the creature. It was so... cold. If this was real, this... thing, was responsible for the deaths of two people, and kidnapping several others. And it didn't display the slightest bit of remorse, or even sadness at the events unfolding. This made Luke bubble over in anger.

"Two! Two people have died here already! This is fucking unbelievable!"

Luke smashed his fist on the bench, the impact loud and vibrating, yet lost in the cacophony of voices and reactions to what was occurring. There were many moments in Luke's life where he felt true impotence and stability, but he never grew accustomed to it - this was one of those times. Even if they were strangers, those were human beings - one of them even sacrificed himself, even if he didn't know that he would die. Lives, snuffed out for no reason at all.

Luke nearly felt like crying - death happened all the time, and those people were strangers, but he was next to those people. He was within a dozen or two feet when the bossy kid died. His skin paled and his hands grew clammy - only ceasing when the Hatter placed the two objects in his hand. Following his instructions numbly, Luke easily crushed the marble-like orb in his hand - and in it's place, a heavy metal axe filled his grip. The weapon felt far more reliable than the damn watch did - at the very least, it was very comfortable to hold in his hands. A cursory glance revealed that the axe head had the roman numeral for 7 engraved on the side. An odd design choice, but he couldn't care less at this point. Luke spoke in a low voice, to the point where you would have to strain to hear him - or, at least humans would have to strain to hear him.

"If there weren't children involved in this, I would have left before the damn lecture - I'd be less pissed off..."

He then rose silently, his Axe gently sliding along the ground, before making his way to the rabbit hole and climbing in.

May silently dispatched the first goblin with ease, the old dagger slicing his throat cleanly - while managing to dodge it's simple blow. The other managed to hit her forearm, but May had made that purposeful - she had blocked the goblin's attack and would at most only bruise. The second goblin, meanwhile, was swiftly dispatched with another slash to the gut. Turning tail and running, May successfully avoided the three goblins who attempted to surround her. After a brief sprint, she turned once more, and faced off the remaining trio, realizing the value of a longer ranged weapon. Then again, she wondered how long it would take her to properly use a bow, or how much a useful crossbow would set her back money-wise.

Dismissing this thought quickly, she returned to her three targets, turning and running towards the one that had chased after her first. It ran in front of the other two, and she attempted to grab it - specifically, she tried to choke hold the goblin. Given their small size and relative pathetic strength, she didn't expect too much resistance - and it would also give her a shield. Should she succeed and actually manage to restrain the goblin, she would move towards the other goblins and use the restrained as a shield, while stabbing at the goblins with her dagger.

Interactions: @TheHangedMan

Having finally arrived, Henry's swarm was able to avoid the small crowd attemptign to exit by simply out one of the open windows - allowing him to be one of the first people out. Before him, in a relatively desolate landscape, stood the school - a castle. Henry had seen many of these structures in fictional works, but it was his first time being in front of such an archaic structure. The man who had driven them to the location welcomed them, throwing open the large doors with an extravegant gensture.

He, along with several of the students, recoiled slightly from the intense light. Henry, however, did not react in the slightest. Wasps generally are unresponsive towards bright light, and he wasn't very disoreintated when the woman had finally turned the light off. After being introduced and debriefed on the way things would be done at this school, the students were told their rooms, and Henry quickly made his way there - or, 25% of his body made his way there. 750 of the other Wasps made their way to the nearby forest. While there was mostly only dead wood, that was perfect for the construction of the nests that Henry needed in order to survive.

Finally making it to his room, Henry entered to see that Gabriel had already arrived, and had time to situate her luggage. Henry did not greet her at first, instead quickly claiming a drawer on the opposite side of the room, swarming over the nightstand and placing his luggage on the top. Despite his best efforts, it was impossible to pull open with his limited number - causing him to greet the woman for the first time since he entered the room.

"Assistance needed. Open drawer, please."

Several seconds passed before he added to what he had said.

"Happy to share room with you. This my drawer - you take room."

He was nowere near as eloquent as he would like, but talking was very difficult. He needed only a small amount of space, and the Nightstand was large for what it was - almost a dresser, really. He would easily be able to store at least 5 nests in it, with plenty of space to spare for his belongings, food, and water.
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