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@Rai Now I just need to think of a way to make the whopper turtle into a monster
Messed up and actually edited this post when I tried to copy the part behind the hider and the textcolor, sorry. I did my best to remake it but no doubt it's slightly different.

The only reason Xuon followed the others to Zephel's shack was because his spiel had made him curious as to what monsters he might have. When he saw them his eye quickly fell on a small golden colored lizard, which he believed might be a miniature dragon of some kind. Despite Zephel mentioning that dragons were no longer the most powerful, he still fantasized about the fame he would get for owning one.

Just as then he heard Zephel said that he would give a monster to anyone who was willing to go and tame more, something he didn't particularly wanted to do. Still if he wanted to get that dragon he had too. "I'll do it but in exchange I want one of those flying lizards." He just hoped no one shared his suspicions as that might ruin his plan

@Rai I just noticed I made a minor mistake in the ball-tailed cat's description, "and while they can be loyal to their owner they might follow their commands" should be "and while they can be loyal to their owner they might not follow their commands".

Species name: Diamond Golem
Food source: Crystals, semi-precious and precious gems, with diamonds as their favorite
Size: Roughly 8 ft 11 tall.
Natural abilities: They are very strong and resistant to cutting attacks.
Magical abilities: By eating diamonds they can regenerate lost or damaged body parts, though only as long as their head is intact.
Usual Temperaments: Like ice titans they are passive and slow to anger, they are also slow to change their course of action.
Locations Found: They can be found in the mines of Fotia.
Weaknesses: Like regular diamonds they are brittle and parts of them can easily be shattered by blunt attacks. They're also slow.
@Guy0fV4lor Changed it
@Rai Does it matter that I don't know anything about Ascension?

This could be interesting
@Zeroth @Bishop

The other Wisp didn't seem to appreciate the offer as much as Danny had thought he would given the circumstances. The reason soon became clear though. "Now you want to help? Staying silent and witnessing an act of cannibalism from a fellow human while doing nothing and NOW you come here pretending to offer help?" While he didn't have to put it quite like that, Lorek did have a point. Like the other Wisp said he left he dropped the herb and slowly moved away. When he felt he was far away enough he briefly stopped. "I'm sorry." Having said what he wanted to say he took off at normal speed.

Danny had enough "adventure" for one day. He carefully but not slowly made his way back to the crevice near "his" crystals. He arrived without any more trouble and tried to go to sleep, despite believing that he either would not be able too or that he would suffer from nightmares if he succeeded.

@Zeroth @Bishop
Remembering to pay more attention to his surroundings after the last two times he zoned out Danny arrived at the herbs without further trouble, though unknown to him the wisp he was determined to help had also made his way to the patch of healing plants and was in no mood to let anything approach him. He pulled out one of the plants with lesser force and hoped the spell didn't have a time limit.

Just as he was about to head back to the crystals where he believed Lorek still was, he spotted the injured Wisp. Even not knowing the full extent of the other Wisp's anger, he decided not to approach him carelessly. He had been hurt by other souled monsters after all and they didn't really know each other, so it would make sense if he didn't fully trust Danny. "Don't worry, I have a healing herb for you." Only after he said that did he notice that the other Wisp looked to be in much better shape then before.

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Hogoblin Zats

Eventually, though as not fast as when he wasn't concentrating on sensing any potential plant energy, Zats arrived at the tree stump nest. As he hoped he found Gina near there, as well as what seemed like an Alpha rabbit. His first instinct was to attack it but he soon realized that it's calmness probably meant it was Gina's pet. He was glad he figured it out when he did cause otherwise he might have ruined his chances.

Still he wasn't sure so he calmly and slowly walked up to her while keeping an eye on the possible threat. "Hey, uhm I thought I might find you here, you wanna talk or something? Either way before I forget I brought this along for you, it works with the Gravekeepers spirit skill we got." He grabbed one of the skulls he brought along and presented it to her.

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