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You somehow mentioned yourself in your post.
@Zeroth @Bishop

When Danny noticed the pixie he bumped into about to hit him with a dive kick his first instinct was to hit it with Mana Orb. Before he could even start casting though he realized it was a bad idea, he needed to preserve his MP in case he needed it to pull out any herbs. He didn't have any time to think off something else though. Luckily his reflexes saved him as he managed to just barely dodge the fairy's attack.

Still it was way too close for comfort and judging from its chittering it was unlikely that he could negotiate with it. That left him with only option, booking it and hoping that it was either too slow to follow or lost interest. He wasn't too happy about it but he took off at full speed once more, this time paying slightly more attention to what was in front of him and hoped he would reach he herbs both without anymore incidents and before it was too late for Lorek.

<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

That exactly what i thought, but i'm guessed it only truth for powerful being like hobgoblins. Imagine that weaker being like horned rabbits would have a smaller glow inside them.

In case I wonder what would happen if it was used on one of the Gods
@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Hogoblin Zats

When he arrived at the lake and noticed Gina wasn't there Zats decided to check the rabbit nest in the tree stump. On the way there he let his mind wander about how to obtain magic. He could think of four different ways, two of which would have to be last resort kinda things, since he didn't think Shirila would be too happy if he used them. Those two idea's were contacting the god of Magic and make a deal and trying to see if Gravekeepers spirit somehow allowed him to do more than just draw strength from skulls.

Of the two other options, one relied on there both being a book on magic in the church and him being able to read it, which was frankly unlikely. That left one option to try, seeing if he could control plants like the Eternal Mother. Not expecting too much the first time he started by seeing if he could somehow sense something from the many trees and plants around while making his way to where he suspected Gina was.

I want to ask, what do you guys think of my description of a soul? I mean it's hard to describe what a soul even is in our modern world so I wanted to know how my explanation stacks up

To me at least the description sounded more like an aura, but those are often claimed to represent soul;s so it works
@Zeroth @SilverPaw @Searat @Jobst @Bishop

Seeing the state Lorek was in snapped Danny out of his indecision. He had already decided that he had no intention of being responsible for the death of a fellow human. Despite that he doubted he was much help in a fight, leaving only one option. "Just try to stay alive, I'm going to get some of those healing herbs" He yelled at the fleeing Lorek though he had no idea if the other Wisp heard him. With that he took off both making sure to stay high enough in the air to be out of reach of the rats and taking a detour to avoid the poison of the lizards.

He had no idea if he would make it in time, so in order to increase his chances he flew the rest of the way as fast as he could in as straight a line as possible. Of course the downside of his rushing was that he once again didn't pay as much attention to his surroundings as he should, making it easier for a random monster to attack him unnoticed.

@Zeroth @SilverPaw @Searat @Jobst @Bishop

Due to Danny not paying as much attention to the others as he should it took him a few seconds to realize why the most nervous, rat May or something, jumped at Lorek. From what he could tell though she probably believed that he was trying to attack her and the other rodents instead of the lizard. Honetsly he was kinda confused about the whole thing too, the lizard showed no signs of aggression after all.

He hoped that he didn't have to end up choosing sides, but if he did he would try to stick with the rats. After all being in a bigger group would greatly increase his odds of survival. Though that was assuming they wouldn't try to kill his fellow Wisp. He knew it was kinda hypocritical given the dead Goblin he was responsible for, but he felt that killing someone from Earth without good reason was wrong. On the other hand the bigger rat seemed to be just a normal monster and he couldn't really blame it if it did try but if none of the sentient rats would try to stop it he would have to take care of it.

@Guy0fV4lor Yes go hunt wolves, remember they're weak in groups and you can show dominance by putting your throat into their mouths.
@Darked13 I would have preferred that info before Zats left the church, but oh well
@Zeroth @SilverPaw @Searat @Jobst @Bishop
Danny had to admit that the rat had a good point, he really should give out his name at least. Some of the names given out sounded clearly made up and then there was Ed who still went by his human male and was the one to ask him if he was a friend. He could see the reasoning for picking other names, but he was never good at coming up with them, nor did he see this a second life but as an extension of his human one. "I'm Danny"

Even during the introductions he kept trying to both to sense the mana output form the crystal and to absorb it, even though he was full on MP. After if he could do it he at wouldn't need to destroy them after every single spell, and there more crystals there were the better his chances of a long life.

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