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Interesting way of handling procreation, plus that basically proves that Rattle isn't an evolved Goblin otherwise his children wouldn't be Goblins
@Zeroth @SilverPaw @Searat @Jobst @Bishop
When the other Wisp revealed itself Danny's first instinct was to chase off, away from the crystals. He restrained himself though, both because the Wisp needed the crystals as well and the act of driving it off would still require him to use one. It quickly turned out that it was a good thing he restrained himself. Apparently this Wisp was from Earth as well, though it was a bit surprising that it -he- was able to talk so well and the question was a bit strange to open with. Still he saw no reason not to reply.

"I was a gare...gardener and hu..handyman." He talked slowly to make sure he said every word right but still messed up somewhat. Still there was progress as well as evidence that he could eventually learn to talk normally.

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Hogoblin Zats

When Gina ran off his first instinct was to run after but even Zats could tell she needed some time to figure out how she felt. Since he also didn't want her to be too long outside on her own, and risk her disappearing for a full day again, he didn't go for any of the books but instead headed to the pile of Skeleton weapons.

Unfortunately it seemed someone had already taken all of them leaving him with his trusty, if low quality, hand-made spear. When he was about to leave the church he noticed the bones of last night's victims and wondered if he should take one, despite already having the sharp bone Gina gave him. But since it wasn't a skull and he didn't want it turning into dust he grabbed two of the skulls, one for him and one he would give to the object of his affection.

Only when he was already outside the graveyard did he realize that he had no idea where she went or what tracks her new form would leave. Rather than asking for help this time, he decided to check what she called "their spots" starting with the lake and if she wasn't there the rabbit's nest they found.


Does evolving reset our level?
@Kheliop Try to aim at it's eyes
@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Hogoblin Zats

It honestly never occurred to Zats that the someone special Gina mentioned earlier was him, and as far as he was concerned the newcomer ruined the moment. Luckily it seemed Gina didn't agree and leaned on his shoulder. He instantly forgot that he was angry at the idiot who disturbed them and his face turned as red as hers.

Luckily the intruder either got the hint or remembered he had something else to do cause not long after Gina told Zats to take responsibility the third wheel left. With the just of them he felt a bit bolder and tried to think of something in response. "Ehm sure but how? did you have something in mind?" Even he was aware how lame it was, but apparently he just wasn't good at this kind of thing. Not that it really mattered to him he had gotten his point across and as he basically expected from their earlier interactions she reciprocated. Still in order to impress more he would work on his flirting.

@Zeroth @SilverPaw @Searat @Jobst @Bishop
If he hadn't been half expecting it already due to their talking the confirmation that one of the rats was from Earth as well would have been a shock to Danny. Of course he knew that the Demon king had summoned others, but he never though that he would run into at least one of them so soon. Thinking back to the talking slime from earlier he wondered if that was also a former human, but decided that would be too big a coincidence.

Danny wondered about the rat's question he had no intention of fighting, but to be declaring them friends was a bit too soon. With that in mind he felt there was only one answer. "Ally for now, maybe friends later" Deciding to show he was serious and willing to trust them he slowly lowered himself to the point that the rats could reach him if they wanted too while also making sure not to show any aggression.

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

For the most part his confession seemed to be going okay, at least in Zats' mind, but it all came crumbling down with one single comment from Gina. ”You remind me of someone special.” It seemed that while Gina's new form thanks to the obvious connection to both trees and Shirirla was instantly recognized by him, the opposite couldn't be said about her and his current appearance.

Just as he was about to introduce himself someone interrupted their private talk. At first he was rather angry at the newcomer but their question about talking to rocks proved that the guy wasn't exactly the smartest and probably wouldn't even realize what he was upset about. Instead he moved to face the newcomer, still with some anger showing, and did his best to explain things to him after taking a few deep breaths. "Not just that she is the priestess, ie the highest ranked follower. I meanwhile was given this shield." He was confident that the comment about his shield would be enough to clue Gina in on his identity.

@Zeroth @SilverPaw @Searat @Jobst @Bishop

During his search for a spot to hide Danny ended up back at the cluster of crystals and wondered if he could somehow restore his mp with just the light they radiated. After all if it was enough for the healing herbs to grow on, it had to contain at least some energy.

Before he could try though he saw there were five other monsters around. Normally he would at least try to keep them from using up more crystals but he saw no way of winning the battle and wondered if he could hide. To his surprise though he heard one of the rat like monsters talk, making him wonder if that was normal or if they were from Earth as well. Despite the risk he felt he had to find out.

He slowly lowered himself a little, while doing his best to stay at a height where he believed none of the rats could reach him. "Y..you from Urth too?"

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

Zats was relieved that Shirila not only didn't seem to mind that he bothered her over a personal problem but answered him. Gently plucking the heart from the vine he returned to the sleeping Hobgoblins, but didn't see Gina's new, yet easily recognizable form anywhere.

Not wanting to lose his nerve he started looking for her. His first guess that she had gone outside was either wrong or she had left to go explore the forest. Since he had no desire of damaging the heart due to a fight he decided to check out the rest of the church first.

Eventually he found her in the library and nervously approached her only to find himself unable to think of the perfect words to say. Part of him wanted to leave and try later, though he knew that if he left he would likely spend hours trying to think of something. "I talked to Shirila this morning and I was wondering if maybe..." With a red face and no idea how to finish his sentence he handed her the vine heart and waited for a response.

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