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@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst

"You there, wisp. If you can understand me, I'd like you to kindly step away from my new pet." As soon as he heard that Danny did his best to stop since he had no intention of angering what was almost guaranteed to be another reincarnated monster. Unfortunately he was going too fast to stop in time so instead he changed direction and crashed into the ground.

"Sorry I didn't know he was yours. When I saw that the Goblins were kept him as a prisoner I though he might have been human and would help you in the fight." Hoping that was enough to prevent a fight he got up but didn't make any attempt to leave. He had gotten curious in what if anything was so special about the Lizard he freed that both the Goblins and this group of humans was so interested in it and decided to inspect it to see if he could notice anything odd about it.

@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst

While Danny laid helplessly on the ground, desperately wishing he had some some, any mp left, he got a pleasant shock. It seemed his wish had been granted a little bit of his mana had returned. He still didn't have enough to do anything but levitate but he wasn't gonna complain. After all he just had to fly to the nearest mana crystal and he would be in top shape again. When he was levitating as high as he could though, he noticed something that made him change his mind.

The lizard he was freed looked like it was gonna attack one of the pixie's and the winged creature didn't look like it was in great shape either. Since he was at least partly responsible he felt like he had to do something as he wasn't gonna leave a potential former human to die. While trying to think of something he remembered how he killed the Goblin the day before. He had no idea how well if at all his "mana tackle" would work without mana but he felt like he had to try. Once again flying at full speed he headed straight for the lizard planning to ram it, knowing full well how stupid it was.

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Hogoblin Zats

While Zats was happy to help Gina with her shrine he couldn't help but wonder if she realized he still wasn't as serious about serving Shirila as she was, and what it could mean for their relation if she ever found out. His worries quickly dissipated when they were done and she cuddled up to him. In response he placed his arm around her shoulder.

Way too soon for his tastes though she rolled away and after looking at him with a bright red face ran off, clearly needing to sort something out. Admittedly her doing this annoyed him somewhat but he had no doubts some of his actions had the same effect on her.

Rather than immediately chase after her he decided to let her some of the alone time she needed again, and used the opportunity to watch the mother rabbit and her young until he got hungry. Since he wasn't in the mood to eat rabbit he set off on his own, heading to the West at first but slowly going more and more North without realizing it. All the wile he looked for any trace of non-rabbit prey.


Don't even try to go after that monster without Zats
While it seemed the Ball-tailed cat was either smart enough to hold or not strong enough to seriously hurt a human, Zephel was understandably upset. Xuon heard him how he wanted there to be no more violence or something, but he was too busy looking for the potion he said he would grab. Since he had no idea what to look for he grabbed as many as he could and rushed outside only to a real dragon for the first time. Even though he had to admit that even not counting the size difference it looked nothing like his little lizard and he almost dropped the potions in awe. Knowing there were more important matters at hand though he ran for the powerful monster's owner. "Zephel, I didn't know what you needed so I grabbed as many as possible."

Species name: Scorpion Cockroach
Food source: They can eat just about anything organic.
Size: Adults can reach a size of 8 feet and weigh between 551 and 617 pounds.
Natural abilities: Their tails contain a powerful toxin.
Magical abilities: None.
Usual Temperaments: They are generally aggressive and prefer to beat opponents with brute force rather than their toxins which they prefer to use as a last resort, something which come up quite often
Locations Found: They can be found in the caves of Nero.
Weaknesses: They instinctively try to hide from light and acid is effective in damaging their exoskeletons.

Yeah what you have now until shaman is good. That can easily be explained and could even be put in the hoodes/ treant evolution tree. What you have is essentially a more magically inclined earth user

That could work for Zats.
While i don't exactly have a path in mind the most likely evolution for Zats at the moment is goblin>hobgoblin>mossperson and from there the path splits that said the line is likely for Gina and Arch as well and I really want something to do with Zats's talent for magic. Also while Jangel came up with the description and requirements for just about every branch a lot of the monsters in the evolution trees were supplied by me.
@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst

At first it seemed like Danny's plan worked as the freed lizard joined it's fellow in attacking one of the Goblins., but then it fled the battle. He wasn't sure but he believed it ran straight to the rock where the pixies were hiding. He wondered if he should warn them. On the one hand that might turn him into a target for the Goblins, but on the other if he did nothing he would be repeating the "Lorek incident" only this time he was at least partially responsible.

After he made up his mind and decided to let he pixies know the danger he realized that if the Goblins knew about them they might be in more danger than with just the lizard. While he was trying to think of something with this new info in mind the lizard got close enough to the supposed hiding spot that the pixies were practically bound to have noticed it and thus the decision had been made for him.

@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst

While Danny was still unnoticed the lizard that hung out with the Pixies shot off what he assumed was it's version of a Mana Orb at one of the Goblins. His first instinct was to wait for the right moment and then if necessary use his remaining spell to either finish of or distract one of the Goblins.

That said he couldn't help but think back to Lorek and decided that he had to act. Knowing he would have only one shot before he was helpless he had to make it count and he could only think of one thing. It was unlikely but if that caught lizard was also a former human they might help out when freed. With that in mind he carefully approached the goblins until he felt he was close enough to hit his target and fired a Mana Orb at the rawhide strip it was tied too.

You have no MP remaining.

He didn't need the system to tell him that. Exhausted he fel to the ground, hoping that either the Goblins hadn't noticed him or someone was able to help him, as he was all out of options.

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