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Just as Xuon wanted to ask Zephel, more Aelithea arrived with her escort. Knowing better than to annoy someone clearly important, despite the negative first impression he had of her, he decided to try and break up the impending fight between his two monsters. It took some coaxing but eventually the lizard seemed to accept that its new teammate wasn't there for it ride on. His somewhat smug feeling about his first "major accomplishment" as a trainer quickly faded when ruckus broke out.

He recognized the center of attention as someone he had seen in the village before but he couldn't recall Nathanial's name. "Damnit! I have potions inside! Someone go grab it while I mend him!" "On it!" As Xuon rushed to the shack he spotted the bullies kicking Nathanial. Hoping they were smart not to really hurt them he turned to his monsters. "Teach them a lesson and don't let them escape." Like their owner said the lizard and cat went after the bullies, one of whom got hit in the side by a large ball attached to an even larger cat.

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Hogoblin Zats

Zats wasn't sure due to her hiding her face but he thought he briefly saw Gina blush when he revealed himself, which he couldn't help but smile about. Her not knowing about the skill they got for defeating the skeletons surprised him, though not so much as burying the skull.

Before he could ask about it though, she completely derailed his train of though by kissing him on the cheek. His face turned as red as he believed hers was earlier. For a few seconds he was completely out of it but eventually he noticed that she was working on something. "You need a hand?"

Mostly going by the name wig-wig it does look like a wig, or a bush when its face is down.

Alright lets get this journey started!

Oh yeah of course. And here I was, trying to figure out what animal you meant
@Rai @Guy0fV4lor

I messed up and had to redo my first ic post and it is definitely not the same but still matched up with Rai's response to it.

Despite hearing Zephel call his "mini-dragon" a fire lizard Xuon still believed that he might be right about the monster, and wondered how he could best use to obtain fame and wealth. The weird cat he had gotten interested him far less, but he wasn't gonna refuse it. "Can I get these guys back in those stones myself in case something goes wrong?" He had no intention on going out in the wild and was stalling to think of a way to get out of it without breaking promise. That said if he couldn't think of anything he would do it, he had more promised after all.

Meanwhile the Fire Lizard and Bob-tailed cat got off to a bad start when the flying reptile decided that it would get around easier by riding his new teammate. The whole thing almost escalated in a fight when "the new mount" made it's displeasure clear by giving it's rider a not too painful whack with it's tail.

@Rai What does it look like to you? Cause I don't see what you mean.
@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc

As he had expected Danny's sleep was plagued by nightmares. Goblins the size of cave walls threw boulders at him, he watched as several thousand rats attacked a single other Wisp which he knew to be a former human as well. When he finally woke up, he wanted nothing more than to stay in the safety of his hole but he knew that wasn't an option. Not only did he need food and water he had to get stronger as well, and that last part meant that at least for now he needed alleys despite knowing that not all former humans were willing to work together.

After looking outside to see if it was safe he flew out of his hole and wondered what to do first. Eventually nature made the decision for him as he started getting hungry. The only edible thing he knew about were the healing herbs so he headed for the pool. Rather than simply flying full speed he stick to a relatively low tempo and paid careful attention to his surroundings, but he still arrived before too long. He wasn't sure but it seemed like there were more herbs than yesterday. Choosing to believe his idea of leaving the seeds behind was responsible he did it again after pulling out a full grown herb with lesser force.

Done with breakfast he was about to ga back to the crystals and top off his mana when he saw something that caught his attention, namely two Goblins. Despite his worries about being able to take them both on, he felt he had to at least make sure that they weren't gonna mine the mana crystals again. Trailing a good distance behind he quickly noticed something else that had at least had the promise of good news, a lizard hanging out with two pixies. Almost certain that those three had to be former humans he kept an eye on them instead of the Goblins. But since he didn't know if the humanoid had seen them as well and he neither wanted to give them away or reveal himself by approaching them he kept his distance from both groups.


Species name: Wig-Wig.
Food source: Any and all meat it can find.
Size: About one foot.
Natural abilities: Great pack hunters.
Magical abilities: The can eat way more than their size suggest and don't need water as they obtain their moisture from their food.
Usual Temperaments: While they often pretend to be cute and friendly while keeping their mouths closed, in reality they are ferocious, vicious, cunning, and in small numbers or on their own cowardly.
Locations Found: The forests in Gaia.
Weaknesses: Their fur is somewhat inflammable, but their biggest weakness is that one on one they are incredibly weak. An unarmed ten year old has a 75% to defeat a single Wig-Wig, 100% if they're smart enough to not attack the side with the mouth.
@Rai @Guy0fV4lor

My best monster yet

Species name: Whopper Turtle
Food source: Cheeseburgers with lettuce and tomatoes as well as other members of it's own kind.
Size: The size and weight of a cheeseburger with lettuce and tomatoes.
Natural abilities: They are extremely tasty.
Magical abilities: None.
Usual Temperaments: They are too stupid to realize how many monsters would love to eat them or that any cheeseburgers lying around in the woods are probably a trap.
Locations Found: The forests of Gaia.
Weaknesses: They are a favorite food of both carnivorous and herbivorous monsters, as well any monsters that for some reason like cheese.

<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

Bleeds ketchup and mustard?

Wish I thought of that.
@Guy0fV4lor Just look at it don't you want the option to hang out and fight with my avatar?
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