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I know I'm not as active as most in the ooc, but that isn't due to lack of interest
I haven't been here in a while either but like some of the others I was waiting for a GM post, still have no intention of dropping out
What I heard about the system sounds fun, but I have no idea where to find any handbooks and no experience with dice based rp's. Still kinda interested.
@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst

Unfortunately for Danny it seemed Naji wasn't completely done with the Goblin's eyeballs, but a convenient distraction presented himself before he threw up again. The Lizard that had attacked the Goblins, as well as the captive one, the other Pixie and an unknown white Lizard showed up. Wanting to experiment a little with Monster Analysis I he checked them all out.

"I- Naji - I'm sorry I didn't...I'm sorry I didn't do anything when you almost got hurt." Knowing how the Pixie felt he made a decision, though he knew he might regret it later. " Name is Danny. If you are interested I know a decent spot to get Mana Crystals, cause if those Pixies are anything like Wisps they are useless without MP. They do seem to have the advantage to be able to carry stuff though." He didn't like the idea of sharing "his stash" with anyone but if he wanted to join their group concessions had to be made. "Also I need to fill up myself anyway, I only have enough MP to keep floating I think."

If he had been paying attention to the bonfire he would have noticed it was out, but he was too busy trying to convince assumed group of former humans to allow him to join.


You might also be interested in From the weakest Goblin to the strongest God, a rp with a similar premise that is open for applicants in case you ever decide to join.
@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst

After his stomach had settled down Danny wondered why the Pixie was stated to be unusual by his analysis. It being a former human seemed the most likely explanation, to him but he didn't have enough evidence and wanted to avoid confirmation bias as it could also refer to the fact that it was almost starving earlier. Hoping it was done eating eyes he turned back around to the corpse.

He suddenly realized that once again he had neglected to introduce himself. "Hey completely forgot to do this earlier but my name is Danny. And yours?"

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Hogoblin Zats

After he got his first hit in, even if it was not as good as he had hoped Zats started thinking the fight might be easier than he expected. His opinion quickly changed when the beetle took of and landed on a tree. He had to admit that the insect wasn't stupid, cause it probably took the best course of action possible. If it had remained in flight, it might have had more maneuverability but it would also leave it's underbelly open.

From a safe distance he wondered what to do. He could try and start a fire to smoke it out, but with no known source of water that was too dangerous and besides the beetle might simply take off. Downing the tree and letting it crush the insect wasn't feasible with just him and if it was it might destroy the ex-skeleton he wanted to bring home. Eventually he settled on the course of action he could think of. With his shield up and spear out Zats charged at the tree. He was hoping that he would be able to hit one of the openings between the segments that made up the beetle's armor and do some damage that way.

No knowledge of re:zero but interested
@Jangel13 Any other deities related to Shirila?
@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst @Kangutso

Danny was surprised he got info on the dead Goblin rather than the pixie as he wanted, but maybe he just "missed" his target. The info he got wasn't terribly useful but he did confirm that monster analysis I always came with some kind of percentage and it seemed that it was higher when analyzing dead monsters. While he was pondering this information and trying to distract himself from what he was eating the pixie said something about eyes.

Doing something he would instantly regret he looked up. Seeing the pixie pull out an eyeball taught himself something about Wisp biology, just like humans they could throw up when sufficiently grossed out. Fortunately he managed to stop himself before getting rid of all the Goblin flesh he had eaten cause there was no way he could resume his meal after that. Because he had no intention of seeing what else the Pixie would eat he deliberately looked away from the corpse and thus missed the albino lizard approaching it, if he had noticed though he would have gladly used it to distract himself.

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