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@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Hogoblin Zats

The giant beetle didn't look like a tasty prey, but Zats wasn't picky and besides maybe someone could use it's armor for something. That alone was enough incentive for him to engage it in combat. After watching it for a while, from what he hoped was a safe distance, he spotted several weaknesses, namely the placement of it's eyes, it's underbelly and the wings. However since he didn't know how good the insect's other senses were he didn't feel confident just walking up to it.

As quietly as he could Zats backtracked a little and moved in a large circle to end up behind the beetle. With that done he snuck closer while hiding partially behind his shield. If he got close enough unnoticed he would try to stab in the unarmored underbelly with his spear, using both creaturologist, his skill as a Pole arm combat beginner and Gravekeepers spirit to not only aim for a weak spot but also do maximum damage.

@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst

While Danny was surprised that he got a skill and was sure it meant he could develop others, his attention was still on the talking Lizard. Luckily she? seemed to accept his explanation and gave him a job to do. He flew to the dead Goblins and remembered that a former starving person shouldn't eat a lot the first few days, or it might cause trouble of some kind.

Since he didn't want to scare the Pixie and thus cause a fight after all, he stopped to yell at it from a distance. "Hey there, the talking Lizard sent me to check up on you." With that done he resumed his approach and quickly noticed that the winged human probably was eating too fast for his own good. "Whoa slow down. I heard you're hungry but I think you can get serious sick from eating too much after you had nothing for a while."

Danny thought things over, he didn't like the idea of eating a sentient creature but he also couldn't just live on healing herbs. Picking a body part on the other side of the Goblin he tried a small piece and instantly regretted it to due to the taste, he kept eating until he had enough though. With that done he gave in to his curiosity and used Monster Analysis I.

@Jangel13 Hunting for any prey that wasn't rabbits
@Jangel13 I know it's been a week since my last post but I don't really have to do until you post something. Not meant to rush you just to explain, also if you ever need more monster suggestions let me know
@Jangel13 All options sound interesting to though the others are right in that the first two are too dangerous, So I'm saying C. Simply because D has probably won already
Yeah I got it as a child and am still sensitive to it, not that I get it every year or something but to the point that I suspect I get it instead of getting sick in a more serious way.
@Renny I should have known that someone with a hunterxhunter sig would like yu yu hakusho
I'm "suffering" from impetigo at the moment
Interested, but I'm not too great at the DMing part so I don't know how helpfull I'll be when it comes to collaboration.
@Wildman13 You keep @mentioning yourself in in character posts.
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