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@Jangel13 I have no issue with that.
Hey Sea, no experience with tabletop, but I'm mildly interested. Are there any supplements allowed or just the main hand book?
Donald Duck
@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword @Heyitsjiwon@kuroku
Hogoblin Zats

While there was little doubt that he would this battle taught Zats that his spear wasn't the best weapon to use on armored enemies. Sure he could always use the Everoak Shield to try and crush them but he had no idea if Shirila might punish him if he used the defensive item as a weapon too much. When he got back to the church he needed to both make a blunt weapon and an easy way to carry his equipment.

Now though it was time to eat, even if he didn't expect the giant beetle to taste great. Using his spear as fulcrum he turned the insect around so it's lesser protected belly was upwards and began carving a piece of meat out of it, careful not to damage the carapace too much as he was sure one of the others could use it for something if he could drag it back home.

@kuroku Just so you know editing a mention in doesn't send a notification, probably to prevent people from getting noted for minor changed in a post
Could be helpful but the Gm has been suspiciously quiet
@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @CollectorOfMyst
His mass analysis proved Danny's theory about unusual monsters being former humans correct, as, aside from the Lizard that used to be the Goblin's captive, all the newcomers had the same comment. Before he could wonder about how the system could tell them apart from "normal" monsters or even what the system was something more immediately important happend. "Dire Rats! Three of them! Scott, you want to help, now's the time!"

Seeing this as his chance to make up for his lack of help earlier he tried to prepare a Mana Orb without anything happening. Rather than worry about that too much though he instead focused on what he could do. After rejecting the idea of a physical attack he was left with just one plan and no idea of he had enough left to do it.

He carefully got close enough to one the Rats to affect it with Lesser Force and tried to use the skill to telekinetically poke it in at least one of it's eyes as hard as he could. Of course this cost him the remainder of his mp and after getting the familiar system message he helplessly fell to the ground. "I'm all out of mana!"

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Hogoblin Zats

When the beetle attacked the shield Zats not for the first time wished he knew some kind of magic. The shield did it's job but he could tell that if he took much more hits his arm would go numb and he would risk dropping it. Since he was sure the beetle wouldn't let him just escape he didn't dare run away and expose his unprotected back to it. That plus the fact the giant insect kept up the attacks aimed at the shield meant he would have to kill it quickly.

Ironically the fastest way he could think meant not thrusting his spear and taking the time to watch his enemy closely. Using Gravekeepers spirit he tapped into the strength of the skull he was carrying, hoping to be able to better take the beetle's hits and buy enough time for Creaturologist to reveal the best spot to drive his spear into it's body.

@Jangel13 I hope the trolls aren't the regenerative D&D type
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