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There is always a way to turn it off

The Elsens walked across that mad and fractured landscape in their loose and shifting herd for what could have been an era or an hour. Time was always relative to space, of course, and to the Batter it seemed like such a very long journey. None of them talked to him in that time, an objective truth... after all, he didn't like talking to them.

Every movement they made was loose and chaotic, tense with worry and confusion, and he might even have said it was frustrating to watch... but they couldn't see it, of course. They were blind.

The sense that the group had stopped snapped the Batter out of his meditation, his own path slowing to a gradual, perfect halt as they rested. Time itself rested with them, and he watched the others carefully, his inscrutable gaze seeming to be fixed simultaneously on no one in particular and yet especially you.

He approached the others as the machine unfolded itself, the tip of the bat slowly sliding across the ground behind him as he walked. A graceful, monochrome serpent in the crude and dying soil.

"It was unwise for some of you to come," he gestured to the worst of them - the loud-mouthed Elsen in the ridiculous suit, the young Elsen girl, and the cattle rustler - and slowly shook his head side to side, "But I may be able to salvage this opportunity."

He rested his bat in front of him like a knight at rest, a holy sentinel.

"I agree that you should set up camp, and I will help guard it. Spectres are drawn towards the weakened living like sharks to chum, for their hollow craving can only be sated through the deaths of others."


The mention of ghosts hunting the living snapped Abe out of his own rest, though Abe's was more of the 'use the pause in travel to sit down and take a breather'. Every time the Batter spoke it gave Abe the willies, and frankly he just wanted to avoid listening to him as much as possible.

He slowly got to his feet and crossed his arms, licking his lips in a failed bit to quench their dryness, and leaning at an awkward angle. He was hoping the Mudokon body language for 'stop being a weirdo' would work, though he was pessimistic about his chances.

Naturally, the Batter didn't respond. Ancestors, what a dingle-berry.

"Well we'll be real careful then bud, but all o' ya don't need to worry about ghosts. I'd probably be able to feel it, this place doesn't seem too sacred or 'portant, you know?"

The Batter didn't respond physically, but something about the shimmer in his voice turned just a little bit... louder.

"The unholy dead are not tied to one place, because the Zones themselves are always dying. Even by the standards of the chaos you call home, this place is unnatural."

Abe squinted and frowned, but didn't respond directly. Arguments were not his strong suit, after all.

So, he just growled the short, frumpy growl of a spoiled child and shook his head, turning away from the Batter and towards the strange bug-looking human. His eyes were still narrowed as he looked up at her, but more in the sense of 'hope she doesn't eat me'.

"Say, uh," he stroked his chin like a strange old man, "I think we should go scouting. The others seem to have the wreckage of that old tree handled and can find stuff there no problem, but we need to keep an eye out further ahead too. For the future of the journey, you know? I want to find signs of life - either somethin' to eat, somethin' to be afraid of, or somethin' to help. It's gotta be one of the three."

He gave her a single wrinkly thumbs up before gesturing for her to follow him.

"Name's Abe, by the way. Didn't catch yours, sorry 'bout that."
Will try to post in a couple of hours, need to catch up on the current status of the rest of the party.

After that, I probably wont be able to post for a good ten days or so
Room for an app? Not such a fan of the games themselves, but HALOs universe always seems pretty interesting
I'd be curious, with an RP set after the events of the movie being particularly interesting.

I'm also curious how crazy we could get with the tech, or whether we could tie in the whole 'actually part of the Aliens/Predator mythos' theory (since RDC is supposedly a subsidiary of Weyland-Yutani, if I remember rightly?)
So, tempted by a few possible options for this, so I'll list them from most to least conventional:

-- Ice-focused Water Bender warrior from the Southern Tribe who is on a mission from his father to recover a priceless heirloom stolen by the Order

-- Slightly mentally unhinged travelling alchemist and purveyor of fireworks, more than a little addicted to his trade

-- A living terracotta... thing. Nobody's sure if he/she is just a really eccentric, paranoid and mute Earthbender, or is actually a Spirit inhabiting a stone body


I'm curious which ya'll would be most interested in seeing
How are y'all doing?


@FrozenEcstasy (Kerrigan), @agentnumalol (Marston)

To the voice that echoed in his mind, the monstrous Elsen, the Batter said and thought nothing. She suddenly seemed more like the Queen than a lowly Elsen, however, and that did intrigue him. She too had spoken through the whispers of the mind, after all, and had proclaimed herself a Guardian and Goddess of the Zones - the manner in which this creature walked reminded him of her. But for now, it was better to keep his distance. The man in the wide-brimmed hat had stood out the most as the leader of this particular expedition, and so the Batter remained close by him.

But for the most part, he simply followed, silent, and carefully listened and watched as they rummaged through the garbage. While he wasn't adverse to it, most of it seemed unusable to him, and so he simply waited for the others patiently. Once they had started to leave the heap and made their decisions, he slowly approached the appointed leader of their expedition, the gunslinger with the wide hat.

He gently tapped the side of the bat.

"Be careful what you imply about your existence. Specters are an unholy apparition that distort the world."

The more he thought about it, the more questions it raised. Specters were not intelligent. They were not capable of organization or purpose - they simply meandered, whispered, hunted and rendered the world around them impure. They were the embodiment of the black and white becoming grey, of colour in the storm, of the blending of realities.

"But for now," his voice still echoing and warping like the rim of a half-filled wine glass, "We will remain allies. I am not certain of your true nature just yet, and it would be unwise to start a fight unnecessarily."



@Crosswire (Cedar & Quiet), @FrozenEcstasy (Kerrigan), @DracoLunaris (Shen & Julian)

Abe slowly nodded along to the human's rambling about... frogs? Cats? He guessed they were probably animals, though he couldn't help but wince and scowl a little at the thought of 'pets', especially being mistreated. It was a term he'd only heard Glukkons use, and it reminded him of their basic attitude towards...

Well, everything, come to think of it.

That said, fish did sound pretty good right now. He felt his stomach growling loudly, and nodded.

It was then that he felt something peeling into his mind, and physically shuddered. He glanced at the purple bug human, gulping a little at the voice that whispered those threats. Not that he had been planning anything violent - 2Fort was certainly no Rupture Farms - but it reminded him once again of the strength some of these people possessed... more so, however, it was the fact that she could read his thoughts which worried him most. In his efforts against Rupture Farms and the other Glukkon industries, his main advantage had been his skill at staying out of sight and using his powers to turn their own soldiers against each other. But around someone else with some sort of psychic power...

I'll be really careful, then. Thanks for the heads up.

She'd probably notice that his 'mental voice' was just as prone to that nasally, lip-smacking intonation that cropped up in his actual speech, too.


The group settled to rummage through the trash, and he kept a careful distance. He was still most wary of that huge robot - it reminded him a little of the Greeters or Snoozers, though worse. A Greeter couldn't see you if you stood still and couldn't move anywhere near as quickly as that thing had. It also couldn't think, though thankfully this... 'Julian' seemed to be obedient to the human who always stood nearby it.

He found himself glancing at it just a little too much, though. To a pretty obvious degree, honestly.


At the bridge, he carefully watched the river flow.

"I don't mind heading north, if that's where everyone's going. Mudokons could be north as much as anywhere else."

His eyes focused, he waited, watched...

And then suddenly stamped his foot into the water with surprising speed and heavy thud, hoping to stun one of the fish that lurked beneath for long enough to grab it and take a bite. [Roll for Fishing Attempt, I guess?]

So, now I'm imagining Zerg-infested Paramites, Scrabs and Fleeches or Dominion-allied Sligs.



You see a white room; like an endless hall of mirrors, the room seems to reflect and repeat across itself, layer upon layer like a video camera recording itself. In every image there are changes - in one reflection your nose is a little bigger, in another your eyes have a different spark, in a third a total stranger copies your movements exactly.

In the immediate present, though... in the 'room that is yours', there's just the three of you. Strangers to each other.

You have come from different lands and cultures, and yet can understand each other perfectly, the words seemingly twisting and changing as they reach your ears, their meanings clear. It is then that it occurs to you...


A fourth figure stands, a voice and face that seems familiar to you in a way you can't quite describe - a sort of deja vu. Clad in green and black , this figure - calling itself the Face of the World - says that the three of you have been given a special calling. They describe how, in every generation, there is a figure who is given the power to change time and space forever.

Armed with the Artifacts Three - the Measure Blade, the Aegis Clock, and the Fetters of the Soul - this person can choose to be the protector of the world or its destruction, great change rising from the ashes. Regardless of the challenge - paradoxes, storms within time, wicked men or monsters, the breakdown of the natural order or even the might of the World Eaters - this hero of the world can overcome it.


But something has gone wrong.


Seven former wielders, finding each other through the void, have banded together and dubbed themselves the Lords of the World. Each for their own reasons, they have deemed the cycle of the Artifacts unfit and seek to bring total ruination - a greater destruction than any before it, a change so great that mankind itself would be brought to an end.

The last wielder, still inexperienced, tried and failed to stop them. Her power was broken, and for the first time in generations, the Artifacts Three were assigned to three separate wielders.

Now, individually limited but capable together of things no previous wielder could, you find yourself tasked with travelling across the lands and times of the world and preventing a terrible catastrophe...


So, uh, yes!

A time-travelling, alternate universe hopping fantasy adventure for three players plus myself. Some measure of commitment would be expected on the basis of it being a small group, but the idea is for a focus on fun, crazy fantastical hijinks, and interesting character interaction.

Also, to summarize the Artifacts in case you weren't sure what they do - the Measure Blade is a sword that can alter space and grants the wielder great strength; the Aegis Clock is a shield that can alter time and grants the wielder great knowledge; and the Fetters of the Soul is essentially a regenerative glowing chain where each 'link' can be used to do a variety of crazy utility stuff.
I'm probably not gonna join this RP, my apologies
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