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Oh okay, that's gonna be useful for what I have planned for you guys >:)
Last day of work, was it a seasonal job, or are you in the middle of transition?
Hope you're alright.

That being said, we're waiting on a couple other persons.
Even less worry since the holidays are around the corner (and my birthday soon too wooo)

Perhaps as a side note, to not over-reach as much.
I honestly didn't expect to encounter the jester so soon.
Jaiden (the player) Who has a career in cybersecurity, is trying to open a few programs in the background that may interfere with the game a little. Would something along the lines of saving/backup character data, be alright?

I am in the middle of transitioning to another job. I wanted to add the encounter with the jester so the group would investigate who the jester is. What are you thinking about these programs interfacing with the game?
Just an update: my last day of work is next week so I can get it up next weekend. Sorry for the delay, but I promise it will be up by then. And then, after that, I will have more time to work on posting.
I have posted.


Taivas sat inside a cave in a cove on the island. He watched the ocean's waves in the afternoon and evening, wondering if he would ever get off the island. He hoped that Zac could fix his ship so he could leave this rock quickly. His thoughts soon moved towards the people in the picture. Tavias felt he knew them but couldn’t remember their relationship. Were they friends? Colleagues? He wasn’t sure how he knew them, but perhaps someone did know where to find them. Soon enough, it was nighttime, and he felt pretty tired. He shut his eyes and tried to dream. He was in some strange place with a mosaic on the ground. Three weapons were on a pedestal around the area, and a large wooden door was in the middle. Hearing a voice speaking to him. “Choose your weapon of choice.” Picking the sword above one of the pedestals.

You choose the power of the warrior.” The voice said, and the door opened by itself. As Taivas approached the door, he noticed nothing but pure darkness. Going through the door, he felt himself floating with nothing in sight. Eventually, he floated on top of a floating island. There was no door or anywhere else he could go. Soon enough, he saw a huge figure coming up from below the island. Its whole body was covered in shadow, and its hair was long black tendrils.

The creature started to attack Taivas, who got into a fighting stance. However, before the fight began, he woke up. Standing up, he felt a sense of panic and dread fill his body. His eyes looked up at the orb in the sky. This felt so familiar to him like it had happened before. Again, looking at the orb before his eyes, he noticed the shadows coming towards him. His mind wandered towards Zac’s ship. He would need to move now, or then he would be left behind.

Running toward where Zac was, he was stopped by a group of shadows blocking his way. He didn’t have a weapon to protect himself from these creatures. That was when he heard a voice speaking to him. “Use the darkness in your heart to defend yourself.” And with that, he noticed the strange key-like sword in his hand. It was the same one from the dream before he had woken up on the island.

It felt familiar and quite good in his hand. Smiling at the shadows before quickly cutting them down. Running towards where Zac was. Defeating any of the shadows that had gotten in his way. “GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!” He yelled out, using his sword to attack the shadows. Noticing Zac and the similar sword in his hand. He wondered if they were both chosen to wield this “keyblade.”

Zac, do you know what's going on?” he yelled, moving closer to him. He looked at him and then at the ship, nodded his head, and entered. He put on his safety belt, watched as the ship took off, and moved around the island, watching him get out to help the inhabitants with the shadows. Part of him wanted to take the driver’s seat and leave them on this rock, but he just stayed in his seat, watching them fight the shadows, trying to get inside the ship.

Sure go ahead.

I'm just writing up my post, and I plan on Taivas joining Zac on his ship.
@Dyelli Beybi @enmuni @Tesserach

Helmut Kürten

Helmut wasn’t surprised that humans had taken chunks of this woman. He had seen a lot worse before and during the war. Cannibalism was something he had seen before, especially when times get disparate. When there is no food and no wildlife to hunt, the next best thing would be an enemy soldier or someone unlucky to cross your path. For a moment, the corpse of the woman turned into a dead British soldier. His neck was chewed up, and his head was bashed in thanks to a trench shovel. The soldier’s eyes were open, and his hand moved towards Helmut. His words were lost in a loud gargling of blood. A part of his brain fell out of his head and landed on his uniform.

Helmut shook his head while having his eyes closed shut. Being relieved that the soldier was replaced with the dead woman. His eyes followed Masako’s pen, moving along the wounds. “Do you think multiple people could have done this to her? Or perhaps one person with a lot of time on their hands? I wonder if they had killed and brought the corpses to the graveyard because they think it’s a safe place to eat the bodies."

He looked over at Rudy and Nicola, nodding his head in agreement. “It would be best if those who wanna hunt these bastards stay here so that we can figure out a plan. The others who don’t wanna get their hands dirty can go back and tell Mr.Temple about our findings.” His eyes moved towards the pistol in his hand. It glemed slightly in the light of the moon.
@King Kindred

I'm good.
<Snipped quote by Eviledd1984>

How about you allow us to pick spells or whatnot and then you can approve on them or not, if you want to do levelling system (?). As for whether Jester should attack or not, I'm fine with either.

That does sound a good idea. So guys just DM the spells and we can talk about it.
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