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I like tacos.

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SaM Of AlL cOlOrs

Location: Building 1 Kitchen/Cafeteria
Interactions: Miyuki @Xaltwind, Yumeiko, @CitrusArms
Time: Late Afternoon

Sam was looking around the kitchen for any signs of the gremlins. He was wandering around the kitchen appliances. In one of his hands was a large net he planned to use. He was on his hands and knees looking underneath, hoping to see a gremlin. He extended his arm so he could reach underneath a fridge. He was disappointed when he couldn’t find anything. Azir, meanwhile, was stomping around, not so gently tapping her club against the ground. She only stopped when Sam told her not to scare off the gremlins. “Tsk, sure, whatever.” The ogre muttered while putting the massive club over her shoulders.

Sam stood up from the fridge and approached the large walk-in pantry. He could hear something or someone rummaging around inside. Peeking his curiosity, he quickly opened the pantry door to find two gremlins eating some leftover snacks. It took a moment for both of them to notice Sam standing there. One of them dropped the potato it was eating. It pointed at Sam and let out an ear piercing screech.

Sam quickly acted to try and catch the gremlin. He raised the net, trying to see it, but it scurried between his legs. The other gremlin quickly climbed over Sam and ran towards the kitchen door. Azir turned around quicker than Sam had ever seen her move before. She threw the club at one of the gremlins, but it didn’t hit the gremlin. The club instead smashed into the ground with a loud thud. As well as making a sizable hole where the club had landed. Both of them started running after the gremlins, trying to chase them. The two of them ran out of the kitchen, Sam extending his body to catch the gremlin in front of him. But he was so fixed on catching the gremlin he didn’t see where he was going. Sam ran right into the table where Miyuki and the others were.

He practically did a backflip onto the table, landing on his back right in front of them. Bits of food were all over him. “Sorry about that. Do you mind helping us, they are much quicker then i thought.” He could see Azir was still chasing after them. Cursing while holding what looked like a frying pan clenched in her large hand. Sam quickly returned to his feet and ran, trying to join Azir. Bits of ramen and other bits of food seemed to cling to his body.


Perhaps he saw or met with his friend who is looking for Taivas. He could mention to Taivas that they were heading to Olympus.

That sucks, i hope you feel better soon.

I was imagining they would be a hivemind of sorts. i hope more people are intrested in joining too.
@AwesomeZero5 @Randomguy @vietmyke @shylarah @swordandpens

Uriel thought the ice castle quest could be fun. It reminded him of an old game he used to play, which had an ice level. Thinking about it brought back some bad memories, but he would agree if the others wanted to do that quest. “Well, I’d be down for something like that; it could be good after what just happened.” Uriel looked at the others as they soon agreed to go on another quest.

They went to the adventurer’s guild deep in the capital's downtown area. The group arrived at the job board. Uriel was looking it over, trying to find the ice castle job. He made a loud noise to alert the others that he found it. “Right here, it looks like it is in Slatter near the border of Lumi. It looks like we gotta escort this NPC to the castle. It looks like he wants something inside of the castle.

Another player looking at the job board looked over at the group. “Hi, are you guys thinking about going to the ice castle, do ya need another player? I’ve wanted to go there but heard it was pretty tough.” The player’s gear hinted that this player was a bard.


Bascially they would be shapeshifting aliens. They can shift to any organic materials. But not inorganic. The transformation itself would be like in the movie, very violent and gross. But instead of asimilating everyone they'd want to learn. Or they could have crash landed thousands of years ago and are stuck on the planet. I haven't come up with a good backstory yet.
Let's do that so you can have your character join the others in the next quest.

This one next, when I wake up.

sorry for the delay, slipped my mind!

Glad to see your still with us.

I just realized I forgot to actually post my character, looks like I'm three months late on that one lmao

Lol, do you want to meet write your character meeting up with the others in the adventurer's guild in Ocren?

I'd be interested in joining this rp. I had an idea for The Thing like species being the clan my player character would be apart of.
<Snipped quote by Eviledd1984>

I said no existing fictional characters as refs. That includes Cartoon Cat being your Character’s Stand

Sorry about that, I edited my post to change the stand's appearance. And some other stuff as well.
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