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<Snipped quote by Eviledd1984>

So do you play two different people? Or is Azir an NPC or something?

Also, I'm sure our ragtag team of an insect, wolf and hiding human could work with yall.

Azir is an NPC I am playing. I'd be down for that; let me look at the other posts so I can think of how I can connect with you guys.

I'm very intersted; here is my character sheet, so please let me know if I gotta change anything.
Anybody wanna help Sam and Azir track down some gremlins?
@mattmanganon @Sadu @Crimson Flame


Tavias turned around and looked surprised, seeing Lucian and Morgan standing beside the wizard. He seemed surprised that the two survived fighting that giant shadow creature. But he was somewhat glad they made it out alive. The blonde man smiled, putting his keyblade away. “So you guys got out okay. What happened to the others? Are they with ya?” Taivas said before looking over at Merlin. “Sure, whatever gramps.” He scolded him while begrudgingly helping Merlin clean up the mess downstairs. It wasn’t his fault; he was just looking for some answers, and he wasn’t looking for a fight.

While helping the old man clean up, he stopped to ask him a question. “Well, I’m here looking for my friends, and I was told you might be able to help. Have you seen any of these people?” Taivas took off the locket from around his neck. Handing it over to Merlin. He hoped the old man had seen or met one of them and could be told where they went.

He looked at the statues that were bowing towards Morgan. “Why are they doing that? That's weird.” He thought, rubbing the back of his neck.
@Dyelli Beybi @Tesserach @Theyra

Helmut Kürten, Rudy, And Aleyn

The afternoon was a crisp, pleasant cool in Munich that day, at least when the sun was out, and Rudy began reconvening for the trip back to the cemetery. This time, with proper daylight, made for an altogether more pleasant experience, or at least, it would have been if not for the crowds and tension in the streets. But this did not stop most people from going about their day. A few cursory inquiries had revealed the Munich Department of Cemeteries managed the cemetery, and a brief phone call had directed them to one of the cemetery workers - a euphemism it seemed for gravedigger - who was working a site that day.

"Herr Totengräber...?" Rudy declared pleasantly as the group approached a grizzled-looking middle-aged man with dishevelled hair and a great, scraggly grey beard covered in dirt and knee deep in what appeared to be a fresh grave.

"Himmelherrgottsakrament!" The man swears in a Bavarian dialect at the group's approach. The greying man lifted the shovel with an ease that belied his apparent years and held it aloft in the direction of a church visible through the trees beyond. "I'm busy! They over there got plenty of time to answer questions!"

Aleyn followed Ruby to the graveyard and looked around as they walked in. He had many questions to ask and hoped that at least some would be answered today. As they reached the gravedigger digging a grave, Aleyn was prepared to ask his questions, even if this gravedigger was not in the mood for it. "I am sorry, but you would best answer our questions right now, as we have found. My first question is, have you seen anything unusual about the graveyard recently?"

Helmut arrived a few moments later after the others had arrived at the cemetery. Having told the group what the information they had found at the asylum. He was still wearing his uniform, so if the gravedigger saw him, he would think he was in the police force. Standing close to the group, watching them as they asked the grave keeper some questions. His eyes were focused on him as if he was trying to read his mind. "Any information you tell us would greatly benefit our investigation." Adding to what Aleyn said.

The gravedigger eyed Aleyn suspiciously, "Apart from the fact we need to dig more graves than usual? No," he planted his spade in the ground, leaning on it in weary irritation, "If this was another industry, you might say business is good." Rudy, for his part, scribbled notes in a notebook while the others spoke.

Helmut was staring at the grave keeper, although it felt more like glaring. The soldier was now crouching down beside the open grave. He had seen many like these before, although mostly, it would be a huge hole where they would dump the bodies of the dead. "Were there any victims that you found in the cemetery? If you did, were they mostly women, and did they have bite marks on their bodies?"

"I just bury them," the grave keeper spat on the ground, then pulled out a crumpled cigarette from his top pocket, "And there's not enough people to do the digging! Especially after the new guy ended up in a casket."

"And how did he die? What was the name of this new person? When was the last time you saw him?" He said, but he felt they would not get anything from the grave keeper.

"Dogs, or so the police say," the grave digger gave Helmut a baleful stare, clearly viewing this line of questioning as a waste of time, "Schmidt or something and the day before, he turned up dead."

Rudy looked up from his notepad from where he'd just finished scribbling. "Do you know what this Schmidt was working on the day he died?"

"Yeah, digging in the old plague Graveyard," the man lit his cigarette, "Unmarked graves and all sorts down there, so it's not fun to dig in unless you like finding bits of people. But they're so old nobody cares anymore," he shrugged, taking a drag of his cigarette, "It's where you send the new people to dig."

Helmut stood up and started moving towards the unmarked graves to see where they were standing. Voices were beginning to speak to him. It felt like many people were trying to talk to him. 'I'M HERE." They all said in a haunting chant. Grabbing a shovel that had been left behind inside of a wagon. Walking closer, the voices started to become louder. "I can hear you. where are you?" He said in a whisper. "WE'RE HERE, WAITING FOR YOU." The voices responded. Helmut looked around, wondering which grave the voices were coming from.

Rudy looked away from the notepad he'd just scribbled on towards Helmut, pausing briefly to regard the man before returning to the interview. "Do you recall any murders or dog attacks like this ever happening before... or was Schmidt the first case like this you've heard of here."

"Nope, never seen a dog attack anyone," the gravedigger puffed on his cigarette, "And why would you attack a grave digger... hey, what are you doing with that shovel?" He called to Helmut, "That's mine!"

Helmut didn't seem to notice the gravekeeper shouting at him. He was standing over a grave with a look of dread. "You're here in the grave, but where are you? What did you see? Did you see Schmidt die?" He asked while looking at the unmarked graves.

Aleyn was about to ask his question when he noticed Helmut walking off with the grave digger's shovel toward the old plague Graveyard. "Uh Helmut, what are you doing? Turning to Ruby, "Is he going to dig there now?" But not waiting for an answer, Aleyn walked over to Helmut as he stood over a grave. "Helmut, might I ask what your plan is?"

"I'm working on a hunch. I have a feeling there might be a clue around here." He said, now looking at the grave and then the shovel. He closed his eyes and listened to the voices, waiting for them to tell him where to go next.

Rudy stepped between the gravedigger - who he could tell was not too pleased with this development - and smiled at the man. "I apologize for my friend; he's a good man, but ah... he never returned quite right after the war, if you take my meaning. I do apologize, but ah, just let us handle him." Then Rudy turned briefly towards Helmut before looking at Aleyn aggressively but silently, mouthing, "WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING?" Turning back to the gravedigger, Rudy smiled again. "Do you mind if I ask you another question?"

"Okay, Helmut, I see.... just be careful. Since we still do not know the culprit's connection with the graveyard." Aleyn looked nervously at the grave, like digging something up they were unprepared for. He nervously smiled and took a step back from Helmut. He looked back at Ruby when he aggressively mouthed him. Aleyn only responded with a slight shrug. Still, Aleyn stayed near Helmut, waiting to see what he would do next and took a small sip from his flask. His hunch may lead somewhere, after all.

But before he could start digging, he heard the voices speaking again. "The dead don't bury the dead. You could have the voices say something like 'they never finished the job' or 'the dead don't bury their dead. They should have let him rest, poor thing, he's lost." Helmut stabbed the shovel into the ground. "Where are you, Schmidt?" Assuming he would be at the morgue. Taking the shovel and walking back to the grave keeper. "Thank you for your cooperation. I apologize for the minor theft; the corpse of the last victim had been partially buried in a shallow grave. These older graves would make a good place to hide a fresh corpse." He smiled at the grave keeper, but the number of teeth shown made him look like a wolf looking at his next prey.

"Why would..." the grave keeper looked between Rudy and Aleyn, "Stop your associate! If someone were trying to hide a corpse in a shallow grave, it would be bloody obvious," he spat, "I'm a gravedigger. I can see the disturbed ground. It's not dendrochronology."

Rudy looked away from the gravedigger towards Aleyn and Helmut, shrugging as though to say: “Man's got a point.

Helmut's smile faded, and he looked over toward Rudy and Aleyn. Nodding his head before turning around so his back was faced towards them. His hand was placed over his stomach. Feeling a sense of panic and anxiety building, although he didn't know what the cause of it was. His eyes could see a figure a few feet away. The figure was a gaunt looking man with a bald head and red eyes. Helmut noticed he was naked with many bite marks and cuts all over his body. "I'll see you real soon Helmut." The figure was waving at Helmut before dancing away. Putting his hand away from his stomach before turning around. "Perhaps we should go to the police station to see what we can find from Mr. Schmidt."

Aleyn, unsure of Helmut, spoke, "I suppose we can do that." He turned to face Ruby, "You think we have all we can here? I'd rather we get all we can before we leave and not have to return if we missed something." Aleyn stole a glance at Helmut; why is he acting like this? He wondered and hoped this would not be a problem. But he does not know the man, so who knows.

Rudy took hold of the shovel and made eye contact with Aleyn. "Find out what's wrong with him." Rudy whispered before turning back to the gravedigger with a smile. "Your shovel back. Apologies again. I do have to ask, though: do you know where, precisely, your associate was when he was murdered? He was murdered, by the way. Definitely not dogs." Rudy wasn't looking at his notebook but studying the gravedigger's reaction to this news.

Helmut was watching Rudy and the grave keeper speaking to each other. In the back of his mind, he felt something terrible would happen. However, he couldn't explain the reason for it. Watching the grave keeper's reaction to Rudy's question. Hands clasped together in front of him.

"So Helmut." Aleyn started. "What was your hunch back there at the grave?" Aleyn eyed up Helmut, " And why did you need that shovel?"

"Oh, my hunch was that perhaps some clue could have been buried in one of the graves. Perhaps the culprit or Schmidt might have tried to hide something. The shovel was to dig up the grave. But it was a stupid idea." He shook his head, feeling ridiculous for following the voices.

"Okay, I see," Aleyn looked back at the grave and then at Helmut. "I suppose that is one way to try and find a clue, though this is not a small graveyard, and there are plenty of graves where you were. Probably not the best idea since if a clue is buried here, we need to know the right grave, not a random one."

"Yes, you are correct; again, it was a stupid idea. From a stupid man." The last part was spoken in a whisper. Helmut's head was now looking down at his feet. He felt like a small child regretting doing something stupid. He needed to refrain from following the voices and the hallucinations. He needed to tell himself it was inaccurate and shouldn't hinder the investigation.

Aleyn could see the sadness in Helmut and tried to cheer him up. "Try not to beat yourself over it, and it's just a hunch. Just focus on what we know and stay with the party, okay? " Aleyn was unsure if this would work, but it was the best he could muster now.

"Thank you. I don't like being ridiculed for having these hunches." His head looking up and looking at Rudy. He didn't like the dirty looks he would get for listening to the voices. "I would like to have Earl Grey Tea after this dreadful case. Perhaps with you and Fräulein Nicola." His head turned towards Aleyn with a shy sort of smile on his face.

"No problem, Helmut, that would be nice." Aleyn gave a small smile in return. "But, we should focus on the case and figure out who is responsible and stop them before more women are killed." Speaking with confidence, "Whatever it is." Though Aleyn wondered who Schmidt was, but chose for now not to say anything.

"I was going to ask what you think about the case. I wonder if this Schmidt fellow had some involvement in the killings. Something the head doctor said was that the culprit could not properly engage in romantic relationships with women so they would do so in a more violent manner." Helmut closed his eyes, trying to assemble their pieces so far.

"Hmmmm," Aleyn was about to take a sip from his flask but resisted the urge. "Maybe, but you must explain the dead grave digger and why the man is choosing to eat the bodies." Aleyn gave Helumt a concerned look, "What I think about the case is that we are dealing with someone who is very disturbed or something else." The urge to drink overtook him this time, and Aleyn took a small sip from his flask. "It is a feeling, and I could be wrong, but we are dealing with something that is not normal."

"Yes, I am thinking we are dealing with a cannibal that seems to be more animal than man. I haven't seen something so brutal since the war." His eyes looked over at Aleyn, watching him take a sip from his flask. The very thought of soldiers killing and eating civilians and enemy combatants made his skin crawl. His hand wiped off some sweat that was running down his brows. "The bite marks myself, Masako, Rudy, and Nicola found were human, but I have this feeling there is something supernatural about these attacks." Again, the feeling of dread filled his body, making sweat run down his forehead. His face became even paler than before.

"So we agree, and if the culprit is not of the mundane stock then we better figure out what it is and how to stop it." Aleyn stole a glance at Ruby. "I know Ruby will probably not entertain the thought of it being supernatural, but again. Either someone is very disturbed, or something else is behind the murders. This means when we figure out the culprit, we need to be careful when stopping it; I am not looking forward to that. But it must be done," Aleyn looked normal but his voice betrayed him and it was clear he was anxious.

The thought of Aleyn having a similar conclusion made him feel a little better. He had seen things during the war that were not a regular occurrence. His mind went back to what that crazy woman gave him as they were leaving. "I hope if we find the culprit, we can put them down with conventual means. But I feel the Night Watch deals with more strange things than serial killers and the common criminal." Helmut took a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe sweat off his forehead.

"Yes, I hope so too. We can take it down with our gun and give our introduction to the Night Watch... I would agree with you about them." The thought that he was not alone in his feelings made Aleyn feel better. But he remembered that dreadful night when that monster attacked him and his family. Maybe if he had a weapon, he could have killed it and saved his family, or it would have been fruitless. But taking note of Helmut's physical state, Aleyn spoke, "Are you going to be okay? I got some spare handkerchiefs if you need them?"

The blonde man smiled and waved his hand. "Oh no, I'm okay. I'm just feeling a little bit hot. But thank you for the offer." Put away the handkerchief into his jacket pocket. "It will surprise the pirate if we encounter such creatures." He said, laughing and motioning his head towards Rudy.

Aleyn smiled, "Good. It would be nice to see how Ruby reacts if this proves to be a supernatural killer." Aleyn sighed in relief, "But let's get back to the case and figure out if the killer is human or something else. Then we can plan and act accordingly."

"I'm just repeating what the police said." the gravedigger looked skeptical of the assertion it was a murder." He was digging a grave on the edge of the old plague pits. Nasty place to dig since there are no records of where the bodies are.
SaM Of AlL cOlOrs

Location: Building 1 Cafeteria
Interactions: N/A
Time: Late Afternoon

After Sam and Azir finished their food, the two of them headed back to Azir’s room. Returning to the cafeteria a few moments later, armed with what they’d need for the hunt. Sam was armed with a giant net. Azir meanwhile brought with her a massive club. “I don’t think the club will be necessary; we will need them alive to get the prize. The more we are alive, the better our chance of collecting the prize.” Sam shook his head with a smile on his face. However, he wasn’t sure if the managers wanted the gremlins alive or dead.

Tsk, it’s more fun to make those bastards pay for messing with the food. But eh, I guess you got a point.” The ogre shrugged, placing the club over her shoulder. The two were left inside the kitchen, with Sam investigating the area for clues. Azir, meanwhile, was walking around the area, listening carefully for any gremlins that could be hiding. Each time step she took made the floor shake.

Sorry about the wait, i'm gonna start working on my post.
Still working on my post, i am sorry it is taking so long. I plan to get it up either tomorrow or on Wednesday.


Name: Lilith Dunrose Shazal

Race: Arachne/Drider | Age 28
Racial Traits: Lower half of body is that of an exceptionally large spider, can climb wall, spin web, and her bite is paralytic.

Requirements: As noted under traits, she can climb exceptionally well, to the point she could climb the stairwell walls easier than actually using them as intended. She can also bunch up all her legs into two groups, and wear a backpack to disguise her lower-abdomen, but this results in the 'backpack' swaying to a considerable degree with each stride.

-So she tends to only venture out at night, although she has considered disguising herself as someone riding a horse or bicycle, her gait would not match the illusion.
-Also, being that she's cold blooded, any complaints of the heating going-out in her room must be dealt with promptly.
-Her eyes are also rather photo-sensitive and she is frequently posting "vibration complaints".

Personality: Bit of a technology-savvy troublemaker. Tends to run ethernet-cable in her spare time whether those places need an internet connection or not. Has been known to fall asleep in the false-ceilings in office buildings.

Background: After her time attending the Dimensional Academy, she chose to settle down in a familiar dimension that still had her kind, but they were not public knowledge. Despite this, things seemed... calmer here. So after hanging-up her elementalist-gear she retired to a rather laid-back lifestyle of sleeping-in and streaming. However she still offered some rather advanced technical solutions to the other residents, even crafting a holo-projector for Miss Chiron to use so they could at least go out for a job outside from time to time.

She also added a mode that would have let her ride the centaur, or to just pose as a horse, but those options were vehemently refused on multiple occassions. She still checks to make sure it's still working properly and if she'd changed her mind, though. In the meantime she crafted one for herself to look like she's lugging a backpack or riding a pony, or is a pony.

She also wired up the internet for the entirety of building two. Literally, every, room.

Building, Floor, and room: Building 2, floor 2, room 109
Room description: She has a rather extensive computer setup, several in fact taking up the bulk of her room. And instead of a bed, she has a hammock that she tucks out of the way when streaming against Eilidh and the others.

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