
Kraseawei Templar
Character Age: 26
This girl puts you in mind of a clever fox with amber eyes that seem to glow in the dark. Her silky, straight, dark red hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a puffy dandelion. She has a lithe build. Her skin is tan. She has rounded, pointed ears and has incredible night vision.
Hair: Dark Red || Eyes: Amber || Skin: Tan
Height: 5' 3" || Weight: 118 lbs || Build: Lithe
Clothes: Leather tricorn cap, hooded cloak head scarf, peasant's blouse, hide jerkin, leather bracers, leather breeches, woolen hose, leather jackboots with rope soles. Waist scarf, wide leather belt, two belt pouches, dagger on the left, rigging knife with sheath and a carved hardwood fid.
She has a gold earring on her right ear. A bosun's pipe is on a knotted lanyard and tucked under her clothes.
She has a cutlass and a seabag with a lanyard and knotted fringe-work.
Other: 59 gold coins, 20 silver, some copper.
Wary, organized, & dependable. Loves music and books. Only gambles what she can afford to lose. Dislikes crowds.
She was left as a baby at the Temple of the Blessed Fountain and taken in by the followers of Photia, Goddess Of The Ostracized. Mother Shadeleaf gave her the name of Kraseawei, assuring the doubtful it was an actual Elvish name. When Kraseawei was old enough, she was put under the charge of Blind Cyd, few aware that he was a former pirate.
Blind Cyd used the children as his eyes and hands. While the temple taught her about letters, numbers, and the gods, he and his minions taught her how to read the secret symbols of their trade, to move about silently without notice, to pick locks and pockets, to use a blade and a sling, and how to burgle.
When she was older, whenever a book came into his possession, Blind Cyd would have Kraseawei read it as he loved the sweetness of her voice, and would patiently question her and the others on what she read. It was a most unusual education.
When Searl, a new merchant, set up shop in Redkirk and quickly became successful within a fortnight, Blind Cyd sent her into his warehouse to discover his secrets. Unfortunately for her, she was caught and beatened by the merchant and his men. When Kraseawei refused to talk, Searl delivered her to Baron Aleyne's court. Unable to intevene, Blind Cyd could only stand there helplessly as the barely conscious thief was dragged out of the Baron's court to the waiting prison boat that would take her to Barktawa Reef.
It wasn't long after that for the exiled Prince Francus the Pretender decided to launch his attacks against the Lepraerin Kingdom. In need of recruits, the kingdom decided to press prisoners into service in the Lepraerin Royal Navy. Kraseawei and others were dragged aboard the Golden Griffin in chains, then once they were almost out of sight from Barktawa Reef, each prisoner was branded with the ship's crest before being released and assigned their new duties.
The crew were surly towards the new "recruits", none of them liking theives or worse sharing their quarters and quick to apply their own rough justice. As the new recruits would be leading the assault on the Lord Pretender's ship, they were trained to fight with wooden swords filled with lead, the real weapons locked up until battle.
One night on lookout, Kraseawei spotted a ship in the darkness, but the others couldn't see anything and told the captain that the "little golden-eye thief" was lying. The captain ordered her flogged "for her impertinence," and they were too busy watching her when the Pretender's ship rammed them, cutting the ship in half.
How many days Kraseawei floated, tied that rail, before she was plucked out of the ocean by Captain Alda the Cruel and the crew of the Bloody Sword, she couldn't say. There wasn't much fighting, much to her surprise, as most ships would surrender as soon as they saw Alda's flag, and the food was better by far. Wasel, the Bosun, taught her to play the fiddle while she was still recovering, while the captain would sometimes give her some personalized training with the cutlass. Alda apologized to her once, saying that because of her well-earned reputation, so few captains had the nerve to face he; she really didn't have a way to give Kraseawei the battle experience she needed to improve.
It took a few years, but she was finally able to ransom herself, since Kraseawei didn't sign the book. Returning to Lepraerin was out of the question, they'd lock her up as a deserter. So while still dark, The Bloody Sword let her ashore on a vacant stretch of beach to make her way towards the town and a ship to the Vale.
Thief - out of practice as a dip (pickpocket), good with slight of hand, rusty at picking locks, fair at finding traps, good at concealment and stealth.
Sailor - Good with line and rigging, good at knot-tying, splicing, canvas work, handling small craft. Some celestrial navigation. Good head for heights.
Fiddle - plays well, good signing voice, knows a lot of sea shanties.
Swordmanship - fair, some skill
Knife-fighting - good at handling and throwing
Sling - fair shot.
Darkvision - can see in extremely dark places
Sensitive Hearing - can hear whispers as if the speaker was standing next to her instead of across the room.
Haphephobia (fear of touch, mild), PTSD (mild), Suspicious, Pessimistic, Sea legs (her body is used to a deck that pitches and rolls, even on dry land, gives her a distinctive walk).
Ditty bag - small canvas sack with rope landyard, contains sail needles in a needle case, sail palm x2 , waxed sail twine x 2, bench hooks x 2, bone fid, small hanks of twine and small cordage, rolled strips of canvas, rigging knife with sheath, tinder box w/flint & steel, burning lens). Kept in her seabag.
Hide Jerkin - some protection from slash attacks
CutlassDaggerSlingFiddle (musical instrument)
Seabag Belt pouch (1) - twenty silver coins, some copper.
Belt pouch (2) -
Metsubushi black eggs x 2, chalk x 2.
Her surname Templar is often used by the temple priests when the actual name is not known.