Avatar of Expllo


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
1 like
1 yr ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
9 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
9 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
9 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


Most Recent Posts

Zane620 said
"..... Okay, I see her." Hyperion said turning his gaze over to the female who instantly said cool hair man. He moved a stand to a point he could see it, and sighed and shrugged. "T-thanks." He muttered, before Tabo gave him the rundown on her going on her first mission and to make sure she didn't die. Of course he then said that absurd nickname again which made him resist the urge to bash his skull off a wall. He told him various seat position of which were his, yet he seemed to not know this.... Despite being the captain of the squad. So he was told to ask Hikari, in which Hyperion just nodded his head. As he left the office with Keina, she informed him of the mission and he nodded, as he began shunpoing to the source with her behind him, and once at the destination stood on a sturdy branch and looked at her. "Wanna give me a quick rundown on what you can do Miss...... He actually never told me your name yet. Mines Hyperion."

Once they got to their destination she watched as Hype stood on a branch, she shrugged and jumped up reaching out her arms. She gripped the branch and pulled herself up so she was beside him, though she sat criss cross. She looked back and forth and began trying to sense around the area for the hollow. She snapped out of it when Hype asked her a few questions in which she smiled up at him, "I'm Keina! As for what I can do, well, not much!" she replied as she rubbed the back of her head, "But I was trained by my brother, he was in Squad six at one point." She then looked forward again and slowly stood to her feet as she heard a rustle.
Waiting on peeps I'm pretty sure.
I swim with my Zanpakuto.
Well I posted my character. I know his backstory, the next part is typing it out. I can't be asked at to do so at the moment so it'll most likely be done tomorrow. In other news three earth benders, two fire benders, one water bender, and one air bender
Phobos said
*flips a table* What's wrong with it?e.eCause what I got was she blocked his shikai with hers and then she absorbed the Wolf. Then she grabbed one of his shikais and slashed at him

Zane620 said
She blocked his shikai with her own, and threw a punch at him XD

Pfft xD
KabenSaal said
Just tried Dueling Network again. Got four turns in and someone wussed out like a bitch.

That happens allot.
Ditto reigns 2k14

GM to advance....I think most people posted already.
"Well maybe you should talk to him when he gets back, he seemed happy last time you two went out," Tabo replied as he watched Alucard tuck into the sandwich. Once the other girl stated she wasn't there because of her Captain he nodded. "Well I assume you are here for a reason, and since I'm in a position to do this!" Tabo grabbed a random piece of paper from his Shihakusho and gave it to Haruka, "I'm pretty sure this would work good, and yes, I'm only sending you two. I'll send others...I might send others." Tabo turned his chair around and waved them off. As it stated on the paper, there was a mysterious hollow that was in one of the districts they watched over but retreated to some cliffs far off. So it was still for Squad 10 to handle, Tabo knew there was more going on and normally would send someone of Hikari's skill level with them.....But he wanted to test them, plus Haruka wanted training....No one got easy training from him. Squad two could also consider it a gift if that girl improved well due to this mission.
"Hm, I would say he's alright. Maybe a bit angry, he just has some personal things he needs to deal with. People trying to kill him is all," Tabo said with a shrug as he bit into his sandwich, though a small smirk was placed on his face after he mentioned people trying to kill Hikari. Once Alucard jumped on the desk barking and tail waging Tabo paused and stared at Alucard before slightly poking his nose and breaking off half his sandwich placing it in front of Alucard. He looked over at Haruka. "Oh, I'm doing alright," he said before looking at Sinai, "A squad two Shinigami, interesting. Are you trying to get information for that Kaizo kid? I keep telling him I'm not interested in his swiffer sweepers!" he said as he rubbed the back of his head, how he knew she was Squad Two was probably something of question alongside what the hell he was actually talking about.
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