Avatar of Expllo


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6 mos ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
1 like
1 yr ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
9 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
9 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
9 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


Most Recent Posts

Will throw up the biography and finish the other guy after tonight @Jasonhero

@CloudyBlueDay Cool. I'll be keeping an eye out then.
This looks interesting. Y'all still accepting by any chance? If so, I'll hack away at the IC before throwing a CS at ya'.
I'm just finishing up my bio. You know, Sticky Dicky being eleven, he's lived a long life. Lots to tell. Yep. Totes not me...being...lazy or anything...ha...haha
Something something character sheet goes here something something

Name: Sticky Dicky
Age: 11
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Appearance: There's nothing interesting to note about Sticky Dicky. He's a small, thin, child with white hair and blue eyes. He wears a bandana in attempt to resemble an ancient war hero, possibly a myth, his mother would read him stories about, named Rambo. He also wears a brown cloak.

Bio: Dicky was born and raised by his mother in a cabin in the woods. His life during that period has nothing interesting to note. He read books mainly, helped his mother with chores around the house, and would occasionally sneak out the house to go play. One day, with a reason unbeknownst to Dicky, possibly due to plot convenience so the mun can make an eleven year old's backstory at least slightly intriguing, "bandits" attacked their home. Killed his mother, took certain items in their home, and left. Dicky managed to stay hidden the whole time. Soon enough would he leave his home, and for the first time, enter the city.

Arcane/Eldritch Arm: The name and abilities is unknown to Dicky, but this weapon is in the form of a dagger that's black as obsidian.
Alternate Form:
Overbreak Form:
Unleashed Form:
Add one more body to the body toll. May God rest this poor bastard's soul.
oooh I get to play both teams huh?

Just like my sexuality.
Twerking contest.
Two of the big three fighting. Meanwhile Cole is in the background like, "You're both pretty."
That post wasn't the best. I'm hella tired. But I think it does its job.
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