I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
1 yr ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
9 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
9 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
9 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!
Ariel watched as, in the distance, a group of people led by a guard began approaching the compound. Must be the new recruits. Ariel look down and frowned at his outfit. The one that he's changed about a thousand times already. Okay, last change! Something simple! Ariel snapped his fingers, changing his attire entirely. Now wearing a purple and black tuxedo with diamonds dazzled across the collars and cuffs. There was a light amount of make-up on his face to emphasize his best features, which was everything, but he'd keep it simple for now with just his cheekbones. As the group approached he placed his hands on his hips and gave his best smile, his perfect teeth literally shining alongside the sun. The entire group would suddenly feel drawn to Ariel as he spread his arms outwards, letting his Venus powers come into play so he could gather their attention. Not that he needed it though considering it was him, but he figured he shouldn't play around. "Welcome to Camp Jupiter everyone!" Ariel winked. "The praetor should be out shortly to greet you all but until then feel free to ask me any questions that you may have."
Summary: Isa is fucked up. Chiron helps him not be fucked up. It's lit.
When Isa woke up, he didn't even realize he'd passed out, connecting the dots only because he was farther from the car crash and also his body suddenly a lot more sore. "Where're we goin?" he asked groggily, the boy asked as he pulled his arm from the teen's shoulder, trying to get a bearing on his own feet. He was too weak-- weaker than usual-- and found himself helplessly relying on the stranger's shoulder. His eyes fluttered in and out of focus and as he tried listening for an answer, realized only then the strong ringing in his ears. Fuck, did he even ask that question? Yo was he dead?
"Where're we goin'?" he asked, louder this time, glancing up to catch the hazy image of the familiar face helping carry him up a hill. He was one of the new older kids the church took in, which was weird because older kids tended not to come in without a fight, but also he had a limp so Isa and the others assumed that was why he got taken in by the system so easily. The more Isa came away from his post-passing out haze, the more he noticed that... yo, this guy no longer had a limp.
His eyes glanced back down, neck weary from holding it up, eyes noticing only then the cool furry pants he'd caught sight of earlier prior to passing out. But now, he was less panicky and adrenaline-driven and those were not pants, and his feet were not feet. This dude was something straight out of the bible-- a weird half-goat half-man mixture akin to what Isa was familiar to as Sa--
"What." Isa glanced back up, trying not to pretend he was totally dead and Satan was taking him to hell, which, if the greenery of the ground was anything to judge by, and the other kids hanging around in ugly orange sweaters, was not as bad as Mother made it out to be. "I'm not Satan, I'm a satyr," said the teen, breaking Isa out of his thoughts, continuing to make their way to a big house. "I'm not gonna voice my two cents on Mother or your life back there, by the way, but you were dumb for trying to run away with that creep." "Canary wasn't a creep he was our brother," Isa said, eyes now focused to the looming building, akin to a summer house that he'd seen in movies, "I bet you're not actually an orphan are you." "Neither are you. I think there's someone you'd like to talk to."
The duo would receive a few looks of wariness and concern from campers as they traversed through the quiet, and peaceful, camp. Arriving at the large sky-blue house, Chiron would immediately straighten himself before making his way down the stairs. Walking to the other side of Isa, Chiron would toss the boy's arm around his shoulder before looking at the Satyr with him. As they made their way up the stairs, into the house, and to the infirmary, Chiron would ask, "What happened to him?"
"He ran from home with a couple of reckless kids and got into a car accident." The satyr walked side by side with the large man, Isa looking between the two weird legged creatures his brows furrowed intensely. "Yo, I appreciate the help and all but I am gettin' antsy and all sortsa bad vibes, am I dead?" His feet, which dangled lightly above the ground, twitched as they reached for something solid, instead reaching for the only familiar figure beside him-- the satyr, who while now was kinda satan-y with his legs, still had the face of an older caretaker he placed trust on.
The satyr looked a bit helpless and perplexed before glancing up at Chiron as they entered the infirmary, reaching a hand past the thickness that was Isa's head and petted him in comfort. He was, after all, only thirteen and kind of really awkwardly raised. "Remember what we do to nice strangers?" urged the satyr, looking down at Isa's large and kind of terrified eyes, nodding towards Chiron.
Isa's brows furried as he glanced up at the larger and stranger man, fidgeting as he was placed on a bed. "Uh, thanks, man," he mumbled, looking down at his hands, "My name's Isa Pampanga. I'm thirteen. Uh..." His eyes glanced to the side back to the satyr, who only nodded and offered a small smile of encouragement, which was good, because Isa felt like this was the weirdest place to try and be adopted. Looking around, his eyes couldn't help but catch sight of the furniture are his nose couldn't help but appreciate the warmth... Weird place, but nice.
"Well, welcome to Camp Half-Blood Isa," replied Chiron as he walked over with a tissue. He began wiping away the blood from Isa's nose. "My name is Chiron, and you're very much alive at the moment. I know what you're seeing is hard to grasp, but it'll be explained soon." Chiron walked away to toss the bloody tissue into the trash. "Would you mind helping him remove his shirt? I need to deal with the burns." He then stepped out to fetch a few towels.
Camp Half-Blood. Had a bad ring to it, but only because anything with the word 'blood' kind of set shady vibes. Nonetheless he raised his head compliantly as his face was wiped up, not even realizing there'd been blood on his face until he felt it peel off. Chiron seemed nice, past the whole horse thing, as did his satyr friend who, Isa was now coming to terms with, was not Satan.
"I can do it," said the effeminate boy, wincing as he started to take off his shirt, saying no more as the satyr helped him in removing it. Small hisses left his lips as bits of his shirt clung to his skin, peeling off without effort but overall being really painful. If he was being helped and still in a lot of pain, he could only imagine what the others were going through, left in god knows where. The satyr asked if he wanted to toss the shirt in the trash, but Isa shook his head, "I'll keep it. Memento and all that, you know."
Besides, if he ran away from here, too, he'd want the same clothes he was in. For some reason he felt like he shouldn't let anyone know he was here at all.
Returning with dampened towels, Chiron made his way over to Isa once more. Gently he would press the damp fabrics onto the burns that riddled the young boy's skin. The damage wasn't too bad. There was some bruising. The burns were only light. He'd be fine in a couple days, but he'd certainly need the rest, meaning he wouldn't be able to participate in any activities around the camp. Nevertheless, health was most important in this situation. "Excuse me if it's prying, as I don't want to be rude, but... Why did you run away from home?" Chiron spoke to distract the boy from the pain, although the curiosity was genuine.
Now and again, Isa winced as the burns were patched up, moving his hair wherever Chiron told him to, keeping it off of his open wounds. His shoulders switched from relaxing to being on edge, each varying degree of pain enough to keep him on his toes. At the question, he couldn't help but flush, unsure if he should answer the question but overall feeling as though he had to.
"Uh," he started, a focused frown on his face as his mind tried to think about why he ran away as opposed to the pain on his body, "The church was... me and my brother... we didn't like it there. So we left." It sounded empty, as though there needed to me more, but it really was just that. He winced again, before forcing something out of his mouth to get his mind off things, "What's, uh... Camp Half-Blood...?"
After he finished cooling the burns, Chiron sat the towels elsewhere before pulling out an antibiotic ointment he had also retrieved. He began applying it to the burns as he answered the question. "Camp Half-Blood is, essentially, one of the only safe places for Half-Bloods to live. Demigods. Greek 'Mythology' is real. And one of your parents, mother or father, is one of the Gods." Chiron motioned towards the Satyr. "If that wasn't the case then you friend here would have simply taken you to a mortal hospital. But... there is a lot more for you to learn. I'd rather you be in a much healthier position to absorb all the information. But in short, you are the child of a God. And you will be safe here." Chiron finished applying the ointment then took a few steps back. "Try not to do anything too physically strenuous."
It was a lot of information all at once, Isa staying silent for a few minutes after Chiron finished patching him up as he tried to collect everything. "Okay," he automatically responded after the last part before blinking and glancing up-- "Wait no--"
"Half god?" he started, "Aren't we all technically children of God?" He let out a nervous chuckle as he put a hand to his face, trying to think over everything. Greek mythology? He was interested in the subject when it came up in class, but they never focused too much attention on it. Isa tended to suck at school in general. Wait, did that mean his dad was a god? Wait what the hell was even happening shit, his head hurt--
"Okay," he repeated, "I'll just... chill here. Till I get my shit together."
Est-ce que tu parles francais? Welcome to the site, zaehl! I don't think there's much you need to stress about with your English. At least from what I've seen so far in your writing, it's pretty damn good. Your art style is literally perfect too. Anyways, I hope you find what you want here and have a good time!
Attractive. Like, breathtakingly, stunningly attractive. Whenever he's about to be caught doing something, like stealing or being in a fight, whenever his body is sent into full on panic something just clicks and Isa looks so beautiful when he's scared out of his wits people sometimes stop in their tracks or have to catch their breath for a minute, a minute Isa will probably use to hightail it on out of there.
A small breeze drifted through Camp Half-Blood as the sun began to rise, ready to lend rays of itself down onto the camp. Aheahe yawned as he rubbed his arm, taking in the sights as the Satyr led him to a large, sky-blue, house in the distance. From the main entrance he could make out fine structures and a lake. What really caught his eye though were the volleyball courts not too far from their destination. No one was there currently though. Matter of fact, not many people seemed to be out in general. If it wasn't for the Satyr saving his life from some sort of monster earlier Aheahe would have thought something shady was going on then booked it back up those hills. But he knew better than to judge the unfamiliar, so he'd given this a chance especially after promising his mother. Aheahe would snap out of his thoughts and come to as they approached The Big House, just as the Satyr male spoke a few words; "This is also the infirmary."
"Well that's...nice?"
"You weren't even listening, were you?"
Aheahe shook his head no. "I totally was."
The Satyr opened his mouth to respond but was interuppted by a calm, yet steely, voice. "I will take it from here, thank you." The Satyr looked up alongside Aheahe at the middle-aged centaur standing on the deck of The Big House. "Well alright." The Satyr spoke before heading off. The centaur on the deck made his way down the stairs to stand in front of Aheahe. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. I imagine it was already explained to you what this place is so I'll skip over the basics. My name is Chiron and I am the activities director of this camp."
"And, uh..." Aheahe couldn't keep his eyes from trailing down Chiron's legs. They quickly shot back to his face, though Chiron didn't seem to mind. "My name is Aheahe! Nice to meet you! Um...What do you mean by activity director? Like that volleyball court over there?" He threw a thumb back towards the courts. "Is that what happens here? God sports? Powers n' all that shit? Because I'm not sure if that's dope or just stupid."
Chiron's lips spread into a smile. "Perhaps a bit of both?" Aheahe shrugged. It was a good point though. "You'll become familiar with this camp in due time, but for now we should get you settled down. I'm sure you'd like to rest after your trip. The last thing you need is a bunch of information shoved down your throat." Truth had it that after the little monster event Aheahe had never been more awake. But he wouldn't deny that he'd like some time alone to think. So without a word he would follow Chiron to the cabins.
The trip to the cabins was quiet. Some would find it peaceful, but to Aheahe it was foriegn. Having worked in an Auto repair shop for the last few years had gotten Aheahe used to things being loud. Silence at this point was borderline dreadful. Passing by the arena had provided some noise, and sparked Aheahe's curosity as to what was happening, but Chiron ushered him forward.
"As you're unclaimed currently you will be placed in Hermes' Cabin. Now I know the cabin is a bit dinky, but you'll be sorted out sooner or later."
Aheahe frowned. It certainly wasn't the worst place he'd have to lay his head. His mind wandered. Why wasn't it better taken care of like the other cabins seemed to be? It ultimately wasn't his problem so he'd drop it. "When will I be claimed? Well...first I should ask what that even means?"
"Claiming is when a god acknowledges you as their offspring. After that, well, you'll be sorted into the cabin for said god. As for when? I can't say."
Aheahe mentally facepalmed. "Right! I didn't think of that because, well...that'd actually be something that makes sense!"
Chiron smiled again. "As I said, you'll become familiar with everything in due time. It'll all begin to make sense soon enough. Now, you go make yourself comfortable. I should be heading back to greet any other newcomers. And who knows? Maybe one will turn out to be a sibling of yours." Chiron would then began walking away. Aheahe looked back, puzzled, before shaking his head and walking inside the cabin.
Name: Aheahe Kalani Age: Seventeen Sex: Female Appearance:Aheahe is of decent build standing at five feet’ seven inches with an athletic build. You will normally catch him wearing casual attire, hoodies and joggers most of the time, even during more formal settings. He has light brown skin that of which is comparable to caramel or mocha with brown hair to match, generally kept short and messy. Though un-matching and genetically rare, Aheahe has a set of ocean-blue eyes that seem to have caught the attention of quite a few people throughout his life. Image credit! Parent(s): Hephaestus Biography: Aheahe had a rather peaceful upbringing. His single mother owned an Auto care which Aheahe's older brother helped work in. It was their only source of income, and as such, kept Aheahe out to not risk him breaking anything or hurting himself. Especially since as a child Aheahe was rather energetic and his playing around usually led to cuts and bruises one way or the other. Entering early-teen years, that would slow down as Aheahe became more laid back and mature, therefore being allowed to enter the shop more. Aheahe would spend most of his time there watching his family work on automobiles, picking up skills and learning the lingo, Aheahe would then begin studying cars and then technology in general. He found his interests peak and would soon come to a minor discovery which his family was supportive in. Then a major one which was the discovery of his powers, although he wasn't aware they were powers then. It was just described as a knack for finding problems as Aheahe constantly had accurate feelings on what was wrong with automobiles when his mother and brother became stumped. Turns out that was good for business as it helped repairs become quicker. The next few years of his life has nothing important to note. Typical teenager things. Video games, parties, heartbreaks, sneaking out, etc. It wasn't until recently that he would realize his knack of sensing problems was possibly because he was the child of a God. After a small encounter with a creature in the shop that resulted in his mother, who has the sight, and a Satyr saving him, he was offered to join Camp Half-Blood for his safety. After having Camp Half-Blood explained to Aheahe, he would agree to join, especially since his mother begged him to go. Abilities: Being the child of Hephaestus, naturally, Aheahe has resistance to heat and can sense the faults in machines. His powers hasn't developed past that point, but he is rather tech savvy and a reliable cook.