Avatar of Expllo


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
1 like
1 yr ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
9 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
9 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
9 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


Most Recent Posts

@Zeroth I actually like this a lot; it adds a little more depth to my character I didn't even consider. That'll definitely be an interesting elemental going forward as he discovers his origins and culture.
@Expllo Unless you'd like him to be an immigrant from the Hino Country (where Yami's from) Black Clover usually has Westernish/Fantasy names rather than the traditional Japanese ones. Also, so far as we know it's standard for every kid in the kingdom to attend a grimoire ceremony whenever it's held after they turn 15 (implied to be once per year when they tell Asta to try again). It wouldn't be a surprise for him to get one and he wouldn't necessarily need to sneak in, unless it's just his bandit buddy trying to avoid notice from any authorities who might've come to watch. Other than that I don't see any real issues, so let me know if you have any questions!

That's a fine explanation of his name as his background is pretty ambiguous, his parents could have very well been from there. I'm open to changing the name to fit the game thematically, no big deal. And yes that's what I was trying to portray they were trying to avoid local authorities who might recognize them, sorry for the confusion.

The weekend is perfectly fine with me as well. Can't wait to see the final product, seems like we have a pretty intriguing cast already.
I didn't expect character sheets so soon. Lol I just put something together based on my first idea, definitely not as in-depth as I'd normally like it but this is the general direction I'm thinking for my character. Definitely let me know what could be better/changed.

don't mind the grammar/punctuation mistakes lol
I haven't done this RP thing in a while, been trying to dip my toe back in these waters for a little minute now and this seems like a decent place to start. Interested.
@Expllo Finally I know what you look like. I have long, long watched your every move, skillfully deducting when to strike. Now it all falls together.

Just kidding, Jasmine knows you and so does Jade, so they mentioned you.

@Expllo my furry powers remain stronger than ever


Indeed they do

Lies but I appreciate it

Masculine to feminine real quick @wolf-paws was gonna cry if I didn't do this)
The True God of Camp Jupiter

Ariel allowed a moment to pass by as his eyes glossed over the little group in front of him. The Blake guy was cute, and Ariel was digging the undercut. Sadly he didn’t have that flare about him, especially with his clothing, but those ones were the most fun to mess with… and the most surprising. Ariel smirked briefly before he took in the girl with the red hair. It was cute. It was fierce! It was… rather basic in the style she had it in currently. She could use some tips. Finally, the small one with their hand up. They were adorable. They looked like a coconut. Ariel pointed a single finger at her, his nails painted purple to match his suit. “What’s your question, doll?” Ariel then fabulously spun on his heels and began walking, holding a hand up and snapping. ”We’ll walk and talk, darlings.” Rule number one of being a bad bitch, after all, was independence. Ariel waited on no one, not even the praetor, so they’d be heading towards her. He placed his hands on his hips as he walked with a sway.
Everyone, use this as an example to read the IC before you talk shit.
I read it al-

Jk jk :P

I will wait for a reply from @Arcalept ^^

Way to be a follower, Zoe. Everyone, use this an example to think and act for yourselves. Don't be a sheep!
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