Avatar of FourtyTwo


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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

Most Recent Posts

The steep line was a beautiful one to carve down, the rocks a little scary but the fresh powder that lined the gaps beautiful to run down, Seb could only follow by Ellie and keep to the serpentine, though he was keeping close, very close. He was almost catching some of the snow she kicked up, as he chuckled, watching as she found a natural kicker to fling herself over, turning nicely over and coming full circle. Seb carved up powder as he turned hard to avoid her drop, avoiding the ice as much as he could, given it gave virtually no traction and would only increase the speed. The sight was incredible, it was already so symbiotic, they were tight and it didn't even need much effort, it felt like the flow had just kicked in and everything was absolutely locked in and focused, just pure and right on it.

The speed was on, as he found the first of the natural kickers, right over an ice bridge that sat in a gully of the glacier, it's walls nearly sky blue, reflecting sunlight beautifully, turning to a darker shade in parts and then being smoothed over with snow and other powered. It was just pure brilliance, and he could tell, wherever Ellie was, she had to be seeing the same.

With a little steeze, he was already turning before he left the snow with the carve on the snow as he effortlessly lept off the kicker, pulling off a frontflip cork, turning just about 540 with the amount of angle he was putting on and speed throughout. Grabbing the side of his skis, pulling himself tight and coiling over, going more diagonal rather than simply horizontal, he kept the snow beneath in view, slamming in hard and breaking up a lot of powder, as he carved back in, over a ice bridge, the route just insane, it felt like paradise and it surely was, leaping over a pile of rocks with a gentle grab, as he hit the snow once more, carving in to kill some of the speed that had accumulated.

The gully they were in tightened, as Seb overtook Ellie, becoming almost a pipe for half a second, before it opened up, a beautiful kicker running out of it as he used as much momentum as he could to pull a backflip, grabbing the front of his skis, grinning madly as he saw Ellie behind, killing it while he could before he flipped out of control, back onto the open ground, carving quick and kicking up powder galore, feeling alive. Ellie was close, he could feel that in his periphery, as he dug in his left, taking a shallower route to the right, hoping she'd follow. A few more natural berms were coming up, as he continued to skate back into the gully, leaping over each and every one, keeping to the icy walls and skating almost along them, almost on his side completely as he used his speed to keep the momentum, a jagged piece of blue ice sticking out in front that Seb was now able to use to his creative advantage.

There was no going around it, as he used whatever he could to keep going, flying over the ice and off it, over a crevasse, pulling a full 360, grabbing his tail whilst doing so, before hitting the other side, whooping as he continued on. There was no denying it, this was a route and a half, as he carved back into the gully, slowing down almost entirely, the route seemingly running out, as he nearly turned 180 off the edge of the next crevasse, a small drop awaiting into another ice cave. The noise of melt could be heard, as Seb turned hard, through the narrow network, the blue incredible, as he saw the exit coming up, and already saw his route out. Keeping the speed, he pushed hard into the icy and arcing wall, running alongside it and using it as a semi-kicker, leaping off it to pull a 180 grab, running out of the end and into another kicker where he pulled the rest of the 180 to gently put him back on his front once more, whooping as the rest of the glacier could be seen onward, sprawling and an incredible sight. Whatever Ellie was making of this, he didn't entirely see sometimes, but knew the camera might, and that for the moment, he'd let her lead, and carry on.
Here's something to kick things out.

I feel totally dry in writing intrigue, and expanding certain plots in the Tyrell arc, so here's Ellion and Tamsyn working out a strike partnership.

That said, in given time I'd like to do something.
The Skull

collab with @Applo

As the Eel ground its way through the sand Tamsyn pinched the bridge of her nose and tried to stamp the tiredness out of her legs. The previous night's scouting expedition had been a long arduous affair and catching up on sleep during the day had been almost impossible with all the hustle and bustle of the preparations for tonight going on although this was all just the tip of the problem. The real problem for Tamsyn was that she had just sailed into a bay full of cut throats, murderers and rapists so that their sworn enemy could wonder in and poke his nose around. People could be very unreasonable about things like that and her mind was filled with images of all the ways these rebels could devise to kill someone, most of which made having your throat slit or being beheaded seem rather pleasant. Even the thought of a heavy purse of gold was failing at keeping her distracted anymore. Mostly she wanted to be sick.

Looking across to the expeditions other boats she watched as prince and his men clambered out of their little skiffs and generally set out acting the part of pirates, it wasn’t a confidence filling site. On her own boat five sets of eyes watched Tamsyn carefully. They obeyed her instructions well enough although Tamsyn was sure this was on for the look of the thing. Their real purpose was to make sure that she kept in line with the prince’s instructions. To the them she was almost as big as an enemy as the rebels. Still at least it meant she had someone to do the heavy lifting.

“Unload everything and pile it up just above the tidemark” Tamsyn said dismissively before quickly adding “and then someone turn my ship around and have it ready to sail.”

With that Tamsyn retrieved a long and bulky leather package from the cabin of the Eel before jumping down to that sand. She would have preferred to stay and supervise the unloading but she had been tasked with another duty and as much as she hated the idea of it she had felt unable to refuse the order.

The journey across the beach to her arranged meeting point was blessedly uneventful and free of people shouting things like oi you and stop! There had been a plan to explain her unexpected arrival but Tamsyn had been apprehensive how the rebels were going to react. The fact that the worst she had to deal with was lust filled drunkards was a blessed relief.

When she was sure that she had reached the agreed upon spot Tamsyn to a furtive look around and happy that no one was watching she emptied the contents of her package onto the ground. It was the work of moments to string the bow and after a few draws to test the string Tamsyn rewrapped the bow and quiver in the leather pouch. Every possible avenue of activity and preparation now exhausted she sat down on a nearby rock and waited for the person she was meeting to appear.

Ellion emerged from the sandy cove, the time and the meeting clear, as he made his way out, sword at his hilt, the sight of Tamsyn in front of him, sitting on a rock and preparing her bow. His brown hair was almost black from the beating it had taken from the sea and dirt, but was still long and flowing, blowing in the sea-salt spray on the beach in the evening.
"You're late." He said to her, as he chuckled, nodding.
"So, we have work to do. I hope you're good with that bow. We'll need to be quick footed, skirmishing. We can't pick fights we can't end quickly, or run from."

"The sound of Ellion's voice made Tamsyn jump but she made an effort of taking her time to turn around. The figure that stood over her was dirty, decrepit and covered in more than a little blood yet somehow to Tamsyn's mind still looked like a knight. There was something about the way the man held himself.

"Don't worry about me, if I couldn't avoid soldiers and guards I wouldn't be sitting here. As for my bow, my parents taught me to shoot the Free Folk way. If I missed I didn't eat, it's rather an effective way to learn something."

The last statement was stretching the truth more than a little but Tamsyn was dammed if she was going to let this Tyrell doubt her. Her father and her brother might scrape and bow to them, but she wouldn't.

"Right lets go then" she said as she slung the quiver over her shoulder before picking up her bow.

Ellion chuckled, as he led the way off the beach, the gentle drizzle pouring down, nodding.
"You seem confident then." Ellion replied, as he looked up the shoreline, aware that they still had another beacon to find. She was attractive, he had to say that to himself in his mind, at least. A pretty girl, a redheaded Northerner, with a charm of a Lyseni smuggler.

This trip got stranger and stranger, he thought. Into the heart of darkness he had seen his own knightly ways change as a fighter, he had forced himself into a little adventure and found himself as a warm-blooded swordsman, and his talents had changed. It was almost surreal, but Ellion Tyrell wasn't distinctive in this armour, his messy hair partly covering his face, only something observable to those who would perhaps look into the Tyrell eyes and his fine form beneath it all. And slept with one girl so far. Maybe another, if Tamsyn felt that way. She was a rough diamond, that was for sure, and he'd be courteous. Hard to get, perhaps. Maybe not. He didn't really know. He had to stop thinking with his dick and with his brain, because shit needed to be done.

"The beacon's up that way. Shouldn't be long to get there." He added, as he kept his eyes on a swivel, looking back at Tamsyn.
"So, what brought you into the party then?"

"Coin. A lot of it. More than I could possibly refuse." She was glad that Prince Aemon and the Greyjoy cow had kept the details of how this little arrangement had come about a secret. After the prince, this Tyrell clown was one of the most dangerous people in the group for her. The Grimm's might be a small family in the reach but they were just a little unique. All it might take could be a few careless words and the idiot in front of her would have everything he needed to work out who she really was. Even though Ellion seemed about as quick in the head as sheep so far it being near him was still a risk Tamsyn wasn't exactly thrilled about.

"How well guarded was the last beacon?" she asked before adding "What should I be expecting?" Tamsyn hoped that talk of tactics and battle would keep Ellion's mind occupied.

"A few good men. Archers though. The men themselves aren't incredibly well trained, they're restless, as rebels are." Ellion added, as he looked back.
"Not much resistance if we're clever." He added with a wry smirk, his voice still holding it's usual charm, not grizzly as you would almost anticipate with a man of that look.

They headed up the hilly track, the route winding but open. Ellion could hear the distant noise of marching, and already enacted a response. With a firm push, he nudged Tamsyn and dived into some shrubbery, diving onto the floor.

Putting his finger to his lip, he counted the footsteps, listening to what was coming.
"There's too many. Ignore it." Ellion added, keeping his profile low, as he knew that it would be easier to hide than it would be to confront, and risk being exposed.

It was all Tamsyn could do to resist the urge to give Ellion a kick and instead just roll her eyes at the instruction. She had no intention of leading a charge at the men who she could now here coming towards the pair’s position.

As the footsteps grew louder Tamsyn's hand closed around the handle of her knife and she regretted not having kept one of the sword's she'd just delivered. If it came to a melee a knife wouldn't do her much good, she'd have to trust in Ellion and luck far more than she was comfortable with. With each passing second the footsteps got louder and Tamsyn's heart raced to keep up. She'd hidden in bushes before but the gut wrenching nerves caused by thinking that you were about to be discovered was something that never seemed to go away.

Ellion just kept down, watching them go past, as he looked to Tamsyn, nodding. The patrol had passed, as they emerged out of the shrubbery, knowing that they had avoided a conflict. For now, at least. That was a probelm for later, as he led the way on again, dusting himself down.
"Not far now."

The task of climbing out of the bushes that they had been hiding in took somewhat longer than diving into them had, for Tamsyn at least. While Elions armour meant that it was easy for him to climb out Tamsyn's clothes snagged and caught on the branches, slowing her down as she had to untangle herself. By the time she was on the road again Ellion was already a good distance from her and she had to half run to catch up with him.

"Do you actually have a plan for this or are we just hoping there isn't a cart load of rebels guarding this beacon."

"Well.....bit of both. Kind of makes this an adventure." Ellion smirked as he remarked it, as they continued heading up the coastal track. It was a strange feeling to be like this, but after all, when with rogues, you had to be this way.
"Where do you come from, Tamsyn? You sound Northern, but....you definitely sound like you spent time from my land." He asked, as they continued walking up, the dirty and dusty track after the rainstorm.

The question made Tamsyn watch her feet for a while as she tried to remember exactly what she had told Prince Aemon and the Greyjoy woman about her background. She had to say something, stubborn refusal would only make people more curious but at she also had to make sure she told the same story.

"My parents were from beyond the wall before The War. My father wanted richer land than those in the North so he brought my mother south and settled in the Reach which is where I grew up." Tamsyn hoped to the Old Gods and the Seven that this Tyrell was just making idle conversation and wasn’t going to press any further.

"I get it. I was going to say." Ellion replied, as he looked up the path, then back at her.
"It's a beautiful land. My brother is going to be Lord when my father passes. That'll be a funny day." He chuckled lightly, as he looked up at the beacon, the track diverting off, as he led the way off it.
"This way. Let's head into the undergrowth. Flank the place." He added, leading the route, still heading up through the forest. The distant murmuring of men could be heard, as Ellion leaned on a pine, looking over.

"It's there. About six men. Two archers. Think you can shoot straight?"

"If you think you can do better than by all means have at it" Tamsyn snapped as she pulled an arrow from her quiver and notched it in the bow. "You give me the signal and half of them will be dead before you can get off your perfumed ass, my lord." Part of her wanted to add that one her arrows would be going throw his perfumed arsehole if he kept questioning her ability, but she knew better and bit her tongue. The image her imagination conjured up was pleasing enough to satisfy her for now.

"Cheeky. I like." With it, Ellion winked at her, as he split off, finding another route in.

Trekking through the undergrowth was slowing going in the effort not to make any noise that might draw the attention of the guards but eventually Tamsyn found herself a spot where she could use the cover of a tree trunk to see as many of the rebels as possible. Working quickly she pulled another ten arrows from her quiver and pushed them gently into the ground at her feet. She was sure she could hit every target in sight with one arrow but why risk not having an arrow to hand if she needed it.

Seeing Tamsyn across the camp, he watched her set up, as Ellion emerged from the undergrowth, not even sneaking in, he went straight towards them, catching the eye of a few.
"Hey, who the fuck are you?" Swords were drawn, as Ellion looked on, shaking his head.
"Gentlemen, you're confused. I'm from Bloodstone. I've got lobster in my cart down the road."
"We're not falling for that....that's what they found on Gulliver's body! You're that fucker!"
"Well, Gulliver was a bit of a bastard to be fair. All take, no give." Ellion drew his sword, as the archers behind the four men drew their bows, Ellion shaking his head.

"Okay, point taken. You can have the lobster. After I feed you to it. Shall we?" And with it, he gave a pulling gesture with his left hand, yelling at the man at the front, who raised his sword and ran.

The instant the first of the rebels made a move Tamsyn loosed her arrow. It wasn't the longest shot she'd ever made but it was also far from the easiest. Her arrow hit her target, one of the bow men, but only through the shoulder. Still she didn't worry about it, he wasn't going to be drawing his bow anytime soon and if the Tyrell moron could be taken down by a bow man with only one working arm then frankly he deserved it. Quickly she pulled a second arrow from the ground, took aim at the second bow man who had already realised that someone else had a bow and released the bow string.

The arrow smushed into the man's skull, as Ellion charged the man at the front, knowing Tamsyn had unleashed hell. These fuckers were going down, and Ellion knew that much was the plan.

The first one charged forward, too fast, too stupid, as Ellion ducked and went low, pushing him onto the blade as he thrust him over, withdrawing with a subtle movement, parrying another man. He hoped Tamsyn would give a little help at least, as they were swearing, aware that they had to light up the beacon, one way or another. One of the men heading towards Ellion broke away, and headed to the steel cauldron, to light the thing and alert the others.

As the rebel ran from Elion Tamsyn allowed herself a moment of victorious self congratulation, right until she realized what the man was running towards. She knew if he managed to light the beacon then she'd have the chance to find out how accurate her imagination had been as to what these rebels would do to anyone working for the crown. Ellion was still tied up with the remaining swordsman and Tamsyn knew it was down to her to stop the beacon being lit.

It wasn't an impossible shot but at the same time, it wasn't a shot she wanted to be betting her life on. She drew back her bow and tried to get a bead on where the man was going to be but the rough ground meant he was moving erratically. Tamsyns arms were starting to ache from the effort of keeping the bow drawn and her she could feel her arms shaking but she knew that she didn't have time to risk missing and having to loose another arrow. This shot had to count.

The rebel was slowing down as he approached the cauldron when Tamsyn finally released her arrow. The flight seemed to take an eternity and all she could here was the sound of her heart roaring in her ears. Then suddenly the solider toppled sideways, the force of the strike knocking him from his feet. Just to be sure Tamsyn notched a second arrow and aimed it at where the man had fallen but when he didn't stir she released the tension from her bow.
"Are you killing these fuckers or trying the kiss them" she yelled over the ring of clashing steel.

Ellion was not bad, as he parried the swordsman, knocking him aside with a hard push and headbutting him, letting him deal with his friend coming at his flank with a spear. The sword clashed, knocking the spear down into the floor, before a blade entered his abdomen. Pulling his friend around, Ellion was in the flow again, sword withdrawn, as he took on the original swordsman, noticing that his energy was lower. And that was what he'd capitalise.

With a stern parry, he smashed through his block, then thrust forwards, Ellion becoming talented at having a little creativity rather than structure to fight, it was definitely growing out of his tuterlage, but growing right here. Ellion Tyrell was a fighter alright, and more than a dummy or a spar, this was real blood and real guts. And he had to say, the thrill was like nothing else. Better than jousting. This was real insanity.

Withdrawing the sword from the man's chest, he kicked him over, the other two looking on.
"Shame we had to do this the ugly way, you ugly bastards." Spinning the sword in his hand, Ellion saw another swordsman run at him, a little more talented than his friends, the muddy encampment

And he was good. Christ, he wasn't bad. Second to last man. He knew Tamsyn would get the other, from afar or up close, as he sparred with this man, taking his hits where he had to, seeing that his opponent had more energy than he did right now, and a better than expected skill. Interesting.

Leaping through the scrubby vegetation Tamsyn cursed herself for agreeing to this mission. She would have preferred to have kept her distance from the fray but with the rebels left were too close to Ellion for her to be able to make a shot without risking putting an arrow through the Tyrell's chest.

As she closed in on the fight one of the sword men broke of from circling Ellion to charge at her. Tamsyn drew her bow and loosed and arrow but the rebel had expected the shot and jinked out of its way, the arrow clattering harmlessly against a rock behind him as he closed on her. There wasn't time for another and Tamsyn threw her bow to the side before launching herself in the other direction to pass under the sweep of the soldier’s sword. The second she landed instinct told her to roll and sure enough the tip of a sword buried its self into the ground where her throat had been an instant earlier. Not wanting to give the bastard another opportunity to skewer her while she was down Tamsyn lashed out with a foot and felt a satisfying crunch as she connected with the rebels knee.

The few seconds when the swordsman was double over from the pain in his knee were more than enough for Tamsyn to scramble to her feet and draw the steel dirk from her hip. Now the pair circled each other, Tamsyn taking care to stay out her opponents range whilst knowing that somehow she had to get in behind his blade. Her chance came sooner than she expected when the rebel made a wild lunge that was easy to duck under. Unfortunately what this particular rebel lacked as a swordsman they made up for as a brawler and a knee connected with Tamsyn's stomach before her knife tasted blood. Some struck her head before she had a chance to recover and the next thing Tamsyn knew she was flat on the found ground with the rebel kneeling over her and slamming her hand against the floor until the dirk slipped from her grasp.

"Fucking give it up and I'll make sure you live to see the dawn from the inside of the whore tents bitch."

Ellion looked over, as he parried his own sworsman, watching Tamsyn run in, taking on the other swordsman. Shit, she wasn't going to do that. She was too small to keep up with his power, she was risking a lot. And he didn't have time to focus. Only on his own opponent.

Letting his own target come forward, he parried with his sword smoothly, knocking the man's pommel and kicking low, hitting hard in the thigh, before slashing out with a quick push against his chest, cutting him neatly open, as he turned to the man pushing Tamsyn into the floor.

"I'd think about giving it up, pal." He added, as he walked on over, impaling the sword into his neck, the blade coming out of his mouth in a bloody display, Ellion twisting for good measure as he pushed him off.
"Up you get, love." Ellion said, spitting the blood from the earlier brawl, chuckling, shaking his head, offering a hand to her.

Waving away the proffered hand Tamsyn crawled to her knees and tried not to be sick.
"Give me a minuet" she groaned. The whole world felt like it was spinning underneath her like she drunk her way through a barrel of cheap wine and she didn't trust her legs to carry her at all. Giving up on the idea of standing up for now she rolled on to her side so she could see Ellion and hopefully keep the contents of her stomach down

"Well, that was interesting. You seem a better archer than in hand to hand. My advice, keep to that for now. I don't want you getting killed." Ellion added, as he walked over towards the cauldron, pulling out the material from inside, wood and general oil-filled rags, dumping it out of the metal, as he wiped the blood from his blade with his leather gauntlet, sighing.

"I didn't want you missing a display by the dashing Ser Ellion Tyrell, after all." He chuckled, fully aware of the irony of himself, as he finished clearing out the cauldron, leaning against it and letting Tamsyn get a look.
"Other than that, you held yourself well."

"So pleased to be of some small assistance my lord." No sooner than the words were out of her mouth then the pressure from her stomach became too great and Tamsyn only just managed to lift her head off the floor before being sick.

Ellion looked on, knowing he had done it himself.
"It's a bloodbath. Don't you worry, lass. I did it too the first time I saw how much blood comes, the pressure of it all." He said to her reassuringly, knowing it was a weakness leaving, perhaps a focus coming in, and that Ellion had that trust in Tamsyn at least to say those words, as he sat by her side, sighing.

"How's your head?"

"I'll live," Tamsyn mumbled "my bed and a bottle of dornish red would help though. Would you go find my bow so we can get out of here?"

Ellion nodded, as he heard one of the soldiers moaning, the arrow in his shoulder also having him on the floor, as he sighed.
"Shit, one second." Ellion added, as he walked on over, looking over at the wounded man.
"Seven Hells, what are we gonna do with you." Ellion asked, as he looked at the injured soldier, the arrow pushing through his shoulderblade into his upper chest, leaving him pretty broken, he wasn't going anywhere for now.

"Well.....you'll suffer if I don't finish the job. Don't underestimate one good man with a sword. And a girl with a bow." With it, Ellion gently pushed the blade into his chest, withdrawing it after a few seconds, letting the life drain out of him, sighing as he looked across at Tamsyn.
"Try and get them a bit better next time. It's the least honorable thing to do. But it leaves us a lead. We need to get going, Tamsyn." Ellion said, as he cursed.
"Shit, your bow. It's over that way. Come on." He added, pointing out, at least giving her a hand up before they headed away.

Ross floored it, a very different method to Kimberly. After all, he didn't know the roads, and he was getting the fuck on hell away from that dropzone. He was not leaving anything to chance, and knew a vague route he could take, without too many cameras or issues that would flag him up. It was mostly straight too, and if he learnt anything from escape driving, it was that you mixed speed, random turns, simple moves and a dash of flair to make it work. And that was going to work, as they cleared miles, Ross sitting back in his seat, Seb chuckling.
"Never had an escape car like this!"
"Well, I can't say I aim to let us both get caught!" Ross replied, the click of the gearbox beautiful, German and precise, the straight-six barbling on run off, as Ross turned hard, taking it down some smaller roads, turning down the volume a little, and knowing that if the police had reported him in one block a couple of minutes ago, he had at least covered about eight and headed south, across a highway and into the part of Los Angeles that wasn't advertised. They were clear now of sirens- at least, the kind that the Scotsman knew were coming for them in particular.

Ross drove through the 'hood, a white Scottish dude with a white Austrian dude in the passenger seat, this was about to either be a sitcom or an excuse to get shot in the head around these parts, with a car like this. Chuckling, he turned back onto the street, knowing that they'd hit no cameras, or at least, any that would pull up the plate, out of the small alley they'd found and spent very little time in noticing the silhouettes behind.

"We need to get back. I feel like any minute I'm gonna get a stone thrown at me. Or a Glock pulled on me. I'm just saying, there is a piece an'all in the glovebox." Ross said with an almost impeccable Sean Connery meets Glaswegian accent, as Seb laughed, only shaking his head in what the fuckery.

"You're a mad bastard, you know that?" Seb replied, as Ross chuckled, nodding.

"Can't be one without the other. I think this is going to be a good friendship, Herr Rietch." With it, Ross put the M4 back into first, skidding back out of the backroads, and back onto the Highway, headed back towards Kimberly's.


It was a longer driver back, slower now, taking a slower and gentler route back to Kimberly's, and Ross didn't want to stir shit now. They didn't need to cover, absolutely nothing whatsoever had happened and the rear windows were tinted to say that much. Seb was looking at the footage, chuckling to himself as he watched it on the backscreen of the GoPro, looking across to Ross.
"Holy shit. It's scary. Your car goes from being the size of an ant to...well, a lot bigger, it's incredible. Flying past glass, you can see the reflection."
"Obviously." Ross replied, a little straight-up but knew it was mostly to piss off Sebastian.
"Okay, but it just looks pretty awesome is all I'm saying. I think Ellie did get the cusp on you though..."
"Shit, really?"
"Yeah man. Right at the end. Damn, she pulled low." Seb added, knowing her skill set was good, she was flaring hard and really putting the speed in, she was getting good at this. It was something he respected about Ellie the most, she was a talent that felt like was still sparking more and more, something to follow and something to lead. He had lived his life on the slopes, and so had she, they had both lived their lives in the skies and in a similar fashion, before they met. And now it was symbiotic, one another pushing each other further and farther, and he knew sometimes, it was Ellie who took that lead. Their numbers had cranked higher and higher in jumps, and their skill level got better and better, so much so that he knew that he had full trust in her, and likewise back. And Seb knew that if anything came of them, it was that they furthered each other as partners on the edge, at the crazy that came with this life.

Ross took a turning, looking to Seb, as he rolled up the window, the cold night now setting in more and more, after the tension of the escape, changing the topic quick.
"How'd you meet Ellie, anyway?" Ross asked, as Seb looked back over, sighing.
"Long time ago. Well, not really. Year and a half now. We were at a GoPro Bomb Squad event in the Venetian Alps and Dolomites, in Italy....I got into the team as the same time as her, for a shoot, filling in mostly. I was a local across the border, Tyrol is not far so I didn't even need to travel long. We both kinda knew each other before that about what we did. It wasn't a really memorable shoot, but we just found something for each other, you know. Found it so good we had to spend more time after it was over. I was driving around Europe in my van at the time, scraping enough money to live really, so it was a lot of money to earn, and it was a lot of money too, for Ellie. And we never thought anything would come of it, we had our own channels, our own lives. And we just did something." He paused, thinking back to their first idea.

"The first thing we did....well, it was straight after the shoot, we convinced the helicopter pilot to fly us up onto Ortles, the others wanted to go home, but the sponsor had time left in the lease for the chopper for one last flight up the mountains and we used it. Thought it'd be a waste to just do a flight, we'd done enough of those, so we did something else. And found the most sick glacial line you'll ever know. I want to do it again, I wish we had a drone or a helicopter film, but fuck, it was for us two to enjoy. And it raked in hundreds of thousands of views, but to me, it was the start between me and Ellie." He thought back fondly, sighing.

"After that, we spent about two weeks climbing routes and skiing the tops of any mountain in that range, finding exit points while we did. All the cool kids were in Chamonix, maybe. But we were doing what nobody did, and discovering new lines, new routes, and pushing further than we thought we could. We were a team. It was a fucking awesome autumn." He said, sighing.

"Things just rolled in for me and her after that, we found more to work. We stayed together more, got bigger sponsors. GoPro, there were a couple big shoots for Red Bull, North Face, Salomon, one little one for Faction Skis too. It was the personality that made it work, and sponsors like the fact that we get on with things, we aren't stupidly reckless and going to get ourselves killed, but we always push the boundaries a little. It always changes, and we always are on the hunt I guess for the next big thing. Maybe someday it'll all fall apart, but I never do this for the money. It's always about finding that run, that new exit point, or something different and crazy. Ellie is like that too, she almost goes further sometimes, and goes and pushes on." Seb mused, feeling like he was talking a lot, knowing Ross didn't really know much of what came after, which brought him to his next thought.

"You knew her before. She spoke about someone when she was younger that she used to know. Kinda can't believe we met." Seb added, as Ross nodded, open but not taking problem with it.
"We raised hell together. Crazy to think how we split apart though. Life happens. And I did fuck up. I mean, I'm happy for you, you got a girl that I should have been a better friend to."
"These things happen."
"It shouldn't have. Shit, I went downhill in comparison to her." Ross seemed a little depressed in that way, after hearing what he had in terms of his life. It was a bit strange, him, fixing and racing cars, compared to epic adventure.
"And you have a wife, and a child, and you live well in a house, or wherever you go, you have a good life that is far more reliable. I don't have any of that, Ross. Neither does Ellie. We're both happier for who we are, my friend."
"I guess you're right. I kinda enjoy having my feet on the ground anyway." Ross chuckled, as he thought back to the earlier part of the conversation.

"So tell me then, that first time you went out and filmed together, you said it was big, right? You said you got a lot of video views out of it? What made it work anyway? I mean, if you don't mind me asking."
"Well, it was a really good run. Nothing quite like it. And....well, we had a chemistry from the start."


Sometime in September 2014
Ortler, Northern Italy

The mountain air howled, the bluebird day in front saying it all, the morning sunlight rising and rising over the far mountains of the Eastern Alps. And it was strange, Sebastian Rietch had to say, opening the helicopter door as they flew closer to the glacier, at the top of the Ortler, the highest mountain of the range (Venetian Alps) and one of the most spectacular faces in the Alps. It was one of the big peaks of the Alps, it was cold up here, and real, real high. It was riddled with a glacial line that he wanted to try, it seemed from afar absolutely covered in opportunity and epic runs. And strangely enough, Ellie Dorian, the fellow team member of the Bomb Squad, had come out too, after a little flirting and only a little casual sex, for so long Seb didn't think it would stick, but right here and now, he did.

This wasn't part of the plan, not when they first came here. It had mostly been flying in the mountains, and flying here and there, and the footage had been off the hook. Wingsuit BASE in this part of the world was his home, Seb knew that much. But the girl that he had met, the one he didn't assume a lot of, was someone he'd fallen for and he was lovesick now, that wasn't gonna end. She was quite something, he had to say that much, and while he knew that as awkward as first dates could be, this was a bit of a different approach to well, doing something different. His mind however had to focus on right now, as they closed in and flew right on the surface of the snow-capped Alpine peak.

Hearing the pilot over his headset in the helicopter, he nodded, giving a thumbs up as the chopper barely hovered half a meter over the surface, Seb dragging out his skis and sliding them onto his back, looking to Ellie.
"We're here, let's go!" He had to yell over the noise of the Eurocopter, as he led the way, hopping out and onto the snow, letting Ellie follow.

Standing tall on the piste, Sebastian looked on at the sight below, the yellow and black of his Faction skis clashing with the dark blue and black Mammut down jacket he wore, a dark blue and black Salomon helmet and a pair of yellow-tinted Oakleys also on his noggin, for good measure. He carried a dull yellow Mammut alpine pack, with his usual mountaineer's supplies, but nothing overkill given this run. Adding to that, given how many GoPros that they had been allowed to...ahem, "borrow" over the last few weeks, Sebastian had naturally mounted one wherever possible, though of course, nothing stupid- but leaving them running for any moment. He looked over at Ellie, as she came down, a boarder rather than skiier on this line, letting her get her footing in as he peered down. The helicopter beat away, Sebastian waving it away, as the chopper dived down the mountainside, leaving the two on their own, and in quieter company.

"Wow....now that is a view. You can see Cortina D'Ampezzo from here, and the pyramid we jumped from over there. Shit, we were so good on that run. Can't believe it's over now." Seb said to Ellie, the "pyramid" being a particular peak that sat in the distance, his mind still cast back even though he was taking everything else. He was still a little uncertain of what she was like, as a boarder, beyond just the wingsuiting that they'd been up to. That and as a person too, it was all too new, too fresh. He looked down the mountainside, the steep face rocky and jagged, but clearing way to a glacier, with plenty of routes through, tunnels, bridges, natural kickers, it was a playground, almost just as he imagined it. Perfect to make a canvas out of it. He was a near Winter Olympics talent, after all, and Seb knew that if wingsuiting was one passion, then backcountry freeride was another.

"Man...this is backcountry freestyle on drugs....we are gonna have a good run if we hold that glacier line. Should take us right to the bottom if we play it right. Even if you are on a board." He joked, as he lay down his skis, clipping in nicely, pulling his buff up to his nose, a colourful dark blue and yellow colour, just something of a trend he had of late, Seb noted to himself.

"Are you ready, Fraulein Dorian? Let's go kick some ass, hey? Show me what you got!" He added, a smirk on his face beneath his Buff, as he readied his poles, his skis pitched into the fresh powder, and pitched himself to leap forwards, the incline so steep that it would be one that would launch them downslope. This was not for a rookie. This was a pro run, and they both knew what they were in for. Pure backcountry paradise. And Seb did not care for any camera recording, this was going to be something to enjoy.


Seb waited on Ellie's go, noting that she was quiet, quieter than usual, almost silent and honed in on the task at hand. The noise of squealing down below reminded the two of what they were doing, and as silly as it was, this was a hell of a way to get their kicks.
"Let's do this."


Ross sat in the BMW, the dark grey M4 GTS his more "normal" car for these streets, a car that felt ready. For a half mile sprint, give or take, this was a simple run. And when his walkie talkie buzzed, he looked across to Kimberly, watching her already spin up the four wheels of her Impreza, before blasting off, following suit. He kept his window open, as he went through the gears of the automatic, clicking satisfyingly through gears with the semi-auto, the standing half a mile something that Kimberly had the lead on, but he was gonna keep up, as the speedometer kept climbing, and climbing...


The dive was simple, it was a brisk leap forwards, opening his arms and legs and flying right behind Ellie, keeping straight on, following close behind her, flying past other skyscrapers like giant steel and glass mountains of their own, as he kept on his shit, following tight but with a little margin. It wasn't a long dive, usually, this would have been a short one, it would have been a hop and pop, but with the wingsuits, it was about 10 to 15 seconds longer. That gave them more margin, and that was something that in this incalculably difficult moment, was something he could hold onto.

But what was so different was the sight of two lights beneath them, and they really were racing the cars beneath, given that they could go from 0-120 rather quickly was enough to at least get them closer and closer, and whilst from high altitude overtaking cars on a motorway was not unknown, this was totally different. This was gaining on a pair of very quick cars, and the distinctive yellow and blue beneath were coming close.

Still following on Ellie's lead and keeping her in the shot, he backed off, flaring the speed he had as much as he could in the suit, feeling pretty satisfied with the distance and speed from a standing object. The flare was tight, actually pulling back a few feet of height and killing his forward speed- a perfect chance to throw out the pilot chute. Pitching nicely as he felt the canopy roar open, grey and blue in colour, the two cars beneath skidding to a stop, he chuckled. Ellie's followed suit right in front as he kept her in frame, as he knew it would be up to the footage to tell who just won that one, them or the cars. It was a relatively low pull nonetheless, as he flared hard, barely able to even unzip his legs out before landing straight onto the road, waddling in awkwardly as he landed on the street, wooping as he let the parachute fall onto the floor.


Ross slammed on the brakes, as he saw the two canopies thunder open in front of him, before Seb and Ellie landed on the tarmac, already aware that this shit was probably the most insane race that he had ever done. And he couldn't help but grin, as he watched on.
"Now that is fucking cool..." He could only slyly comment, his hands sweating from the fact that there was no way he was

Opening the door at his side, he saw Seb run over, canopy in hand, lobbing it into the back behind the seat
"Shit, we need to go!" He yelled, as Ross chuckled, knowing that with great illegality, of doing a standing half mile down a street and assisting in a bit of a trespass was not exactly the best of things to be done for at midnight in LA. So he was gonna go.

"Got it, boss." Ross effortlessly clunked into first as the M4's rear wheels lit up, as he turned around, keeping the walkie-talkie to Kimberly on his dash active, knowing that they'd need to split up.
"I'll head towards South Central, head the other way Kimberly, and we'll see each other later on, let's lose this heat!" He called out to his wife, as he turned hard on one of the blocks, the rear wheels let out a little through the bend, Ross keeping it tight to miss a cab, as he headed over the old tramway, before braking hard again and heading down the hill, away from the building with a pace that was going to leave the police stumped.
Hugging Kimberly, before watching her run off to the SUV, he could only chuckle.
"Hell yeah, that was awesome!" He said to her, as he watched her run off, like an exited child. Then again, she had won just a very big street race.

Turning to Ellie, he chuckled, knowing she had a point, but his wife wasn't like that.
"She'll share. We always do, in any big races." The wait was killing him internally, he had to say, as he looked back at Ellie.
"Glad you enjoyed the ride. Hey, it's good to ride with you. Like old times." He was interrupted as Kimberly came back, to announce exactly what she'd won.

He was a little shocked. 10 million? What the fuck? That wasn't street racing money, a 1000 maybe at most, $5K but not that much!
"What the hell?" Ross asked, his confusion turning to joy, as he hugged Kimberly, giggling.
"Okay, you won. But remember, this is for us." He nodded, chuckling, as he walked up to her, holding her hand as they looked out over the airport

Seb looked over, nodding.
"You drove like a madwoman, fraulein. But that was incredible. Well done." He said, as he knew that no doubt, this was a time to celebrate, and that was surely going to gloat to Ross in no time.


OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBkHHoOIIn8
Portugal.The Man, Feel it Still

Back at the house, Ross had also paid mind to the conversation, sitting close by Kimberly.
"They're offering you work as a getaway driver if they are. They'll give you a fast Audi or BMW, and your job is to drive as fast as possible. Transporter style. I mean....the risk is high. Reward is too. And while you made us more money than any street race I'll ever do...I know what this means to you, sweetie." Ross said, reassuringly as he embraced her, sighing a little.
"I'm with you all the way. Look. Let's think about it. This is a big deal, for both of us. We make a decision as a couple on these things, and we've had our fair share of close calls. Mia has a lot of potential, and I want her to have the best upbringing. Without us, it won't mean a lot." He added, knowing he was the type of person that actually DID these things more often than not, in the UK that was what he did. A wheelman.

And yet, it felt like the first proper time he'd come clean on it. He had grown into his responsibilities. And knew that when money like that was thrown around, this was not a small time deal. This was big.
"Listen. If they have $10 million to give to a little street race, they are paying for talent that gets way more than that stolen. That means they would want to steal something big, you know. So whatever you do, don't get in over your head. For both of us. This is me saying it, okay?" Ross said, to the point yet calm, warm in his embrace, as he kissed her on the forehead, letting her lean against his shoulder.

"It'll be alright, my love. Whatever you think is right, we'll do." He added, as they spent a few more minutes there, just taking the quiet in.

Heading downstairs after a few minutes, Ross took in the party that had become so impromptu, the amount of cars parked outside was mad, the upstairs was quiet at least, so Mia could get some sleep with Kimberly's sis. It was clearly popular, with Ellie and Seb on the couch, chilling and drinking various energy drinks. The new age, no alcohol he thought to himself, these were adrenaline junkies of the vehicular and airborne kind.

Seb looked over, mid sentence as he was talking to Ellie.
"The only catch is, we are going to need to break in. This one isn't going to be legal, I found out...so maybe let's not upload this one?" He mentioned over to Ellie, as he saw Ross.
"Hey man, you good?" Seb asked, as Ross nodded.
"Yeah, we're alright. Tell you what. We down for this little adventure of yours?"
"We're ready when you are. Just give us a ride, we'll let you know when. We need a fast exfil on this one. This is a hell of a stunt we're pulling."
"Sure is. Think you can handle getting in?" Ross asked, as Seb chuckled, trying not to laugh but he had a shit-eating grin with the worst response he could have.
"We have disguises."
"I swear to God.....are you joking?"


Seb led the way, leaving the elevator, wearing a highly reflective vest, and a white helmet on. Generic, but they were working on the building site at the top of the building. And it had gotten them past one security guard so far. His gear bag stowed over his back, containing pretty much everything, and a smug look on his face.
"That should not have worked." Seb laughed, still aware that this was as stupid as it got, and Ellie in the same attire seemed to work just as well. For now, it had to stay on while the cameras were pointing their way, and they still had stairs to go up. In the pitch black.

As they headed up through the floors, Seb looked back at Ellie, knowing she was more the leader of the two of them, more than usual at least. That what made their partnership so good. They furthered each other, pushing one another, and they were getting into the flow and rhythm of it. There was no weak link. They were just as good as one another.
"Good old days. This is black-hat BASE. Doing it for the sheer tally. I guess we have more marketing stuff to do in the week, anyway. This is....well, I think they'll have fun trying to keep up with us. Let's keep it tight, Ellie." Seb was not an idiot when it came to stuff like this, BASE jumping was after all, an extreme sport but sometimes that meant breaking a few rules. Legal ones too.

Buildings were not normally that welcoming to BASE jumpers, given the nature of the sport, and sometimes that meant breaking in. That in itself was a rush, it was just like how Ross and Kimberly raced cars, it was getting into a place you shouldn't have been, trespassing a bit then leaving without taking the elevator.

The last staircase took them to the last floor, the last one that they were going to be able to access. The windows were installed, all apart from a pane missing on an access point on the western side, the office in full refurb clearly, and this being a site for an exterior walkway to be installed. At some point. Of course, it was fenced off and the appropriate health and safety measures had been taken, but it was easy to get out through. Dropping the gear bag, Seb took the high-visibility vest and white plastic helmet off, breathing out.
"Shit. We'll have to radio our friends at the bottom. Hopefully they don't get a parking charge waiting on us." Seb added, as he pulled out his distinctive black, grey and blue wingsuit, with a black and blue container, with a grey full-faced helmet to follow, a GoPro distinctly set up on top. Looking across to Ellie, he nodded.

"Kinda never stops getting real right?" Seb gave a grin, knowing the adrenaline always pumped, even in places like this, as he began to set his wingsuit and rig up. Slowly and surely, he set up, the wingsuit the same as the kind that they'd used in Norway, a high-performance, fast wingsuit model, something a little unruly to fly sometimes but still, something. It took a lot of physical pressure to fly one, but he knew that Ellie and himself were up to it, and after a few seasons in the Alps and in parts of the US and Canada, that always stayed.

Doing his last legstrap up, he slid his helmet on over his head, before approaching Ellie, checking her straps, as well as the pins on the BASE rig, as well as running through the rest of the check.
"So, let's run through it. Exit is simple. Dive, fly straight on, and keep going straight on, the boulevard goes right between a lot of tall buildings so we have only one way out. Really push the performance out. We'll keep a nice separation, I'll deploy nice and early, so it gives you plenty of time. Nice and easy. " He asked, as he finished up, then opening up his leg and arm wings, letting Ellie check him over, almost an unsaid thing.

After Ellie had checked him, he adjusted the walkie-talkie that he had kept out with the rest of the building site gear, picking up Ross and Seb on the line.
"Okay, thirty seconds till we go. We'll give you the head start. Light up some tyre smoke, watch the skies above you. This is a race, right? See you on the ground." Taking the radio, he popped it on a pocket on the front of his suit, tucking in deep and out of the way, as he looked to Ellie, smirking.
"Ready?" He asked, as he kissed her gently, before turning the window, standing toward one side to let Ellie set up, and lead the flight in her bright white and golden suit. This was going to be quite something. the view of Los Angeles from up here was just ridiculous, and some part of him that screamed inside reminded him this was very, very real.
Markus stayed at the wheel, foot to floor, keeping it going.

The Land Rovers in pursuit were aware of the high-velocity round flying at them, and were watching their sectors, with a couple backing off.
"Keep raising hell!" Markus yelled at Eric, as they thundered over a bump, letting Eric dispatch the two Land Rovers on their tail, using his MG36 as he focussed on the road. And it was looking good. They were putting distance between them and their pursuit vehicles behind them, and Eric seemed to be able to at least ward them off, if not entirely kill them.

And that was the moment Markus didn't see it on that tiny dirt track, they were close too. The other armoured vehicle slammed out of the trees, hitting the rear quarter, as the German attempted to countersteer. It wasn't working. They were gonna tip. And with this speed, he already knew to brace.


Coughing, his vision slowly came back, as he undid the seatbelt, lower down in the forest valley and the distant noise of a stream audible. They had come down into the bottom of the valley, the crash had been significant and they were above a slight drop into the river beneath, he could tell that much...but the Commander was missing.

The two armoured soldiers stood watching, clearly none too pleased, as Markus coughed, clambering for his gun, which had been knocked from the position in the side of the door. One step, another....kick.

He came down to the floor, barely sitting on his knees, as one of the armoured troops hit him hard with the butt of their M249, pulling the damaged helm from his head, looking on as he took Markus's own hands and zip tied them around his back, taking any weaponry out of his vest. It was the same to Eric, as the German looked across at his friend, then back at the two imposing figures in front.
"You can't run forever. You did well to go this far. But not good enough." The accent was muted through the man's helmet, as he looked at his arm, the German flag and the insignia.
"They're private contractors. Fair game for us." The armoured man said to his friend, as he knelt down.

"Do you know who we are?" The man asked, visor still down, accent still muffled.
"You're a fucking piece of shit, I can tell that much! Eric, keep your fucking voice shut!" Markus yelled back, as the armoured figure chuckled, looking across.

"Pieces of shit. Well then. You are feisty." He looked on, their face covered by a balaclava, his armour probably that and above that of what Ross and Carl used, clearly Western with a mixture of Russian features, significant indeed and enough to take a pounding with.

"We are a part of an organisation that is the black mirror to your West. And for this long, you have always had the upper hand. Not any more. You stumbled upon something you really shouldn't have. The damage is limited, you fought a good game. But I think your time has ran out. If you at least had some official presence, we'd have at least been able to sell you to a terror cell that pays top dollar for captured soldiers. But you're a contractor. You, and your friend." He sighed, as he let his M249 hang from a carrying point on his webbing, shaking his head.

"So we have no worth out of you. End of the line, as you would say. Your friend was at least a little more respectful. I think....we'll have fun with him. He can be of use to us in time. But we only need one of you." It didn't sound any less sinister, as he looked across at his friend, the other armoured soldier removing their helm, though she was certainly a lot of uglier now he saw it. Not exactly the last thought he had in his head, as he resisted, pulling downward on the zip tie, nothing.

"Eric, don't fucking give in!" Markus yelled, as the armoured lady chuckled.
"Is that the best you have for last words?" She looked across at his still helmed friend, watching him draw a rather horrible looking knife. Markus bit his tongue, and for a moment, the world stopped, his heartbeat quickened, every single smell, every noise, everything just went visceral, everything came into view, as the man knelt, turning the knife in his hand, before grabbing his head from the back and cutting open his throat, before shoving his lifeless body onto the floor, Markus's world turning from colour to black, from life to death.

The other two dragged the body over the edge, pushing Markus's lifeless corpse over into the ravine and the river, momentarily absent from Eric, who was still tied. Perhaps it would be enough for him to do something, perhaps not.


The commander had been recovered, and was heading up, flanked by a number of other soldiers, well, just about four for now. He clearly was tired, and was angry at them for the lack of security. It was a poor effort, he kept yelling and swearing at them. It was actually a help for someone.

With the sub-sonic plink, the first of the 7.62mm rounds found home in one of the commander's soldiers, the second turning around and looking for the shooter. But she was quick. Magpie was good at what she did, she may have been young, barely 20, but the training she had recieved and work she had undertaken made her capable as a ghost.

The next three were all headshots, like a hunter stalking their prey, before the commander himself, drawing his own pistol, received a bullet in both his kneecaps, falling to the ground in a heap of body. Shooting that even Nolan would have been impressed by, no doubt, as she gently rested her face away from the scope, emerging from the forest floor like she was invisible.

Revealing herself from her ghillie hide, the shooter was clad in a black long-sleeved shirt that tightly clung to her body, a light body armour vest, a beanie and black and dark green facepaint, her gear all in black, her hair tucked in and it's colour lost beneath the hat and the shirt she wore. A Russian-made SVU in her hands, she knew that it had been difficult making the hunt on the motorbike through the forest. Markus and Eric didn't know her, they wouldn't, given she was there in a very different context. She was...well, freelance. Had a set of skills that many senior operatives wouldn't even dream of having. While they had gone in for data recovery, she had wanted this man.

And when they evolved their mission to grab both, she knew that she had to be ready when things went to shit. She understood exactly the enemy they were up against. Magpie was young, yes, but she was a warrior, first and foremost. And while they were close, she had followed this up, fast. Her mission had been very different to begin with, but after watching the events at the camp unfold differently, her usually trigger-free method had changed. Like anything in this line of work, she was aware that she could now strike and that she did, to get this bastard into custody. And after he was in Blue Sword's extraction, she would vanish again. Because that was what Magpies did. They stole very high value things, and weren't really seen.

Walking up she grabbed the comander's plate carrier.
"You don't get off that easy. Now shut the fuck up." Her accent was distinctly Norwegian, distinctly thick, as she felt him scream out, her strength able to drag him to the the armoured vehicle that was intended for his pickup. Leaving him in, she ran towards the cliffside, seeing one of the armoured soldiers running up. She didn't want to stay, but took pity on the two mercenaries who had gotten themselves in a very deep pit of shit. And one less of them would help. It was just so convenient that one of them had decided it was a non-helmet wearing day. Silly bitch. All that armour...yet Magpie didn't need to even readjust her sight for the movement and distance. She dropped a knee, and shot once. With it, the ugly armoured woman was on the floor, with a large Russian 7.62mm round in her head. And their friend was firing up the hill. A good moment to get the fuck out, running back to the armoured vehicle and past the berm, leaving her dead corpse and their friend who was rather angry behind.

With that, she clambered in and drove off, and in a funny taste of irony, the armoured soldier had been left behind again, as she felt the gearbox clunk in and the road ahead, now empty of any hostiles, clear for her route back. The armoured soldier at the bottom of the hill ran up, without Eric, still distracted from the scene unfolding, only half keeping an eye on him.

I haven't actually written her response. Likely she got it- I'll come around to that plot sometime into the future. :)
Ross was quick, but Kimberly was driving like a woman alive, she was going for it and no doubt, Seb was having a hell of a ride in the passenger seat. Dropping a gear, the rotary roared as they entered the garage, catching a little air almost as he hit the brakes, passing a awkwardly parked car in the lot, chasing the frontunners. He had to keep going, he said to himself internally, and he knew that Ellie was going to have her heart pounding from what came next.

The ramps were steep, and he had to slow, or he'd rip the entirety of the undercarrige, it slowed him more and would mean he wouldn't catch. A disadvantage in hindsight, but he wasn't going to hit the ground running on the other side. He'd hit it skidding. The low weight on the rear wheels as they rolled onto the second level combined with a bit of clutch kick sent the rear wheels skidding, drifting elegantly around the tight lot, and into the next ramp, a cloud of smoke pouring out of the ruining rear tyres, as he followed it up the next ramp, a little immersed in it, far more sideways and far more aggressive, the redline closer and the Mazda going hell for leather. But it wasn't enough, even by the next one.

Kimberly's Mustang roared, the Pony car that had the heart of a warhorse in it in front of the Evo, as Ross chased the Evo, unable to take him despite the power advantage. He let it go, aware of his passenger, as he downshifted, the gearbox sounding as Victorian as it could get, the sequential clanking like he had pulled a cog with a sledgehammer, yet it was fast and transferred power down with a subtle whine and exhaust run-off popping. The RS7s were waiting, and there was no doubting that he had given it his all. Sometimes it wouldn't be enough, and in a car like this, it had proven itself. Another project car that had made it's mark, and it felt like a hell of a machine.

Finding a parking spot, he looked across to Ellie, Ross only nodding.
"You okay?" Ross said, still almost locked into his Wheelman mode, as he breathed out.
"That was fun. I mean....she got us this time. Bet she'll be smug." Ross added, shaking his head with a smirk, as he undid his harness, opening the door and clambering out, to join Kimberly.
Kingmaker's phone buzzed again.
"Kingmaker, we have a fix from what your man just did. The device he's carrying, whatever fucking magic he just did, it's enough to point the direction. We have him headed west, CCTV has tapped him to the Docklands Light Railway station at Canary Wharf, five minutes ago. He's likely on a train and has covered some distance. Our analysts are combing everything....it fits the profile. He's hiding incredibly well. This man is not easy to follow."

"He'll try and put distance between us and him. Can we get an exact fix?"
"Other analysts can't. But we're watching the cameras....we'll see him. He's nearly at the end of the line at Bank if the timing works out, he's hiding from any cameras after the stop at Canary Wharf. We have armed police moving onto site and across the Underground network, but we don't want another Menzies here. The man is going to pass off as anyone."
"Then we're fucked." Martin replied succinctly, as Section audibly agreed. Bank Station was an Underground station in the City of London, and with numerous Underground lines coming out of it, things would only get nasty if they couldn't make this work.

"My point exactly. Get your team to Bank. Cut him off. We'll get our camera feeds. Keep honing in and watch the CCTV in, look for identifying features, whatever Bugcatcher has, feed the intel upwards and we'll scrub it. See if you can get an exact fix if he tries anything. Suspect could be armed, and we don't know if he is alone from there."
"Shit....understood, Section. Bugcatcher's feed is open to your analysts still. We'll dispatch our team there. Out."

Kingmaker disconnected, shaking his head.
"Fuck." He was not normally this discontented, he was in control, even in chaos.

But there was a man about to get off a train who had planted an explosive that had rocked a skyscraper in the East End of London. And he was walking into the City of London, at a major junction of almost four different Tube lines.

There were usually higher stakes than this, Kingmaker reminded himself, but this was at home. Not in some remote shithole somewhere. This could quickly turn into a terrorist attack, and no doubt, the man wouldn't go easy. Armed Police just wouldn't have the information to head him off fast enough, even if he could transmit it, they wouldn't be ready. But his team were.

"Liberty, Lancaster, we have a potential fix. Head to Bank, ASAP, foot to floor, we are intercepting a potential agent. Standby for further orders."

"Bugcatcher, get me cameras, and comb this bastard. He should be on a train, we need to find which one. You're working for your paycheck today I'm afraid..." Martin added, watching on.


Thom swore, as they barely passed the bollards, the car screeching to a halt, as he opened the door.
"Get in!" He yelled at Liberty, clambering out, MPX at the ready, as he opened the seat, revealing a tiny space in the back, before noticing her hobble.
"Shit...her leg's had it. Liberty, can you drive?" He asked her, knowing George was gonna hate him for this.

"We need two of us on foot. If you can take the wheel....we can get the rest. Clutch isn't too steep on this right?" Thom asked shyly, as he knew he'd have to clamber into the back, into the bag hold almost, knowing that things were going to get real.

"We need to get to Bank. Fastest way should be sent through on the GPS. Just drive, and we'll head in, and get this bastard. I'll prep non-lethals." He added, as he opened up one of the seats in the back, pulling out another P226, loading in a set of specialised tranquilliser darts, not too indifferent to what Liberty was using in her accurate M9, setting it up for one of the other two.
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