Iris Rivers

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Iris' default dopey grin fell from her face as Mira spoke to her, the critique on her jubilant behavior causing the blonde's lips to curl into a small frown, lips jutting out ever so slightly. As they walked, she looked at Mira, though not with her usual joy and mischief, nor with anger or even annoyance, but rather with disappointment glazed over with light confusion. After Mira was done, Iris didn't say anything for a few moments, her eyes only drifting up to her flower crown at the top of her peripheral vision. The displeased look in her eye softened at Sara's defense of her, but even then, she kept silent, letting the light ache in her chest gurgle as she turned words over in her head. Once the group got to the deep pit, she followed the others down, the slow descent allowing her to put her feelings into words. Once they'd gotten to the bottom, Iris turned directly to Mira.
"Positivity brings positive results Mira." She said, the lighthearted tone that usually dressed her words absent, replaced by one more genuine and earnest. "Or at least, I've always believed it does. Whether it's true or not, being all serious won't make me any better at this X-Men stuff. There's no one right way to save the world. You can do it all somber or you can do it in a flower crown. Sure, I'm new and I've got a lot to learn, but I don't need a new attitude. I have problems, but my tendency to make flower crowns when inspiration hits isn't one of them. I won't belittle the way you save the world. But I've gotta ask that you have the same respect, okay? Okay," she finished, letting out a breath and holding her head up a little higher as she turned to face the two potential paths. "As shitty of an idea it is to split up, I think it might be our best shot. If we risk our lives splitting up, that'd save us the time of having to go down one hallway only to find that it isn't the right one, and then having to go all the way back and down the other one. And time is a resource we don't have a lot of," she said, adopting a mocking impression of a no-nonsense military woman. She then broke into her normal grin, and looked back over at Mira. "Not to mention that I think a couple of us could use a one on one bonding experience so that there's no negativity hanging around us."