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The awkward moment of silence with the Court Mage left Tiral to swim in his own thoughts for a while. With his former plans now firmly tossed straight out the window, the mage-knight was left with naught to do but try and help in those plans for research. It wasn't as if he wanted to extend talk of that sort of problematic material anyhow, and staying quiet to let other people do their job was probably for the best.

Even so, the fact that he was left twiddling his thumbs to pass the time idly by when he wasn't helping to search for other documents may as well have drove him to the brink of sanity. He wanted to do something that wasn't file another few dozen sheets of parchment because of the incompetency of his seniors.

After the relatively peaceful day prior, Tiral was wont to attend as soon as he heard that a herald had arrived. There was no particular rhyme or reason as to why, and though he may have said otherwise it was clear that he was showing himself to dodge the problems of other magi. The mention of an orc raid caused the mage's gaze to sharpen, and he immediately took off to go obtain his own equipment. With such a hasty report, he could only assume the numbers to be well beyond any amount that would ordinarily be able to be 'smuggled', essentially, into the area. In an ideal scenario, he would have the time to figure out why and how they mobilized...

But this wasn't ideal in any sense of the word. With his sword at his side and dagger tucked away in its usual hiding spot, Tiral returned to the gates, ready for battle. After the last set of incidents, some fresh air was gladly appreciated.
Why stop there? Get Team Mom EMIYA to help judge!

(Meanwhile, off in the distance, Arturia has a premonition that people are feasting without her.)
Kumozaki Keisuke

Keisuke's body immediately tensed up as he saw Nobunaga hunched over the circle, the soy sauce from her meal dripping onto the summoning circle. If there was anything that could have possibly interfered with the ritual bar actually destroying the circle, this was it. With a few beads of sweat forming on his brow, Keisuke steeled himself for the possible backlash of the summon failing.

What he didn't expect, though, was that it would succeed, and even less so that it would bring a Caster forth. The name 'Tamamo-no-Mae' coupled with the outfit that the Servant was wearing didn't quite match up in his head, but what caught Keisuke's attention was his Servants' remarks.

"Okay, both of you, hold on. I think we're misunderstanding something here," he said glancing between Atalanta and Tamamo before deciding to address the latter first. "Firstly: Tamamo, I am indeed your Master. As for the situation at hand... I'm not sure where the matter of 'infidelity' factors into this, but it is as Atalanta says; these two are also my Servants, and we are currently travelling towards Crete in order to... Well, I assume it involves the Minotaur, given current trends. There is a decent amount of explanation to be had while the ship travels, but I'll fill you in after our meal."

With that, Keisuke turned to Atalanta with a slight smirk forced out of irritation as he addressed her comment about his 'tastes'.

"Secondly... I will agree that more close combat oriented Servants might help with our group composition, but that sort of thing cannot be handled without a catalyst. But that aside, what do you mean by 'those types'?" he asked rhetorically. He knew just as well as she did what was being referred to, and while he had no particular reason to defer her claims and cause an argument that would damn him one way or another, with things as they were right now, it wasn't exactly the easiest thing in the world to shoot that down.

"In any case... Medea was different from how she is now? Guess time really does change people, huh?" he asked, stepping back as he looked at what spices and goods that they had brought out on board. The wine and spices gave him a bit of an idea on what to cook, but this would end up some of the most experimental cuisine that he had even prepared. Granted, he wasn't exactly the best person for that job, either, but...

"I'm going to go back down to grab some pans and... Something to set up a cooking fire in. One moment, please," he said, starting to make his way back down below deck before being met with a somewhat-irate Medea looking him straight in the eye.

"You're lucky that I managed to notice what you were doing and stabilized the mana flow in this room, or else we might be missing a large chunk of this ship's hull right about now. Though I'm not sure how your body can maintain three Servants, I will warn you right now that you should think more of the time and place before attempting things like this," she said, glaring at him before slipping back into her workshop. The Enforcer let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his head nervously, fairly certain of Medea's displeasure at his actions as he went back to where he obtained the spices from earlier and grabbed a few pans and... A metal box and grate of some sort. While there were still a lot of questions about the ship itself, he couldn't help but be grateful that they had oddities like this lying around. If anything, it made his life easier.

Returning to the ship's deck, Keisuke placed the box down in an empty section of the ship's deck and, tossing a few pieces of wood into it, lit it with a single bolt of electricity from his fingertips. It felt bad using his magic as a glorified lighter, but a situation like this wasn't something he could exactly help doing that in; the serpent meat was on a timer, anyhow. With that in mind, the Enforcer grabbed a piece of meat and, after quickly tossing some salt on and rubbing some spices in, placed it on a pan to start cooking over a fire. The smell of the cooking sea serpent was a bit tantalizing to him, if only because he hadn't eaten anything in the last while.

With that in mind, Keisuke left the pan for a moment to swipe some of Nobunaga's soy sauce before returning to the fire and continue cooking. Seared sea serpent with a red wine and soy sauce... Well, sauce. Weird fusion cuisine, prepared by someone who never really experimented with food in the last decade of his life and only cooked from the same subset of Japanese-based recipes...

Yeah. This couldn't end badly, right?


Ozymandias frowned as his lasers seemed to be petering out as they reached the whale-like create, with a very slight inkling that it was the fault of the petite blonde in red (that was confirmed to be the truth not long after). With a slight laugh, the pharaoh spun his staff and began to fire twice as many lasers to make up for the lack of strength of the ones he was using at the moment. He could apologize to his Master for burning her out and recharge what he was using at the moment after the fight was over, but Nero had issued his a challenge he simply could not back down from.

The water that had been flying about fell to the ground as Arturia's blade met its mark, cleanly cleaving into the monster's body and causing it to thrash about wildly—even more than it had been before. The follow-up attack from Nero, too, seemed to cause the thing pain that it looked to not be used to.

With the lasers constantly chipping away at its health and the three Servants proving too difficult to hit head-on, the creature gave off an ear-shattering roar and rose up in the air for a moment dramatically before slamming its body on the ground and causing a miniature earthquake. This, in turn, cause the water around it to spike with the shockwaves as they traveled about. Though the fire seemed to not be extinguished just by that, the water seemed to be sharper now—if that was even possible, of course.

"The head! You two, with weapons that can actually pierce the body—aim for it's head! That or its heart, though I doubt you can reach the latter with as much ease. In any case, I shall keep it's attention!" Ozymandias said, the intent of showing up Nero (however indirectly) still present in his words as he began to focus his barrage at the beast's eyes and underbelly. The monster reacted in turn, staring at him in rage as it slowly slammed up and down to turn its body towards him. A glowing white light was beginning to form within the beast's maw, however, which made Ozymandias quite wary. A giant magical blast was not something he'd like to deal with after the last time.

No, most certainly not.

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas@Rin@Grey Star
Can we blame the soy sauce for the black outfit? :D
Kumozaki Keisuke

"Well, honestly, I'm more curious about what science might be able to fiddle with. Despite technically being a magus, I wasn't dragged into this mess for a good decade of my life. Most modern principles stuck around in my head even after some formal training, and I'm honestly curious about how this thing's body works. Human innovation is often inspired by nature, after all," he said, nodding his head at Atalanta's comment on Medea's usefulness before pausing a moment.

"Actually... Can you explain your relationship with Medea in a bit more detail to me while I set up something I have in mind? I have an... Admittedly stupid idea, but with this blood here, I might as well try it out. I'll get right to helping you out with preparations after I'm done."

Without giving a chance for the Archer to respond, Keisuke calmly walked over to the jars of sea serpent blood and, taking a nearby ladle, scooped some out before glancing around. Enough space was left on the ship's deck him him to set this up, and if the abundance of mana in the air was any indication, this was a good a time as any to bolster their forces.

Quietly walking around and pouring the blood in the shape of the all-too-familiar summoning circle, Keisuke pondered for a moment if summoning a Servant on board a ship while Medea was working on her project was the smartest of ideas. All things considered, it probably would be fine as long as it didn't result in either some sort of giant or a Berseker that would shred through his mana reserves like it was paper.

Too bad he was lacking any sort of catalyst at the moment. All he could do was hope for the best.

With that in mind, he began the summoning incantation, staring intently as the circle began to glow under him. If Medea wasn't happy about it, well...
He'd know soon enough.


The Rider chuckled to himself as he noticed Nero's reaction, however subtle it was, before turning his attention towards the Saber that was running towards them at full speed. Her campaign to fight the storm, at least, wasn't fruitless... On the other hand, chasing whatever the source of this raging storm was towards the vessel was also not something he would have preferred.

On second thought, that blue Saber wasn't bringing it here as much as it had come of its own volition. That brought up a variety of problems on its own, the least of which being that the apparent source of all their troubles was now right under them. Joy.

"Do we have any way of—" Ozymandias began to ask before the landscape in front of them was transformed in front of his very eyes. The colosseum that wrapped around them took him marginally by surprise, considering he had his own Reality Marble to use, but disregarding that issue for the moment, the pharaoh was pleased to see that the enemy had been dragged into Nero's territory upon its activation. With the humans spectating on the sidelines, Ozymandias smirked at Nero's call to arms.

"Hm... This shall do. Nothing as great as my own Noble Phantasm, but I shall accept this as a suitable location for a battle!" he declared, spinning his staff around before pointing it at the whale-like creature. In an instant, a multitude of laser beams seemed to shine from the sky above the stadium and rain down onto the beast, causing it to flail about. It was all for naught, of course; with no water for it to travel in, the beast was stuck and essentially had its death already determined by the gods.

Or, rather, it might, had the storm that it had been casting from within the ocean suddenly materializing abovehead. The spontaneous torrent of water was marginally annoying, but the creature seemed to be directing streams of water at them as a form of attack as it attempted to flood the colosseum in order to be able to move again.

"Hm... Tenacious, aren't you?" Ozymandias asked, not expecting any sort of answer as he continued to rain lasers upon the enemy.

@Raineh Daze@Rin@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Grey Star@RolePlayerRoxas
@GreatSalmon: Aah, sorry for being MIA. I've had a giant (figurative) gun to my head to work on stuff the past few days, but I'm here now.
Let's see...

Hm. Doopliss, huh? I think the biggest problem I have with adding him to the cast is that he feels more like a pseudo-joke character than anything else. That, coupled with the general power level trends of the RP (and the higher likelihood for him to be off in his own world instead of interacting with the cast) means that he'll likely not fit in. Especially considering the tone of everything right now. Paper Mario's pretty lighthearted until you start poking at the major antagonists, and honestly Doopliss isn't an exception.

So... Refusal, but not based on powers. Sorry, mate.
Kumozaki Keisuke

"Medusa's sisters, you say...? Well, that's a bit of an unorthodox request. Honestly, I can't say I'd envy your position right now. Let's hope we won't have to come clean up a shipwreck and retrieve you in a few hours with the rest of the group," Keisuke quipped, turning his katana back into a ring and slipping in on as he spoke. "In any case, I'll be sure to keep the spine and brain intact if I can. Can't guarantee freshness, though, unless Medea decides to do us a favor and make a bed of ice to keep it on for a while. Best of luck to you; I'm sure you'll need it."

With that parting remark, Keisuke ended the call and slipped the device back into his pocket as he watched Nobunaga decide to actually go through with her earlier plans of making sashimi out of the sea serpent. He was tempted to point out how most people wouldn't even consider eating something like that off of a whim, but decided against saying that once Atalanta suggested that they try some of the sea serpent meat themselves—cooked, of course. He couldn't fault her; it was better that than accidentally catching some random, rare disease from consuming the meat raw. Servants didn't have to worry about that, all things considered. At the same time, though, he was not a Servant and did not have that excuse.

It seemed that annoying Medea was going to have to be necessary, one way or another.

"I don't deny that it's probably a once-in-a-lifetime chance, but I, personally, don't think it's safe for a human to just consume something like this on a whim. Since I was curious about what Medea was making down there anyhow, I may as well ask for some way to handle all our problems in one go: keeping the meat fresh, preserving the other materials, and maybe getting something just in case that meat has some fatally poisonous material inside," he said to Atalanta, raising his hand as if to motion to wait for a moment before he walked down below deck.

The small amount of purple smoke floating about at his feet was a bit disconcerting, but Keisuke was used to seeing things that were more volatile in his line of work. Without letting it faze him, Keisuke continued on to find the source of the smoke: a room that Medea had, it seemed, completely dedicated into changing into a miniature workshop. It made sense now why she had wanted to get back here so desperately, but that wasn't an issue at the moment. Medea herself was poring over the bones and the fins, and as far as Keisuke could tell by the hazily-lit room, Medea was in the middle of creating...

"A propeller?" he asked out loud, at which point Medea stopped working and slowly turned towards him.

"Yes, a propeller. I was surprised at how much apparently superfluous information was inserted into my head when I was summoned, but it seems to be somewhat useful. That only adds to my own variety of questions, but in any case... Did you need something?" she asked, placing the mechanism off to the side for a moment to address him.

"Yes. I'm sorry to be a bother, but could I ask for some method to keep the organic stuff cold so it doesn't rot on the seas? Also, Atalanta seems to want to want to cook some of the meat for us; do you have any idea as to if that creature is poisonous to eat or not? Well, that and if we could borrow some seasonings, but I doubt that you have any on board..."

"Hm... The first comment is a valid concern, and I will address that once this propeller is complete. As for cooking the serpent... That's certainly something that Archer might suggest. To allay your fears, I can calmly say that the meat is not poisonous to consume. I should note, though, that there may be some residual mana within, though that would only really be dangerous if you were to consume its offals. Seasonings... Remember, this used to be someone else's vessel. I only modified the rooms closer to the exit; there may be something of note further in the back," she responded, nodding in turn.

"You're being awfully polite to me. I thought that cooperation would only mean that you would work with us, but you've already done such a great deal. Is there any particular reason as to why?"

"Do you really think I can afford to be brusque in my current situation? Frankly, you're far more polite than a fair deal of people I've had the pleasure of dealing with in the past, and you control two Servants for whatever reason, one of whom is an Archer who I know just as well as she knows me; not only that, but you three are volunteering to help me of your own volition more than anything else. I would prefer we remain on cordial terms, at least until the current situation is resolved," she responded, motioning for Keisuke to leave her be. "In any case, I should finish restructuring these objects. Luckily, this seems to be far simpler than I expected; I should be done in roughly two hours and will supply you with an answer to that cooling problem soon after."

"Huh. Not just polite, but honest, to boot. Or, well, I assume. Not like I'm in a position to complain, though. Thanks; I'll leave you to your work, then," Keisuke said, bowing in a mixture of gratitude and respect before leaving the room. Following the Caster's directions, Keisuke made his way further into the ship and, after peering into a few rooms and looking around in curiosity, eventually did find a few odd spices in what seemed to be a storage of some sort. That would warrant a bit more exploration (and maybe disposal) in the future, but for the moment the Enforcer simply took what he had and left the lower deck.

Making his way over to Atalanta, Keisuke laid out what he had in hand and nodded.

"She said it should be safe, we'll get some cooling for this once she's done, and we'll likely be seeing some more anachronisms attached to this ship. I wonder how much those modifications will alter the speed of this boat..." he said, trailing off as he looked at the other items on the ship. The blood in particular reminded him of the ritual to summon Servants...

All things considered, it might actually be a possibility to pull more from the Throne to help. There was the load on his own body to worry about, but the memory of Zelretch vaguely mentioning something about manipulating leylines on his first day or two there was still fresh in his mind. Maybe something had been done to him in regards to how much mana could be supplied to the Servants without... Well, killing him. He would have to ask about that later. For now, he wouldn't question it. Two hours in the middle of an ocean laden with mana from the Age of Gods... If there was a time to try something stupid, it was now. Probably.

But first, food. The curiosity at eating such a thing piqued his interest, even if he wasn't particularly inclined to eating fancy food in the first place. It was like... Eating fugu for the first time.
That was certainly an experience.


The bold smile that Ozymandias held faltered for a moment as he watched Nero steer the ship towards the edge of a whirlpool, his eyes widening as he moved behind Nero to grab the wheel for a brief moment and shift it ever so slightly off to the side. The ship lurched off to the side, throwing a few unlucky pirates off as it swung around the whirlpool and launched itself further into the storm. The pharaoh stepped back and let out a sigh of relief, silently wishing those unfortunate souls luck in the afterlife as he looked at the sea again.

"You were almost perfect with that angle. Impressive, considering that you are a Saber and not a Rider like I am," he remarked, turning towards the ships crew and sticking out his staff. "Stand firm! If any of you slacken, your lives are more at risk than ours. The light of Ra will shine upon us once more soon enough!"

As that was occurring on the ship, the waters below where Artoria had thrust her blade immediately surged multiple times over, causing giant waves that would cause even the most seasoned sailor to balk to form. The momentary glimpse of the laser piercing some sort of beast's flesh would be fairly clear, and the thrashing under it all caused the storm to whip around even more. Whatever the creature was, it attempted to dive deeper into the sea in attempt to dodge being hit by the same attack twice. There was a stream of blood now forming from where the weapon had met its mark, but the dark waters melded with the blood to make that in and of itself a hard sight to distinguish—above the water, at least. At the very least, it seemed to be heading for deeper waters and away from Artoria; unluckily enough, that 'away' also happened to be towards the ship carrying the other Servants and crew.

@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Rin@Raineh Daze@Grey Star
@VitaVitaAR: Well, we discussesd the limitations of Youmu already, so as long as the speed is within reason (and I do put emphasis on that), then you're free to swap Suwako out for Youmu. Accepted, but with that caveat.
Byron Silverwood

Seeing as how his mistress looked as if she was at a loss about what to do, the butler took the initiative to wave one of the nearby patrolling guards over. When he came close enough to speak with, the Butler (quite succinctly) made clear the situation at hand. Conveniently leaving out the fact that the half-alv girl was from Grandia, Byron simply stated the chain of events as they occurred; no more, no less. The guard, of course, seemed to get the gist of the issue and moved to attempt to arrest her in turn.

With that issue having apparently been handled, Byron promptly collected the knives that were still floating in the air before returning to his mistress' side. There was the underlying feeling that he was 'missing' something, but it wasn't worrisome enough for him to warrant any sort of activity that might cause a ruckus.

"Princess, I apologize for the delay. If your business here is finished, I suggest we return for you to eat something," he commented, showing no reaction towards the automata's words. It wasn't as if he didn't want to respond in turn to the gesture, but a job was a job, and acting unprofessional right now was not something he'd much prefer to do.

@VitaVitaAR@Rune_Alchemist@Crusader Lord@Polaris North
Shokuhou Misaki

Though her face didn't show it, Misaki was quite concerned by how the weird man managed to see through the holes in her (admittedly hastily-generated) excuses over the course of a few seconds. The comment about keeping her locked in here, though, caused chills to run down Misaki's spine. That worry seemed to be somewhat unfounded, though, as the man held out an acorn (an acorn?) and opened up a portal back to Tokyo. Hesitating for a few moments, Misaki reached out and carefully took the acorn from the man's hand before quickly leaping back out of the portal. Even if that acorn was a tracking device of sorts, so long as he had some sort of vested interest, she probably wouldn't be caught in some sort of terrifying situation like that again.

Or so she would have liked to home, but even she knew that this would likely only be the start of her troubles.

Leonardo Watch

With this weird ragtag bunch of people now following him, Leo decided to (for once) take charge and lead the way. The city thus far seemed to be quite similar to Hellsalem's Lot, with the distinct exception of both a lack of fog over the sky and the more unnatural buildings and frequency of death. In that regard, this city was a lot more normal, and the idea that this was a New York City before the Great Collapse was finally starting to have some merit to it. It didn't being him any closer to finding the answers about his eyes, of course, but at least he wasn't running for his life like usual.

It didn't take long for the group to reach a park, and the abundant greenery and trees at the entrance alone definitely gave Leo a calming feeling. There were a few weird looks from passersby here and there, but once the group moved a bit deeper into the park, people in general didn't really appear. That was likely due to the time of day, of course, but all the better for them.

"Well, uh... I think this is a good place to sit down for a moment," he said, letting himself sit down on the grass as Sonic scampered its way back onto his head. "Um... Would this be a good time for everyone to introduce themselves? I'm not entirely sure how to go about this, but... I guess I'll start? My name is Leonardo Watch. The monkey on my head is named Sonic. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Leo, of course, knew how awkward trying to say all of this was, but at the very least if there were other people caught in this strange predicament, it was only right to try and help.

Granted, though, the sounds of helicopters flying overhead wasn't exactly the most reassuring of things to hear...

Hinanawi Tenshi

Tenshi cocked her head to the side at the blue-haired girl's mention of the "Mecha-Mecha Squad" or something along those lines. The terminology was almost completely and utterly foreign to her, but given how the other girl didn't seem to want to come into contact with them, the Celestial found it safe to assume that they were likely... Not someone pleasant to have to deal with.

"I guess I can't help but follow!" Tenshi exclaimed, a battle-hungry smirk on her face as she flew off after the two girls in pursuit of the cowardly stranger. Though this place didn't follow the same rules of Gensokyo, there was nothing wrong with getting some payback for swinging at her before running away. Even if he didn't land anything, it still felt like she had to return a blow after all of that!

Increasing her speed as she flew forward, Tenshi quickly summoned two keystones, one at each side, before firing off a large barrage of bullets towards her target.

"Yep, if it's come to this, then danmaku has to be the answer! Though, uh... Hopefully that doesn't attract more attention here..."

@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@Grey Star@TheFake
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