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Kumozaki Keisuke

Keisuke watched in silence as the two Archers fired their weapons at the sea serpent, hitting it dead-center in the middle of its skull before almost causing it to crash into the ship. The now-deceased body of the beast floated in the water, the blood now streaming from the gaping hole in its skull into the ocean below. With that settled, Medea let out a sigh and motioned for Keisuke to take his hands off the wheel before pointing her staff at the corpse of the serpent. She was no adept at necromancy and had no desire to start experimenting, of course, but it would be dangerous to leave something in the water to attract more enemies to them.

The materials of the serpent, however, might prove to be useful. So, without a moment's delay, Medea caused the body to rise into the air before systematically dismantling it. No part that hadn't already been lost to the waves was separated, each being placed onto a different location of the ship so as to balance it. Most of the stuff seemed to barely fit on board, which left Keisuke wondering what sort of power Medea had control of during her life. Was this just a result of being a Servant fed mana from the land she was born in?

"Since you felled the beast, I'll only take a few of these teeth to replenish my own supply. You three are free to decide what you want to do with the rest; if you give me most of the fins and a few bones, though, I may be able to repurpose them to make our journey faster," the Caster said, motioning to a pile of thin, semi-translucent fins lying off near the back of the ship. "It may take a while, though, so you three will have to handle any threats on your own if you do decide to do so."

Without waiting for his Servants to give their own input, Keisuke immediately nodded yes and motioned for the Caster to go ahead. With a bow in return, Medea took a few of the materials and retreated below deck, at which point Keisuke stood back at the ship's helm and took the wheel again to turn it back to its prior direction.

"Hm... Well, Medea stuffed the blood in those weird pots over there, the bones are all piled up near the masts, the meat's at the back, scales near the sides... You know, if I was a normal magus, I'd probably be salivating at the chance to use these materials," the Enforcer remarked, pulling out the phone from his pocket with one hand on the wheel and dialing for Meran.

"Progress report. We've just taken out a sea serpent and have just... Dismembered the corpse to improve our vessel. Don't ask how or why this happened. How are things on your end? Do you want me to save anything in particular for later usage?" he asked, the phone now propped up against his shoulder and towards his ear again.

The Servants were free to repurpose whatever they wanted to from what was left, of course; they could probably make use of it all better than he could.


Ozymandias sighed as he turned away from the storm, ready to start on his own preparations, before noticing Nero's speech as she took control of the wheel. The diminutive blonde Servant had the bright idea of charging further into the storm, at which point the Rider's eye twitched. After all, he was a Rider, and thus would have been the more logical decision to captain the ship. Given the pirates' reaction, of course, this was more akin to a hostile takeover by a single person more than anything else.

"You act as if leaving the sails open in a storm will do anything except destroy the-" he began to say before noticing that the other Saber had decided that charging into the storm ready to fight was a smarter idea. At this absurdity, Ozymandias stopped for a moment, closing his eyes and massaging his forehead. After a few moments, the sound of some chuckling could be heard under his breath until it blew up into full-on laughter.

"Hahahaha! Very well! If this is the path that we have chosen, then I shall allow it! Go forth, without fear or hesitation! We shall pierce through this storm with all of our strength!"

At this, the pirate captain could only sigh as the old man calmly walked down to the lower deck. With the ship and storm now finally meeting, the feeling of whipping winds and sharp rain combined with the turbulence of the water only emboldened the Rider.

"Whatever it is that awaits us, we shall not back down!"

The appearance of various giant whirlpools within the storm, however, shook the confidence of the pirates just a smidge. The charisma of the two at the helm of the ship could only do so much, after all.

As Arturia ran forth through the storm, she too would encounter quite a few whirlpools around her. If she was careful, of course, the slight glimpses of something far larger lurking beneath the surface would pass by her line of sight. It was only a shadow deep beneath the sea, and it only barely appeared beneath the dark, lightless waters, but otherwise, no trace of its existence was to be had.

@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Grey Star@Raineh Daze@Rin
Kumozaki Keisuke

Medea glared at Nobunaga as the term 'witch' slipped through her lips. She would remember that slight, of course; Atalanta could half get away with it, but the both of them knew how to spite the other if the need be. For the moment, the best it could be considered was a treaty of non-aggression, if anything.

"Fool. Do you really think that us four—no, us three could subjugate such a creature without slaying it? Not to mention, in order to make a creature of that caliber my thrall I would need immensely more resources than we have on this vessel. You can check for yourself how much is actually on here, if you truly don't believe me," she responded as Keisuke ran up take the ship's whee-

"Oi, hold on, how the heck does this ship have a wheel? Isn't this a few centuries too early?!"

"I stole it from some hooligans and repurposed it to fit my own needs," Medea stated curtly, cutting the Enforcer off as she let the man take control of the ship. A magic circle quickly formed at her feet soon after, and a strong gust of wind blew from behind the ship. The Enforcer took that sudden surge of speed and ran with it, causing the ship to curve around at a pace which forced Keisuke to brace himself with all his strength. The serpent, of course, was temporarily taken by surprise, but soon decided to breach the surface of the water from within the curve in an attempt to slam the apparently-prone Servants off of the ship and into the water.


The Rider took a deep breath in as the ship sailed forth, the smell of the water tickling his nose as he stood at the forefront of the vessel. The sound of the pirates behind him screaming as they handled everything aboard the ship was a bit of a mood-breaker, but in this scenario he could not afford to be picky. As things were, the trip would take some time, and given how the Master travelling with them had been brought to a cabin on the lower level to rest, that meant that only that Meran girl, the old man, and the pirates were left. Well, in terms of who needed actual sustenance, of course.

Needless to say, that brought issues of its own. He couldn't just waltz up to a town off the coast and demand provisions, but at the same time he couldn't leave the others unable to survive. Cheap alcohol was indeed there, but he would rather the group not dirty their bodies with that swill. That could prove to be... Problematic.

"...Medusa, was it? Do you know which way we are to head?" he asked, turning towards the blindfolded woman who was currently standing at the bow of the ship, apparently staring out towards the ocean.

"Yes, I... I believe I should. The direction of the wind is oddly familiar to me. So long as we travel this way, we should reach the island in... A day's time? This vessel is far faster than what I am used to," she responded, slowly nodding before walking back onto the deck. That evaluation, odd as it was, stuck within Ozymandias' mind. This speed was unnatural, and the distance predicted was oddly small given what information had been given to him back when he had first been summoned. There were too many oddities in this situation, and—

"Captain! What's that in front of us?!" one of the lower ranking pirates cried out, beckoning a few of the others on the vessel to peek over to see what he was screaming about. Out of curiosity, Ozymandias turned to look as well, his eyes widening in shock as he saw what was in front of them.

In the midst of the clear blue sky, a giant wave of ominous black clouds seemed to loom right in front of them—no, rather, it seemed to be coming towards them. The torrential sea seemed to be far more restless than the surrounding water, which only placed more suspicion within the Rider's mind.

"Can we avoid it?" he asked, walking over to the old man as he did so. All he got in response was a bitter face and a grim shake of the head.

"Not at the speed we're going at right now. You'd all best brace yourselves for some rough seas ahead. Any of you who can't take the rain, I'd recommend you head under right this moment."

With a grimace, Ozymandias turned towards Medusa, who immediately nodded towards him before making her way down to the lower deck. It was a fair decision, all things considered; in her condition, she was more likely to be flung off the side of the ship instead of helping the vessel stay afloat.

"All right, you bastards! You know the drill by now! Get to work!" the captain yelled, at which point the various pirates scattered on deck began to move about and prepare for the worst. Ozymandias simply stood by, staring at the clouds, almost as if he was trying to make something out past the raging sea.

@Grey Star@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Rin
@Lost Cause: I mean... We have Nanoha and Vita, so I see now issue if they aren't the main focus of the character. I'll probably evaluate on a case-by-case basis otherwise, so yeah.
@KoL: I mean... I wouldn't, but a) current situation doesn't allow and b) things might be a bit hectic if retcons kick in.

Also, hope you're ready for Halloween in two days. Gacha hell we meet agaiiiiin.

(Aside: Contemplating Tomoe Gozen as a swap-in for Ozy in the future. :3c)

I'll post in a bit since it's... Late.
Shokuhou Misaki

Misaki stared blankly at the old man in front of her for a few moments before sighing, shaking her head in a mix of disappointment and pity at how disjointed he seemed to be from the modern world. It wouldn't be stretch for her to think that her kidnapper might have been a hermit from overseas up until now, but his words about coming from another world made her massage her forehead. There was a level of insanity that she could comprehend, but this... This was on an entirely different level from chuunibyou. Though... The whole 'alternate world' theory might have some basis as things were right now...

"Okay, I can see that you're not exactly a modern-era man," she started, trying her hardest to not accidentally let slip a comment that might mock him or lower her chances of getting out of this creepy place. "So... Let's start from the basics. No, I am not from Tokyo, but I do know where that was and... A general idea of the area surrounding it. Furthermore, they have a police force that works around the city to protect it, and if you can't deal with something like pepper spray, I'm not sure you'd like to deal with a bunch of bullets flying at you, either. Even if they don't have a name, they can take pictures of you, so... You'd likely become a wanted fugitive and criminal. So I recommend... Not handling things like that. Nor kidnapping people off the streets; that usually ends up with a lot of problems."

Letting her shoulders relax a bit, the young woman took a few steps off to the side and stared at her desolate surroundings, grimacing at how it all looked. Even the smog-filled Beijin, she assumed, would be a better sight than this.

"So. Does that answer your questions? Am I free to go, or are you going to keep me locked up here like a little bird in a cage?"

Leonardo Watch

Leo watched in confusion as the giant man... Bull... Person... Was beckoned by someone else and left, leaving the car totaled in the middle of the street. He couldn't exactly do anything to help with that, given the whole situation at the moment, so all he could do was hope that the man had some sort of insurance before running to chase after Sonic. The monkey, of course, seemed happy that it had made a few friend, but simply looked at the small girl that the person it was riding on had been drawn to.

It didn't take long for the young man to catch up the the group that had spontaneously formed, considering they were only a few steps away and waiting on the side of the road, and he paused for a moment to take in what kind of weird group that had formed over the course of a few seconds.

A goddess, a giant man-bull-hybrid, a random girl, a monkey, and... Him. There were a lot of things that made this stand out, but thankfully the dawn was still breaking over the horizon; they had time to get a better location to stay for the moment.

"Erm... Hello?" he asked, poking his head around and waving at the group. "I'm sorry to be a bother, but could we maybe... Move to somewhere a bit less conspicuous? Maybe a park or something, where we won't cause any problems for people? Also... Could you please put the car down? The man inside doesn't seem to be very happy..."

The problem that his money might or might not work now just dawned on him at that moment, though, which sent a shiver down his spine. Maybe he could find something to pawn off to let them get by for a little while... At least until money wasn't an issue. A new job was probably mandatory for that sake, though...

Also the car. Bringing the man in the car along might be problematic. He probably had a job or something to go to, after all!

Hinanawi Tenshi

The young woman gritted her teeth as the keystone punched through a few of the projectiles, but came to a complete halt in her dash forward as the girl who was with her projected a barrier in front of her instead. That meant, of course, that if she kept charging forward, her face would likely meet that head-on. So that charge was paused, and Tenshi, now returning to a more focused stance, watched as the swordsman decided to turn tail and run.

"Coward. I don't know what that was all about, but I guess if he's on the run, there's no more fighting to be had, right?" she asked casually, letting her pose relax as she turned her head to survey the damage...

And acknowledge that a random girl with a giant hammer had happened upon the scene. She seemed fairly irate, all things considered, but seeing as how she didn't decide to try and bash their heads in after the other person ran for the hills, it seemed fairly safe to think that she wasn't with him. Probably.

"Ah... Okay, that was a fun warm-up and all, but I should probably make sure that giant wave of energy doesn't split this little island in two," she said, casually dropping a keystone from the sky into the ground from where it had been split. With a casual wave of her sword, Tenshi quickly spun her weapon around and slammed the keystone in, forcing the fractured ground to recombine (however messily that had been done) before she turned back to fact the two girls in front of her.

"In any case, my hunch was right. Solved an incident! I guess. Though technically the culprit is still running wild... We can chase after him when it's not night, right? Oh, sorry, sorry, I should introduce myself. Hinanawi Tenshi, Celestial from Gensokyo and proud heir to my father's title... Whatever that means. Thanks for the assist," she said, turning to face the two and smiling before turning towards the castle that now seemed to be abuzz.

Probably because of the fight earlier. Hum.

"Hm... Maybe... We should leave? I don't like the idea of dealing with a bunch of really angry people right now," she commented, letting her weapon disappear back into nothingness before hovering above the ground. "We could chase, if you wanted... Or we could just leave right now."

The faint sounds of sirens in the far distance weren't the best of signs, as far as she could tell, but even she could tell that this foreign noise was not a good omen for any of them. From what little she gathered from the people who were in the Outside World before (read: that weird Sumireko girl), sirens like that meant police, which meant that they might be marked as the ones who caused this incident!

Or, at least, that was how she understood it. The girl had rambled on for too long, but Iku had summarized the major points of it all for her, at least.

@TheFake@Grey Star@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@KoL@Dezuel
@Lost Cause: Aye, we're still open.

Anyways, time made after workload from hell. Posting mode activated.

(I'm totally not grinding my brains out for the 24 skill gems I need to get Tomoe Gozen's skills up past that stage on JP on way nuh uh)
Byron Silverwood

The butler nodded at his mistress' words and stared at the two miscreants, a cold pair of eyes glancing between the two of them as he collected the knife that had been used as a momentary platform just moments prior. With that blade in hand, the two bickering girls seemed to not pay him any mind. That half-hearted attention to detail irritated him to some extent, though not as much as the half-alv girl deciding that poking at his knives was a more interesting subject than the possibility that they might injure her.

The automata's comments made clear that the one blocked off by his blades had been lying through her teeth, which only served to further his distrust of the girl. Lying in and of itself wasn't an issue, but the consequences that could have come about as a result if there wasn't anyone else to defuse the situation might have led to...

Well, paying reparations, yes, but more than that, there was the chance that someone else could get injured and that the blame might fall on them. That would most certainly not do. But even so, considering that everyone had stopped running around like headless chickens, the butler had enough leeway to walk forward, knife still in hand as he approached the two young women.

"A thief is a thief. Sexual harassment is something that I will prosecute on my own time, if the princess so wills it, but until then I am acting as she commands. The automata, I presume, is free to go, though I request you refrain from such vague and dangerous threats in the future; the police force might implicate you for destruction of property if those wanton threats become reality," he stated, turning to the half-alv as he continued. "Returning stolen items does not change the fact that you have stolen. To maintain public order, I suggest you not act as such in the future. As per my master's order, though, I must request that you stay put unless she decides otherwise."

With a slight twitch of his right pointer finger, the knife that the girl was examining shot forward a quarter of an inch before stopping again. The other knives, steady as they were, did not move.

"Otherwise, I cannot guarantee you will remain unscathed."

@VitaVitaAR@Polaris North@Rune_Alchemist@Crusader Lord
@KoL: There's so much irony in bringing in Meteora, I don't even know where to start lol.
Oh yeah, speaking of friend gacha... Try preserving your FP until Halloween. You can roll the event 3* CE from there, which'll make it a lot easier to farm stuff from the event.
@thewizardguy: Okay, uh... Problems. Where to start, where to start:
First: Power. We have Evangeline in the RP, but by means of two other characters that are essentially acting as mana sinks she's nerfed from pulling off a lot of her bigger magical shenanigans. Your character... Does not have anything like that. Unrestrained, unfettered, forced a coalition of the strongest mages from her own home to convince (not force!) her to leave, literally infinite mana supply, strong both at close and far range... Yeah. Power level too high relative to everyone else.
Next: Personality COMBINED with that power. A psychopath with that much power basically means that a lot of people are going to be out to take her out for good... And it'd honestly likely throw the RP way off course if that didn't get handled in turn.
Third: The reason why the characters arrived is supposed to be vague, and hopping dimensions leads to a direction where it feels like the character's going "I was gonna come here all along!" That's not good for what stuff I have planned, and it kinda limits a buncha stuff by implication.

So... Yeah. Denied. Sorry.

@VitaVitaAR: I... See no issue with just swinging big hammers around with inexplicable force, I guess. Accepted.

@KoL: Yeah. The next rate up Saber that'll come to NA is likely Okita; most of the 4* ones for a while (ESPECIALLY SIEGFRIED) are subpar as of right now; Nero's a tad weak at her biggest schtick until her third interlude, D'eon needs her third skill and NP interlude, Saber Lily's statline is abysmal (but you don't have her right now so whatever), and Saber Alter's locked behind the story gacha (which you ideally never roll unless there's a special rate up). So... Yeah. You're just gonna have to wait and pray.
Or Berserker meme your way through everything. I'm doing that right now on NA until I get Tamamo or Jeanne to round out my arts comp (mainly the former). :D
@thewizardguy: The answer is yes.
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