Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@Grec: Well, yeah. Magic's a universal thing in this sorta setting, and it's not like that other side of stuff wouldn't exist.

Again, 'mage' is more a class than a term, so you can't just drop them all in the same category, mate.

Edit: @Crimson Paladin Form accepted. Whee~
@Grec: Mage is more a class than a race lol. So it's a bit more vague in that regard, I guess?
And... No, they would not be.
  • Name: Dengran Minsau
  • Appearance: "Are you prepared for the trials to come?"
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Draconic (Lightning)
  • Age: 26
  • Personality: Dengran is a fairly confident individual, though not to the point of arrogance or impudence as his other Demon King peers may be. He is, at heart, a pragmatist, which has led to his current viewpoint that the war should be resolved by other, less warlike means. This does not mean to say that he is a pacifist, of course, as he is perfectly willing to shed blood if it means taking another step towards peace. Though he himself has no desire to rule, one way or another things ended up happening and he ended up where he is now.
  • Abilities: As a Draconic, Dengran is able to channel the power of his dragon ancestors and use their abilities in human form; in this case, it means he is able to manipulate and create electricity without the mandatory usage of magic, has increased durability and strength, and has the ability to, however temporarily, transform into a dragon himself. Of course, while he remains in human form, he is quite proficient in the usage of a greatsword and bow and will not hesitate to use his surprising dexterity and speed to his advantage.
  • Equipment: As mentioned earlier, Dengran wields a greatsword and bow in battle, though if he has a choice the former is vastly preferable to use over the latter. The armaments themselves are of fairly standard make, though given his position as one of the candidates for the throne he has since begun searching for weapons of higher quality that suit his style. Aside from that, his robe is woven with threads of arachne silk that amplify its resistance to physical damage hundredfold, and the amulet he wears around his neck functions as an emergency teleportation measure (though it becomes burnt out for a long while after he uses it once).
  • History: Born in a small clan in the mountain ranges near Hahava, Dengran had the fortune (or misfortune) of being one of the only surviving children of his generation after a combined military draft and famine struck the region. To say that it left something of an impression on him would be an understatement; rather, the entirety of this decade molded him who he was today. Trained by the elders of his clan and given almost all the remaining resources to make sure that he carried on the legacy of his people if worst came to worst, Dengran never forgot those years of barely scraping by. When aid never came from the capital, his internal detestment of the rulers in Sanjiva only grew, and everything reached a fever pitch when he was told that the war had not only ended in failure, but that most of those who had left from his clan had been used as "heroic sacrifices" to secure the escape of the top brass who had sallied forth to battle. While he hated the state of constant warfare, though, he understood it because of all the old and wisened elders of the clan, and in turn learned why such a state would not only be unsustainable, but also eventually lead to the fall of Tsukran.
    It was by chance, of course, that he was picked as one of the Demon King candidates; his training and growth had caught the eye of one of the inspectors from the capital, and Dengran was essentially drafted into the position. Rather than deliberately sabotage himself, the young draconic decided to take this chance to try and reform the nation from the inside, in order to avoid such a tragedy from happening again. He knew as well as anyone else that it was a dream among dreams, but he was one of the lucky few who could turn that into something.
  • Other: The form he changes into is what's behind him. Just for clarity's sake.
@Grec: 'Demon' is a generic term; the first two fall under that category. Third... More situationally so.

@VitaVitaAR: She seems fine, if not a bit barebones. Accepted.
For the sake of reference, here's what I'm putting forward for this RP.

The land of demons, Tsukran, has been in a perpetual state of war with the humans whose various nations surround them. Centuries come and go, and every little moment the tides of war shift; occasionally, humans lead an incursion in hoping to suppress the threat once and for all, while the demons may retake whatever is lost within a few years' time. Periods of ceasefire, too, are not uncommon, though tensions never seem to cease and war always seems to be on the minds of both sides. This perpetual cycle only serves to fuel more conflict, though, and it seems as if neither side will see the other fully vanquished.

Of course, that's just how it seems. The king of Tsukran, an old demon who was the first to rally enough of his kin under his banner, is finally beginning to show signs of fatigue. Under his decree, however, the next king was declared to be chosen by their accomplishments and merits. In hopes of young blood breaking this stalemate, said king hand-picked a group of eight representatives and declared that whoever could bring about the most change in their stalemate with the humans would take the crown. The so-called contest, as it was, would have each candidate sent to a region of Tsukran with those who would follow them and make their preparations for the future. In a few years' time, depending on the outcome of all their plans, plots, and gambits, the king would dictate the new lord of the nation.

Of course, it just so happened that many demons were sick of this endless war, and the whispers of an internal rebellion were only now starting to form. Little did they know, of course, about what was soon to follow.

The World

Tsukran is a nation... So long as you can call a bunch of regional groups and clans rallying under a single flag a 'nation'. The region itself can be divided up into two sections: one behind the two mountain ranges that funnel everything to its center, and the one outside of it. These sections can, in turn, be divided into one of the sixteen sub-regions of the nation. Each region is named after one of the Buddhist hells, and though they might not be as hot or cold as the hells are in our mythos, they do denote a relevant level of threat for their inhabitants and, as of now, their level of difficulty in terms of development.

Each region will be expounded upon in detail as their relevance increases and the RP progresses. Of course, since I plan to start the RP in Avici, the information for that area will be detailed below. More will be added as time goes on, and maybe I'll have a map that isn't a jumble of scratches and sketches to make it easier to visualize then.

Avici: a region located between the southern mountain range and the coast, Avici is one of the farthest away from the capital (Sanjiva) that also happens to be within the confines of the nation. The hostile flora and fauna coupled with a lack of infrastructure make this, essentially, unexplored territory. Not like the demons have time to explore it, anyways; they've got humans to worry about. The area is a mix of jungle, wasteland, and a small section of arable land located on the border between it and Sanghata to its direct east, but there are one or two towns set up to "govern" the region and act as a potential buffer if humans decide to invade by sea.

So, as you might be able to tell, this RP's got people playing the 'baddies' in what might otherwise be a bog-standard humans vs. demons setup. Of course, there's a little note I have to make here: most player characters should be aiding in this rebellion, one way or another. Of course, I'll make two or three exceptions, but overall the players should be active in that regard... In one way or another. As the conflict is against humans, I should expect that most, if not all characters submitted, also fall under that category.
At the same time, though, I would prefer if we took some more intelligent creatures overall. Nothing too beastlike or lacking sapience, basically.

At most, one OTHER candidate will be playable (depending on how much attention this garners). I... Don't believe there's anything else to mention here? Except that there might be a surprising amount of semi-nationbuilding segments in the midst of what is essentially a giant ball of infighting. Yeah.

Anyways, form!
So... Four total, now?

I'm hoping for a fifth or something before getting an OoC up, though, so yeah.

I'll also flesh out more details of the world when I get a chance.
Shokuhou Misaki

With her feet landing softly on the pavement, Misaki let out a sigh of relief as she watched the portal back fade away into obscurity once more. After that sudden detour, it was only fair to want to take a bit of a breather, but she knew that doing so right now might lead to another capture. No, more than that, she had to find a place to retreat to; without any easy way back into Academy City (not like that was a place to want to be right now) and a fair certainty that she wasn't even in her own version of Tokyo right now, the ideal scenario right now would either be to lay low. Well, that or...

"...Contact the government," she muttered to herself as the faint sounds of police sirens resonating from across the city met her ears. Yes, that was certainly an option; she'd sacrifice almost 90% of her autonomy at minimum and probably have to mind control her way out if things went south, but antagonizing the entirety of Japan was not something she wanted on her 'to-do' list for today. At the same time, though, she didn't want to sleep out on the streets or wander about aimlessly like a zombie until daybreak...

"I wonder... If I contact a police station, then control the precinct... Actually, now that I think about it, let's do that. Worst comes to worst, I wipe the memory of anyone who saw me and run, right?" she rationalized to herself as she began to move. If the sounds of chaos all over the city were any indication, she'd have plenty of spare time to move about to try and find any police officer that wasn't in a panic trying to keep the peace.

Leonardo Watch

"Erm... Cagliostro and... Asterios, was it? Are you from outside Hellsa- I mean, New York? Actually, given what just happened, I think that's already pretty clear. Um... Well, I'm not sure what exactly to talk about here, then. But seriously, this place is a lot more peaceful than Hellsalem's Lot... Minus the helicopters flying towa—"
Leo's lackadaisical smile slowly froze as the gears began turning in his head. The sudden mobilization of a military police force meant that there was a threat that happened to appear just as suddenly; given that the people that were walking around at this time of day weren't on edge at all, then the possibility of 'war' was also on the table. To him, of course, it spelled out the possibility of another 'Fall' like the one that had happened in Hellsalem's Lot, which also meant...

With a jolt, Leo sprung to his feet, beads of sweat forming at his brow as he looked at the direction the helicopters were flying in before taking a deep breath. It wouldn't be long before the city might attempt to cut off all forms of transport in and out of the area, which meant that time was of the essence. He didn't want to go, but at times like these, staying put was probably less productive that going out and trying to stop the fire before it spread, so to speak.

"Sorry, but I think I'm going to have to check out what's going on," he said, bowing in apology to the two in front of him before darting off, Sonic grabbing onto the hem of his jacket as he did so. The easiest way to get there right now was the subway, and...

Well, hopefully his card worked, because running down a bridge either blocked off by police or filled with moving cars with no walking lanes was a fool's errand.

Hinanawi Tenshi

Tenshi grumbled to herself as their opponent was able to block most of her bullets before dragging that other swordswoman into a ball of plants... Or something. Before she could move to free her, though, said swordswoman casually broke out with her own power, and it wasn't long before the combined force of both her and the child with the oversized hammer managed to knock their opposition flying. She, apparently, wasn't as needed here as she thought. At the same time, though, it wasn't as if she wanted to suddenly disappear after all of... Well, this had happened. While having an inner monologue about what course of action to take next, the weirdo flying above their heads finally managed to drag Tenshi's attention away from her own problems. He didn't seem hostile, of course, but she wasn't in the mood for dealing with an arrogant bystander.

"We'll deal with that problem when we get there," she shouted back, rolling her eyes as she turned to face him head on. "What about you? If you're so afraid of some 'army', then you should be the one leaving, no? If you stick around, you'll only be caught up with the rest of us."

Not that she was expecting to be caught, of course, but the humans of the Outside World seemed to be more proactive and... Well, reasonable, in a way? She didn't want to have to injure anyone who was too far under her in terms of strength, after all; that was bullying, not a match, and doing that just felt wrong.

A match, however, she wouldn't mind, but there was no way that the Outside World had something to match her if those talks were of any significant truth.

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Grey Star@Raineh Daze@Dezuel

The land of demons, Tsukran, has been in a perpetual state of war with the humans whose various nations surround them. Centuries come and go, and every little moment the tides of war shift; occasionally, humans lead an incursion in hoping to suppress the threat once and for all, while the demons may retake whatever is lost within a few years' time. Periods of ceasefire, too, are not uncommon, though tensions never seem to cease and war always seems to be on the minds of both sides. This perpetual cycle only serves to fuel more conflict, though, and it seems as if neither side will see the other fully vanquished.

Of course, that's just how it seems. The king of Tsukran, an old demon who was the first to rally enough of his kin under his banner, is finally beginning to show signs of fatigue. Under his decree, however, the next king was declared to be chosen by their accomplishments and merits. In hopes of young blood breaking this stalemate, said king hand-picked a group of eight representatives and declared that whoever could bring about the most change in their stalemate with the humans would take the crown. The so-called contest, as it was, would have each candidate sent to a region of Tsukran with those who would follow them and make their preparations for the future. In a few years' time, depending on the outcome of all their plans, plots, and gambits, the king would dictate the new lord of the nation.

Of course, it just so happened that many demons were sick of this endless war, and the whispers of an internal rebellion were only now starting to form. Little did they know, of course, about what was soon to follow.

So, as you might be able to tell, this RP's got people playing the 'baddies' in what might otherwise be a bog-standard humans vs. demons setup. Of course, there's a little note I have to make here: most player characters should be aiding in this rebellion, one way or another. Of course, I'll make two or three exceptions, but overall the players should be active in that regard... In one way or another. As the conflict is against humans, I should expect that most, if not all characters submitted, also fall under that category.
At the same time, though, I would prefer if we took some more intelligent creatures overall. Nothing too beastlike or lacking sapience, basically.

At most, one OTHER candidate will be playable (depending on how much attention this garners). I... Don't believe there's anything else to mention here? Except that there might be a surprising amount of semi-nationbuilding segments in the midst of what is essentially a giant ball of infighting.Yeah.

Anyways, form!
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