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Lin Quan

Despite his own wariness about the situation, it seemed that more than a few others were more inclined to check out the small settlement he had mentioned than establish a base of their own. In a way, he could understand that sentiment—working to build off of something that already existed was a far easier job than starting from scratch—but given most of their current forms, that wasn't an option.

With that in mind, though, leaving the doll to explore on her own would only raise further questions, and with that came the possibility of a multitude of other problems arising. Deciding that the safety of his newfound peers was worth more than his own desire to build a stable foundation first, Lin simply sighed and rose from his seat before turning to Ashewell.

"Make sure to keep anyone who stays behind safe, and make doubly sure that anyone who wouldn't pass for a human stays behind. Survival is a top priority right now, after all," he said, nodding his head before following off after Lena.

"So, do you have an excuse in mind for why we are traveling together?" he asked, using his newfound ability to walk on air to avoid having to trek over the uneven ground in the first place. "A cover story would do us well."
The Ruins

The explosion of the bomb had indeed sent the trio of attackers reeling, stunning them momentarily as they were pushed back from the concussive force. Their armor seemed rather worse for the wear, but given that they were skeletons, one might have found it strange that they could be stunned by the blast in the first place.

Regardless, though, the attack had left them wide open for follow-ups, so long as they attempted to regain their footing.

The necromancers, in comparison, were faring far less pleasantly against the fox-eared girl. Their attempts at restraining her had ended in complete failure, and the moment that one of their own had been impaled, the rest of their number immediately moved to retreat from the area. The one that had been stabbed seemed to resist, if only for a moment, before the weapon was removed and they fell to the ground. The clatter of bones made it clear what it was under those robes, but the demise of their comrade seemed to do little to shake the rest of his number. At once, they each unfurled a set of scriptures and, as they began to glow, pointed towards the girl who was standing in their midst.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a massive horde of skeletons began to drag themselves out of the stone, acting as attempted deterrents to stall even a second longer. It was clear how wholly unmatched they were, of course, but even those who had surpassed death could feel dread at such overwhelming power.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crusader Lord
Lin Quan

With his hands in his sleeves, Lin calmly surveyed his surroundings, taking note of the landmarks and their positions relative to those landmarks. As far as assumptions went, being dropped where they had been was more of a boon than anything. The problem now, though, was deciding a line of action.

Having committed all of the necessary information to memory (including the odd town), the dragon simply descended from where he was, as if riding a platform unto the earth, before moving over to those gathered.

"...Hm. It seems our party has grown," he mentioned before the sound of screaming above caused him to turn and look. Given the apparent size of this unfortunate soul, though, Lin made the rational decision to simply move away from the possible blast zone. There was no way he would be able to catch someone of that magnitude, after all.

"In any case," he began, taking a seat next to the doll as he waved the others over, "our position is surprisingly useful, though I would like to consult you for our plan of action."

Taking a few stones from around the bank, the dragon began to set up a relative diagram of their position and, having found a stick lying around, began to point to each in turn.

"As it stands, we are here. There is a larger river nearby, which connects to a mountain range upstream and the ocean downstream. The distance to said mountain is absolutely something to be done over multiple days, while we could reach the beach within a day's time by foot—less, maybe, if we were to use a vessel and move downstream in that. There is also a village around this far from us, definitely within walking distance, but given how underdeveloped it seemed and its location in this forest, I am unsure if contacting them would be wise.

If we were to put it to a vote, though... I think I would abstain. The pros and cons of either location are at the point where I wouldn't mind traveling to whichever one you all would prefer."

After finishing his explanation, Lin simply sighed and shook his head. The matter of 'where to begin' and 'what equipment to pursue' was chief among his worries, and so he sat there mulling over the possible routes that could be taken if they chose one locale or the other.

Jason Liu

Quietly following after Hakuno and her Servant, Jason stepped into the Buddhist temple. As small as it was, the temple felt surprisingly open, and though the young man did not care much for the smell of incense, he had to admit that, some way or another, it wasn't any more overpowering closer to the urn where it was burnt than it had been when they had entered.

Kiara promptly led the three of them into a side room, making sure to hang a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door before closing it behind her. The room itself was fairly sparse, though there were a few couches seated around a table for guests, it seemed. Once the three had each taken their seats, the nun, too, sat down before beginning to speak.

"I apologize for calling you on such prompt notice, but something has been weighing on my mind recently," she said, shaking her head in response to Hakuno's question. "It has to do with the girl who I went to visit yesterday—Saikawa Mary."

At the mention of his friend's name, Jason involuntarily tensed up, his hands half-digging into the couch as Kiara continued.

"Hm... I guess I should explain myself a bit more, then. I work as a counselor to a few of the people who come here. Be they Buddhist, Christian, or whatever else, I listen to their worries and help them as best I can. Mary, too, was someone who came to me for help. I cannot exactly disclose specifics, but... One day, she simply stopped coming.

After four days, I began to worry about her; after six, I attempted to call her home, only to find out that her number had been disconnected entirely.

Of course, after catching wind of that injury that she had received, I hurried over to the hospital to meet her, which was when I met you," the nun said, gesturing towards Hakuno and Benienma. "After you had left, I went in to speak with her, only to be treated like a stranger..."

At this, Jason quietly glanced away, averting his eyes from the nun as she continued on.

"I... Heard more about the incident after doing some looking into on my own," Kiara said, looking at Jason in particular. "I don't mean to blame you for anything, but... Could I ask what happened before that summoning?"

"A-ah... Well, um..." Jason began, nervously trailing off before sighing. "...I got a call from Mary the day before... That happened. She sounded really excited about finding something out about the summoning ritual, and asked if I could come over in a few hours once she had finished preparing. I, er... I've always been looked down on for not having any capabilities where I go, so I took her up on that offer..."

"...Hm? She called you... On her cell phone? No, rather, excited? She had always been fairly downtrodden when we met..."

"I'm serious about that, though," Jason responded, pulling out his cell phone and opening up the call log to show that he had received a call from Mary in the first place. "No matter what I might have caused, I'm not enough of a liar to accuse my friend of anything."

"That is... Odd..." Kiara responded, placing her own phone onto the table, with a call failed soon after Jason had finished his own. "What could possibly...?"


The Arena

When Guan had entered the arena, Gareth hastily waved her over and introduced the Berserker to Chiron. There was a brief pause on part of the latter before quietly nodding in approval.

"Very well," the Archer said, waving his arm in the air as the boundaries were promptly rearranged. "Gareth, you'll have your section of there. I wish both of you the best of luck."

As Gareth nodded and walked over to where she had been directed, Fionn had already moved into position on his section of the battlefield, his own spear at the ready as he faced Artoria in turn.

"Hm! That knight is certainly excited about this, isn't she?" he called out, readying his weapon for combat. "Well, it is not as if I do not anticipate this match myself. Whenever you are prepared, we shall have them time our first strike. Let us show these spectators the glory that they so desire, hm?"

Similarly, Munenori had walked over to his area of the battlefield, weapon still sheathed as he bowed towards Tristan.

"Please, do not hold back. Even if I am an old man, I would still like to be able to see the skills of your famed peerage myself," he stated before calmly placing a hand on his katana's hilt. "Whenever you are ready, then."

Byron Cauna

As he watched the three others that had failed to join the fray immediately begin to move off in different directions with plans of their own, Byron let out a single sigh. He had expected some manner of deviation, to be frank, but for his own suggestion to be outright ignored...

Well, at the very least, moving in alone could be managed to some degree. Though proceeding into their base of operations as the two (now three) others at their gates caused chaos was just as much of an option as letting them handle the job, it was only a matter of time before the bandits realized their folly. At that point, breaking through existing barricades would become a hindrance to the rest of the group.

With that in mind, the beastman simply moved forward, making sure to avoid the bulk of combat as he slipped through the opening that Izel's show of power had provided. The number of bandits had already thinned considerably, and the hesitation of those remaining made it clear that their initial resounding defeat had already begun to take its toll.

"Hmm... Well, letting them retreat to their base proper would be an issue..." Byron mused to himself as he anchored the gates in place discreetly before proceeding further into the compound. Seeing that the leader of those at the front was already beginning to pull back, though, the beastman simply began to manipulate the friction of the path forward ever so slightly. That, coupled with a few unexpected bumps in the road, would likely deter their retreat long enough for the rest of the team to clean them up without much issue. Of course, he had a few personal qualms about the wanton killing when capturing these bandits was very much possible, but crossing the demigod in one of her moments of bloodthirsty euphoria seemed like an inherently suicidal idea at best.

With that done, though, Byron turned his attention towards the fortified mountaintop, which, compared to the shoddy defenses near the bottom, had at least a few more options to handle matters. Other than the cave within the mountainside that obviously housed their prey, the various sniper perches had already begun to be filled by other bandits. If the initial defense force was any indication of their actual ability, though, breaking through even that would prove to be a fairly simple task.

If the succinct execution of the first few bandits had not been enough to warrant a retreat, then the show of unbridled magical potential was more than enough of a reason to call for a retreat. By this point, the leader of the force (and what remained of his men) were struck dumb with terror; it took but mere moments before the chain of command fell into complete chaos. A few of the bandits charged forward at the group (the new metal man included) in an attempt to break through and run away; others, still in fear over what had come to collect their souls, were anchored in place by sheer terror. Those who were able to retain enough sense about them despite the situation immediately began to retreat, only to begin tripping and falling over one another as they began to hastily scale up the mountain.

It was a complete defeat in many was for these bandits, but it seemed that simple surrender was not an option for them. Though the reason for that remained unknown, their actions made that much clear.
Lin Quan

Seeing that Ashewell had promptly proven him wrong after his failure to catch the goblin, Lin couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. Hitting his antlers as the humanoid creature had, regardless of how light they were, would only serve to reduce the force of hitting the ground by so much. A pliable web, on the other hand...

Well, even putting aside how it had managed to reduce the remaining impact to almost nothing, the possibilities that stemmed from what may as well have been an inexhaustible supply of what might otherwise be categorized as 'magical silk' seemed to run wild within his mind. Ideas that he had never considered—nay, not even seen before—began to flood into his mind. It was not overwhelming, per se, but the dragon found it odd to have such things in his mind in the first place. That being said, the value of such knowledge was not lost upon him as the group began to move through the forest in turn.

By the time they had reached a river to work at, Lin had been given enough time to consider the possible routes that they could take. Logically, the question of if civilization existed or not within this new world was the largest of questions in mind, but the realization that the residents of this world might be hostile to them (especially the spider-girl, who seemed more monstrous than the rest of them) caused him to reconsider their priorities.

"Mmm... Shelter is a priority," he said as Lena announced her intentions to create an ax. Tools, of course, would get them a long way, but there was only so much exploration that their group could do in having to support two children.

"I wonder..."

Musing to himself, Lin began to experiment; given how his original form was a Eastern dragon, the possibility of flight while in this form was not entirely out of the question. Snaking through the air was obviously out of the question, though, and thus came attempts at other methods of flight from xianxia novels.

It took a few minutes thereafter for the dragon to learn that he could 'climb' the air as if walking up stairs, and it was at this point that he nodded before turning towards the people who had yet to move.

"I shall handle scouting the region from above. Can I request that the rest of you begin to form other things that may be useful for us in the near future? Baskets, traps, nets... Anything to catch, carry, or move food would allow us to get two birds with one stone," he asked, not waiting for a reply as he began to walk above the treeline. Step by step, Lin rose up into the air, slowly watching at the scenery around him was revealed.

"Mmm... I wonder how far this forest stretches for, anyhow. Logically, if there is a river, it leads to the ocean downstream and likely a mountain range upstream, right? But how far would those be from our current position...?"

Lin Quan

With Ashewell's cooperation settled for the moment, Lin nodded and, deciding that leaving the two children to be looked over by the relatively friendly drider was a good enough decision for the moment. If the worst that she did to the two was hug them, then that was acceptable; putting that aside, though, having someone else who could manage the heavy lifting alongside him would most certainly prove useful.

Vladlena's summary of the situation was also far more succinct than his, though a fair bit more blunt in phrasing. He couldn't deny, though, that this 'second chance' was something to make full use of. Whether or not that would mean that his new life would be more hellish, though, remained to be seen. With that said, though, the doll had a point; talking about such things would be much more efficient if they were searching for shelter and supplies in the interim.

Before the group could proceed too far into the forest, though, the sound of a rapidly approaching scream from the sky caused Lin to involuntarily glance upwards. Given how the rest of them had reached their destination now, that sound was most certainly an ill omen.

To some degree, he was right; given the rapidly approaching object falling towards them, there was no sense in letting the children witness a death by falling, and so Lin quickly shifted back into his dragon form and moved to catch whatever it was that was fast approaching the earth.

Of course, given that he didn't quite understand how to 'fly' yet (though the mechanics behind it were made clear in his mind), the best that he could do was use his antlers to break the fall and attempt to catch what was now apparently a green humanoid of some sort (a goblin?).

"Mmm... I certainly hope that nothing larger than you attempts to fall onto us," Lin remarked, barely failing to actually catch the creature before sighing changing back into his human form. "It seems like I remain the only one with the capability to catch someone without injury among this group..."

With that settled, Lin nodded and turned back towards Vladlena.

"We can begin exploring whenever; introductions can be handled as we search."

The Ruins

Upon seeing the bow that Link had drawn, one of the skeletons, wholly clad in heavy armor, moved directly towards both him and Suzuka, while another two moved to flank them in turn. The rest of the mob, which had quickly come to the realization that a new threat was upon them, were only barely able to register that the fox-eared girl had already leaped overhead, out of reach of their own weapons. A few of them aimed their crossbows towards the air as they tried (in vain) to shoot at her, but by then she had already reached a small opening behind them.

Under the assumption that their assailant was more of an uncannily agile assassin of some foreign origin, the cloaked beings shifted their focus away from raising soldiers; at this point, they had all turned towards the girl who had split herself off from her companion and pointed the palms of both of their hands towards her. The ground nearby began to split, and soon enough a torrent of bony hands began to reach for her, in an attempt to drag her down into the depths.

The armored giants facing against Link, on the other hand, seemed to be working in similar unison, attempting to strike at him in coordinated motions as if they were members of an organized crew of elites well-versed in the art of combat.

It was very possible that that could have been such in the past, but no more.

@Crusader Lord@Rune_Alchemist
Lin Quan

Given how the newcomer had been reacting and Aries' own fear regarding the situation, Lin had (somewhat discretely) moved to stand in front of the other two girls. He had no real intent to get into combat, given how unsure he was about if he could even handle himself in a fight, but some part of him compelled him to act as a bit of a protector. When the spider-girl began to rush towards him, though, Lin adopted what felt like a combat-ready stance for martial arts.

Of course, when the end result was Aries being hugged like some sort of plush toy, Lin stared blankly at the pair for a moment before dropping the stance entirely. Hearing the words that came out of the spider-girl's mouth soon after, though...

"What the heck are you saying?" he asked in Cantonese, baffled enough to lapse into his mother tongue as he tried to make sense of the situation. "Did you land on your head when you fell?"

After a brief pause, though, Lin quickly regained his composure and shook his head, deciding that the spider-girl—Ashewell, given her own comment—was not someone to actively harm the children. Her subsequent petting him on the head, though, caused the young man to take a step back in mild annoyance. Being treated like a child by a complete stranger was not something he liked all too much.

"Hm. Well, in any case... Moscow?" he finally asked, turning back towards the doll and nodding. "I grew up in Guangzhou and went to America for further education, but I do think that your comment about 'being alive' when I was clearly... Not after that accident would give a reasonable theory about our current situation. Reincarnation, I would think, would be an apt descriptor. Or, rather, the transmigration of the soul into a new body...? But yes, we are alive now, and I do agree with your sentiment; travelling as a party would likely cut down on possible issues regarding safety and manpower. How about it?"

If she was like them—in short, a recently deceased person in a new body—then the moral standards of Earth would likely apply. Hopefully, that meant that they were normal enough to work with...

Lin Quan

Lin stood by as he listened to the three girls in turn, nodding his head in response to each introduction. While the girl with the horns and tail—Revy, her name was—seemed to have calmed down to some degree, none of the three had any better of an idea than he about their current situation. As things were now, the four of them were rather out of luck when it came to information about this problem.

"Ravy, Aries, Vladlena... All right, I should be able to remember that without much trouble," he stated, glancing around the forest before sighing. "Well, I can't say that your hypothesis seems that far off the mark. Given the name and your manner of speech, I'm going to assume... Russia? You certainly are taking this entire ordeal quite well, though..."

The lackadaisical attitude that Vladlena was displaying was a bit jarring in its own right, but immediately heading out did seem to be the best course of action to take in his eyes. With a slight nod towards the other two, Lin began to follow off after her, making sure to keep a keen eye out for anything helpful. Ideally, they could find an unoccupied cave or something of that sort to reside in for the moment before moving out to find civilization, but then the problem became supporting all of them.

Before he could walk too far, though, the sound of someone else speaking up—an unfamiliar voice all its own—caused Lin to turn around, only to see what could only have been described as a drider approaching their position.

Despite that fact, though, Lin didn't seem particularly fazed, and had instead simply turned around, walking closer to the two who hadn't left the area yet. The expression that the newcomer wore was not one of aggression, but it didn't hurt to be wary despite that fact.

"Hello there, ma'am. Hm... Are you, by any chance, a resident of this forest? Or were you unfortunate enough to have also been unceremoniously thrown down from the heavens like the rest of us?"

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