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I think the biggest problem with Sagume is... Yeah, Lunarians. Though the overarching incident would in theory get them involved, I'm not sure if Sagume would have any reason to intervene herself considering what she has to handle up there on the Moon in the first place. Also, her ability can get jank in a way that Remi's can't, so yeah.

Other two should be fine, though.

I'll make an OoC in a bit.
@Sylph de Graaf: Case by case basis. They don't show up again, so the problem is getting them to fit back into Gensokyo for the sake of plot.

As far as shops went in the Human Village, Suzunaan was... Rather unique, as far as things were considered. Though a majority of the books that lined its shelves were simply works from the Outside World, there were more than a few that were a bit too dangerous to leave out for most of the other residents of the village to see.

Of course, this one was no exception.

The shopkeeper, Motoori Kosuzu, was well aware of how dangerous some of those 'demon books' could be, but the way that this book was written was... Odder than most of what came from the Outside World. On the surface, it was a normal book, but upon using her own ability on it, the young girl was surprised to see that it held a record of Gensokyo that seemed inherently different from what she knew.

Her first instinct was, of course, to ask around; after all, Hieda no Akyuu was a good friend of hers, and if anyone was to know what this sort of thing meant in the first place, it would be her; failing that, the local schoolteacher was particularly knowledgeable about the history of Gensokyo, and being able to correct all of the oddities or disposing of the book entirely would be simple.

That, however, was when the trouble began. Once Keine had taken a brief look at the odd document, she had promptly fallen comatose, and though Akyuu had not fallen victim to whatever had taken the schoolteacher, the own copies of the records she had written that were being stored within Suzunaan seemed to change—in front of their very eyes, no less!

As these odd distortions began to build up within Suzunaan, small parts of Gensokyo, almost so indistinguishable from the places where they were situated, began to shift in turn. These mild oddities might not have seemed entirely odd to most of the youkai that lived here, but in a place as small as this, information traveled fast.

This was the beginning of an incident—no more, no less.

It's a Touhou RP! You know, I don't know why I decided to spin this up, but here we are. I'm not really sure how to explain things, but I'd recommend checking out the Touhou wiki if you need any sort of refresher. Ideally, everyone's already got some experience with Touhou already, but that's a bit of an aside.

I'd prefer keeping to (mostly-)canon renditions of canon characters if possible, though depending on what might have been adjusted for headcanons I'm willing to shift one way or another to let things through. OCs are going to be a bit more scrutinized depending on what is posited, though, but that's a bridge I'll cross when I come to it.

With regards to the incident itself: the idea is that the cast will be going out to handle these distortions, which end up plopping them into 'parallel' versions of Gensokyo. It's up to them to figure out what the sub-incident there is and resolve it before heading right back home. Think of it like how you might a Touhou fangame, I guess.

Despite this being an interest check, I'll put a form out here for people to use in advance. Ideally, you should mention if you want a canon character reserved so no one steps on each other's toes, but right. Form.

Uehara Mitsuki

Given his own upbringing, it was hard for Mitsuki to not agree (at least, in part) with what his Servant was saying. Practicing onmyoji brought with it all of the traditions that the practice had been steeped in, which included regular visits to the shrine where his grandparents lived. Jumping between the city and the more rural regions of Japan made him feel like he was traveling through time. That wasn't a bad thing, per se, but...

"I suppose that industrialization would have that sort of effect on people. Even so, I think that's partially why people come to places like this every now and then despite having so much else to do," he responded with a shrug of his shoulders. "Personally, I think that losing that connection is fine, so long as it isn't forgotten. The past is meant to inform the present to pursue the future and all that, right?"

The suggestion of a picnic had piqued his interest, though; if it was earlier in the year, he would have followed it up with a suggestion for cherry blossom viewing with friends, but now?

Well, summer seemed a good a time as any to try and buy into foreign traditions and do an American barbecue or something. With a city like Fusang, it wouldn't be difficult to try and do something like that if they got enough people on board...


"Sure, I wouldn't mind a picnic or something like that," Mitsuki said, nodding his head. "You know, I've never actually had a chance to try your cooki..."

Before he could finish his sentence, though, the sight of a rather energetic young woman escorting a far more disheveled one through the park had caught his attention. Though it was not his place to intervene in the affairs of others, something about how panicked the latter was worried him, if only a little.

"...Hm... Archer, I'm going to poke my head over there for a bit. For some reason, I feel like that lady's going to collapse from exhaustion any second now," he said, gesturing towards the pair in question. Without waiting for a response, Mitsuki promptly walked over, raising one hand as he called out to them.

"Hey, uh, 'scuse me, but... Is she doing all right?" he asked the girl leading the way, gesturing towards her companion once she had noticed him. "It looks like she's pretty out of breath, so..."

@KoL@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

With the figure now in her possession, Meltryllis was at least open to listening to her Master's (somewhat uneasy) request for her to buy some clothing. Of course, the Alter Ego had to take a moment to consider what that entailed; after getting those (rather unsightly) 'replacement' prosthetic legs, she was in no real mood to have a change of clothes picked out for her.

With that said, being able to pick her own outfit out was a different story entirely.

"Mmm... Sure, I suppose. A change of clothes wouldn't be bad in this day and age," she said, nodding her head in agreement. "Fine, then; I suppose I'll simply have to keep this figure safe until we're done, then."

Putting her own attachment to the figure aside, Nanako had been surprisingly prompt in bringing her over to a clothes store. Nothing inside looked particularly bad at first, but being as picky as she was, "okay" wouldn't do.

"Hm... A lot of these clothes are sort of..." she trailed off, her eyes darting around before they seemed to fall on a single article of clothing.

"That looks like it would do. Could you take that off the rack there? I want to try it on."

A large jacket with a black-and-white motif that would be all-too-familiar to Nanako was what had caught her eye, and at this point, it was probably far less 'open' than what she was wearing right now. The price tag, however...


Inside The Jewelry Store

As far as things were going right now, the five thugs conducting their heist had found no better success than with the new tools that they had picked up. It had cost them a pretty penny, mind, but given how all of the clueless idiots outside seemed to not be doing a damn thing and their luck in finding a place without any Masters in sight?

Well, they were about to make off with a hell of a lot more than they had spent to get to this point in the first place.

Just as one of the thugs had just about finished cleaning out one of the displays, though, another seemed to be nudging him and pointing out the broken window towards the street. There was good reason to do so, of course; a Servant (and one of the most famous ones in the city at that) had just turned to look towards them.

Not only that, but she had just transformed and barreled inside, ignoring the illusion that had been set in place.

"Shit! Elle, you're up!" the former called out, deciding to abandon getting the rest of the accessories inside in favor of escaping. "Kenji, you too!"

With a nod, the two in question quickly pulled out a set of vials from the insides of their clothing and, without asking for confirmation, promptly threw them all on the ground around them before grabbing what they had gathered and beginning to run.

Immediately, the liquid within spilled out as the vials shattered, and before long a set of magic circles had inscribed themselves into the floor without any need for them to do the work themselves. As the thieves hastily attempted to make their exit, the circles began to glow an ominous purple color, and before long, a pair of shadowy human facsimiles seemed to materialize from within their boundaries.

Their targets, of course, were simple; the Servant standing in front of them, and the people who were on the ground, unable to move as they had done their work.

@1Charak2: Helena fine. Accepted.
Uehara Mitsuki

Mitsuki quietly contemplated his Servant's suggestion before nodding his head in agreement. As far as things went, a nice walk in the park would prove to be more useful to him than trying to find something to do back at home. Of course, finishing his food came first, but given that it was almost done anyways...

"Park it is, then; I don't think this is the occasion for a visit to any of the beaches on the island... Or any of the religious establishments, for that matter," he said, polishing off his slice of pizza before cleaning his mouth. Of course, paying at the counter meant that they could just walk out, so long as they didn't leave a mess behind. Self-service was nice like that sometimes.

Given the time of day, it was no surprise that there would be people of all sorts walking around Fusang Park; their reasons may have been varied, but the amount of people present, though not impossibly dense, did show that even in a city surrounded by the hustle and bustle of city life, people could still appreciate some nature in their lives.

Of course, there was a zoo and botanical garden here as well, but that was far from their goal today.

"You know, I'm always surprised at how large this place is," Mitsuki mentioned offhandedly, his hands in his pockets as he glanced around. "Though I guess some Servants might get uneasy seeing nothing but skyscrapers for ages..."

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Meltryllis' smug face as she held the bag containing her new figure hooked in one of her arms showed how pleased she was with her new acquisition. Of course, it wasn't her money that had bought it, and she was aware of how her Master had reacted initially upon pointing it out, but this was...

A gift. Right. A gift. It was a gift, so there was no need to feel guilty about anything, right?

In fact, she didn't even mind having to carry it herself; there was no way she would let it get damaged next to everything else that her Master had to carry—doubly so, given she only had one arm to work with—which meant that the only logical way to manage this was to do it herself.

"I'll have you set this up later, then," the Alter Ego said as the two walked out of the shop, now seemingly even more aware of her surroundings. Without a need to find a store that sold figures, all of her energy could be spent protecting what she had come here for.

Well, and her Master, too. That was probably a higher priority than the figure.

"So... Shall we head home, then? I suppose there's not much else for us to do right now..."

Uehara Mitsuki

It was a bit weird, hearing food referred to as 'imperfect'—ordinarily, the way things were presented in media compared how to they actually were tended to be overly perfect. Most advertisements were in line with that line of thought, and even though he didn't play games anywhere near as often as his Servant did, it seemed perfectly reasonable to think the same line of thought could apply there.

But that mattered little to Mitsuki, who was casually eating his pizza as he considered the Archer's question. It was the weekend and his classes hadn't actually given him anything in particular to worry about; all of the things he needed to consider for the near future were handled, which meant that he had ample free time to pursue his hobbies.

Of course, that came second to actual responsibility.

"I... Hm. After eating, huh...? I was thinking about restocking the fridge and pantry, since it's probably a bit easier to eat at home," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "After that... Nothing in particular. If you wanted to do something else, though, I'll probably tag along."

Of course, knowing his Servant's newfound affinity towards games, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to pick one up to practice...

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Upon hearing that there might actually be a shop with the figures she so desired nearby, Meltryllis seemed to subtly brighten up a bit more than she had as she was explaining herself. That upswing in her mood only continued as Nanako ceded in bringing her there, and before long the two were standing inside the shop in question. The AC-cooled building was a nice change of pace from the mildly warm streets outside, but it didn't take long for the Alter Ego to immediately go off hunting on her own for what she wanted.

Two minutes. Two minutes was all that she needed before she came across the figure displays; after that, it seemed as if she was putting more effort into poring over the make and quality of each and every figure that was for sale than she had in anything else for the last week.

"Mmm... The joints are visible there... That pose is a bit boring..." she muttered to herself as she continued to scan over what was present before finding something that caught her fancy. Given that her Master was right next to her...

"That one. Buy it."

With one arm pointed near one of the showcase exhibits, Meltryllis seemed to have completely bypassed the "ask" part of their implicit agreement as she gestured at a $300 1/7 scale figure of a girl in rather complex armor.

@Heavy Snark: I probably overlooked that bit, but fundamentally it doesn't actually change much, if at all. In the end, you said it yourself: "if he's in the mood and wants to". That implies that a majority of the time, your character would seldom interact with other characters, which given the premise, is a bad idea in general.

Also, my other points went unaddressed, so I'm going to remain steadfast in my decision here. No wolf.
@Heavy Snark: Okay, where do I start...
Well, how about the elephant in the room: that's a wolf. You'd just be playing a wolf. A wolf that wholly understands human speech, yes, but a wolf nonetheless. No speaking, no active interaction, no nothing. Already, that's a big problem, as I am fairly certain that the other people with Masters are not particularly inclined to simply having a sapient wolf for a Servant (as opposed to, like, Lobo). I could be wrong (and people should be correcting me if I am), but given who does and does not have a Servant already, this is my current opinion on the matter.
That aside, we already have precedent for a character using cursed pelts to transform with Atalanta, who can more or less swap to Calydonian Boar form and back with that NP active. Being locked to wolf just seems sort of needlessly restrictive.

Ergo, rejected.
Uehara Mitsuki

Seeing Tomoe casually playing games as they walked down the street was no longer a surprise to the young man—doubly so after the first week, where she had somehow managed to do all that in the middle of rush hour without bumping into anyone or losing her focus for even a second. More surprising, really, was how she had managed to so seamlessly adapt to modern life despite her own constant wariness about being summoned in the first place (and, admittedly, it was a bit strange to have so many Servants walking about without needing to worry about conflict). If anything, though, he felt that if the Archer was comfortable enough to be acting as she was now instead of being covered in armor as they walked about, this city, at minimum, was at peace.

Or, well, peaceful compared to the Japan that Tomoe knew during her lifetime. Sure, there was still conflict, but that sort of thing would occur so long as humans were... Well, human. There was nothing more to be said about that from him, really.

"Pizza, huh...? Sure, I wouldn't mind a slice," the young man responded, nodding his head as he searched for the nearest pizza place on his phone after stepping to the side of the street. There was a bit of a pause as he began to glance between the device and the shops on the street, but after a few moments Mitsuki put the phone away and motioned off to the side.

"That place should be fine, then. Let's go.

The restaurant that they had entered was unsurprisingly rather busy, with more than a few people relaxing with their friends as they chatted, food in hand. Ordering and paying for the pizza took no time at all (a slice with pepperoni and olives was enough to tide Mitsuki over for the moment), and bringing it to an empty table only took waiting a little while for another pair of guests to decide that it was time to move elsewhere.

With a glance at what his Servant had chosen, though, Mitsuki glanced at the game console still in Tomoe's hands before looking at his own slice of pizza.

"Well, here it is. I know games have a tendency to make it look a lot fancier, but I don't think we have any reason to buy an entire pie," he said, shrugging his shoulders before taking a bite.

"Huh. This is better than I expected for that price point. Maybe I'll come back here in the future..."

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Following Nanako around as she went to go restock on whatever had been running low in her home meant that she had no time to actually look for the store in question. It was a bit annoying, and hearing her Master ask her about snacks or drinks here and there as she was picking things out almost always ended with a noncommittal 'do as you wish'. It wasn't like she would be the one consuming them anyhow—at least, not in any way that didn't make her look like a complete idiot.

Once they had finally left with all of those items slung over Nanako's shoulder in a bag, though, Meltryllis breathed an internal sigh of relief. Finally she could start looking for a figure store again.

The question that came from her Master's mouth soon after, though, was more than welcome. She had never said anything until now, but if she was given the chance...

"Well, I suppose that now is as good a time as any to tell you, then," Meltryllis responded, a smile on her face as she began to speak. "Of course, it has to be figures. I don't mean those crude little things that you see advertised on TV here and there—I'm talking genuine figures, of course! Scale figures would be ideal, since both you and I know that my ability to handle a garage kit is, quite sadly, nearly nonexistent, and I know for a fact that unless I directed every minutia of your actions, you would fail to be able to even make it look like even a tenth of its full potential. So, in other words, a figure store is what I am searching for. Though I suppose that they might be more inclined to be hiding away from the main streets of this place..."

Of course, she could go on and on, but when weighing the cost of preaching to her Master the wonders of figures to the time spent actually searching for a shop...

Sadly, the latter weighed out.

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