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Emerald Odyssey

Following its release less than a decade ago, Emerald Odyssey has found itself a solid niche within the world of modern gaming. Boasting a strong variety of content to appeal to players from all walks of life, the game has found success with players even outside of its target demographic. With the release of its new expansion, Cloudfall, the buzz around the game has once again reached a fever pitch. New places to explore, new enemies to face, friends old and new to meet once more...

Would that it be that things were so simple.

Awakening in the world of a game would catch most people off guard, no matter how much they might have desired it so; after all, Emerald Odyssey was no fancy technological VR marvel—just a simple online game. But with their minds inhabiting the bodies of the characters with whom they had hoped to explore what new fancies the game had to offer, who knows what the future holds in store?

About Emerald Odyssey

  • The World
    The main continent that players will spend much of their time in is named Usira, upon which four city-states exist. To the north lies Frostpeak, a stone citadel of ice and snow; to the east, Aluvera, a castle town resting upon rolling plains; to the west, Perellan, a bustling port of trade overseas; and the south, Sen Rynta, perched upon a flying island high above the clouds.
    Beyond the base game, two expansions—Sands of Eternity and Jade Phantasm have been released to date, each with their own new lands to explore. The former brought with it the deserts of Sha, upon which the city of sand Khefrat rests; the latter, the port city of Guixi, nestled next to the mountains of Wufeng. Cloudfall was to introduce a new region between eastern Usira and Wufeng—Pelemeos—but...
  • The Races
    The world of Emerald Odyssey is populated by a variety of peoples, though only a few are playable. They are, as follows:
    • Humans: Your average, run-of-the-mill humans. They can and will live anywhere that life can sustain itself, which is impressive in and of itself.
    • Elves: Similarly, elves are elves. Long ears and a fairly long lifespan are par for the course. They, too, are scattered about the world, though a fair few have established their home in Sha.
    • Nidae: The Nidae come in two 'main' varieties, though both have the distinction of being, essentially, humans with animal ears and a tail. The Tanbi have features of a fox, while the Shenke's are more akin to a wolf's. Both primarily live in Wufeng, though it was Shenke migrants who had first helped establish Frostpeak in Usira.
    • Titans: As their name suggest, are tall humanoids that tend towards a bulkier, more muscle-bound frame than their counterparts. Their homelands lie within northern Usira, past the unrelenting storms, and Pelemeos.
    • Belva: The designated 'small' race of the game. Most originate from Sen Rynta or Aluvera, with most of their ancestral homes lying ruined beneath the former.

    No one race is more inclined towards any particular class than another is, which allows for plenty of freedom of expression on part of the players on that end.
  • Technology
    The world of Emerald Odyssey is advanced enough to work upon magitech principles; airships for travel are often used, for example, though their price may be a bit high for the average citizen. Similarly, weaponry using magitech exists, but the cost of production and the materials necessary for such items means that most combat is decided through the usage of more 'expected' fantasy weaponry. With that said, firearms do exist, though the presence of magic does not make them the all-powerful killing tools we know them to be on Earth.

From Game to Reality

Players transported into the world will find that not everything is perfectly akin to the world that they came from—not that a fantasy world would perfectly abide by the laws of physics perfectly, mind you. The given list is just a small chunk of the changes to be found; there are many more in place that might not be readily apparent, but it is up to those who find themselves in this world to find out what those are.
  • Death: is not the end. As in the game, players can be either resurrected by other players or return to town. They drop nothing and lose nothing upon death, but they certainly feel pain if they fall in battle. That said, this is a luxury afforded towards players and not the 'original' residents of the world; if they fall, their story ends there.
  • Inventory: A player's inventory is as it was in the game—namely, a bag full of items that can be brought out and put away on a whim. Obviously, there are limits to what can be put into an inventory (e.g. most living beings or things above a certain size).
  • Classes and Class Switching: In the original Emerald Odyssey 'game', players could switch between three combat classes at a time, with the ability to change between them while not in combat. Cycling those three 'active' classes out could be done at a shrine at any given city-state, but those shrines have since disappeared, leaving players with whatever they were on at that point in time before the patch. This, in essence, leaves them unable to access whatever classes were not active.
    In compensation, though, players seem to have retained the necessary skills to fight as their chosen classes, even if they have never had combat experience beforehand. Furthermore, they are able to use the skills and abilities of those other classes, provided they have the requisite weaponry on hand. Anything beyond that, whether it be attempting to (re)learn a fourth class or otherwise, must be done from scratch.
    With regards to non-combat classes (e.g. blacksmithing), a similar 2-class limitation separate to the 3 combat classes is applied. In compensation to that, however, relearning previously-learned skills can be done at an increased rate and with increased proficiency.
  • Levels and Equipment: The strength of characters functions more on a sliding scale rather than static bonuses based upon character level. Equipment, however, functions similarly to how it did in the game, though with far less clarity in regards to numerical values. Older materials may also find new life breathed into them by materials from other regions, leaving possibilities yet unknown to be expounded upon.

GM Notes

Hello, yes, I'm running an MMO isekai. Original, I know.
Self-deprecating jokes aside, this RP is intended to be the equivalent of bashing Log Horizon and Final Fantasy 14 together, tossing them into a blender, and cooking the result before serving. With that said, I'm pitching this with the assumption that things might not be as tightly plotted as most other stories might be. The pace and direction will be adjusted to account for the players' desires and actions, but as to what form that will take... Well, only time will tell.

Of course, as this is both a) an interest check and b) work in progress, anything present right now is subject to change. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask below.

With that settled, here's a form to get started with.

With her posturing showing at least some results, Misaki took another wary step forward towards the pair of canines ready to pounce onto her. They seemed to be at least somewhat pensive about going on the immediate offensive, but until they backed off completely, the foxgirl was left with no real choices beyond continuing as she was now.

Would that she had been so lucky, though. While something like this might have worked against animals who were naturally more wary of humans, the pair in front of her seemed more like starved beasts—which, now that she thought about it in the moments as one of them leaped towards her, would have explained their apparent desire to go on the offensive.

Well, that or they simply called her bluff. For the sake of her sanity, she hoped it was the latter.

Though not caught off guard by the leap towards her, the foxgirl let out a slight gasp before raising the makeshift pole horizontally, only barely catching the wolf at arm's length between its neck and front limbs. With a shout, she lowered her posture and swung horizontally with all her might soon thereafter; whether it launched the canine into the woods or against a tree, she could really care less about right now. Regardless of what the outcome of that was, though, Misaki attempted to reposition herself between the other wolf and the deer, weapon at the ready. A preemptive assault against the tired predator was possible, of course, but doing so wouldn't sit quite right with her.

"...Go find something else to hunt," she said, eyes narrowed as she pointed the pole at the wolf. "Leave us be."

She had no idea if it could understand her, of course, but it didn't hurt to try.

Once the wolves seemed to pause their pursuit of the deer, Misaki took a moment to wrack her brains in order to come up with something—anything—to get them to drop their chase. The only thing that came to mind immediately, after all, was to refuse to back down. Running away would be tantamount to suicide against predators—even she knew that much.

And so, instead of backing away as the two seemed to attempt to pincer her, the foxgirl straightened her posture and allowed her ears and tail to stand on end in an attempt to look larger before swinging in their general direction. As things turned out, that action seemed to buy her just enough time to properly consider her options beyond what she was doing now.

The ultimate conclusion to that, of course, was to attempt to continue to scare off the wolves. Ideally, this would be resolved without any fighting on either side, but who knew if the wildlife here were more aggressive than the ones back on Earth tended to be.

Hopefully she wouldn't have to find out how good she was at fighting quite yet.

With a somewhat bitter smile, Misaki nodded her head in agreement with Narkissa's comments. Redefining a standardized system would take a great deal of work, but as far as the current situation went, it was less of a priority than the goal that they had in mind. Similarly, the fact that she knew the methodology but not the specifics with which to recreate a basic paper meant that there was a great deal of experimentation in order. With the load split and everyone moving to work on their own tasks for the day, the foxgirl was simply left to figure things out on her own.

A rather troublesome task, yes, but not one wholly impossible to do with what knowledge she had.

Bidding farewell to Narkissa for the moment, Misaki departed the town in pursuit of the bamboo-like plant she had mentioned earlier. The walk there was not without worry, of course—weaponless as she was, an ambush of any sort would likely not pan out well in the least—but by some miracle or another, no such worries seemed to befall her. Gathering the shoots would prove nice to test in terms of culinary value, but they afforded little value compared to the full-grown plant. The young woman found some manner of peace in her ability to at least snap the stalks and bring the longer plants down without a tool; trees, they were not.

Of course, that was where the foxgirl spent most of her time gathering; processing them here would be both inefficient and possibly add additional impurities, neither of which she wished for. But the slightest sound of something approaching caused her to stop in her tracks and look around in worry—

Only for the same deer she had befriended the day before to bound through the woods towards her. Momentarily taken aback as she was at its appearance, though, Misaki soon found herself understanding why it had come.

"...Oh no."

Panic gripped Misaki's heart as she immediately knelt down and grabbed one of the stalks of bamboo at her feet and lifted it up like a spear. She had no formal training, of course, but even a makeshift weapon like this would work better than nothing.

It was that thought that led her to posture aggressively towards the oncoming pair of predators, weapon in hand as she attempted to make them back off. If they approached, it would only make sense to try and swing back; if they got close, then the pole could work just as well to block... Right?


To that, Misaki found herself glancing downwards, one hand upon her chin as she considered the possibilities in front of them. Obviously, scale would mean that something akin to a large wall scroll would have been ideal; resizing the paper would take extra effort regardless of which size they chose to make, but that size seemed acceptable enough to not have to worry about the logistics of the drying process at length. After all, it was far easier to cut something large down to size than vice versa.

"...Half a square meter... Maybe? That'd give us a proof of concept to present, at least," she concluded, nodding her head as she continued. "Not so big that we'd have to invest too much effort into creating it, and not small enough to write off as worthless. I think that might be worth it as somewhere to start, at least."

Of course, Lazirha's unusual discomfort regarding the situation did not pass by Misaki unnoticed, and the foxgirl silently took note of how anxious she was acting. As much as she would have liked to help her resolve that issue, given what she knew, there was nothing that she could really have done to set her mind at ease.

It was Narkissa's following comment that promptly brought the foxgirl's focus back from Lazirha's wellbeing, well-timed as it was to coincide with their host's hasty departure. Honestly, there was no reason to leave Narkissa out of the loop at this point—not when it was likely that everyone who was resting in this house would get wrapped up in this web of troubles sooner or later.

"With regards to the Kyrinth, though... Apparently, this village used to coexist alongside what I would be inclined to call... Hm... Well, native god may not be quite right, but I suppose that's the closest I can get to explaining the Kyrinth. The arrival of this 'God of Knowledge' split the village's faith, so to speak, and his attempts to unseal something here have only furthered that rift."

It was at this point, though, that the young woman paused, as if trying to figure out how to piece together what Lazirha had said upon her return with the situation she knew thus far.

"...And apparently, that if he was successful, this place would be flooded outright. Of course, we attempted to propose a deal to the Kyrinth to re-establish that bond by placing it in a more secular position in this town—namely, a teacher of sorts—but the details of the negotiations as they are to proceed today are yet to be seen. I suppose we'll find out how they went later, though."

With that, Misaki took a deep breath before glancing out the door, lost in her thoughts for a moment before continuing.

"Hopefully things should proceed without too much issue. In the meantime, though... I suppose we should get to work. I'm not particularly looking forward to pounding plants to a pulp, though; would that I could automate this with a waterwheel or something similar."

@Click This@Rune_Alchemist
Misaki found herself slightly surprised at Narkissa's response, having half-resigned herself to work on her newfound project on her own. It was somewhat comforting to have her request humored, at least, despite her initial wariness regarding the situation as a whole.

"Thank you very much. In that case, I should introduce myself as well. Takeshima... Misaki. I'll be in your care," she responded, bowing again before taking a step back. What Lazirha had said did not escape her notice, of course, but given Narkissa's response, the only person who could possibly take up the role of bodyguard among their group would probably have been the warlord off to the side.

"...Right," she began, glancing towards the black-haired girl and nodding slightly before turning back towards her papermaking companion-to-be. "With regards to the process I had in mind... As far as I recall, there are two things to handle right now: the pulp and the frame. Both are issues, of course; though I found that there was a plant not too far off from bamboo that exists within this area, gathering and processing it to the consistency that we'd need to make even low-quality paper would be difficult, and with regards to the frame... Well, that still has yet to be figured out. I was hoping that we could split the workload somehow and try to get a basic prototype functioning, but..."

The foxgirl trailed off, scratching the back of her head nervously as her ears drooped slightly.

"...That's about where it ends."

Of course, she would give a synopsis about the events surrounding the Kyrinth if prompted—the terms they had proposed, the meeting, and so on and so forth—but given that everything was still being planned and how long they had until Mie left the town, the deadline hanging over her head to get something underway left Misaki somewhat anxious about whether or not they could finish in time or not.

@Click This@VitaVitaAR@Rune_Alchemist
With a nod and a bow, Misaki watched as Haruno left, leaving both her and Nobunaga behind on the beach. To think that a race of people in the same make as classic oni, not too unlike those seen in old folktales, would be in such a state in this world...

It was intriguing to the foxgirl, of course; there were a lot of questions to ask and a lot more to dig into, but if she wanted to pursue this in its entirety, then actually getting to Chagawa was her top priority.

That, of course, led her back to the schematics she had briefly drawn out in the sand. The oni hadn't exactly reacted to them—whether that was a good thing or not was up for debate—which meant that she only needed to execute what it was that she had in mind. Of course, it seemed like getting her to help was out of the question by now...

Which, in other words, left few others she could attempt to ask for help. Most of the other residents of the town were unlikely to see the benefits inherent in making paper—not as they were now, at least; the caravan was even less of an option, really, given how much they would stand to gain after the fact.

In short, she could only ask Lazirha and the others living with her at the moment for help, and with them being out of the town at the moment, the most she could really do was detail her plans for the near future before wiping them all away as the sun began to set.

Being engrossed in her work as she was, the foxgirl found herself only now growing hungry, which in turn only led her to head back to her benefactor's home to see if the other group had returned.

And when they hadn't? That was cause for concern, but given that she had no knowledge of the lay of the land nor any actual combat capabilities, the only thing she could do was wait.

When the group (or, rather, pair) had finally returned , Misaki found herself listening to a rather hard-to-follow synopsis of the day's events. To be frank, the situation was one that she could only barely grasp the basics of. What was clear, though, was that some mess involving the god they were attempting to usurp on their end had taken place, which meant that they were at least on the same page.

Well, that and the fact that Lazirha was important regardless of that fact, which, given Enli's words, was not too much of a surprise anyhow.

Of course, Misaki did not fail to give them the far-less-eventful synopsis of the events on their end, either; it only seemed right, after all. The matter about the paper could be discussed tomorrow, when the other two were less worked up about the day's happenings.

After waking up after a night's rest, Misaki found that Narkissa was already up and about, with Lazirha nowhere to be seen. Though the latter's absence was a bit troubling, given how the same thing had occurred the day before, the foxgirl decided that it would probably be best to not worry about her for the moment. Instead, though...

"Ah... Excuse me," she began, calling out towards the white-haired girl before pausing and taking a deep breath. "...I'd like to apologize for being so curt with you the past few days. It's been... A bit difficult to adjust, admittedly, and being asked if I was from Earth so abruptly in front of so many people was a bit troublesome for me. There was another yesterday, when we went to see the Kyrinth, who was a lot more brazen about his origins and attempted to spread ours, and given how I have no idea about how that would affect how the people here would perceive us..."

The foxgirl found herself nervously scratching the back of her head as she rambled before getting up and giving a proper bow of apology instead.

"...I hope you might be able to forgive me. I am not particularly skilled at dodging questions, and so if I have insulted you in doing so, I apologize."

There was a pause as Misaki let the moment hang in the air before taking a step back; regardless of if a response came, though, after waiting a few moments, the foxgirl would move on to continue speaking once more.

"Shameless as this may sound, and despite the situation, I would like to ask if you could assist me in something today. I wish to create screens and frames for papermaking, but I'm not certain if I can do so alone. Of course, given what happened, I would understand if you were to decline in favor of searching for the one who went missing, but..."

A few minutes after she had made her request, Lazirha's return caused Misaki to focus her attention towards her words instead. There was undoubtedly a problem at hand now, though; that much was certain. But coupled with Enli's meeting with the Kyrinth today, this only seemed to bode ill for everyone involved.

"...I can... Sort of understand what you're saying, but I don't think we have enough information to try and find it without putting everyone at risk. You mentioned that there were people who were trying to kill you, right? I don't think that you can afford to throw yourselves into danger again—not until we know a bit more, at least," she finally said, glancing at Narkissa and Lazirha before shaking her head. "But if we have the Kyrinth's cooperation, it might be possible to ask him after Enli's meeting... Which would mean that would have to proceed without incident. I don't think I can be of much use, though; I'm not much of a fighter to begin with, so if anything was to happen, I'd likely end up a burden."

Making paper seemed like a far less productive way to spend her time, given the situation, but at this point the only thing she could think of doing that might have a chance of helping with regard to the more violent problems was experimenting with the plants she had gathered the day before, and even that line of experimentation wasn't guaranteed to bear fruit at the moment.

@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Rune_Alchemist
Okay, late (and because you've reminded me of my grave error but recently):
@1Charak2: Quetz okay.

Edit: For the nightclub group, Vita's next post should set up the next sequence.
Uehara Shou

Upon seeing the reactions of the other Masters in front of him, Takuya nodded his head and promptly pulled out his own phone. It would be no surprise to see the screen that he showed them afterwards—given how the application he had pulled up was indeed identical to the one that was on the now-subdued Master's phone, it seemed that he was telling the truth.

The only difference, of course, was the presence of pictures instead of names. A few, of course, would be quite familiar to those present, but to Takuya, none of them seemed to actually mean much of anything.

"Hey, piss off with that sorta talk; what sort of person expects to have to deal with a terrorist in this sort of place?" he shot back at the Chinese girl before sighing and turning towards the old man. "Look, all I know is that someone offered me a job to make some quick cash testing this thing. My phone freaked out for a while whenever that guy was around, though, so I'm guessing that might help in recognizing whoever the hell these people are."

With a frown, Shou glanced back at the phone in his hands before turning to reveal it to Takuya. The disjoint in information that he had and that he saw in front of him was... Mildly irritating, but given how whoever was making him 'test' this was playing games with him anyways, that much was to be expected.

"Hmph. Well, ain't that funny?" he complained, shaking his head before snatching the device out of Shou's hand and staring at the two. After a few moments, though, the phones vibrated in his hands, leaving both with the exact same information. The formatting made it clear that the faces and names did not match up, but having everything on both was a convenience he assumed neither party would want to complain about. Shrugging, he tossed the other device back towards Shou, leaving the young man to catch it again before both he and his Lancer turned to leave.

"If you want to ask more, we can do it on the way out of here; I don't feel like being grilled by both you and the CCF for the next 24 hours, and being stuck here without eating anything sounds like a shitty way to spend the day," he concluded, nodding to his Servant before walking out the ruined door.

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Raineh Daze

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

The sudden appearance of guards of some variety was not all that surprising, given her obviously less-than-subtle entrance, but Meltryllis still found herself mildly annoyed that the first thing that they would have to contend with after entering was yet another threat to her Master's safety. She, of course, had little to worry about from such things—she could simply let the projectiles pass through her, after all—but her Master was still only human. Letting her get hit again would only complicate the situation in the long run.

And so, with little fanfare, the Alter Ego promptly shoved her Master to the side behind a counter before splitting off to draw their opponents' gunfire away. Her speed outmatched the pace at which those present could turn their guns onto her—not as if they would actually be able to damage her, of course—and without much effort, Meltryllis promptly kicked off of the wall and launched herself at one of the gunmen.

A hole through the abdomen courtesy of one of her legs was a bit gruesome, admittedly, but it seemed to have some effect in deterring those still firing.

Before she could proceed for a followup attack, though, the sound of someone else making orders caused her to spin around to look at the source, only for one of the gunmen situated closer to the entrance to be lobbed into the crowd like a ragdoll. Another Master and their Servant—and one that (tentatively) seemed to be helping them.

And another Servant seemed to follow suit, her white dress contrasting the brutality with which another pair of gunmen were summarily dispatched.

"Hm. Well, I suppose I won't complain about the extra help," she remarked, leaning her head to the side for a moment as a lance pierced through the air where it had been moments prior. With an eyebrow raised in mild confusion, the Alter Ego spun around, throwing the person who had attempted to stab her into a nearby table with the sheer momentum of her prosthetic legs.

"I could've sworn I felt something just now..." she mused to herself before shrugging her shoulders and continuing to clean up the rest of those present. Her Master could handle the thanks for the help after the fact; she was that sort of person, after all.

Once the last turret had been disabled, Derrick pushed himself back his feet before dusting himself off, the Conduits all returning back to his side without any further fanfare. The make of the machines were nothing particularly special, and though he might have wished to go bring them back for salvageable components, the three of them had a job that they came here to do. Anything extra could wait for the return trip.

"No injuries, then?" he asked, glancing at the two at his side before looking back towards the facility. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that someone was expecting us. But by all means, lead the way."

His job was to keep everyone in combat-ready condition, so there was no reason for him to be part of the vanguard on this team. If they got flanked, then it was the least he could do to block and stall for time as the other two moved to adjust—at least, that was how he saw things.
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