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@Raineh Daze@Pyromania99: Both characters look fine to me. Accepted.

Anyways, time for me to throw something in the ring.
Righty-o, that's a lotta people. Anyways, here's the OoC. Forms there.
~Cross Heart Academy~

Enter a world of swords, magic, and wonder! As a new student entering the prestigious Starveil Academy, the brightest years of your life await—and with love in the air, classes aren't going to be the only thing on your mind! With so many of the best and brightest attending, you're more than spoiled for choice! With so many routes to choose from, you'll keep coming back for more!
But all is not well behind closed doors, and it may ultimately fall to you to uncover what secrets lurk within...

...Or so the summary of "Cross Heart Academy" goes. Despite it's somewhat cheesy premise (even as far as otome games go), "Cross Heart Academy" has since grown to amass a cult following all it's own. To pry into the minds of it's creators and figure out where all of the story threads within sprung forth from would be many a fan's dream, but given how silent they have been towards the public, such desires are but a fleeting dream.

With that being said, awakening as one of the characters within that world was most certainly not something that you had expected to happen. What to make of this set of circumstances—and those of others who seem to have found themselves in similar straits—falls to you all to decide.

Regarding the Plot and Gameplay of Cross Heart Academy

"Cross Heart Academy" is an anomaly of a game, with the actual game depicted in the second "half" almost wholly contingent on the events that occur in the first—that is, to say, the section that focuses almost wholly upon the events that occur within the protagonist's time at Starveil Academy. Depending on who the player chooses to pursue and the events that they trigger, that second half of the game could be anything from an SRPG to a 4X game to even a town management simulator... And in some cases, a mix of any number of genres. This aspect has caused the game to garner a fanbase that expands beyond it's intended audience, small as that is, and is what many fans would argue sets it apart from many of it's peers. Few other games, after all, can offer political intrigue, adventure, and all other manner of scenarios in a single game without feeling like any single part is underdeveloped.

Regarding the Characters of Cross Heart Academy

Many of the characters that live within the world of Cross Heart Academy are somewhat 'flat', if only because the focus may not be primarily on them. Main cast members—for example, the male leads—are often explored far deeper than the supporting cast if only because of how often the protagonist interacts with them.
Such rules do not necessarily apply to those who now find themselves living in this world. Every person is a 'person', no longer simply lines of code within a system, and thus is just as complex as any other person might be. Though the 'rules' imposed upon them by the world may still linger to some extent (some might even call it "fate"), the choices that those transported to this world make could very well transcend the decision trees that were so easily charted prior.

So... Yeah. Otome game(?) isekai RP borrowing from the recent boom in the genre's popularity. Personally, I think the concept speaks for itself, honestly. Other than that... Form for the people who might be chomping at the bit to dive into this madness, I suppose? Because this is clearly a good idea and not at all going to end up in complete chaos (which, I mean, is probably going to be part of the fun?)

Any questions or concerns? Feel free to bring them up, and I'll be more than willing to answer.
~Cross Heart Academy~

Enter a world of swords, magic, and wonder! As a new student entering the prestigious Starveil Academy, the brightest years of your life await—and with love in the air, classes aren't going to be the only thing on your mind! With so many of the best and brightest attending, you're more than spoiled for choice! With so many routes to choose from, you'll keep coming back for more!
But all is not well behind closed doors, and it may ultimately fall to you to uncover what secrets lurk within...

...Or so the summary of "Cross Heart Academy" goes. Despite it's somewhat cheesy premise (even as far as otome games go), "Cross Heart Academy" has since grown to amass a cult following all it's own. To pry into the minds of it's creators and figure out where all of the story threads within sprung forth from would be many a fan's dream, but given how silent they have been towards the public, such desires are but a fleeting dream.

With that being said, awakening as one of the characters within that world was most certainly not something that you had expected to happen. What to make of this set of circumstances—and those of others who seem to have found themselves in similar straits—falls to you all to decide.

Regarding the Plot and Gameplay of Cross Heart Academy

"Cross Heart Academy" is an anomaly of a game, with the actual game depicted in the second "half" almost wholly contingent on the events that occur in the first—that is, to say, the section that focuses almost wholly upon the events that occur within the protagonist's time at Starveil Academy. Depending on who the player chooses to pursue and the events that they trigger, that second half of the game could be anything from an SRPG to a 4X game to even a town management simulator... And in some cases, a mix of any number of genres. This aspect has caused the game to garner a fanbase that expands beyond it's intended audience, small as that is, and is what many fans would argue sets it apart from many of it's peers. Few other games, after all, can offer political intrigue, adventure, and all other manner of scenarios in a single game without feeling like any single part is underdeveloped.

Regarding the Characters of Cross Heart Academy

Many of the characters that live within the world of Cross Heart Academy are somewhat 'flat', if only because the focus may not be primarily on them. Main cast members—for example, the male leads—are often explored far deeper than the supporting cast if only because of how often the protagonist interacts with them.
Such rules do not necessarily apply to those who now find themselves living in this world. Every person is a 'person', no longer simply lines of code within a system, and thus is just as complex as any other person might be. Though the 'rules' imposed upon them by the world may still linger to some extent (some might even call it "fate"), the choices that those transported to this world make could very well transcend the decision trees that were so easily charted prior.

So... Yeah. Otome game(?) isekai RP borrowing from the recent boom in the genre's popularity. Personally, I think the concept speaks for itself, so I'll just leave this as a pitch here. Other than that... Form for the people who might be chomping at the bit to dive into this madness, I suppose? Because this is clearly a good idea and not at all going to end up in complete chaos (which, I mean, is probably going to be part of the fun?)

Any questions or concerns? Feel free to bring them up, and I'll be more than willing to answer.
@VitaVitaAR: Replacement form fine. Accepted.
Umeda Park

With the Grudges that had been spilling out of the park (mostly) dealt with on their side and the bystanders promptly evacuated, the streets in front of the park were left far emptier. There were, of course, a few splatters of blood and the occasional injured (or deceased) lying upon the ground the further in they went, but for the most part the number of casualties did not seem particularly high.

If anything, that was the best that anyone could have hoped for in an unplanned outbreak like this. More problematic, though, might have been the absence of the group's boss in the wake of their initial cleanup; it was possible that he was elsewhere in the area—on the other side of the park, perhaps—but so long as he remained missing, there was nothing to be done beyond having faith in him to actually stay alive.

With that said, there was still a considerable number of Grudges between the entrance to the park and the blob that had been marked, which made the choice to dive straight towards the black mass rather risky in and of itself. Though Kyozan's attack had met it's mark, the mass seemed to deform under the pressure and spread itself out below instead of taking the hit outright. The inky darkness seemed to bleed onto the ground before a writhing mass of limbs stretched out from below to try and drag the rakshasa in, all the while beginning to reform off to the side.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Zeroth
@Teyao: Not at the moment, no.
Akio and Fumi
Icelit Office — Morning

The summary of what was written was fairly straightforward, and all things considered, neither Akio nor Fumi had any reason to want to delay. The growing resentment and grief that would result from such a location would only serve to fester, and given how long those malignant feelings would have been piling on top of one another...

There was no way to really describe it than a bomb whose fuse was rapidly reaching it's end.

"The location itself isn't too far away, though it is a bit far from the current hotspot," the tengu noted, pointing at the building's location on the map relative to Umeda Park. "Not going to be able to provide support to the other team if they need it, I think, but given how many people went... They should be fine. Probably."

"Cleaning ten floors out is going to take us ages anyways," Akio remarked, standing up from his seat. "It'd be weird if we were able to finish early, especially if that place is as messed up as the brief said it was."

Ultimately, though, there was little room for discussion about the urgency of the matter, which meant that both of the Attuned were more that ready to head out the door and walk to location.

Despite the rather gruesome description of the circumstances surrounding it, the building that the group had arrived at looked rather modern, with nary a trace of all the circumstances surrounding it to be seen. Maybe that was the point, or so Akio thought; if the crimes and deaths were swept under the rug, then the people living here would have little reason to move out.

"...Maybe we should ask someone to look into the owner after this one's done..." Akio muttered to himself as he stepped into the lobby of the building. With all the lights out, the pristine lobby seemed far more unsettling than it should have—even with the light filtering in through the windows.


Umeda Park

While the rampant chaos continued to plague the streets, the unbound destructive prowess that Kyozan put forward did indeed stem the flow of Grudges to some extent—at least in the direction that Lily was guiding the fleeing civilans towards. The power of a succubus' charm—and a practiced one at that—meant that those fleeing were not left wholly without their senses. Standing by to ogle the seductress would have been the opposite of helpful in this situation, after all.

But as the chaotic street brawl-style slaughter continued, the Grudges showed no signs of stopping. The question as to what exactly was causing this overflow remained answerless, however—or, well, answerless until a set of beeps coming from the now-open laptop signaled a visual.

The footage from the drone, now being streamed directly to the laptop, showed an unusually large black mass near the center of the park itself. It seemed to be pulsating, writhing about every few seconds before spitting out another new bloblike entity to leave the area.

"It seems like that's the source," Nishida's voice remarked as the video zoomed in towards the apparent cause of the chaos. "I'd hazard a guess that taking this out might stop them from spreading, but no promises."

@Raineh Daze@Zeroth@Rune_Alchemist
Icelit Office — Morning
Akio and Fumi

Curiosity naturally overtook Akio as Suzume picked up her phone, but such whims were short-lived until the large youkai nearby shouted about Umeda Park. That, coupled with with Suzume's follow-up commentary once the call had ended, told the young man everything he really needed to know about the situation. Her prompt choice in taking the two pairs of newcomers made enough sense in context, of course, but that still left him waiting around for support staff to arrive anyways.

It was only after they had left, though, that he realized that both Kaeru and Nyoko were missing—the latter likely adding herself to the team on her own volition and bringing her partner along for the ride, or so he thought—which only left a scant four people in the office. After the initial rush of energy, a drop back down to 'saner' levels, though not necessarily unwelcome, was a bit disappointing.

It was at this point that a few more familiar faces came in to replace those that had left. One, a young woman who had her hair tied back in a ponytail in a blouse and skirt; the other, a slightly older man with slight stubble on his face and a jacket over his shoulder.

"I see that Takeda isn't here," the latter—a man by the name of Nishida Saito—said, hanging up his jacket taking a seat at his desk. "And there are less people here than expected. Would you mind filling me in?"

"I can do that," Fumi replied, straightening herself in her seat, "it seems that there was an incident at Umeda Park. The boss called Sato to bring help, and she chose to bring both of the newcomer pairs to location. Both Nakanishi and Nyoko chose to follow as well."

"Hm. That so?" he asked, booting up his computer and opening a slew a programs on the monitor in front of him. "Then I'll handle supporting them. Sakamori, do we have any jobs scheduled for today?"

To that, the young woman in question—one Sakamori Ayame—nodded and checked her own documents as her computer started up.

"Mmm... It looks like the big one was the apartment complex cleanup?" she said, glancing towards the two pairs remaining before looking back at the papers in front of her. "I think we should handle that since, well... Given the records we have on hand, putting it off for as long as the owners have might lead to some bigger problems down the line."

With that, Ayame handed a piece of paper to Fumi, who quickly skimmed it over before passing it towards Akio. A bunch of Grudges nesting within an old apartment complex was nothing new, but the fact that there was a string of murders inside before the residents who still lived there decided to move out or met less-than-savory fates...

Well, that was situation lifted right out of a horror movie.

"Mmm... Yeah, we should probably go clean this place up," Akio said before handing the paper off to Akane. "The sooner, the better."

Umeda Park — Morning

Though somewhat far from the office on foot, a swift car ride towards the park before law enforcement had any time to set up any sorts of barricades meants that Suzume (and everyone with her) had easy enough access inside.

Well, as easy as it could be with all of the people attempting to swiftly leave the area by foot, at least.

Approaching the park would show what exactly it was that people were running from—black, formless creatures with vaguely humanoid shapes were slowing out from the park, striking out at whatever drew near enough. Most of the people seemed to be escaping well enough, but the danger of stampeding people was in and of itself a problem...

It was at this point that another call would quickly patch itself through to Suzume's phone, and Saito's voice on the other end—now on speaker—would speak up.

"Sato, this is Nishida. I've just sent a recon drone out to get you an aerial. Once it's in, I'll send the feed through to you; as usual, if you need anything else, let me know."

@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@Zeroth@RolePlayerRoxas@Rune_Alchemist
@SilverPaw@Vertigo: Both accepted.
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