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"Well, this is a rather macabre scene."

With a rather uncanny callousness underlining his voice, a rather well-dressed man who looked to be no older than forty took a few steps towards the crashed plane in front of him. There was no sense of trepidation as he stepped closer to the flames, and less so as he simply leaped atop the charred wreck to peer inside.

Hundreds of people, dead in but an instant. Young, old, healthy, frail—as was expected of a tragedy on this magnitude, none seemed to be spared. But despite being surrounded by a scene that could easily carve itself into the mind of people who could bear witness to such tragedy, the man seemed... Unfazed.

Well, that was to be expected, of course. He was here on a little job for his master, whose capricious nature he was bound to follow regardless of his own opinions. Lucky, then, that he happened to arrive at such an opportune time.

Better than than to have to dirty his own hands, after all.

As he stopped near the center of the downed vehicle, the man raised his right arm in front of him and opened a small portal above his head. With his left, he formed a small lantern glowing with blue-green light, and with none others living to witness the scene to follow, raised that same object up and shook it as he would a bell.

The wreckage, at once, seemed to be suffused with a dim glow, and one by one dancing lights seemed to float up and away for but a brief moment before being drawn towards that light.

"Let this humble servant provide you all a second chance," the man spoke as he walked through the portal, each light slowly following in his wake, "though let your choices be yours and yours alone."

Ere long, that ethereal light had faded from the plane, leaving naught but ash and solitude as the gateway slowly closed behind him.


So... It might not be evident at a glance, but this is a fantasy isekai story. Sure, it seems more like the prelude for an urban fantasy of sorts, but no, it's a fantasy isekai.

With game elements. Yes, how original, I know.

Setting that self-deprecating humor aside for a moment, I'll provide a bit more background knowledge for those who haven't up and left already below.

Having met an untimely demise in the wake of a plane crash, you and a few other people have woken up in the middle of a completely unknown location. What that location is may vary from group to group, but what be more pressing is the fact that you... May or may not be the same person you were before blacking out. More curious still might be the odd UI-like menu in front of you that feels like something straight out of a game, complete with stats, skills, and other miscellaneous information.
What to make of the situation is your choice to make, but to what end that may lead, only time can tell.

The System

In order to supplement their lack of experience in this new world, these wayward souls have been provided with a metaphysical construct henceforth dubbed "the System". This System does not turn the world into a game (though some might treat it as such anyways), but instead functions as both a way of quantifying abilities and the capabilities of the user. This does include the capability to gain experience and level up.

That being said, being able to level up does not mean that the natives of this world cannot also grow stronger and break past their limits. Rather, it is that the reincarnated have the ability to steer their growth as they see fit.

Other than that, the System has a built-in record system that functions similarly to a quest log and a messaging function that allows those who have met other wayward souls to communicate with one another regardless of the situation. It does not have a built-in map, minimap or inventory, though.

Only those who have been reincarnated (in other words, the player characters) can access this System, and it is an otherwise foreign concept to many of those who have lived in this world since being born.


A "Skill" in context of the System can be split into one of two categories: something that "increases the capabilities of a stat or action" or "allows for the execution of some type of action". The former would be something like a basic stat boost (e.g.; [MAG +10]), while the latter would be something more like [Holy Magic] or [Fire Magic]. Merely having a skill in the latter category does not mean that you can use any skill that it might fall under of course, but rather that you can use it at a basic level and that, if condition are right, you can learn how to use more advanced techniques in that vein. As to how to obtain them...

Well, some require luck, some require hard work, and some a mixture of both. Have fun exploring the possibilities!

I do believe that should be everything that I need to present to start? Honestly, this RP idea was spun up on impulse and I'm going to be running things fast and loose. Questions, concerns, or whatever else can be asked below, as usual. Here's a form for those who want to get started on some unapologetic isekai trash prep.

Everyone's entitled to some junk food every now and then, right?

Oh, right, before I forget: I'd ideally like to update once a week minimum, but I am okay with people going for super quick cycles (and participating in them myself). If you don't appear for a week, expect life to go on without you.

Aventon — Eastern Fields

The echoing wail that Fran had let loose did indeed stop the cows in their tracks, but though the fear that had stopped them in their tracks stopped the rampage, it could not stop their momentum. What had once been a stampede quickly turend into a multi-cow pileup, with multiple heifers crashing and colliding with one another as they ground to a halt. Needless to say, it was certainly a sight to witness for any of the farmhands who still had their wits about them.

The very same action that had stopped the cows had, of course, stopped everything else in the process. Though Rayne was able to weather the storm, everyone around her had not been so lucky. Most of the people who had been running about trying to get the smaller animals back towards somewhere manageable looked as if they were frozen still, their joints locked in place as they struggled to overwhelm the sudden fear striking at their very core. The animals fared no better, and a few seemed to fall over just as the cows had. That did provide a moment to gather them up all the same, though—provided people could get moving and transport them elsewhere before clarity returned to their minds and led to an even bigger freakout than before.

Those nearest the wall—or, in other words, those who Rayne had immediately rushed to assuage the fears of—almost instantly readied themselves for combat as soon as they regained their senses. Their ears hadn't quite recovered from the shriek, but the young woman's gestures and the way she seemed to be more concerned about them than fighting whoever had caused the issue seemed to at least give them reason to slowly return to what they were doing before.

Hopefully it didn't take too long for their hearing to return.

@Expendable: Just the one. Route was NRT to LAX to JFK.
@Zeroth: To answer, in order:
  • Evolution's fun, and I'm not against that sort of stuff per se. That being said, I'll be evaluating things on a case-by-case basis.
  • Little of column A, little of column B. I'm flexible.
  • Anything's game, but ideally it makes sense for the character. Doesn't have to, though.

Anyways, that's a lotta interest, so I'll move this to a proper thread later today.

"Well, this is a rather macabre scene."

With a rather uncanny callousness underlining his voice, a rather well-dressed man who looked to be no older than forty took a few steps towards the crashed plane in front of him. There was no sense of trepidation as he stepped closer to the flames, and less so as he simply leaped atop the charred wreck to peer inside.

Hundreds of people, dead in but an instant. Young, old, healthy, frail—as was expected of a tragedy on this magnitude, none seemed to be spared. But despite being surrounded by a scene that could easily carve itself into the mind of people who could bear witness to such tragedy, the man seemed... Unfazed.

Well, that was to be expected, of course. He was here on a little job for his master, whose capricious nature he was bound to follow regardless of his own opinions. Lucky, then, that he happened to arrive at such an opportune time.

Better than than to have to dirty his own hands, after all.

As he stopped near the center of the downed vehicle, the man raised his right arm in front of him and opened a small portal above his head. With his left, he formed a small lantern glowing with blue-green light, and with none others living to witness the scene to follow, raised that same object up and shook it as he would a bell.

The wreckage, at once, seemed to be suffused with a dim glow, and one by one dancing lights seemed to float up and away for but a brief moment before being drawn towards that light.

"Let this humble servant provide you all a second chance," the man spoke as he walked through the portal, each light slowly following in his wake, "though let your choices be yours and yours alone."

Ere long, that ethereal light had faded from the plane, leaving naught but ash and solitude as the gateway slowly closed behind him.


So... It might not be evident at a glance, but this is a fantasy isekai story. Sure, it seems more like the prelude for an urban fantasy of sorts, but no, it's a fantasy isekai.

With game elements. Yes, how original, I know.

Setting that self-deprecating humor aside for a moment, I'll provide a bit more background knowledge for those who haven't up and left already below.

Having met an untimely demise in the wake of a plane crash, you and a few other people have woken up in the middle of a completely unknown location. What that location is may vary from group to group, but what be more pressing is the fact that you... May or may not be the same person you were before blacking out. More curious still might be the odd UI-like menu in front of you that feels like something straight out of a game, complete with stats, skills, and other miscellaneous information.
What to make of the situation is your choice to make, but to what end that may lead, only time can tell.

The System

In order to supplement their lack of experience in this new world, these wayward souls have been provided with a metaphysical construct henceforth dubbed "the System". This System does not turn the world into a game (though some might treat it as such anyways), but instead functions as both a way of quantifying abilities and the capabilities of the user. This does include the capability to gain experience and level up.

That being said, being able to level up does not mean that the natives of this world cannot also grow stronger and break past their limits. Rather, it is that the reincarnated have the ability to steer their growth as they see fit.

Other than that, the System has a built-in record system that functions similarly to a quest log and a messaging function that allows those who have met other wayward souls to communicate with one another regardless of the situation. It does not have a built-in map, minimap or inventory, though.

Only those who have been reincarnated (in other words, the player characters) can access this System, and it is an otherwise foreign concept to many of those who have lived in this world since being born.


A "Skill" in context of the System can be split into one of two categories: something that "increases the capabilities of a stat or action" or "allows for the execution of some type of action". The former would be something like a basic stat boost (e.g.; [MAG +10]), while the latter would be something more like [Holy Magic] or [Fire Magic]. Merely having a skill in the latter category does not mean that you can use any skill that it might fall under of course, but rather that you can use it at a basic level and that, if condition are right, you can learn how to use more advanced techniques in that vein. As to how to obtain them...

Well, some require luck, some require hard work, and some a mixture of both. Have fun exploring the possibilities!

I do believe that should be everything that I need to present to start? Honestly, this RP idea was spun up on impulse and I'm going to be running things fast and loose. Questions, concerns, or whatever else can be asked below, as usual. Here's a form for those who want to get started on some unapologetic isekai trash prep.

Everyone's entitled to some junk food every now and then, right?

Richard Evans
Route 5

While he had expected a chase to break out while pursuing the Nidoran, Richard had not expected to have to sprint so quickly after it in the process. A jog or a light run, maybe but not something on this level. Luna was able to keep up just fine, in part due to her own inclination towards it all, but this whole situation was still a question of if he could make it.

Though he had expected to continue his pursuit for a while, Richard found himself given a rather convenient boon in how the Nidoran tried—and failed—to shake him off by attempting a sharp turn and tumbling in the progress. With the distance all but closed now, the Pokemon seemed to finally give up attempting to run and chose to take the fight to him instead.

All the better, really.

"Luna, sit this one out, okay?" Richard said, motioning for the Grass Snake Pokemon to wait on standby before letting Sara out of her ball. The Nacli glanced around for a moment after finding itself in a completely new environment, but it didn't take long for her to realize what it was that Richard wanted.

"All right, Sara, simple orders for you. Use Mud Shot, and don't stop until that Nidoran's about to go down."

There wasn't really going to be any fancy maneuvering here, but it would be likely that the battlefield would start to change if this went on for longer than he had expected. In that case, it'd be a simple enough matter to start forcing the Nidoran into having to wade through the build-up of mud and make it easier to hit, at which point the battle was all but over.

Hopefully it didn't try to run away again, though...

Kochiya Sanae
Aventon — Forest Outskirts

The appearance of the new, far larger centipede compared to the ones they were cleaning up until this point in time cause Sanae to throw her hands in the air in exasperation. While the smaller centipedes were mostly terrifying due to a combination of how they had appeared and a natural aversion to the things, the fact that those were actually babies made Sanae feel like some karmic force may as well have been messing with her.

At the very least, though, the bugs being bigger made them feel a bit less terrifying in the "thoroughly grossed out" sort of way; large as they were now, they felt more like proper monsters than things dancing on the precipice of the uncanny valley.

It was still terrifying, granted, but it wasn't like there were hundreds of them trying to crawl over them and eat them alive.

"Of course those were babies!" the green-haired girl complained, shaking her head before aiming towards the centipede barreling down towards them and readying herself to rejoin the fight. Given their cooler heads (relatively speaking), though, Lewa and Mokou were the first to react to the new threat—never mind Remilia, though, as she was tossed through the air before the monster could even get close—and it took but a few seconds for a spiraling tornado of flames to rise into the skies above as it seemed to consume the bug.

"...Well," the young woman said, lowering her arm for a moment, "that seems a bit... Flashy."

It was hard to discount the visual impact of a spiraling torrent of fire, especially in the middle of a dark forest, but as the flames died down it became clear that the centipede that had been caught within wasn't lying dead on the ground. It's exoskeleton seemed to be glowing from the heat and a few of it's limbs had been scorched off, but the best that could be said about it was that it had taken some pretty heavy injuries and was taking more from effectively being cooked alive...

But that didn't mean it was going to stop there. In it's flailing and blind rage, the monstrous creature lashed out at everything and everything around it. With Mokou being the closest to it and the perceived cause of it's pain, though, she was it's primary target, the rest be damned. Seeing that it was most certainly not dead, though, Sanae wasted no time in adding her own projectiles into the fray to pepper away at the monster's exoskeleton.

On the other side of the battlefield, however, Remilia would not be given any sort of recourse to recover. The sound of those chitinous legs skittering across the ground would not cease, and though the baby centipedes had been mostly routed, they were not all dead. As such, when presented with such a free meal in the form of the prone Remilia, one such bug quickly attempted to approach her and bite away...

Only to disappear through an oddly perfectly circular hole that opened up for a brief second.

Any sort of confusion at that event (if it was even seen to begin with) would soon matter little compared to the other massive centipede that was now approaching Remilia. This one seemed no less aggressive than the one that had sent her flying, and it didn't seem particularly inclined to simply brush her away as the other had...

@VitaVitaAR@EchoWolff@Izurich@Lugubrious@Raineh Daze

Aventon — Hunter's Lodge

Pleased that Anne had indeed chosen to hear her out, Millie nodded her head before continuing to explain herself.

"Ah, um... That lady was saying something about, uh... Walls between worlds weakening? And I think she said something about evil people trying to, um... Bind? Things to this world?" the young girl began to ramble, only for a sudden shriek from outside the building to cause her to freeze up. In a panic, the young girl quickly covered her head and curled up, nodding her head as Anne went to go check outside to see if anything was up. When there was no response from the woman, though, Millie slowly raised her head back up and called out in turn.

"Um... Is everything okay outside? Was someone hurt or something?"

@Drifting Pollen
Tachibana Masaru
Nagano Prefecture — Abandoned Mansion

As the larger creature stumbled and it's charge slowed, Masaru wasted no time in loosing one last shot aimed up through the bottom of it's head before attempting to retreat. While he had been expecting an immediate response from the thing after firing at it, the monster being forced to refocus meant that the young man had ample opportunity to draw back and pull the fight away from their healer.

Unfortunately, though, Masaru had failed to account for the possibility of the enemy simply siccing another enemy his way. A massive komainu-esque monster had popped out of the shadows, and when the young man glanced over at it for a brief second out of instinct, it was almost as if he could head an alert sound pop into his head. It didn't take a genius to figure out that it wanted his head, and that meant that a continued offense was absolutely not the correct choice of action.

Rather than trying to dance around the enemy he had been trying to kill until now (as he was unsure how likely that his arrow would even lead to a lethal blow to begin with), Masaru hopped backwards and turned his attention towards the komainu rushing him down before firing a few arrows towards the only obvious soft spots on it's body—namely, the eyes and mouth—before readying an arrow and aiming straight at the beast's head. There, a small spiral of water had begun to form upon the arrowhead thereupon, and before long that spiral had begun to move so quickly that the motion of the water could scarcely be perceived.

Wordlessly, the Agent let that arrow fly head-on towards the monster's head. If it came down to it, he would have to abandon any notion of trying to counterattack and focus solely on evasion, but he had to make use of what time he had now to do as much as he could. Wasting time occupying the enemy only mattered so much as he was alive and the others were getting things done, after all.
Aventon — Eastern Fields

Though a majority of the animals had gotten comfortable with their newfound freedom by the time Rayne and Fran had arrived on the scene, the latter leaping into the midst of all of them and summoning bolts of lightning where she stood was more than enough to spook them into fleeing. Given how they had just gotten through the chaos of invaders showing up and wrecking things here, thunder and lightning in the middle of a clear day was sufficient cause to panic.

And panic they did. Though the first sparks had spurred the cattle (among other things) to begin to charge, it didn't take long for them to begin to stampede, barreling around and only being roughly directed by Rayne as she desperately attempted to keep the other spooked creatures from getting caught up in the torrent of hooves and dust as it was steered one way or the other.

Unfortunately, what seemed to be missing from that haphazard plan was how to get the stampeding herd to stop when they were pushed back through the fence. Without any reason to stop fleeing the terrifying electricity that had traditionally never been a herald of anything good, the stampede charged straight through the wooden fence that was meant to contain them before continuing to run further east.

For what little it was worth, though, at least the other animals seemed to just be scared stiff by what had just occurred and weren't charging off to follow after the cows. Most of the ones that Rayne had thrown off to the side—or, well, was able to toss away from the stampede—were easily caught by some of the farmhands attempting to handle damage control, which otherwise left the sheep and pigs to be managed thereafter.

Richard Evans
Route 5

Given how he was still getting paid for every Pokémon he scanned, Richard wasted no time in readying his Pokédex as he ventured into the tall grass. Compared to the caverns he had been traveling through prior, though, this environment felt a lot less... Claustrophobic, to say the least.

Before he could get too lost in his thoughts, though, the young Trainer soon felt Luna's hand tugging at the leg of his pants. A brief glance over showed that the Grass Snake Pokémon was pointing at something in the distance—something purple that most definitely stood out against the verdant colors of the plains—and Richard quickly moved to scan it in turn.

When the professor AI noted something being 'different' about the now-identified Nidoran-M, though, it was hard for Richard to not be curious. And so, when the Poison Point Pokémon bolted off...

Well, what else could he do but chase after it?

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