Time: Morning Meeting Time
Location: Lumineer Cottage, North Pass
Interaction: Zeva @Pink Khione Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, Brigitte, Masako @dreamingflowers
Equipment:Fancy Ring, Cold Ring, Oak Wood Staff, Brown Leather Fingerless Channeling Gloves (not worn), Transmission Bracelet, 659 Amas.
“Good ideas all around.” The elf voiced, though it was more of a scripted reply. Bowyn could have said he was going to start up a new brothel in town to help make amas and Mister Luum might have said the same. Brigitte returned to his side with a notebook and paper, already diligently jotting down what she could since Mister Luum started before she was ready.
“Thicker clothes would be nice for the Luumineers who need them… but why not think bigger than that, Rue Bear! As an elf who hates the cold almost as much as I hate illusion magic, I think we need to invest in enchanted rings to keep us warm.” Mister Luum raised his left hand to show off two rings. “Not cheap but definitely worth it. And also a good call from the brains of our group. Hunting beasties checks off all three blocks. Amas from the bounties, power from the experience, and respect from the locals in need. Take notes Lumineers, Bowyn is the one who earned himself a ring of levitation from yours truly.” Mister Luum clapped his hands together. “Lastly, Brigitte can you accompany the group going to the markets? I think it'd be best if I stayed here to ‘hold down the fort’. Also…Bardulf!” Mister Luum swiftly removed his Cold Ring and tossed it Bardulf's way. “Ugh. Halastra’s cunt… I had forgotten how this felt.” Mister Luum's tone was night and day from his usual as he rubbed his arms for warmth. He sounded… normal. As if the cold was bothersome enough to keep him distracted from being himself…
“De’ cold never bothered me much and I would love to go.” Brigitte was not just happy to get a chance to go out and shop but Mister Luum was far less strict since undertaking responsibility for Bardulf. In fact, it almost seemed like there was a distance being created between the two. Her eyes scanned the group, her only insecurity growing before she looked down into her notebook so she could pretend to read what she had written down in regards to the meeting.
He spoke to Zeva fer a long time last night… Der both elves so maybe… An’ den, “Rue Bear”? What's dattabout? An’ Bowyn bein' de brains??? And I know Bardulf is special an’ all but…