Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@LuckyLudor Nice Nice Nice!
Mabel is accepted! Go ahead and put her in the Characters’ Tab. XD
@XxFellsingxX You can roll an Insight on the Lornling if you’d like.
Been watching some Disney movies as of late, so I've gotten a hankering to make some characters.

I havent really figured out any specific characters I wanna play as, but conceptually I do want to play someone who is more "side character" like. Specifically I want to make a character who's job is to follow the usual prince and princesses, but remain unseen, and protect them from the shadows. A bodyguard type.

I was originally thinking of making Marshmallow from Frozen, the snow golem Elsa created, but I'm also thinking Baymax too. Another idea I have is playing an animated object from Beauty and The Beast. Tbh I just wanna make a robot or warforged type of character.

I could use some help coordinating and adjusting the concept.

Edit: As per usual when I think about DnD, I already got an idea that could work! Just gotta put some details into it. Do you want me to talk shop in DMs or is the ooc fine for this?

We can talk shop here. I recommend PMs if your character has secrets you don’t want spoiled yet. ;)
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

xD I mean, is Kendra smarter? Kim has a +2 in Mind, while Kendra only has a +1.


There's a difference Common Sense (at least in cases of the Supernatural) and Book Smarts. I imagine Kim to be very Book Smart while Kendra knows more about the Supernatural.
Despite Brut going through the door Gabe isn't turning back. @Guardian Angel Haruki if that means I miss the encounter that is bound to happen then that's the way it is.

Duly noted.
I can just imagine poor Kim getting these texts, being like "WTF are you doing?" Kendra is the worst person to call for support.

Pretty much. Kim would also be like, "Kendra, you're smarter than me, why are you doing this?!"
Hello, I’m interested in joining. Though my D&D experience is minimal, I’ve made several characters for 5E campaigns that got canceled and one that didn’t last too long.

I was thinking Kovu from Lion King 2 as a Tabaxi Rouge… I try to remember what the site I used to make a character

Interesting choice!

Just to put this out there, but there is also Leonin as a choice, if you're interested in playing a lion character. ^_^

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Yeah, I could roll in one of my Roll20 games and send you a screencap (unless there's a roll here, I'm missing?)

This site has a dice rolling section you can use. Just go to Dice from the main page, create a campaign and roll. After rolling you can post links to your rolls.

Like this!
Hi there, Crimson Flame let me know about this game, and I'm intrested. I have experience with 5e, and I'm thinking Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls, having gotten separated from her brother (and with tech removed from the story it could take place in any era), as an artificer. Question about Character Sheets (apparently I did it wrong when I joined flame's game). Do you want pre-approved char sheets here in OOC or DMed to you?

Hi there! Welcome!
Mabel Pines is definitely an interesting choice!

You can post a sheet in the OOC or DM it to me. Once I approve it, then you can post it in the characters’ tab.

If you roll for your stats, make sure to let me know so I can see them. ^_^
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Thank you for that. My poetry skills are not good. (I took creative writing classes in college. The classes where poetry was part of it, I got a B. The one where it wasn’t, I got an A.)

Also I missed that part of the rules. Ssh.

No problem! I thought I should write a little something up for each accepted character. ^_^ It will be included in the first IC post.

And there's no need to worry, the poetry part wasn't in the rules. After all, the poetry is coming from the Mirror.
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