Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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I don't think it's going to be much of a shopping trip. I have 15 gp, so maybe some basic camping supplies assuming maps don't cost too much.

Not a problem. You guys can still RP things out during this trip.

Maps are not going to cost too much. A very detailed world map will only be 5 GP, and a map of a specific Kingdom or region will cost 1 GP.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

The Valerite Fun Police just that good at what they do? O_O

The Valerite Guards are very vigilant, plus...clowns are pretty hard to miss, aren't they?

Still, gotta see what your and Birdboy's characters backstories are. XD
There are most likely going to be wanted posters out for both of your characters already.
@Guardian Angel Haruki Well I am definitely playing a clown bard. He's a renegade artist who performs clown-like escapades and does very silly graffiti as an act of rebellion. In reality, get ready for a bard with a disguise kit. Disguise being a clown.

Great minds think alike it seems. I'm planning on making a clown too, though she's a hexblade warlock rather than a bard.

They both sound like fun characters. And I am now asking myself, "Oh Dear God, What have I done?!"

Pacha looks to Kida as she offers to go with him as well, and he answers her, "Oh! Thank you! And it's nice to meet you Kidaga--....." It's clear to see that he is having trouble saying Kidagakash's full name, so he asks her politely, "I'm so sorry, is there a nickname I can call you by? I'm having a little trouble..."

Upon hearing that Mabel, Ariel, and the Huntsman were planning on going to shop, he answers Mabel's question, "There should be one in the Adventurer's Shopping District. Now that I think about it, I do need to get some chores done after my meeting with the Emperor. Perhaps we can meet up again there? I'll try and find you at the Cartographer's shop. I still want to thank you for your help today,"

With a plan agreed upon, Pacha starts to head off to the Palace. Unfortunately, as the group leaves, the same waitress informs them to never come to any of their establishments again. They clearly didn't like that a fight broke out there.


@rush99999@LuckyLudor@Crimson Flame
I'll wait for at least one more person to respond before I put anything else, though I will take this moment to clear something up, because Stargaze's comment about 'Vipereyes picking fight with the older dragons' actually got me thinking.

Vipereyes, Garrock and Fogdance are all in the Bearded Dragon age bracket. I've already established that Garrock is Pretty Old(TM) given I've mentioned he's not far from becoming an Elder Dragon... but funnily enough, Vipereyes is probably not that much younger than him (though Stargaze would be forgiven for thinking otherwise, given I imagine Vipereyes wears her age a little more gracefully).

Fogdance is on the younger end of the Bearded Dragon age bracket... or at least she was, until magical aging shenanigans occurred. Due to the ceremony, she's actually catching up to them a bit, though still physically younger. Fogdance is also probably wiser and more emotionally mature than both of them, at least in my opinion.

Just a fun character fact that I thought I'd throw in since I realise I haven't really specified Vipereyes and Fogdance's ages.

Thank you! I wasn't sure about the ages, and I figured Vipereyes might be at least a little younger when I wrote my post. ^^"
I'll wait a bit longer for @Dark Cloud to post before getting the DM post up. ^^"

But the DM post will be up this weekend at some point.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Through Hawk.

Oh, I see!
Got it. Okay, never mind. ^^"

Thank you!
Alright, I'm going to get a DM post and commence the Splitting of the Party.

@InnerFlame@Lucius Cypher can still decide who their characters went with when they can, and we can write as though they had been with the respective party all along.

@rush99999 Er...

Regarding your post for Bull. ^^"
I think Aura had already rejoined with everyone, since she did speak with Rala.
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