Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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How many suits of armor are there in the theater?

There are 6 suits of armor in the theater.
Elemental Plane of Air

Ishaan's Palace: Grand Hall, Right Wing

"YES! Yes, Master Ishaan will pay you back for your help! Now less yapping and more running!" The macaw answers Brutrumukk's question as he continues to fly and lead the way. He then hears Jub's words, and he comments, "You should listen to your little friend more! He's got a good head on his shoulders,"

The next room the two of them and the macaw enter is a large theatre of sorts. The suits of armor there have already been moving about, as though they were pursuing something else. The suits of armor then turn to face Jub and Brutrumukk, brandishing their weapons. The macaw speaks, "Those stupid cats set off the security system in this room!"



Bavlorna's Cottage: Preservation Pool (B1)

Aurora's roguish instincts seem to kick into high gear at this very moment as she investigates this very room. Even if the owner of this domicile has fled, danger still lurks in this room. She notices multiple points of interest in this room, while being careful not to stir anything.

Seven humanoid-shaped dressing dummies stand in the corner—four of human and elf size and three of halfling and gnome sizes. Six of them are adorned with shoddy, home-stitched garments. The last one is bare except for an ugly, black pointed hat that is, in fact, slightly twitching to Aurora's keen eyes. Aurora would realize that that...thing is in fact alive.

A mirror stands in the pool of water, seemingly to stand on the surface without sinking all by itself. That mirror is clearly magical in nature, but Aurora can't quite tell how it's been enchanted or what it was meant to do...

Speaking of the pool, Aurora sees that in the center of the pool is a well. The top of the liquid in the well seems different from the rest of the water in the pool. After squinting her eyes at it a little more, she does notice that it seems to be a more...solid...no, gelatinous nature than the rest of the pool....

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled
*gasp* Sorry! Post coming today! ^^"
Sorry for the wait. Things got busy suddenly last time.
I think I might not have been as clear in my writing as I should have been, so allow me to clarify: The dreams didn't end when you leveled up. You can speak with the people in you are dreaming about if you so desire.

I thought that might be the case. ^_^
Sorry for the wait. I got a little stuck on my response. ^^" I should be able to send it to you today.

Rush be like "Don't mind me, just preparing a DIRE TARASQUE fight for you guys."

>: 3

rush99999: youtube.com/shorts/FPulv9sO0nE?si=gQU…
His Players: Haha. We're in Danger.
She will go solo on this one because she thinks she is enough and she doesn't trust them much yet.

Emily moved to join her though… ^^”
Hi everyone!

I'll be getting a DM post up this weekend. ^_^
Sorry for the wait. ^^"
Sorry for the wait on my post guys. >.< Had a long family visit.
Too much happened for Emily to get a word in. Before she could say anything else. The Crow came inside the diner and introduced himself, further startling Ray and throwing away the element of surprise they could have used later. Ashley and Luka became conflicted on whether or not they wanted to tell Ray they were actually people or if they were shades, whatever they were. At the end of it all, Ray left without blowing anyone up, and still decidedly on that agency's team.

Once he was gone. Emily leaned forward and rested her head against her hands, clearly frustrated. She comments to her friends, clearly tired, "You know, with the whole talking to him bit, I was hoping to not only get information out of him, but also possibly get him to turn against whatever that agency is. We did not do that,"

She sighs and answers Luka's offer of the limo, "I'm good, thanks," She then notices that Ashley dug out the phone and wallet from Ray. She walks over to Ashley, curious to see what important information they can find on those two items. As she moves, she keeps her journal and pen close but hidden.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Nice, thanks =D

So you're trying to bar the doors by forcing anyone out who tries to enter--that sounds to me like Challenge Fate: POW.

Unfortunately, your POW is 1, so you only get one card.

Fortunately, that card is The Star - Positive - A new path reveals itself

(If you want to, you have the option to Push Yourself, but I'll understand if you don't want to =P)

Ooh! No need to use Push Yourself here! I'll take the Star! XD
Sorry for the wait. ^^"
Right now, I'm not sure what this turn would be, but she does try to follow through on Ashley's suggestion as well as give The Crow an idea on what to do with the phone and wallet.
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