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Lord Leo Smithwood

Time: Evening
Location: Masquerade Ball: Damien Estate
Interactions: Charlotte @princess and definitely not Kazu ??? @samreaper
Daily Misfortune: An annoyingly high-pitched voice and random fits of laughter.
Predictable Costume: Leo the Lion

From beneath the golden visage of the lion mask, a pair of human eyes brightened at the sound of a familiar voice. “When walking into a lion’s den, dress accordingly.” A voice that was most unbecoming of a lion mused from beneath the mask.

“Charlotte,” Leo dropped into a graceful bow, as if in the presence of true royalty and not simply an equal dressed as fae royalty. “Or should I say Your Grace, I appear to be in the presence of a fairy queen?” He said it like a question but the wings were enough of a clue for the amateur detective. The unnatural pitch of his voice, a constant source of agitation throughout the day, caused him to pause and clear his throat despite knowing it cured nothing. “I also seem to have picked up an odd cold, maybe an allergy to Sorian’s climate.” He added with a shrug. It was nothing. It would be an awkward and somewhat humorous story in no time. Leo just had to keep reminding himself of that.

Before he could add anything else a servant approached and had the nerve to make an attempt to exchange pleasantries. The compliment toward his slippers was met with an obscured raise of an eyebrow. If a servant approved of his slippers, they were the wrong choice for tonight. Shit, should’ve tried to squeeze in a shopping trip. Leo mentally kicked himself for the mistake. He said nothing to the servant but took one of the offered glasses of bubbly wine.

“Offly chatty servant.” Leo noted once the man had gone. “Dreadful excuse for a mustache too. Here I thought it was only the palace that scrapped up servants from the bottom of the barrel.” He whispered it with a slight chuckle. “Ah, and look, now Count Hendrix is chatting up the servant.” There was obvious disapproval in his tone, mismatched with the cartoonishly squeaky voice.

His eyes moved to Count Damien as he entered the masquerade. “Speaking of mystery, I caught some strange observations at today’s tea party.” Leo, intended to pause, a comment on the ridiculous glasses Hendrix had taken to wearing caught in his throat, and instead the dreadful uncontrollable giggle fit manifested itself once again. The uproarious fit of laughter from a lion-masked guest quickly followed Count Damien’s entrance.
In Avalia 11 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning’s are for rescuing Malachi!
Location: River Port; Liar of the Spiders
Interactions: Malachi@princess, Jun@JJ Doe, Kenia@Tae
Equipment: A halberd, (always with him) hunting knife, and half-plate armor (left in the room).

A flash of light burned his eyes. The scent of fresh blood wafted forward from the direction of the spider. Good, good, kill the spider. The two elves had this and they would make sure Jun and the child survived. That was what mattered. Malachi was shouting at him with disappointment; Zion had let the elven leader down. He tried to shout back but his apology came out as panicked snarls. More light flashed, it was too bright to see around him. Zion had to move, move or die; he had to get up and away from the spider. He tried, only to stumble back to the ground.

His arm didn’t work. It only hurt. Chew it off. Chew it off. Teeth gnashed at the air as the feral instincts fought to take over. Zion struggled to keep reminding himself not to bite at his arm, not to get the venom near his mouth.

The spider’s dying shrieks brought only a moment of satisfaction before Zion found himself jerked upwards. His useless arm dangled beneath him, the other arm flailed wildly, claws extended, as he tried to slash away at the webbing of the second spider. In his movements, he caught sight of the many-eyed monster tucked away in the forest’s canopy. Zion let loose a roar that transformed every bit of agony into fury. If the spider wished to make a meal of the lion, he would ensure the spider was biting off more than it could chew.
Lord Leo Smithwood

Time: Morning to Early Afternoon
Location: Guesthouse to Count Calbert's house/ballroom
Interactions: Here goes Leo with the shoes again...
Daily Misfortune: An annoyingly high-pitched voice and random fits of laughter.
Predictable Costume: Leo the Lion

A sharp intake of breath gave way to a long, exasperated sigh. Although Leo’s ruined shoes had, technically, been replaced with new shoes, none of them could be described as desirable. Much like a wine glass filled with nothing but a sip, Riona had done what was asked and yet, it would have been less irritating if she’d simply done nothing at all. Instead of exact replacements, or as close as possible, there was now a display of tacky footwear, nowhere near suitable for a future Duke. All manner of hideous colors and repulsive patterns assaulted his eyes. Some particular egregious sandals were adorned with jewels that even a drunk could pick out as being fake from across the street.

So handful by handful, Leo tossed the array of brightly colored high-heeled shoes and wooden clogs into the hallway. Each pair of shoes skipped and clattered across the hallway floor and it wasn’t long before the hallway right outside of his room looked like a tornado of ugly shoes had spun through and left an unsightly trail of debris in its wake. The mess that now sat outside his room was not Leo’s problem, but the shoe buyer’s, who lacked both sense and taste. Riona could deal with either the cleanup or the complaints of whoever might happen to trip over the mess. He could admit, if only to himself, that this was his mistake; to trust such a clearly incompetent servant, who was clearly a fan of malicious compliance, with even a simple task was an oversight.

The only thing that didn’t wind up tossed down the hallway was a pair of fuzzy lion slippers, which didn’t look expensive enough for Leo’s taste but they did fit his costume for the masquerade ball, sort of, and were by far the least unappealing option. A red and gold adorned suit paired with fuzzy lion slippers, a whimsical touch to show he did not take life too seriously. At least that’s what Leo told himself, and the slippers were far less concerning than the strange affliction that had affected his voice.

In addition to the suit and slippers was a large lion mask, complete with a golden mane that intermingled with his own red hair. At least from the ankles up, Leo’s outfit was a clear display of opulence. Once dressed and ready he headed out to Count Damien’s home for tonight’s masquerade ball, his tiny notebook with observations from the tea party tucked away in a pocket in case he ran into Charlotte there. As he walked through the hallway he occasionally kicked a few shoes further down the hallway, spreading the mess further with his delightfully comfortable fuzzy lion slippers.
In Avalia 11 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interactions: Rue@Potter, Bardulf@Lava Alckon, Bridgette@Tae, Mister Luum@FunnyGuy, and Zeva@Pink Khione
Equipment:Sword, hunting knife, a backpack with supplies, and a stoat named Raze who naps in the pocket of his vest.

“Lose a wing huh? I think I’d rather lose a leg, flying beats running any day.” Bowyn teased as he walked alongside Rue. “But I guess we’ll have to settle for not losing Bardulf, wouldn’t to run out of limbs to gamble with too early.” He added with a small smile as he looked over the options at the small bakery. Honey toast was the cheapest option and that made his choice easy.

The peaceful break for a snack was soon broken by Mister Luum shouting about ears. Zeva’s ears. An outburst that seemed to come out of nowhere but considering the source it wasn’t surprising either. Bowyn looked at Luum, then at Zeva, and shrugged. “You do have big ears.” He said in a neutral tone, neither an insult nor a compliment. He wondered for a moment if large ears meant better hearing before it was his turn to order.

“Two honeyed toast.” He paused, his stomach growled; he was definitely hungrier than two slices of toast. “And an alaberry custard.” He added after another moment of thought. He thanked the baked and stepped aside so Bardulf could order.

Once he got his food, Bowyn held the small bowl of custard in one hand and cupped his other hand over the top. It was too hot in Roshmi, it was too hot just about anywhere south of home. As he thought about his village, about the crisp air and near-constant blanketing of snow, he felt the familiar chill of his frost magic. First, his hands and his fingers felt cold, then the bowl he held felt cold as well, until finally, the custard started to freeze. Now, far more satisfied with his order he grabbed the plate of honeyed toast off the counter. Honeyed toast and frozen alaberry custard, now that was a proper breakfast treat.

-6 amas for food
In Avalia 12 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Forest; Near Gaurav Village
Interactions: Viola@13org, Phia@princess, Darius@FunnyGuy, Dante@Alivefalling, Menzai@samreaper
Equipment: A pack with some supplies, seeds (in his pockets), a small knife, a mask that hangs from his belt, a weapon with a shifting charm that is either a sickle or a glaive, and a shield/drum with an unbreakable charm.

"...Sometimes it's a little nerve-wracking to let a stranger in for supper when you have a home full of your beloved family members."

It was strange to hear Phia refer to the wolfmen not only as her people but as her family. Stranger to hear Viola and himself be placed in the role of strangers rather than family. Cyrus’s face maintained a stoic expression, despite Phia’s simple words dealing a more damaging wound than the Roc.

He could hold no ill will towards the canine villagers, they had taken in his youngest sister and kept her safe, made her feel like a part of their family. He could hold no grudge against Phia for lost memories. He knew what it was to slowly loose the hope of seeing family again, to feel doubt slinking in, grapping hold of unanswered questions and filling the void with the worst possible outcomes. He did not wish that suffering for Phia, he tried to focus on being grateful that Phia had not spent her time feeling lonely or abandoned.

He thought over Phia’s words until they led him to something he could smile at, and then nodded his understanding. But his smile faded as they continued walking, and he wondered if telling Phia anything would only be cruel and selfish. Was there too much loss in the truth, if Phia’s mind was protecting her from the past who were they to override that? Without those past memories was Phia even still Ophelia or now simply someone new, someone whose family was a village of wolf-demihumans, who was happy and didn’t want strangers for family? Or was this doubt filling in the unknown. A weight far heavier than Dante’s tired frame bore down.

The greeting from the village was a sea of mistrusting stares. Eyes that followed as if they were a band of dark elf soldiers rather than friendly travelers. He wondered if they somehow knew, on instinct, that both Viola and he carried information that could hurt Phia. He noticed how fully integrated Phia was here, how she smiled at those she referred to as her people. Maybe this really was the best place for her. Maybe she already had more than enough family.

The restaurant Phia brought them too, once Dante had been cared for, was simplistic and held much of the comfort of the forest inside its walls. Cyrus took a seat shortly after Phia. “A hot meal, good company, and a lovely ambiance, what more could travelers ask for?” But as the words left him, he remembered countless family meals with not just two of his sisters present, but the rest of his family too, alive and together. Phia had lost those memories too, but were they still good memories when they came with the pain of knowing that times like those would never happen again?

Location: Swamp Cabin
Interactions: Neko @Atrophy, Olivia, Jordan, & Nori @NoriWasHere, Blake/Maggy @Punished GN

Even though Maggy shot down his attempt to separate her and Blake, Neko’s honesty worked anyway. Whether it was wise to ask these questions around prying ears, well the time to worry about that had passed. Blake’s answer contained a whole lot more things to worry about; everyone who’s turned up looking for Eleanor Black was dead. Or missing and presumed dead which wasn’t much better. Weird. It wasn’t much better to realize the whole town was likely aware of this and just pretended that a whole lot of dead tourists weren’t worth investigating. Suddenly this felt a lot less Scooby-Doo and a lot more Wicker Man.

“Got many families here in Quintin named Black? Cause, otherwise, would be strange for so many people to come down here looking for an Eleanor Black in the middle of a swamp. Almost as strange as having such a small town with so many people going missing. A well-connected man like yourself must have some guess about all that.” Wyatt asked, looking at Blake, and everything about the butler seemed to say he wasn’t hiding much. Not in that robe at least.

“And these missing folks, all out-of-towners? No trouble here for any locals?” He looked only at Maggy as he asked that one. If anyone was going to have the details on dark going-ons in town a working gal with no filter was a good place to start. “Any creepy characters lurking around dark alleys?” He asked.

Location: Swamp Cabin
Interactions: Neko @Atrophy, Olivia, Jordan, & Nori @NoriWasHere

“She really wasn’t kiddin’ about the hospitality. This is the warmest welcome we’ve had in Quintin so far. And I sware we’ve done nothing to ril’ up the locals.” Wyatt took the opportunity to peek inside the cabin. Nothing looked suspicious, neither Blake nor his company felt threatening, but Wyatt still felt like he was watching some scary movie, just waiting for the jump scare to happen. But nothing happened, and tension just kept solidifying.

Wyatt glanced at Neko, who wore that same tragic expression as mothers on the nightly news asking for the safe return of a missing kid. A look like that was almost enough to break a fella’s heart, and it’d probably work wonders on a kindly old butler, but maybe not on a jaded hooker.

“I gotta pass on the water, just came from a little coffee shop up the road, stuff’ll run right through ya. Think I could use your bathroom?” Wyatt asked Blake, before turning his attention to Thornton’s paid company. “Maybe you could show me where that’s at? I’m Wyatt. I think I missed your name.” He almost offered his hand out as he introduced himself, but thought better of it and tapped his chest instead. It seemed like a good plan, to separate the two, and maybe make Blake easier to question.
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