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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

@Masaki HarunaPart of me doesn't want to make a second character, cause I don't want to forget about my other. Tenshi was fun to make, and has so much room to grow, don't want to forget about him.

If you feel like making a second character would make you forget about the first - don't make a second's my advice.

We'd rather you write one character well than two mediocre ones.

@Angel Eyes I like her. Wanna bond with the Uchiha Princess?

@BladeSS4 I also feel like making another character. I am gonna go with a true samurai theme this time.

Pretty sure Konoha's all filled up on Sketchy people from the unfriendly land of iron as of right now.

Sarutobi Ira

How the Hokage had shut him, and the rest of his team down no longer mattered. Nor did how both of his teammates had pissed him off before they had even left the village. It didn't matter that none of them had heeded his suggestion regarding the travel arrangement. It had not mattered how they got to the lake, or the orders the Third had given once they got there. Not even the nick on his throat from Dio's kunai mattered to him. All Ira could hear was the ringing in his ear, how a shiver ran up his spine and he got goosebumps all over his skin. His naturally pale skin got even paler as he felt the shock waves from the water beginning to rise under the ledge where the four of them stood. Then, there right before him, the eight tailed beast - The Octopus Bull stood before of them, and even the Hokage seemed to have given up immediately.

The chakra coming from this being was unlike anything he had ever felt before. He had been excited when he had seen his father gone all out, felt intrigued while seeing great warriors go toe to toe with one another. He had felt his heart rise and his mind clear when he fought shinobi from other nations a couple of months ago during a mission, where there was certain risk he wouldn't make it out.

Yet, this Pressence in front of him made him weak in the knees, his hands shook, his breath got heavy and he felt as if he had an iron ball in his stomach. He wanted to cry. He thought about running away, he could body flicker out of there, leaving all of this behind him, forgetting this entire mission had ever happened and continue with his life.

No. He would never become strong if he did that. Instead, he swallowed the terror he felt gnawing in his throat, clutched his fist that was now coated with the black metal made out of his chakra, and took a step forward, widening his posture as much as he could to put himself between his teammates and the Eight Tails. With a blank look on his face - completely void of emotion, he looked at the eight tails.

It wasn't how he ever imagined he'd die, and if he was gonna die in battle, he would've rather done it with people he actually liked. Not with the idiot heir and the slave Hyuuga. But at least for once, he wasn't all talk.

That was, till the Hokage told them to step back, and he quietly took a step back, moving as slowly as he could. Still keeping his fist covered in the black metal, in a desperate, yet if it came to it futile effort to counter an attack from the eight tails. Instead, he'd entrust his life in the hands of the woman who brought them here.
Hmm... Team Generation seems to have stalled a little (sense of time is broken, maybe due to Christmas, so I'm not sure if four days is actually long at all in this context)

Waiting on our fourth member to post, Queentze's assured me they're on it, though, so shouldn't be too much longer. :)

Curious. Who are the 4th Hokage candidates by any chance, I say Kaido.

@Hillan f you... D:

Hey, don't fuck me. That's @Buddha's moms job.

Also, like Jacob said. It'd go back to the second kage if Mawari died. However, if they both died, it is highly likely it'd be Kaido who'd become 4th, since he only barely lost to Mawari two years ago.

@Buddha Right. Not in the mood to defend my boy unless it's too much~
P.S I can relate to his character, it's no wonder I like him. Minus my family is not slaughtered. This one reason is enough to peg him as my numero uno. I can give more reasons but nah... as said before, I'm no Sasuke wanker So... yeah at least I don't go shitting Naruto's church. I'll exclude Sakura but that's my lol bias for the fun. jk

Sasuke I like dat.

Complex I dig dat

Wanderer Sasuke I love dat.

His current characterization is better than his "emo" days. That's my own opinion, I respect yours and the rest.

Damn only Kal and I are the only Lord Sasuke fans. Sasuchief still hasn't liberated the rest~

@j8cob I miss Shin Maru. We need some hentai magic.

In all fairness, I think Sasuke's one, if not the best written character Kishimoto made, and I think his motivations are always spot-on. He's the only one who fucks with the system and messes with the establishment.

He's really the Naruto Trump.

Sounds like we should rewrite canon characters in an AU RP... haha.

I mean.
Yeah. A complete rewrite of the Naruto canon -except not terrible- would be cool.
Except we'd all come to the conclusion that maybe we're giving Kishimoto a little too much flack for it.
@Hillan Well, no, because in the anime it's also said that it requires a lot of chakra manipulation skill to create these clones. Theoretically a chunin can't make four clones or three, or even two in most cases, because they lack the skill to manipulate their chakra all at the same times.

So a genin really shouldn't be making more than one clone.

<Snipped quote by Buddha>

>Naruto said to have markedly bad chakra control early on
>Naruto can form multiple shadow clones before learning how to run up trees.

Buddha pls.

Yeah, pretty much. I think the reason Kakashi, or Itachi don't use more clones is because they don't think it's a worthy trade off to split their chakra reserves so heavily. (That being said, Kakashi has on ocassion made 5 clones.)

@BladeSS4 I just want to warn you that most chunin aren't capable of spawning 4 clones. Most jonin aren't even capable of that.

The reason is that the total chakra of a person is spread among the clones. So, Tenshi, as well as his clones, now ended up with 1/5th of his total chakra.

Do you know what happens when you reach 0/5 chakra, aka you run out completely? You die. Keep that in mind.

I mean, don't do any other jutsu while you're using Shadow clones, and you're fine. :^)

Sarutobi Ira

He had listened to the Hokage's words of wisdom, she hadn't really quite appreciated his - nor the others view on things. Not that it bothered him, while he respected the Hokage, he wasn't gonna live or die on her words. He didn't need to adhere to what she thought was right, for despite all of her greatness as Lady Hokage, he knew that he would become better. It was his destiny to become better. He listened to the mission being explained to him - the eight Tails, one of the tailed beasts? On hostile territory? This was a mission far above his pay grade as a Genin - finally, they were recognizing his power.
"What mission?" he said in response to her asking them to promise to never talk about the mission. Dio would be set to take the front on the mission - Ira cleared his throat.

"Actually, with all due respect, Lady Hokage. But Dio's Talents would be better served from the back, so he could cover our rear most efficiently. It's a lot harder for us to watch behind us than it is for him, and if you take the front, nothing would be able to ambush us from that angle, as I trust the Third's more than powerful enough to handle any foe stupid enough to try a frontal assault." He interjected, more than willing to speak up, and even disagree with the Hokage, despite his low rank. His father always did say that rank wasn't the most important thing in the world.

Uchiha Kaido

Kaido emerged on a branch outside of the main gate, watching as the girl fought his Assassin. She fought well, a little careless, yet she fought efficiently, making sure to minimize the collateral damage her otherwise devastating brand of techniques would cause. She got hurt four times by his clone, before eventually getting serious, demolishing the clone in one swift move. Kaid leapt down from the branch, landing behind her completely silently. He broke his stealth with a short applause, clapping his hands four times.

"At east, Nō." He said, a smirk on his face. "Well done, you've passed my litte test. I will see you at the Hero Monument in twenty minutes." He said, he would meet them at the monument meant next to training field 1. The monument was for all the Leaf soldiers that had fallen during the winter war, in the first war between all shinobi nations, it seemed fitting given the little exercise he had put his students through.

He waved her off, and then vanished, to go find the other two, before his clones struck them.

He would watch Sakana deal with the clone after a brief struggle, likewise for Shirayuri. He was quite impressed with how neither of them had lost their cool during their situation. He arrived on the side of them, this time not silently, in order to get their attention. "He sure did tease you a little. A test, if you will. I expect to see you both of you at the Hero Monument in ten minutes. You have a mission waiting for you."

Once his squad had all gathered before him, he folded his arms behind his back. "Sit down." He told them, nodding at the rocks in front of the monument.
"You were all told in the academy what this monument is for. You probably know someone who's name is written into this rock. A relative, a sibling, maybe even a parent. You all think you're pretty much immortal, that nothing's particularly serious. That's why The Third Hokage, Mawari-Sama has appointed me, Uchiha Kaido, to be your captain, in an effort to make soldiers out of you. And that all begins now." He spoke, getting four dossiers out of his backpack he carried on his shoulder, throwing one to each of them, keeping one for himself.

"Read through the file carefully. This is the most important mission you kids have done in your entire lives. It's an A-rank mission where the future of the nation lies in your hands. It's highly likely that we will end up in combat situations, either with the criminal, or with Kirigakure Shinobi, as I personally highly doubt they have any kind of intentions of helping us out. It's of utmost necessity that we succeed, or countless of your fellow shinobi will fall at the hands of the murderous Mist shinobi, adding even more names to this monument behind me." Kaido's words came out rather harshly, but he had no time to play nice with these kids - it wasn't what they needed, nor what Lady Hokage wanted him to do. He was not to be their friend, only their commander.

"You have half an hour to gather supplies - tend to your wounds my clones gave you, and then we will meet in front of the main gate fore departure. If you're even a second late, it won't be clones coming for you."

"Move out, Team." He moved his gloved hand with two fingers outstretched, his gray shinobi vest with the Uchiha and Hyuuga symbols on each arm reflected some of the sunlight hitting the shiny badges as he did.

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