Juvenile Vigilante System/Program
In a world of great tension between superpowered people and regular humans, Ju-V is a last ditch effort by a desperate society to prevent the cataclysmic results of more superpowered "villains" being created by a society which all too often sees an "Us and Them" divide between those with powers and those without.
Not a superpowered Academy/School, but a "rehabilition system" to instil morality and allow identified powered "Persons of Interest" (either from criminal act, wonton destruction, extra-sensory capabilities which may potentially add to the widening rift between the superpowered and humans, or a scenario primed for retaliation which would exacerbate the superhuman/human divide) the opportunity to learn how to control their powers and either not use them in the future, or display a newly gained sense of morality over when to use them. It's a place designed to prevent the worst case scenarios of superpowered villainy from being unleashed on society as a whole, with a focus on personal control and self-restraint.
- Any and all dissent will be punishable by crushing at the hands of the GM. The severity of said crushing will be entirely at the GM's discretion.
- Questioning of the rules, qualifies as dissent and as such will be met with crushing.
- Have fun. Or else be met with crushing.
There are superpowered amongst us. Gods and monsters. And what could possibly differentiate between the two?
A sense of order. A moral code.
Humanity, whilst still great in number, would be hopelessly outgunned if brought into direct conflict with this new threat. They have been opressed, marginalised and repressed for years, in order to keep their numbers down and disorganised. They have since passed the threshold. They now comprise a clear and present danger to regular humanity. And with that, the policy for dealing with them had to change.
But what of the humans that still greatly outnumber and fear them? The humans that control the ballot box? How could they still see adequate representation from a Government forced into a position of appeasement with this great threat?
The Government holds true to it's names, but the meaning of the policy becomes changed beneath it.
A "rehabilition program" becomes softer. Gentler. More focused on truly instilling morality and personal control for the people within the program. Less a detention center of a different name.
Under Warden Rowell, of the
(insert decided upon location for game's setting) Ju-V program. Students are shown a better way, a better path, for the use of immense power as we look to move into a 21st Century which is less about Humanity
Or Superhumanity, and more about
People, whatever form they may take.