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2 yrs ago
Current A Perpetual Motion Engine of Anxiety and Self-Loathing


So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door, and mentions there's a little sweets shop on the edge of town. So - we go. And - it's closed. So there's me, and Keith Moon, and David Crosby, breaking into that little sweets shop, eh. Well, instead of a guard dog, they've got this bloody great big Bengal tiger. I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace, but the shopowner and his son... that's a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. Nasty business, really. But, sure enough, I got the M&Ms, and Ozzy went on stage and did a great show.

Most Recent Posts

I'm going to be honest. Between PRCU and this thread/RP, the GM/roleplay decisions are really starting to feel like this:

One person says one thing and takes it back later. Alternatively, one person says one thing while another says something totally different. It's starting to get frustrating with how back-and-forth this is becoming.

Part of that is that I've been extremely difficult to get a hold of for the last 24 hours.

Beyond @Roman's timezone and mine being at a point of difference where we're only both on at the same time by my clock at about 11pm-midnight and 5am-6... there's everything I've had to do at the airport and doctor's making me pretty much incommunicado.

Oh God, I find myself in another of these goddamn posts where I start it with an "Allllllllright..."

Sorry I've been so hard to get a hold of at the worst possible time - just flew back last night (obligatory 'and boy are my arms tired') and my daughter had her 2 week check-up for the stitches she had the other day, from when I spent a full day in Hospital with her (and wasn't that a fun side bottle-episode of our lives...) Anyone wondering, she's fine and it was one of the biggest "this could have been done so much easier in a video call" meetings I've ever had in my life.

To me, I feel no ownership over your characters. If you want to submit a sheet which is heavily inspired - Hell, a damn duplicate - of what you submitted to P.R.C.U I have no intention of rejecting any of those sheets purely on those grounds.

That said... I'm going to raise a few points.

1. Ju-V, assuming this is the chosen game going forward - exists in a different alternate world from P.R.C.U. Which means established in-game continuity... unless you for some reason seem intent on going in depth to recreate the story/history your characters had in the P.R.C.U game (which seems a Hell of a lot of trouble to go to, personally), it's non-canon.

That doesn't mean you can't play a character which was the same vision as you designed... just the events from post 1-one hundred and ninety-whatever aren't a factor.

What you bring in here, you bring in here. What happened there, happened in that world.

In other words, your character did not merely transfer over from P.R.C.U of that world... it's a whole other world. If your character's backstory in the CS suddenly shifts to "and then they transferred to the Ju-V program, from a strange and shadowy unnamed Canadian Academy school..." well, OK, but let's understand, there's no pre-existing relationships with other characters within Ju-V based on the events of P.R.C.U and let's not be shitty or snarky for shitty or snarky's sake. I get on pretty well with everyone I've spoken to here, and if you feel otherwise it's probably because neither of us have ever bothered to try talking to one another before. I'm a pretty easy-going guy. So if for no other reason than keeping me from addressing "So what exactly did he mean by that?" questions ... as Banjo would say "Aww mate. Don't be that prick."

2. Yes. That means I will continue with making Ju-V should there be demand for it.


I'd like to raise and draw more attention to the following quotes/points/comments, and hope people will go with me on this...

-I've given it a lot of thought and I would like to continue with P.R.C.U. If it's dead, it's dead and people have moved and that's fine and that's my fault. However, I'd like to keep this going. Many of you have noted the amount of work put into the front end of the RP, and it's true. This is a passion project designed for the long haul. That said, as the past month has shown and knowing what I'm expecting in the fall, I can't possibly promise or guarantee a post every fourteen days. So if we move forward, it will be without the post deadline in place, it'll be suspended and people will be responsible to post in their own time.

-There will be times when I will be hands-off and have to leave you lot to almost sandbox, this will be especially true in November and December I would imagine. However, I have no idea what to expect when the baby comes, so I'm dealing with a lot of uncertainty. But what I want to communicate is that I'm not abandoning this project, however, it might not have a consistent or regular pace. It will likely be feast and famine and if that doesn't work for you, I completely understand.

This, to me, suggests an intent for the P.R.C.U game to continue LONG TERM which to me fills a core demand for most of the issues at the time.

I acknowledge a doubling down on there being a time where there potentially being lengthier times between GM based posts...


The recognition of "times when I will be hands-off and have to leave you lot to almost sandbox" itself suggests that in these periods there will be less reliance on awaiting a GM post to further post, and the players ourselves driving the pace.

Which I would say, most would probably say has - if anything - been a strength of the game. Player-generated enthusiasm driving a high quality pace and momentum.

And that's even before we get to:

In other news, @Roman is officially coming aboard as Co-GM for P.R.C.U., to both give me accountability and in the event I am unable to post or push the plot, Roman and I will both have the plot details and the ability to drive things.

This means - to me at least - a few things.

1. When it IS necessary for GM-based posts to further drive plot, there is a second person with more stable time to do so.

2. In my own experience, if for no other time than from the past few days working on this, Roman's presented himself as very much a stabilising presence. Especially compared with myself. I may get excitable and... all over the place.

To me this addresses the main concerns I've heard pretty much across the board from the people I've spoken to. Maybe there's others beyond, but those've yet to be voiced to me.


You might ask yourself, well, if that's the case then why:

2. Yes. That means I will continue with making Ju-V should there be demand for it.

Well, in my own words to @Roman earlier to when I said I'd still be willing to run it parallel to P.R.C.U continuing - "I'd feel worse offering people a life raft, and then getting back on the ship".

I have this weird thing, where if I say I'm gonna do a thing. And people respond in a fashion after I make that statement... well, I feel obliged to do it.

I've attempted to make an argument to reason above as to why I think continuing with P.R.C.U is the way to go, if you're still of any mind to be involved with such a game. But there's one thing that can't account for, and that's hardened feelings and beliefs.

Maybe someone "feels" a certain way about Wraith, or maybe someone "believes" that the changes are too little, too late or some variant. There's little I can do to appeal to something like that.

But what I CAN do is continue to do what I said I would, and provide a long term game of a similar setting which won't re-tread the exact same grounds, but would still allow them to play characters with some of the same player base should those people choose to join.

But a few reminders... This will not be PeeArrCeeYew: An Original Game brought to you by Non-Wraith as sold in ALDI Supermarkets. I'm not backsliding, regardless of what pressure I get put under. The same weird sense of principle I have that would have me running this game to the best of my abilities, is the exact same one which wouldn't allow me to do that.

I'm weird like that.

And if I feel it's getting too close anywhere I'm liable to Zag just off principle.

If I wind up with a handful of people choosing this game purely because they feel a certain way about Wraith, I would be disappointed, but I'd continue running the game.

But the obvious thing to point out...

If you're looking for a game which is like P.R.C.U...

With a player base of P.R.C.U...

With the incredible world-building setting of P.R.C.U...

And with the carefully constructed character interaction that we the players of P.R.C.U actually put the time and work into place...

I mean there's an obvious solution.

The infrastructure is all in place, and there's now a second in place to ensure it doesn't fall to neglect when life inevitably - and as a father, I feel qualified to say it is indeed inevitable - takes hold.

To address my own analogy, I never got off the ship in the first place. I'll still continue in both, should the demand for Ju-V still be there and it becomes its own thing. But I do hope as many of you stick around in P.R.C.U as possible. If for no other reason than I've been enjoying writing that stuff which is there with you lot - which is part of how this whole thread came into being in the first place.
<Snipped quote by mickilennial>

'This' is transparency.

To ensure the continued absence of a 'This'.

I make a mess, I clean it up.

Yours truly, shown cleaning up the mess he made:

Long story short, in summary.
* The words of the old man in the chair are not to be depended on.

<Snipped quote by Hound55>

To be fair it wouldn't have been his permission to give regardless of the accuracy of what you said or not.

It would have been both... I wasn't just going to start throwing people's characters around without, not only their creator's permission, but personal collaboration.

But ultimately I was OK-ing if it was clear to do that in the first place.
To go off the offering suggestions for the sort of world building and direction of the RP, if we go with something like #2: I'll be straight up, I like the idea, but I may have read a different vibe from the rehabilitation than others. What I read by it, especially when talking about "instilling morality," is this has similar vibes to troubled teen and conversion therapy camps. That is probably a conversation of tone and intentionality about the program that might be a broader discussion. I think the rehabilitation program being a bad entity in the world can inspire interesting stories, but it'd definitely something we should figure out the tone of.

I know we were talking at a certain point about a Runaways type RP vibe at one point in the Discord. I don't know how linear or sandbox we are planning to go, but I imagine most of the characters that might be transferring from PRCU or being developed wholesale for this might be less than enthused about the program. It might be helpful to leave room, or make preparations, for the RP to change or develop into another direction of a group of these people to either break free or get out and try to do things in a more ethical way... or trying to figure out what that means.

It's more a down the road thing, but I figured I'd toss this rambling nonsense out in the open as a jumping point if anyone else can pick up what I put down and say it better.

We MAAAAAAAAAAAAY be way ahead of you on that one.
I leave for a few hours to see the new Indiana Jones and you guys had this happen. Like ???

'This' is transparency.

To ensure the continued absence of a 'This'.

I make a mess, I clean it up.

Have to bring some things out into the open, because having stuff all taking place behind closed doors in places and delivered and re-delivered as second hand information... well, it's not gonna get us anywhere good.

First, anyone visiting my own Workshop thread will probably see that I've been chipping away at a start on a Ju-V game. That is because at this point it's the presumptive frontrunner.

That DOES NOT make it the automatic selection. IT IS ALSO NOT the current full premise going forward. What it is, was me fooling about in the short term, tinkering with a premise and ideas, before @Roman fired up a GoogleDoc which is where the ACTUAL Ju-V premise is currently being built.

It is also not the automatic selection. AND we are VERY interested in hearing the thoughts, opinions and also votes of anyone yet to do so. With it taking an early sizable lead, though, we figured it best to get on the same page in terms of how it would basically look so we could more or less hit the ground running.

Thoughts, opinions and suggestions from the group will be considered and, quite possibly, utilised in the world building of this game. @Psych0Pomp's suggestion, being one likely example at this stage.

Further, many of you may have seen a new game proposal/characters being worked away at within @Lord Wraith's Workshop thread. This is basically to hopefully bring some kind of conclusion to the Hyperion arc.

Now, here I am at pains to say I have made my own error. As I have communicated to many of you that I will be helping Wraith in churning out posts to bring about some closure to this arc, I also added that I sought permission and gained it from Wraith to cameo many of your characters in my own matter within this short-term, mini-RP. This is NOT ACCURATE.


I can not stress that enough.

I have been spinning plates on my end, have a good half dozen or so DM threads flying like the wind over the past few days. I asked Wraith that question, in a discussion with many directions and tangents. The flow of the conversation changed to a different area of discussion, within the same RP topic, AND I ASSUMED THE ANSWER, FORMING MY OWN CONCLUSION. I then repeated this to many of you, and that information was wrong. And that was entirely my fault.

He has since said to me:

" ... I'd rather just say the hard no, than lead people on"


"Also I'd rather those desiring this approach me directly than make you the middle man."

Which, given my own error already, combined with the fact he can probably see I've been about as busy as a one-legged man in an arse kicking competition, is frankly greatly appreciated.

This mini-RP is basically only to bring closure to the RP arc, and generally has little to do with the students. I was likely to use anyone who wanted to get involved in a purely cameo capacity, perhaps if I could find a thematic parallel which would work with a specific post's thrust I'd have them in forematter... something like that.

I was however, wrong to say I had permission to do that. I had assumed it on my end when no such answer had been given.

Let alone to share that false piece of information with the rest of you.

Back to this game though. Wheels are in motion. Roman and I have been making in-roads on the less well developed ideas (read: anything out of my own head ) and we both hope you'll stick at this, bring your opinions, thoughts, suggestions (VOTES! those of you still to do so) and vision aboard for whatever we go ahead with next.

Long story short, in summary.

* What's in My Workshop is a garbled mess and not to be depended on.
* Opinions, suggestions and thoughts welcome
* The words of the old man in the chair are not to be depended on.
* Some old people sure do ramble on, don't they?
<Snipped quote by Nemaisare>
The thing is characters like Lakisha, Haleigh, etc. aren't delinquents. I think that's the sticking point.

You're reading "delinquent" into it.
Another timely case of fat fingers...
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