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He already knows I'm in.

@Crusader Lord We meet again! Doubt you remember me XD
I'm curious and it doesn't hurt to try new things. Lemme see where this goes
Is this still open? o3o
Is there still room around?
This sounds pretty interesting o3o Is there still room?
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Rue/Saorise @Potter, Raven @Tae, Bowyn @Helo, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Equipment: Cobalt Saber, Cobalt Half Plate, 1490 Amas, Map of Avalia, Lantern, Water Flask, 3x Torch, x10 Travel Rations, Washing Brush.

The quiet tp tp of feet outside the window made Kharne's ears flick. He went over to the window and leaned out and caught a glimpse of Red running off. His hands flexed on the window-sil, pulverizing the wood beneath his hands as anger coursed through him. What was with these humans?! Did they not understand that they were massive targets right now and there were ways of canceling magic or magical objects?! He'd question if they were ignorant but that was obvious, this wasn't their world. But their own had to have dangers as well right?

Breathing in deeply and exhaling with his eyes closed he tried to calm himself. He was not going to try and herd cats, there were consequences to actions and that girl could damn well learn them the hard way. "Healers are always good, magical and medical." He rumbled, the two could help in different ways. Both types of healing could only do so much after all.

Turning to face them he planted his ass on the broken wood and crossed his arms across his chest. "I'm sure she has a plan, but she wanted to get them acclimated a little to our world. It's a lot to take in, going from no magic to suddenly being able to summon a tornado at will." He replied before sighing. Annya seriously should have followed close after he and Ismael had escorted the girls back to the room.

Then came the question of if he smoked. "I do not, I don't like having less control of myself or having slower reaction times. Nevermind the fact you'd need a lot of it to even affect me." He rumbled in response before sighing. "She better hurry up before I start training these two myself...light to start with..." He growled, showing clear signs of irritation.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Rue/Saorise @Potter, Raven @Tae, Bowyn @Helo, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Equipment: Cobalt Saber, Cobalt Half Plate, 1490 Amas, Map of Avalia, Lantern, Water Flask, 3x Torch, x10 Travel Rations, Washing Brush.

Kharne listened as Ismael spoke of his past. A military man come mercenary man. "You'll be paid much better in merc work than military work. Especially here." He rumbled as they made it to the inn without incident. Here the group settled down once more, everyone corralled into a singular room. His and Ismael's to be precise, their room had been bigger because of the giants own size. Strangely the two winter elves were now a part of their group, making him look the pair over slowly. Taking in what they were capable of physically with a seasoned eye.

Unfortunately an argument happened between himself, Ismael, and Saorise. She wanted to go looking for Annya but the giant had firmly nipped that in the bud. They did not need another wild good chase and there was potentially demons around. They needed to be even more cautious than before and needed to stick together. There was some leeway, she was allowed on the roof. She was bored. He would have had her start training right then if she was that bored.

One of the fairies, Rue, periodically checked up on the girl on the roof before reporting back to him with salutes. He didn't understand why she saluted, but he didn't comment on it. No point to it, just let her be silly if she wanted to be. She went on to ask how they were and talked about her wolf then asked the humans of the group if they had them and if they were friendly. "I'm fine, as healthy as ever." He rumbled, now that he thought of it he didn't think he had ever been sick. Maybe his body was too cold for whatever caused sickness to take hold?

The male winter fairy, Bowyn, asked where they were going next or if they were at the whims of Annya. "The dark elves are moving surprisingly quick. We were supposed to have stayed here a while to train but I don't think that's feasible now. We need a more isolated plate I think...I could probably locate some old ruins to turn into a base of operations but it's up to Annya." The giant man stated as he finished cleaning his armor and sword of the slime they had been coated in.

He didn't blame Raven for her reaction, she had probably never seen such levels of violence, nevermind death of another human. It was just another day to him, he had done that to someone before but that had been n combat. Not as a message to another civilization. "They could still possibly train in magic, but I'd ask Annya for supervision. I have no magical knowledge and my breath is purely biological."
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Annya @princess , Saorise @Potter Raven/Eris @Tae, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Equipment: Cobalt Saber, Cobalt Half Plate, 1490 Amas, Map of Avalia, Lantern, Water Flask, 3x Torch, x10 Travel Rations, Washing Brush.

Kharne was quite surprised by Red's softer side with Raven. She always came off as a hardass, whether by her words, her actions, or how she held herself. So this softer side came as a small surprise. Then again he was fairly soft with the white haired girl as well. She had an air around her that made him feel like she needed protecting. Well until she could summon tornadoes at will. Then she could go about protecting people with natural wind-based disasters.

While Annya hugged and spoke to the girls and worked her magic Kharne gathered up his armor from the pile it was in. He'd have to clean it back at the inn since they needed to get moving. The two girls would follow the giant and Ismael back to the inn. Ismael spoke, telling them to keep close to the pair. "Keep a steady pace and don't get distracted, we're going right to the inn. If you need to, hold into my tail so we don't get separated." He rumbled down to them as he bundled up his armor to carry it comfortably with one arm. The other hand held that giant blade of his, the loops and sheathe for it were attached to the back-plate of his armor.

Of the group it seemed Kharne and Ismael had been the least affected by the quartering of the human. "What did you do before you were conscripted, Ismael?" He questioned, still keeping the younger man hidden. Some people were conscripted into mercenary work or even in the military these days if skirmishes were happening and not enough manpower was had.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Annya @princess , Saorise @Potter Raven @Tae, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Equipment: Cobalt Saber, Cobalt Half Plate, 1490 Amas, Map of Avalia, Lantern, Water Flask, 3x Torch, x10 Travel Rations, Washing Brush.

Kharne just gave Annya a smirk and a nod before going off with the rest to the bathing tents and started working himself over. Unlike the others he didn't get into a tub or shower. He stripped without a care and sat on a stool with a bucket of water and began scrubbing himself. It seemed as a reptilian being he bathed differently without moving water. While he cleaned himself he listened to the others speak. "A medic will be useful. I don't think anyone here has knowledge beyond the most basic of medical knowledge. He rumbled out, any healer of any sort was insanely handy to have around. It seemed the behemoth didn't really understand dwarvish jokes or sayings.

Then Red spoke up, getting a sigh from the bulky dragonborn. "No one here is a main character...this isn't a story or a show, this is real life leading up to combat and war. Do not treat this as a game or you will die or get someone else killed." Kharne rumbled seriously, giving the two humans a stern look. While he was giving the stink-eye Ismael made up with Kaleb, apparently something had gone on between them during the event? He had never been close enough to the pair for long to see much of anything. But whatever had happened has been sorted out. Good, nothing else needed to happen on that front!

Kaleb talked about a casting couch, and something called Youtube. This got the youth a strange look from him. "You might not want to say things like that. We're trying to keep you hidden while training..." He rumbled out quietly before sighing. Introductions? But everyone here knew him except Arn really.

"I'm a mercenary and have been for a little over forty years. My thoughts is she's being a little soft with our charges, but not every day can be grueling training so I understand where she's coming from. Otherwise she's doing the best she can with the situation she's in and the resources she has." He replied, giving his honest thoughts. Unfortunately things didn't stay peaceful, another broadcast.

Can't anyone trace these fucking things? He growled mentally, the broadcasts were all long and drawn out. Oh boy now demons were in the mix, and probably all of the big ones like Pride here. They quartered a human, how they found one and where he didn't know. Nor did he know how they got summoned considering only elves over a millennium old seemed to have the power and knowledge. The giant was clean enough and wasn't in the mood for any form of extra, so he dressed just as wind began to howl.

And here comes a worst case scenario! "Get dressed, now! Don't even bother drying! Red, go to her and try to calm her down! If that wind is too much then let me lead." He ordered with a slightly raised voice. Which made him boom. It didn't take a genius to figure out who was making a vortex considering she has blasted a several hundred pound troll off his face and into a tree.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Annya @princess , Saorise @Potter Raven @Tae, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Equipment: Cobalt Saber, Cobalt Half Plate, 1490 Amas, Map of Avalia, Lantern, Water Flask, 3x Torch, x10 Travel Rations, Washing Brush.

Kharne had continued his rampage through the slimes until he looked like a giant slime himself. A signal was finally given for all contestants to stop their butchery and come get their rewards. Shaking himself, sending a good portion of slime flying off himself, he went off and collected the reward. Good pay for doing such little work, unfortunately this was only during the slime season. He'd have to come back again next year for such easy cash.

They'd have to wait for their turn in the bathhouse that was provided, not that it bothered him. His scales were tougher than the others skin so he rarely worried about rashes and such. Kaleb asked how many kills they got, which made him think a moment. "Somewhere in the nineties." He stated, given his physical prowess, and the advantage of being a mobile weapon, it was unsurprising he had killed so many.

The giant man took note of the globes and huffed quietly to himself. "Using my image but not paying me to use it..." He grumbled but shrugged. He wasn't aware of any laws saying no one could. Then again that was how your fame could spread which would net him other jobs later on. As the group approached the girls relaxing on the beach he gave them a lazy wave. "Enjoy your time relaxing?" He asked them while undoing the various clasps of his armor and letting it drop with a low thump onto the sand.

The joys of being so bit short of an orc there was almost no one who could run off with his armor. Which was why he'd wash it and polish it himself instead of using the service of the bathhouse. Speaking of the groups numbers and names were called out. A shrug, he kept the communicator bracelet on and started to move. "We'll be back in a bit. Please watch my armor." He requested before going to the cleaning zone. Each zone could only accommodate so many people so the group had their own. Each showering spot was walled off by canvas and a curtain so there was privacy between the sexes.

"So did you lot have fun on your first slime killing?" Kharne questioned as he stooped to let the magically heated water wash over him, dissolving and sloughing off the multi-colored slime chunks stuck on his white and gray body.
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