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Current Is there an RPGuild light mode?
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I wonder what future Animes I should watch, been stuck in an Isekai slump right now. No idea what else I want to watch besides Tensura and Shield Hero once that comes out.
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Je suis un homme qu'adorer le RPG, jeux vidéo, et histoire. Si vous veux jeux avec moi, envoye un PM en RPGuild et Discord.

If you can read that. Then as long as I have time. I'm happy to Roleplay with you. I'm okay with my French, but don't expect a Masters Thesis level of French from me.

I'm also cool with Roleplaying in English though!

Most Recent Posts

Alright, I'll get a CS up and try to read up to this point.
Hey @The Muse. I've been looking at this RP, and I'm interested in joining, do you have space for 1 more character?

The Japanese woman struggles to stand up as she saw Hachiman being dissolved into dust, she knows that things are only going to get more complicated from here once the gods have deduced what her group has done to the Japanese god of war, but that is a matter of later concern. She needs to tend the wound in her abdomen and direct the group to further walk toward the objective. “Hey, uhh, Illistriana san?” She asked the elven woman, the priestess of Lunara looking stunned as the group somehow manages to defeat a war deity. “Can you help me for a little bit here? I need some healing after that fight.”

The moon elf wasted no time coming to her aid and cast her healing spell, her left hand radiated with a soothing energy Mitsuko felt when she was fighting Hachiman, and soon enough the wound on her abdomen was quickly healed, the only signs that Mitsuko has been stabbed being the torn piece of clothing right where the sword pierced her body. “You should be more careful Madame Mitsuko,” Illistriana told her. “That move was exceedingly reckless of you and could get you killed! I couldn’t think of how we would navigate this… labyrinth of a city without your guidance Mitsuko.”

The gal could only smile at the moon-elf queen as she stretched her body to make sure she was still functioning. “I… appreciate that you’re taking care of me Illistriana, just don’t overly focus yourself on me and take care of the others okay?” Illistriana promptly nodded to the woman’s request. Mitsuko nonetheless appreciates that Illistriana cares about her though, there are not many people that cared about her until Amaterasu showed up and helped her rebuild her future. So it's nice to have people you can trust in this little party of hers.

“Alright!” She announced to the group. “We’re still gonna take the train tracks, this line should lead us towards Tokyo Station, and once we reach Tokyo Station, the Imperial Palace should be up ahead, where we will hopefully fight my evil alter ego deity. Let’s move!”

The journey afterward was pretty boring, Mitsuko looked at all the ruined buildings and skyscrapers that are inhabited only by the air and not much else. The woman felt a bit sad as she saw how Tokyo would look like if Humanity had gone extinct, all the fun things she has done with Amaterasu in the Japanese capital, all the life and mirth of the city, sapped away, leaving a concrete husk with nobody withering away, with nobody to witness its slow death. Such a tragedy really.

But then, just as Mitsuko was about to continue her journey, her head filled with thoughts of making this situation more lively than it is, she spotted something. And her eyes light up like the Christmas lights on a tree. “Cynthia! Shin’za! Sybil! Everyone!” She turned her body around. “Come here! Come here! Oh my goodness I didn’t expect this thing to still be here after all this time!”

The woman quickly sprinted into a platform of a long-disused station and approached a weird box-looking thing standing on its own, the years rusting away the metallic shell of the implement, but the woman knew that there should be something inside of it. “This is what we call a vending machine. It’s a sort of like… machine merchant where you insert coins or paper in these implements.” She pointed to the side, “and click the button below the drink selection.” She pointed at the buttons, “And voila! A drink dispensed!”

“But, since we don’t have currency here, I’ll just tear this implement apart and let you choose what drinks you have, consider this a… reward of sorts for successfully defeating Hachiman,” Mitsuko said, enchanting her fists with a spell before she punched the vending machine, tearing apart its outer shell and revealing the contents of its insides, a veritable selection of various drinks from jelly drinks, cafe au laits, and ramune. Mitsuko herself grabbing some water and a watermelon-flavoured drink and drank both. “Yep! It’s still not expired yet, grab anything you want! We probably won’t be resting for quite a while once we continue our journey.”

Hachiman did not expect both Valentin and Cynthia to strike at him almost at the same time, the Dhampir was about to strike true to Hachiman when at the last moment, he parried the strike and launched a counterattack, using his Nodachi’s weight against Valentin, it was only through Cynthia’s spike attacks that Hachiman recognized the danger he was in, and quickly disengaged and pulled back.

He also managed to block the attack from the electric Katana too, making sure Cynthia’s strike landed squarely at his chest, at his well-armored, well-enchanted chest plate. The strike bounced and Hachiman managed to retreat, feeling a little bit buzzed from the electric spells imbued in the sword, but not looking worse for wear. it was only then, when he felt safest, that Mitsuko started playing her card. The war deity was barely recovering when a giant explosion from the ground erupted and engulfed the deity in a searing combination of pressure and heat, Mitsuko had been preparing a spell as Hachiman was fighting both Cynthia and Valentin, quickly casting the spell into the ground where Hachiman landed, and barely activating it on time before he could recognize the threat.

It was a risky play, but it seemed to pay off, as Hachiman seemed much worse for wear after the massive explosion cleared. The woman was about to nod off to Shinza to finish him off before she felt a sudden pain in her abdomen. She looked below and it seems that a sword has penetrated her left abdomen, the woman turned her head and saw Hachiman on the back of her. The man twisted his sword and the only thing Mitsuko could do is scream in pain, before Hachiman then pulled off his sword, the first thing she saw was the war god’s illusion spell wearing off.

“Fuck…” She said, dropping down to her knees as the man then clapped his hands at her. “I have to commend your skills champion of Amaterasu, you are calculating, smart, and a bit cunning, but I have seen this trick a million times, knock your enemy off balance and then cast something that will blast him off. Would’ve worked on me if I haven’t experienced it a million times before.”

Hachiman then raised his sword to the air, fully intending on cutting Mitsuko’s head off. “But now you must die, have a good trip to the afterlife woman. For I-”

And then Hachiman couldn’t move, glowing chains sprung out of the ground and forced the war god to be stuck in the same position.

“Ngh. Shin’za… Fire the shot!” She urged him. “And Cynthia, slice his head off!! Hurry before I run out of mana!!!”

The spell she’s casting is the most powerful binding spell Amaterasu has taught her, technically unbreakable as long as the user keeps pouring mana into it. This spell is a culmination of years of magical research and trial and error by the gods and the many mages in the OMR, in the event that they have to deal with a rogue deity. Mitsuko could only hope that the chains could hold him long enough for Cynthia and Shin’za to kill him off.


Amanda was eternally grateful Scarlet was assigned to her, because she just went to work with the criminal elements currently firing on her team, with the covering fire from the team’s resident arsenal. The android motioned everyone to go into the Apartment complex and clean house, she is now 90% sure that the Apartment is practically abandoned, but she doesn’t want to take any chances right now so she implored to team to keep with the ROE. “Remember, I don’t want no civilian casualties.” The android said, looking at the team as her hand guns automatically pointed and shot at an incoming aggressor without her looking.

The team then proceeded to go to room 214. “Looks like the target’s on the 2nd floor,” Amanda said, slowly leading the team forward as she proceeded to hack, shoot, or punch anyone that dares oppose the team. The occasional enemy that manages to get on the blindside of the team is shot down by Scarlet’s accurate shooting. When the team reaches the 2nd floor, however, the sight that greeted them once Amanda knocks down the door is… confusing.

“It’s a… Command Post?” Amanda wondered, looking at the smattering of military equipment, communications equipment, and various other C3I equipment she was deeply familiarized with. Looking further, she saw a massive rune in the center of the room, most definitely used to teleport equipment from here to Germany by the looks of it. Nonetheless, her curiosity was almost cut short as her proximity sensors suddenly blared at the rapidly incoming threat approaching her, she barely had time to react as a fist impacted her face and sent her flying through the window, the Android landed on a courtyard located in the center of the Apartment block, and was busy reorienting herself as error messages popped up on her eyes.

What in the world?” The android asked before her eyes adjusted and saw a hunkering Titanic beast, exuding the same aura as the abomination she’d fought years ago. She knew that, unlike the biker person. This man is probably forced into this form by someone, preparing her giant axe and making sure her footing’s steady, she braced for the coming fight, while simultaneously radioing the group. “Hey uhh, guys? Do you have any idea how we’re supposed to defeat this thing?” Amanda asked, dodging a sudden strike from the man possessed by Eldritch magic, she punched back in the ribs, but it made no difference as the man used that opportunity to turn and kick Amanda in the stomach, sending her flying once more before she hit the wall on the enclosed Courtyard. “My systems are giving me error messages all over the place. Uhh, help? Help?!?”

She hoped the radio’s still working, or else she has to book it and call for reinforcements.

@Martian@King Cosmos

The car Madeleine’s driving alongside Xaviron and Morgana pulled up near the border of the compound, with the three figures exfilling front the car immediately. “Alright so here’s the thing. I myself will go to the compound’s front door, gun prepared, and probably negotiate something with the cultists, since this is a forest, I expect you to trail me behind, maybe cast a cloaking spell or something just to keep them out of your scent. If things go south, then I already have a gun loaded up and a double-stacked shield spell ready to go, so just follow my lead since I doubt these cultists have anything that can match my defenses.”

She’s pretty confident on that assessment. The only individuals' Madeleine has been defeated by are masses of well-trained mages, dragons, and deities, and she has backup with Xaviron and Morgana trailing her.

“Morgana, I also have a query that you might be able to answer.” She asked the English witch. “What kind of potential spells, wards, and curses the Faith family may have taught these cultists if the connection between this cult and your family proved to be correct? I have never fought a coven of English witches before but I know Witches do have their secrets, and nasty tricks should they be in potential danger.”

Mitsuko was busy plotting with Cynthia when Hachiman was suddenly hit by a shot from a mysterious figure, the figure then disrobed and started kicking Hachiman in the face, the woman could only look in awe as the now uncloaked elf started fighting the deity face to face, her blade clashing with his blade in a seeming dance that mesmerized the entire crowd. It was only when this mysterious elf started getting overwhelmed by the war deity that Mitsuko intervened. The woman proceeded to help the elf by striking into the Samurai’s left arm, this time landing perfectly, and nearly chopping off the war deity’s left arm in the process.

Hachiman then proceeded to disengage, a healing spell was immediately applied to his arm as he started assessing the situation. It was at that point that he saw the giant worm approaching him, and using his large sword. The man prepared his stance and sliced the worm clean in two. Making equal parts of the warm fall apart from each other.

He would’ve rested if it weren’t for the worm then mutating into two worms that started gunning for him once more. And at this point, he had enough, he has only been fighting with a fraction of his full power ever since this moment, now? He has no incentive to hold back.

A blast of pure mana erupted in the battlefield, blasting the two worms into the building, confusing them for a moment, and forcing Mitsuko and the others to cover their face at the debris blown off from such energy being released, out then comes Hachiman. His black armour changed colours to gold, and his mask no more. The man is staring at the group fighting them, and he could only flick his finger towards him, goading the others to try and attack him now that he’s unleashed his full power.

“I have underestimated all of you, and that was a mistake of mine.” He said. “Congratulations, I have never been forced to rely on my full power for a long time. No come at me!!”

To say Mitsuko underestimated Hachiman is definitely inaccurate. Mitsuko ABSOLUTELY didn't think Hachiman would start off the battle swinging that huge Nodachi and started gunning for her, intending to slice her in half. The Hachiman she knew was someone much more... calculating, deliberate, Mitsuko would feel that she had the upper hand for a moment, and on the next one her throat would be on the edge of his Katana, or Yari, or Naginata, or Rifle. So she thought that there would be a mind-game aspect to him when they started fighting, but nope. This is someone with a clear intent to kill from the get-go, and that brings its own set of dangers.

Mitsuko could not afford to play around, and so once Illistriana was done healing her, she knew the next steps to her plan. The woman put two fingers on the wide side of her Kukri, and ran across the knife to its tip, finger sliding the Kukri's broadside, and transforming it into a blade of fire and heat. The two women could feel the heat radiating from the now-enchanted knife Mitsuko is handling. "Illistriana." The woman looked at the Moon Elf. "Lower the barrier. I think I know what we're dealing with now." This Hachiman is a monster, and Mitsuko intends to use every trick Amaterasu has taught her to win this fight, and she knows that the first step would be finding out his weak points and striking that weak point relentlessly.

On the other side. The war god could only glance at the Lizard Woman holding a Katana against him, the deity could only laugh as he looked at the lightning sparking off of the Japanese sword. "Most amusing." He commented. "I didn't know you'd found the Katana of Project-Ko. I think Bishamonten was the one heading that project before everything fell apart. Well, no matter."

Cynthia could only barely block as the war god seemingly moved like lightning, aiming to strike through Cynthia's neck. "Such fast reactions! Good! I would hate it if you're as pathetic as the many women I've fought against."

The two would then do battle as both the Lizard woman and War god traded blows with each other, some blows hitting the armor and some blows missing entirely. While he himself couldn't read what was in Cynthia's mind, he is surely impressed by her technique and her ferocity. Seeing someone fought with such vigour against him is a sight he has rarely seen since they have begun serving the being from beyond the void. And he wants to savour this battle for as long as possible. He knows that they are weak, these are mortals, champions, scum! No less pathetic than the Chinese and Koreans his great people have trampled upon during their conquests all those many moons ago.

And then the war deity was splashed by blood from a certain conjurer, quite surprised by the 'attack'. He then realized that the blood was glowing, and when he looked specifically at where it was glowing, his face turned sour. How DARE she turn his happy hour into something to be taken seriously?!? "Bitch!" He yelled at Sybil, throwing off Cynthia for a while, and gunned for the priestess of Cetia. Only to be promptly blocked by Mitsuko as the woman held one of his hand and, using her blade, plunged it into his arm.

It didn't work, but Hachiman had to think fast in order to prevent his right arm from being disabled, summoning a lot of mana and creating a localized shield spell that barely blocked the heated Kukri from plunging into his arm. The gyaru then quickly disengaged, her heated Kukri still active. "Cynthia." She summoned her. "I think we have to tackle this warrior together, we know his weaknesses so he will be fighting much more fiercely than before. How about you do the distraction and I do the damage? That way, we'll whittle him down bit by bit."

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