Mikazuki Nakajima"On it!" Mikazuki shouted as Darius told them his plan, and the young man rushed to support Bakuto and Tony, trying to parry the first attack that came for either of them, then counter that attack with a cut of his own. He was the most defensively-oriented of all three of the 'frontline trio' and could heal himself and those around him as long as he had the reserves - As a member of their team, he was the most suited for such a job.
The cool night air of the park made for perfect fighting weather; not too hot, cold, or humid. And so the boy tried to settle for a cycle of parrying, counterattacking, parrying again, and then using his Healing Arts to cure the injuries from any attack that got through. Fear of death had left him; what was death when he had been given what his Grandfather never had and did not care for - A worthy cause?
On the cool grass of the park, Miakzuki Nakajima raised the tempo of his cycle of parrying and counterattack, reserving a portion of his strength for emergency healing. It was his first fight, so finding a rhythm and cooperating with his friends was important if he was to protect the town where his father lived.
His father had told him that his Grandfather's crimes were not passed down to either of them. His father loved him despite his faults. His father, without which his sense of belonging would be further eroded.
And it was not just his father who gave him a place in life; it was also the dojo, the students, the people of the town; even the ones he disliked like that cafe owner had their place. Against this threat, he would protect them, and to himself, he vowed not to die trying, but to
live, because what use is death when you aren't certain you protected what was precious to you?
Keep parrying! he told himself as he fought beside Bakuto and Tony behind Darius' barrier,
Conserve enough energy to keep this up all night - And for extra barriers just in case Mr. Stone's shield breaks!@Sho Minazuki @BladeSS4 @McNephelim @LC